Quest for Glory 4Quest for Glory 4

Shadows of Darkness

Game Details:  Fantasy, 1993

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  8/5/2004

Suggested Listening:  Help Me Out (Ash 25)

Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of Darkness is the fourth in a series of hybrid RPG adventure games by Sierra On-Line. This continues after Quest for Glory 3: Wages of War. You can name your character, and choose to play as different character classes which have different puzzle solutions. In this game, you arrive in the land of Mordavia, an eastern European setting, and set out to investigate the horrors and darkness enveloping the land and its inhabitants. The series continues with Quest for Glory 5: Dragon Fire.


Search the 3 skeletons to get coins, a flint and a dagger. Pick up a torch from the altar on the right and use your flint on it to light it. Now open the door at the back of this room.

  • If you are a fighter, pick up the sword and shield. Try to head south and you will be attacked. Go south and use the rope (hand over hand) to cross the chasm.
  • If you are a wizard, pick up the sheet. Go south and use the sheet on yourself, then cast Levitate to cross the chasm.
  • If you are a thief, look at the mark on the small rock on the ground to see it is a Thief Mark. Go south and walk over the rope to cross the chasm.

Continue northwest to leave the caves. After talking to Katrina, look at the arch and take the Dark One Sign. Go west, down a slimy path, and west again. Go north 6 times, east and north to reach the town gates. Pick some corn and search the tree stump for some money, then continue north into the town.

Town of Mordavia

Look at the staff in the stone here, and try to take it. Pick some flowers. Go north on the left side of the staff to meet the Burgomeister. Enter his office and talk to him to get keys to the Adventurers' Guild. Go back outside and enter the General Store. Talk to Olga, then buy 10 food rations, a garlic clove, 2 lots of candy, a pie pan, a flask of oil, a shopping bag and a hand broom. Go back outside and enter the Hotel Mordavia - you will automatically pay for board for a room and get a key. Talk to the Innkeeper and the other men here, then leave again.

Head through the archway to the north part of town. Talk to Igor, then use your keys to enter the Guild. Sign the logbook and read the logbook. Read all of the books in the bookcase.

  • If you are a fighter, take the rope and grapnel. Smash open the case on the wall to get the sword. You can use the grapnel with the hook in the ceiling to practice climbing, and use the weights on the left to improve your strength. Make sure you take the grapnel with you when you go.
  • If you are a wizard, you can use the weights on the left to improve your strength.
  • If you are a thief, take the rope and grapnel, use it on the hook in the ceiling and climb up to see a Thief Mark. Now look under the desk holding the logbook to see another Thief Mark. Use the coat hooks on the right; rotate the 3rd one to point up, then the 2nd to point down, the 4th to point right and the 1st to point left. Climb up and enter the Thieves' Guild. Take the guild card from the poster on the back wall. Look in the 2 grates on the floor to see another Thief Mark, and find a safe knob. Examine the door in the back wall, then use your guild card to open it. Read the books in the next room to learn about traps, then use your safe knob on the safe. Open the safe by entering the code FILCH. Look below the safe to see more Thief Marks. Search for traps in the desk, then pick the lock. Read the book to find a code you will use shortly. Move each of the empty picture frames on the right wall to reveal 2 safes; disarm the trap on each and crack each of the safes. Now move the barrel beneath the poster and enter the code BBY, GGG, RGR to meet the Chief. Talk to him, then leave the Guild. Make sure you take the grapnel with you when you go.

Go east and talk to Nikolai. Now try to open the door to Dr Cranium's house; repeat the bell sequence to get inside. Open the right door to be attacked by baby Antwerps. Use the machine here, answering questions to identify a baby Antwerp. Use one of your rations to bait the machine, and you will catch a baby Antwerp. Use the machine again to identify another animal, this time with 6 legs, and say that eating Heroes is not a good idea; hexopods apparently like garlic. Now open the left door and rotate the maze so the Antwerp gets the key and then reaches the exit. Now use the door on the far wall and rearrange the tiles to show a large keyhole, then open the door. Talk to Dr Cranium about everything, including healing potions and poison cures. Ask him for at least 4 empty flasks.

  • If you are a wizard, ask him about magic and you will get a scroll for the Glide spell.

Outside, talk to Nikolai again and he will hopefully tell you more about Anna, who is missing. Return to the north part of town and use your Dark One sign in the door to enter the monastery.

  • If you are a thief, climb up and take the blackbird statue from above the entry door.

Give your garlic to the hexopod above the fireplace, then pull the post next to the fireplace and head down to the basement. Stay away from the back wall in this room. Note the letters on the wall: AVOOZL.

  • If you are a wizard, cast open on the desk from far away.
  • If you are a fighter or thief, force open the desk (you will be poisoned).

Search the desk to learn about the 6 Dark One Rituals. Drink from the large cask on the back right wall and you will get the Blood Ritual.

