Reversion Chapter 3Reversion Chapter 3

The Return

Game Details:  Adventure, 2020

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  8/15/2020

Suggested Listening:  Help Me Out (Ash 25)

Reversion Chapter 3: The Return is the third in a series of third person adventure games, following after Reversion Chapter 2: The Meeting. After recovering your identity in the previous game, you now must join the resistance in attempting to take down the evil Sergio. There are 36 Steam Achievements, all documented in the walkthrough below.

Engineering School

Talk to Nicolas to learn about the past Introduction, then talk to Victoria about everything The orphan. Talk to Nicolas about everything, then examine the board to the right. In the memory vision, talk to Nicolas, then examine the board on the left. Find 5 pairs of identical formula fragments that you can cross out, then click on the remaining 5. Back in the current time, show the intel files from your inventory to Nicolas. Now you can head out to the lobby, then go outside and leave this area.

Garrahan Hospital

Use the soldier clothes in your inventory to get changed. Climb up the rope to get inside. Take some bed sheets from the cupboard on the left, then head through the door. Talk to the guard here about everything, then enter the bathroom through the near right door. After leaving, return to the hospital room and talk to the doctor about everything. Talk to the guard again about the doctor and her father, then return to the doctor and talk about her father and the guard. Talk to the guard, then the doctor, then the guard one last time. Head out to the lobby and talk to Corporal Ramirez about everything. Talk to the other soldiers, and the tall soldier will give you a radio. Return to the hallway and the guard and doctor will have left Cupid.

Use your storage key on the storage door, then head inside. Take a bottle of club soda and a bottle of wine. Return out to the lobby and give the bottle of wine to the big soldier, then talk to him and tell him that the storage room is empty. Return to the storage room once more Drinking buddy. Talk to the drunk about everything, then give him the radio. After learning about the zoo, leave the hospital via the hospital room window.


Look at the small sign on the entertainment stand outside the zoo, then talk to the owner and ask how to win the teddy bear Teddy. Keep talking and he will give you some chips so you can play the game. Give him a chip and play the game at least 3 times. In doing so you will receive a circuit board, which turns out later to be a stabilizer part (1/5), a rubber mouse and a wheel. There is an achievement for winning the game twice consecutively The fast and the furious, and another for winning 5 times in total Addict.

Talk to the soldier about everything, but he won't let you in. Give him the radio, and you will automatically enter and find Pablo and his guard. Talk to the guard and then Pablo about everything, then continue to the right. use your rubber mouse with the elephant to scare it away The elephant, then take some peanuts. Return to the left and give the peanuts to the guard Don't feed the animals. Now use your club soda on the guard to save him The planet of the apes - you will now receive some mints. For now you should leave the zoo.


Talk to the hot dog guy about everything. Give him your wheel and he will give you a pack of soda. Combine this with the mints in your inventory, then return to the zoo.


Head to Pablo in his cage and use your explosive soda on the bars of the cage Rescuing Pablo. You will end up traveling automatically.

Engineering School

Talk to Pablo to give him the intel files, then talk to him about everything to discover he is hungry. Also talk to Nicolas about everything, including asking if Victoria can help you A very busy girl. Now talk to Victoria about everything, and she will give you a dispenser chip. Head out to the lobby, then go up the stairs. Grab the empty paint bucket from the left, then use your dispenser chip on the vending machine to get an Alfajor. Back in the lobby, talk to the maintenance guy about everything, then head back down to the lab. Give the Alfajor to Pablo, then ask him to find your student file. Go upstairs twice and enter the office. Search the left filing cabinet to find your home address. While you are here, take the glue from the desk. Now leave this area.

Home Sweet Home

You will receive an achievement for reaching this location Home sweet home. Enter the corridor, but you will find the door is locked. Search the following 4 locations to get pieces for a lock-pick:

  • The cardboard box in front of the broken computer monitor on the right.
  • The cardboard box behind the broken computer monitor on the right.
  • The cardboard box behind the blue chair on the left.
  • The debris at the very end of the corridor.

Look at the far graffiti on the right wall to see a jagged line. In your inventory, combine the lock-pick pieces with the lock-pick base. You need to recreate the line of the graffiti, by selecting these two pieces:


Use your lock-pick on the far door, then head inside. Now you need to find some more pieces for a lock-pick:

  • The cardboard box in the stone hearth.
  • The sheet beneath the bicycle wheel.
  • The hole in the hot dog cart against the wall.

Also pick up the broken guitar. Head back out to the corridor and look at the middle graffiti on the right wall. Now create a new lock-pick pattern to match this graffiti:


Use your lock-pick on the middle door, then head inside. Examine the wind chimes to get a stabilizer part (2/5). You also need to search some more locations to get more lock-pick pieces:

  • A cardboard box directly behind the door.
  • The tire on the ground in front of the ladder.
  • The toilet basin on the right.

Head back out to the corridor and look at the near graffiti on the right wall. Now create a new lock-pick pattern to match this graffiti:


Use your lock-pick on the near door Locksmith, then head inside. Pick up the picture from the floor on the left Where there was fire. Examine this in your inventory and click on the bottom-right corner to flip it over. Click on the bulge in the middle and take out the crystal disc Things to remember. Walk over to the right and examine the flux capacitor Back to the future. Leave your house and leave the corridor to find a kid spying on you.

Engineering School

Give the crystal disc to Nicolas. Talk to Pablo and he will give you a software virus and tell you about a new location.

