Escape Room Adventure

Game Details:  Adventure, 2024

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  6/24/2024

Suggested Listening:  Give Up Now (Ash 25)

VENARI is a first-person mystery adventure game. The previous game by the same developer is Art Heist. After receiving a secret map from an old friend, you charter a plane to an island shrouded in mystery. Upon arrival you discover a series of mysteries and puzzles that will hopefully lead you closer to an enigmatic treasure.


Look down at the small box on the ground, paying attention to the symbol on the top. You need to press the arrow buttons leading towards the dot in the symbol (right, down). Take out the arrow. Now look at the markings in the middle of the large doors ahead. Go to the table on the left and you will automatically insert your arrow. Now rotate the 6 arrows so they all point inwards towards the pyramid.

Go forward and turn left to see a barred area with a small pillar just to the left. Look at the symbols here and count the number of lines used to make each of them. Enter a code based on these numbers of lines (42113). After the bars lower, walk between the gravestones to find another small box on the ground. Once again, press the arrow buttons according to the symbol on the top (right, down, left). Take out the pentagon shape stone. Examine the symbols and dates on the gravestones:

  • Sun: 1295-1285 (10)
  • Moon: 1243-1223 (20)
  • Star: 1247-1217 (30)
  • Wind: 1292-1252 (40)

Now cross over to the opposite doorway and insert the shape stone. Adjust the dials to show the shapes in ascending order of the calculated numbers (sun, moon, star, wind). Go through the archway into a new area. Read 2 notes you can find on the ground. Look at the symbols marked on a large stone near the closed gate (there is another copy on the wall behind you). Now turn left and approach a set of 4 levers on the wall. Move these to match the symbols on the large stone:

Go over to the stone platform that rises up from the ground and examine it. This shows you a number system similar to Roman numerals, but where a vertical line equals 5, and a dot equals 1. Arrange the symbols in ascending order:


Go through the gate and turn right at the end of the path. Press the small round button on the rock here and some bright orange buttons will appear on a nearby rock. Examine these to see they show strange symbols. Look at the nearby orange rocks to see 5 rocks with the same symbols, and pay attention to the size of the rocks (smallest to largest). Go back and press the buttons in this order:


Head through the next open gate.


Walk forward to a round stone platform surrounded by columns. Look on the ground to the right and open the small box here (right, down, right, up). Take out the lever. Turn around and look at the rocks on the opposite side of the round platform to find a metal object. Look on the wooden fence behind these rocks to see some symbols burnt into the wood. Go over to the stone cube and insert your lever here, then set the levers according to the wooden fence (up, up, down, down, down, up, down).

Return to the middle of the stone platform and pick up the cube to examine it. Take note of the symbols in the 3 marked positions. Go over to the wooden bench and you will automatically add your metal object. Now drag the metal objects into the 3 central positions:

  • Left Position: Figure standing with shield
  • Middle Position: Figure sitting on chair
  • Right Position: Figure standing with staff

Head through the open gate to the right. Read a note on a flat stone on the ground to the left. Continue towards the barrels and pick up the stone button. Turn around and look at the 3 symbols on the tall stone pillar. Go back to the smaller stone pillar near the gate you just came through and attach your stone button, then press the buttons according to the symbols you just saw:


Look at the symbol revealed on the tall tower, then approach the door leading to the tower and press the buttons according to the symbol:


Head through the open doorway.


Follow the path to the left and you will find a square stone building. Look at the altar, which holds 4 stones with metal symbols. On the wall behind the altar are 5 silhouettes of matching symbols. Pick up the symbols and place them in the correct order to match the silhouettes (the numbers below are the starting positions of each symbol):


Go out through the open door. Look down to the right and open the small box (left, up, right, right, up). Take out the stone tile. Look at the stacked rocks on the left, which show another number system (from 1 to 10). Head just around to the left to see a table containing stone tiles, then rearrange them so that each column adds up to 10:


Turn around and go up the stairs. Look at the closed door, which has 2 symbols on it - pay attention to the line symbol that looks like one of the small puzzle boxes. Go back to where you first entered this area and now follow the path to the right. Approach the wall and press the buttons according to the symbol (right, up, right, right, down).