  • If you are a thief, use your shopping bag to pick up the squid statue from the small alcove. Return to the Chief Thief and use this on him to cure his condition.

Now leave the monastery and you will take your Dark One sign with you. Wait until it is night time.

  • If you are a thief, sneak through the window of Nikolai's house in the east part of town. Use oil on both doors of the wardrobe, then search both doors. Search the chest at the foot of the bed, and put the locket back in the chest. Go downstairs towards the desk and move the mug to the floor, then open the desk. Leave through the window.
  • If you are a paladin, go to Erana's Staff and talk to the ghost of Paladin Piotyr.

Return to the Inn and eat then sleep.

Valley of Mordavia

Day Time

From the town gates, head south 4 times, east 3 times and south to find the Rusalka. Give her some flowers, then return to town by going north, west 3 times and north 4 times.

You can now visit the Leshy by going south twice and east 3 times. Click on the bushes until you find the creature, and say his name is "Leshy" (you learn this from the magazine in the Adventurer's Guild). Leave and come back and he will tell you to save a bush from goo. Return to town by going west 3 times and north twice.

Next head to the swamp, by going south, west and south 6 times. Pick up some rocks from the ground on the way. Continue east to the slime area. Pick up some goo in 3 empty flasks.

  • If you are a fighter or thief, throw 3 lots of rocks at the pile of rocks in the bottom right, then pick up the bush.
  • If you are a wizard, cast Force Bolt on the pile of rocks in the bottom right, then Fetch on the bush.

Return west to the swamp. Go north and west and pick up a bone, then return east and south.

  • If you are a fighter, walk through the swamp avoiding the hands.
  • If you are a wizard, cast Glide and head west over the swamp, avoiding the hands.
  • If you are a thief, jump west over the hillocks, avoiding the hands.

Attack the wizards when you reach the tomb, then use your Dark One sign in the tomb. Highlight the symbols in order from top right around clockwise to top left, and you will get the Sense Ritual. Return east the same way you got here, then go back to town by going north 6 times, east and north.

Visit the Leshy again, and tell him about the bush - he will tell you to plant it. Return to town.

To reach Erana's garden, from the town gates go south 3 times, east twice, south, east and north. Search the first lantern for some money. Plant your bush in the ground here (at the bottom right of the screen).

  • If you are a wizard, cast Fetch on the tree each time you come here to get a mana fruit. Cast Detect Magic to find magic in the pond, then cast Trigger on the pond to raise a flower, and cast Open on the flower to find a scroll. Cast Fetch on the scroll to learn the spell of Protection.

Return to town by going south, west, north, west twice and north 3 times.

Visit the Leshy again, and answer his riddle with "Rusalka". He will now tell you the password to get through some other bushes you will meet shortly.

From the town gates go south, west twice and north to reach Boris at the castle gates. He won't let you inside but you can talk to him about his wife Olga (by talking to yourself).

  • If you are a paladin, during the coming days keep talking to Olga about her husband and Boris about his wife to eventually reunite the two of them.

On day 3, return to Dr Cranium and ask him about a rehydration potion. Leave, come back and give him a flask of goo you collected earlier, and he can give you the rehydration potion.

Night Time

If you are outside the town gates at night time, you will eventually meet Katrina. On subsequent nights you may find her either here or outside the castle gates instead.

  • If you are a wizard, she will teach you how to cast Frostbite.

From the town gates, go south 3 times and east to find a ghost. Talk to her, leave and come back again. Repeat this 3 times, but she won't be able to leave this place. Tell her she is a ghost (talk to yourself to do this), then go and come back again to have a proper conversation. Go back and talk to Nikolai during the day (talk to yourself and tell him about Anna). Go back and see them together at night, and they will reward you with Nikolai's hat.

Also from the town gates, head south, west and south 6 times to reach the swamp. Place some candy on the ground the will o' wisps will come towards it - catch them in an empty flask. Head east and use the flask on the stone. Use your Dark One sign on the lit stone. Spell out the name AVOOZL with the dial and you will get the Bone Ritual. Go west and use the flask on the ground to release the will o' wisps.

Baba Yaga

On night 3, go to the inn and you will see an awful jester. Go up to his room after the show and talk to him to learn about his curse. Take the rubber chicken from on his bed before leaving. Now leave town and head south 3 times, east twice, south, east 3 times and south twice. Assuming you have learnt the phrase from the Leshy, say the magic phrase (talk to yourself) to get it to move. Go west and talk to Bonehead. Tell him about the gnome (talk to yourself) and he will make you a deal.

Get Nikolai's hat if you don't have it already, and give it to Bonehead. Now walk to the hut and it will walk away from you. Put some corn on the ground, then go inside. When you are able, tell Baba Yaga about the gnome (talk to yourself) and she will ask for an Elderbury pie. After being sent outside, check that you have a bone, a pie pan, an empty flask and a flask of goo. Go to the Elderbury bush by heading away from this screen, then north twice, west 4 times and south.