Communications Center

Pick up the tuna can from next to the large garbage container. Use the soldier clothes in your inventory to get changed. Talk to the security guard, but she won't let you in.

Engineering School

Talk to Pablo, who will give you some new locations and instructions to find a magnetic card and magnetic card reader.


Go down into the subway and use your screwdriver on the turnstile circuitry to get a magnetic card reader.

Plaza de Mayo

Talk to the homeless man, who will get you a magnetic card if you can provide him with sheets and some brown paint. Head towards Casa Rosada in the background, and try to enter through the main gate The main gate.

San Telmo

Pick up the stabilizer part (3/5) from behind the sign on the rug. Talk to the painter, then try to swap your empty paint bucket for his brown one.


Talk to the tango guys about everything and you will learn a new location To the rhythm of tango.


Talk to the hot dog guy about the tango.

San Telmo

Show Florencia's picture to the painter, then ask him about the tango.

Plaza de Mayo

Talk to the homeless man about the tango.

Engineering School

Talk to the maintenance guy about the tango Presidential plane. Go downstairs and talk to Nicolas about the tango


Talk to the tango guys again and once you tell them the lyrics you will receive a digital player. Look at the trophy on the ground here, then talk to the tango guys about it. In your inventory, combine the tuna can and broken guitar, then fix it with your glue. Give the large guitar to the tango guys, and you will receive the Best Luthier Prize.

San Telmo

Give the digital player to the painter, then you can exchange your empty paint bucket for the brown paint bucket. In your inventory, use your screwdriver on the Best Luthier Prize to find another stabilizer part (4/5).

Plaza de Mayo

Give the bed sheets and the brown paint bucket to the homeless man, and he will give you the magnetic card.

Communications Center

Use the soldier clothes in your inventory to get changed, then show your magnetic card to the security guard Admissions rights.

Puerto Madero

You will receive an achievement for visiting every location on the map Tourist. Pick up the final stabilizer part (5/5) The Pulse Stabilizer. Pick up the letter and read it, then sit on the bench Until death do us part.

Engineering School

Go down and tell Nicolas you found all of the stabilizer parts Back to the past. Give the magnetic card and magnetic card reader to Pablo. Talk to him to get the reprogrammed magnetic card.

Communications Center

Use the soldier clothes in your inventory to get changed, then show your reprogrammed magnetic card to the security guard. Once inside, press the door button to enter the server room. Use the cooling control panel here and the administrator will come in to fix things, so you can return to the command room. Take the Alfajor from the left of the mainframe terminal here - when the administrator returns he will let you take the master key.

Go through to the server room and use the cooling control panel again, then go out to the command room. This time open the sliding door (drawer) to the left of the mainframe terminal. Use the hidden panel that is revealed. Insert your master key into the lock, then turn the key, lift the blue cover and and press the button - the administrator is now stuck in the server room. Use your software virus on the mainframe terminal Phone home. Use the hidden panel again to free the administrator, then leave.

Engineering School

You will automatically go here and be captured This is going to leave a mark.

Casa Rosada

Examine the ventilation beneath the sink, then grab the strange device. Use this on the bars of your cell. Use it on the bars again, then say "All The Resistance is gonna rescue us soon" to the guard. After he leaves, use the device on the bars again and you can escape your cell A new hope. Head along the corridor. You need to touch two of the busts to reveal a secret passage (left middle, then left near). Enter the secret passage to the right, then continue forward and use the chair No turning back.

From the balcony, head inside to Sergio's office and examine the large desk on the right. Examine the notepad, then pick up the scissors and use them on the notepad to get a clipped note. Exit from here and return to the tunnels using the chair in front of the fireplace. Talk to both Pablo and Victoria about everything, and Victoria will give you some soldier clothes. Use these in your inventory, then go down twice to return to the lobby. Head upstairs to find yourself outside. Talk to the guard, then go through the door on the left. Talk to the hipster about everything, and you will get some Monkey Island tips and tricks. Examine this in your inventory to realize it is a chocolate wrapping.

Go back outside and give this to the guard, then follow him back to the tunnel. After the guard leaves, examine the loose stone on the right, then take the chocolate Condor Chocolate. Return up to the courtyard, then go through the door on the right. Talk to the guard here, who won't let you through the doors. Go all the way back through the tunnels to Sergio's office. Put the chocolate on the desk. Make your way back to the guard you just spoke to, and give him Sergio's note. Go out to the courtyard and tell the guard here that someone has found his hidden chocolate. Now enter the door on the left and tell the hipster to check the monitors Evil always pays.

The Machine

Talk to Nicolas, who will give you all 5 stabilizer parts and a stabilizer plan. Also talk to Florencia and Sergio, then use the machine. Once you have control again, head up along any path The Liberator. Next try a different path, and finally take the remaining path.

Save your game. Now you need to arrange the stabilizer parts correctly on the plans. The Roman numerals match the blue (I), red (V) and yellow (X) components on the circuit boards:

  • III: blue, blue, blue
  • VII: red, blue, blue
  • XIV: yellow, blue, red
  • XV: yellow, red
  • XIX: yellow, blue, yellow

Now use the switch on the middle circuit board. Watch the ending and the credits Winner. There are extra achievements for completing the game within 4 hours Marathon Runner, and without using the hint system Riddle Guy.

The fastest way to get the final achievement is to load your game and just perform the final act one more time Double Winner.