Return up the stairs to see the door has opened. Before going through, look at another plaque high up to the left of the door and take note of the symbols here. Now go through and up some more stairs. Look at the panel of 10 buttons on the left wall and press 4 of them according to the plaque from outside the building:

Continue through the next door and notice a drawing on the left wall ahead. Turn back and examine the levers on the right pillar, then move them according to the drawing (left, right, left, left, right). Once the boulder moves aside, go through the opening.

Tunnel 1

Notice the groups of boards on the right wall. Read the note on the floorboards ahead. Continue forward and examine the levers on the left wall, then position them according to the boards you saw (from left to right, move them to positions 2, 1, 3, 1). Go through the open gate and proceed to the end of this passage. Look at the triangular puzzle. Based on the note, you must press triangles with increasing numbers of symbols, from bottom to top:


One of the gates will lower - the other has a series of crosses on it. Go past the lowered gate and follow the next path until you reach a stone bench. Read the note and look at the grid here. Just around to the left, notice a series of 4 sets of letters written on a large stone door. Continue to the right to see a series of 4 buttons on the wall, then keep going further to find a puzzle with 4 crosses. Position these in the same places as the crosses you saw on the gate (from left to right, move them to positions 2, 1, 3, 4).

Go back to the stone bench and find the 4 symbols corresponding to the letters on the nearby stone door:

  • XII: Circle
  • KIII: Line
  • VII:Triangle
  • VI: Circle

Go to the buttons on the wall and press them in this order. The door will lower and you can proceed through.


Look at the sundial to see a bird symbol and a time of 4 o'clock. Go to the nearby gate, and notice the 4 clocks on the wall that point to 2 o'clock, 12 o'clock and 8 o'clock. Press the buttons II, X, II and VIII and the gate will open. Continue forward and open the next small box (left, down, right, down, left). Take out the sun block. Go forward to find another sundial, which has an elephant symbol and a time of 2 o'clock.

Look at the right side of the steps here and insert your sun block. Press the blocks in the order of a sun setting:


Go up the stairs and through the new opening. Look at the triangle symbols on the left wall here, and count the number of triangles in each symbol (2, 1, 3, 1, 4). Press the triangle buttons above the door in this same order. Go through and look at the symbols hanging above the door on the left. Proceed up the stairs and find a puzzle on the wall at the top. You need to make sure there are no repeated symbols in any row, column or corner square. Go up some more stairs to find a sundial with a snake symbol and a time of 3 o'clock.

Continue to the top level to find another sundial with a crocodile symbol and a time of 1 o'clock. Approach the gate, then turn around and open the small box (right, up, left, left, down). Take out the flower stone. Now focus on the gate and press the buttons corresponding to the times on the sundials:

  1. Crocodile
  2. Elephant
  3. Snake
  4. Bird

Go through the gate and collect an ancient key from the pedestal. Return back down to the door with the symbols hanging over it. Look at the arrow buttons just to the right, and the huge symbol on the wall here. Press the buttons according to the symbol (up, right, up, left, up). The door will open so you can head inside.

Look in the frame on the left and you will automatically add your flower stone. You need to insert the stones in the slots in season order:

  • Spring: Flower
  • Summer: Sun
  • Autumn: Leaf
  • Winter: Snowflake

The next door will open - while you are here, look at the drawings on the opposite wall, including the colors associated with each of them. Go through the door and up the stairs, then approach the pillar to the left of the next closed door. Turn the symbols so they match their background colors:

  • Blue: Eye
  • Yellow: Sun
  • Red: Bird in Dress
  • Green: Crown
  • Purple: Bird

Enter the small room and use your ancient key on the left. Go through the door.


Walk along the path and into the alcove on the right. Read the note here and notice the device that needs a 4-digit code. Continue along the path and notice the 4 drawn sets of symbols on the stone face to the right. These are maths equations, where a triangle is worth 1, and a circle is worth 2:

  • 1 × 2 = 2
  • 2× 2 = 4
  • 1 × 1 = 1
  • 2× 4 = 8

Further to the left is a small puzzle with 4 buttons. The shapes on these buttons are made up of 2, 8, 4 and 1 lines. Press them in the order 2418. After the barrier lowers, go around the left side of the tree ahead and press the button to open a nearby gate. Look at the symbols around the base of the tree, noting the positions of the bars relative to the symbols themselves. Go through the opened gate and move the levers here to match these positions (up, up, down, up).