  • If you are a fighter or thief, throw some rocks at the bush to dislodge a branch.
  • If you are a wizard, cast Force Bolt at the bush to dislodge a branch.

Put the rubber chicken on the ground and walk around behind the bush to get the berries. Return to the hut by going north, east 4 times and south twice. Say the magic phrase and go east. Now put your bone in the big pot and use the mortar and pestle to grind the bone. Pur your goo in the pie pan, add the berries, get the ground bone in your empty flask and add this to the pie. Now show your pie to Bonehead, then to the other skulls to have it cooked. Once inside, give the pie to Baba Yaga, then tell her about the gnome's sense of humor to get a Good Humor Bar.

Go back into the hut and give Baba Yaga some goo. Ask for the ritual to get the Breath Ritual.

  • If you are a wizard, go back inside and give her goo once more and ask for a spell to get the Hide spell.

Now return to town and go to see the jester in his room. Give him the bar and you will learn the Ultimate Joke when you leave his room.

Igor and the Gypsies

On day 5, there will be a gathering of villages in town outside the Burgomeister's office. Talk to the Burgomeister. Visit the Leshy again and answer "Baba Yaga" to the current riddle. Go away and come back and answer "Elderbury Bush" to the next riddle. Now wait until it is night time.

  • If you are a thief, pick the lock on the Burgomeister's window and climb inside. Sneak to the desk and search it to get money and a key. Use this to unlock the gypsy's cell.

Leave town and go to the cemetery by going south twice, east twice and north.

  • If you are a fighter, lift up the fallen tombstone.
  • If you are a thief, climb the tree and use your grapnel on the tombstone, then pull the rope.
  • If you are a wizard, cast Open on the fallen tombstone.

Return to town by going south, west twice and north twice. Enter the inn and talk to Yuri and Bella, then go to sleep. The next morning, head to the gypsy camp by leaving town and going south twice, east 3 times, north 3 times, east and north. You will meet Magda, who will teach you the Aura spell. Give her money to learn your fortune. You will sleep overnight with the gypsies. Keep going in and seeing Magda until she has a vision of a girl, then you can learn about Erana and the Destiny Spell. Return to town by going south, west, south 3 times, west 3 times and north twice.

  • If you are a wizard, visit the Faeries by going south 3 times, east twice, south and east from the town gates. Touch the floating staff and you will be taught the Ritual of Release by the Faeries.

Rescuing Tanya

Go to the inn and wait inside until after midnight. Talk to the Domovoi in the main hall, and it will ask you to come back another night. Come back the next night and talk to it again, and it will ask you to help another Domovoi. The next morning, leave the inn and go to the monastery, using your Dark One sign to get inside. Use your rehydrating potion on the dried Domovoi which is in the cabinet on the left. Now visit the Domovoi in the inn the following night and talk to it about Tanya and her doll. Open the cabinet at the back of the room and you will get the doll. Sleep until morning.

Go and see Igor and ask him for the crypt key. Now go to the cemetery by leaving town and going south twice, east twice and north. Use the key to enter the crypt, then when you get inside, shake the Reaper's hand to leave. Go back inside and use the mural on the floor. Press the colors for BORGOV (blue, orange, red, green, orange, violet) and you will get another key. Use the statue on the far right to enter Castle Borlov.

  • If you are a thief, you will need to pick the lock of every door before going through.

From the bookcase, go east 3 times, then up the stairs. Turn the crest on the top of the bookcase and go west through the secret passage, then through the door to the north. Climb up the next set of stairs, then go west and up some more stairs. The monster here won't let you inside. Wait until night time, then open the door to meet Tanya. Talk to her and give her the doll, then tell her about the Destiny Spell. You will end up back in the inn with Erana's staff in your possession.

Wraiths and Rituals

Now you should go around and kill all the wraiths that are found throughout the valley at night time. Make sure you use your Aura spell if you are a wizard to protect yourself during the fight. After each fight, search the burrow to find some items. The most important wraith is found by starting at the town gates and going south 3 times, east twice, and south 4 times.

  • If you are a fighter or thief, you will get the Heart Ritual.
  • If you are a paladin, you will get the Heart Ritual and a magical sword.

The remaining wraiths are found throughout the valley and will reward you with money and other items but nothing essential to complete the game.

  • If you are a wizard, visit the Faeries by going south 3 times, east twice, south and east. Summon the staff, then cast Reversal, then Resistance, and attack the queen with Frost Bite repeatedly, healing yourself if necessary. Eventually the Faeries will leave and you can pick up the Heart Ritual.
  • If you are a paladin, try to give the sword to the Burgomeister, but instead he will give you a shield. If you have seen Piotyr a few times he will have told you to ask the gypsies for help. Visit the gypsies and ask about helping the Rusalka. Go to the cemetery and look at all the headstones to see the name Elyssa. Go to the lake and tell her the name Elyssa, then ask about her hair. Combine the hair with your broom, then go to the cemetery the next night and use the broom on the grave next to Elyssa's (Janos' grave). Fight against Janos, then return to the lake and kiss the Rusalka.

You should now have a total of 5 Dark One Rituals. In summary:

  • Bone: In the stone east of the swamp.
  • Blood: In the basement of the monastery.
  • Breath: From Baba Yaga after first making her Elderbury pie.
  • Sense: At the Mad Monk's tomb west of the swamp.
  • Heart: Either by killing one of the wraiths or the Fairie Queen.

Return to the Leshy and answer his last riddle.

  • If you are a fighter or thief, answer with "Wraith".
  • If you are a wizard, answer with "Heart Ritual".

Sleep overnight in the inn and when you wake up look at the note on the chest near your bed - it is from Katrina. Wait until night time, then go to the castle gates (from the town gates go south, west twice and north). On the way you will run into Ad Avis. Talk to him, then you will be captured and taken to a dungeon, where you will sleep until dawn.

  • If you are a fighter, break the chains.
  • If you are a thief, pick the lock on the chains.
  • If you are a wizard, cast Open on the chains.

Pick up the stake and hammer, then listen at the door twice. Open the iron maiden and go through the secret passage to the Master's bedroom. Touch her to wake her up, and talk to her - she asks you to retrieve the 5 missing rituals, and sends you out of the castle.

Since you already have all 5 of the rituals, go back to the castle; the gate will be open and you can walk all the way inside. You will automatically end up being taken back inside the caves.

Ad Avis and Caves

On the first screen you will see a book next to a beast.

  • If you are a fighter, use your grapnel to climb down, attack the monster and take the book to get the Essence Ritual. Use your grapnel to climb back up.
  • If you are a thief, start sneaking, then use your grapnel to climb down. Take the book to get the Essence Ritual. Use your grapnel to climb back up.
  • If you are a wizard, cast Calm on the beast, the cast Levitate to get down. Take the book to get the Essence Ritual. Cast Levitate to get back up.

Cross over the rope and enter the heart cave. Open the pulsating right door to enter the bone cave. Use your lit torch to light the other torch in its sconce, then place your lit torch in the second sconce. Use the Dark One sign on the altar, then use the Bone Ritual on the altar.

  • If you are a fighter, wait for the bones to close on you, then break them.
  • If you are a thief, quickly jump out of the way before the bones close on you.
  • If you are a wizard, wait for the bones to close on you, then cast Frost Bite, Flame Dart and Force Bolt on them.

Take your torch and go back to the heart cave. Open the pulsating left door to enter the blood cave. Climb down and around to the altar, then use the Blood Ritual on the altar.

  • If you are a fighter, use your grapnel to climb up, push the boulder over the end, then climb back down and around to the exit.
  • If you are a thief, use your grapnel to climb up, then jump up and over to the exit.
  • If you are a wizard, cast Frost Bite on the acid to freeze it, then quickly go back down and around to the exit.

Open the top left pulsating door to enter the breath cave. Walk over to the altar on the left, and use the Breath Ritual on the altar. There are 6 tentacles on the altar. Blow the bottom right, bottom left, bottom middle and top middle tentacles in that order. Walk back towards the right to the exit.

  • If you are a fighter, click on the hanging plant as you walk past.
  • If you are a thief, click on yourself after you get flung forward.
  • If you are a wizard, when you get sucked inside cast Calm then Open on the valve.

Go through the top right pulsating door to enter the sense cave. Walk to the bottom left, then upper left, then upper right part of this screen. When you reach the altar, use the Sense Ritual on it.

  • If you are a fighter, use your grapnel on the ear at the top of the screen, then run back down to the exit.
  • If you are a thief, use your grapnel on the ear at the top of the screen, then on the bottom right ledge and go through the exit.
  • If you are a wizard, cast Lightning Ball on the dendrites as you make your way back down to the exit.

Use the Heart Ritual on the heart altar.

  • If you are a fighter or thief, use your grapnel in the ceiling to climb up.
  • If you are a wizard, cast Levitate and go up through the ceiling.

After the summoning a fight will break out.

  • If you are a fighter, equip Erana's staff, then tell the ultimate joke (talk to yourself). Throw the staff at Ad Avis, then use the staff on the crystal.
  • If you are a thief, equip Erana's staff, then tell the ultimate joke (talk to yourself). Jump on Ad Avis, then jump back to the platform and use the staff on the crystal.
  • If you are a wizard, summon Erana's staff, then tell the ultimate joke (talk to yourself). Cast Force Bolt at Ad Avis, then summon the staff again.