This will raise the barrier so you can go and view some numbers and symbols on it. Now head up the stairs to see a door with 5 angles, assuming 0 degrees is up (180, 270, 180, 90, 270). Examine the 3 buttons to the left of the door - based on the matching symbols and values from the back of the barrier, press them in this order: middle, bottom, middle, top, bottom.

Enter the next room and look at the teeth in the skull diagram on the back wall. Press the buttons to set a code based on the groupings of white teeth (34231). Go forward onto the bridge and press the button on the left. Look at the symbols on the large door ahead, then go back to the start of the level where you needed a 4-digit code. Enter a code based on the number of filled circles on the symbols on the large door (2415). Grab the bridge key. Turn around and use this in the slot on the opposite side of the path. Cross the bridge here and open the small box (right, down, right, down, left, up). Grab the door key.

Return up to the large door and use the door key to the left, then head through the door.


Open the small box on the stone block ahead (right, down, right, up, left, up). Take out the X tile. Also note the markings on the top of the stone pillar to the left. A little further ahead, notice the stacked stones with symbols, and the numbers 24, 18 and 19 to their right.

Proceed onto the stone path and look at a puzzle between two broken pillars on the left. You will automatically add your X tile. For this puzzle, each row of symbols must contain the same number of straight lines. Once complete, the bars above will rise up. Go through so a small room and read the note on the ground. Examine the round platform in the middle of the room, which has 4 segments you can press. Go back out to the stone path and look at the quadrants drawn on the stone slabs. Now return into the room and press the segments in this order:

  1. Bottom-right
  2. Top-left
  3. Top-left
  4. Bottom-left
  5. Bottom-left
  6. Top-right

Take the numbered stone that appears. Go out to the other end of the stone path and look down to the side to see a small box. You will automatically insert your numbered stone. You need to work out the value of each of the symbols (from the stacked stones behind you). Enter the numbers 8, 5 and 6. Pick up the metal lever that is revealed half way along the stone path, on the right side.

Start heading back to where you entered this level, and take the path to the right into a cave. Insert your metal lever here, then set the levers according to the markings on the top of the stone pillar outside (2, 3, 1, 4). Go through the opened door.

Tunnel 2

Head along the left passage first and examine the small puzzle on the right. Rearrange the tiles so they make a complete pattern on the left side, then move the final tile and you will see a gate open. Now follow the other passage until you reach a lit area. Read the note on the ground, and pay attention to the grid of symbols on the wall. Also take note of the light and dark squares above and below the grid. Head along the next passage to find a puzzle on the left wall. Press the tiles indicated by the dark squares:

Go through the next gate and look at the puzzle on the wall straight ahead. Here you need to enter the value of each symbol in the grid you saw earlier (2, 3, 5). Go to the right and take note of the 4 symbols on the wall here, and in which quadrants of the square they can be found. Head the other way down the passage and see 5 quadrant symbols on the large door. Press the buttons to the right in the order of quadrants based on the 4 symbols you just saw. If they are numbered 1-4 left to right, press these buttons: 4, 1, 4, 2, 3. Continue through the door.


Turn around and look at the ground where you start to see a grid of dice patterns. Go to the far end of the bridge and see 3 symbols on the ground that indicate which 3 dice patterns are important. Now go to the controls in the middle of the bridge and select the correct ones (1, 6, 3). Head through the very tall gate.

In the area ahead, there are two groups of three discs. Rotate each of the discs until they lock into place - small spikes will come out from the middle of the discs to indicate they are locked. Now you can use the number system indicate on the stone above to work out the order in which to press the large symbols over on the other side of the platform. If they are numbered 1-6 from left to right, press them in this order: 4, 2, 5, 1, 6, 3. Head through the next gate.

Read the note on the stone to the right. Go up the steps straight ahead and click on the vase.