Red Comrades 3Red Comrades 3

Return of Alaska

Game Details:  Comedy, 2017

Steam Achievements:  Completed (34/34)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  9/28/2018

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

Red Comrades 3: Return of Alaska is the third in a series of Russian games by Buka Entertainment. This game follows after Red Comrades 2: For the Great Justice. The protagonists are historical Russian characters, but the story involves alien invasion and has a comedic undertone. In this game, Pete and Vasily need to try to undo the damage they have done through using a time machine. You have 3 playable characters in this game; often tasks will automatically be done by the correct person, but sometimes you will need to choose specifically.

Last Vegas (Night)

Road Fork

Pick up the medkit. Open the trunk of Fulder's car to find some gremlins, then try using your test tubes on them 4 times. Use the last test tube on Agent Fulder Welcome back. Now head along the road towards the military base.

Military Base

Try to take the fire extinguisher. Get Vasily to talk to the sentry, then Pete will automatically take the fire extinguisher. Return to the road fork, then continue down the road to a new area.

Oasis Casino

Talk to Anka as Pete, then switch to Vasily and try again Anomaly. Now enter the bar. As Vasily, use the pistol on the photo-cell near the glass door, then go through the doorway when it opens, and the drunk patron will be able to return to the bar. Talk to the bartender, but he refuses to return your chip. Go back outside and head down the lane between the buildings.

Mansion with a Sign

Knock on the door and talk until you get inside, but you will be kicked out instantly. Have Vasily use the gun on the dumpster to get rid of the rats, then switch back to Pete and use the fire extinguisher to put out the fire. Now search the dumpster to get a carrot. Leave here and return to the Oasis, then continue further down the road.

Preacher's Office

Talk to Furmon, then try to take the rabbit; when Furmon lets you have it, try taking it again to realize it is hungry. Give your carrot to the rabbit and you will up taking it with you. While you are here, take the rope. Go along the street into the distance.

Salvage Yard

Look at the sign for the Motherland at the top right Familiar landscape. Talk to the beekeeper, then use the map in your inventory to travel.

Mansion with a Sign

Now that you have the rabbit, you can enter the mansion. Look at the eagle on the monitor 4 times Scientific interest. Now give the rabbit to the professor, and you will end up in restraints. Talk to the professor until you are free, then use the computer mouse. Now select "Quit Experiment" from the computer screen, followed by "Help" and then "Stop Reaction". Use Vasily on the weight, then open the safe and take the truth serum and nitrogen from inside. Use the nitrogen on the weight, then break the weight and you will find a piece of paper inside. Pick up the hook from the ground. Next use the truth serum on the professor - he will tell you the meaning of the piece of paper. Switch back to Pete and select "Reboot System", then have Vasily take the engine from the chair. Now select "Stop Reaction" again to remove the chain, then "Refresh Data". Pick up the rabbit and leave. Head to the left.

Construction Company

Talk to the workers and you will carry a box into the warehouse for them. Switch to Vasily and use the box twice to get a bazooka and then the box itself. Also collect the buzz saw from the left. Use this on the ladder, then pick it up. Switch back to Pete and pick up the cannister and bullet from the shelves on the right. Now use the bazooka on Vasily. Pick up one of the small magnets from the ground.

Oasis Casino

Talk to Anka. Enter the bar and talk to the sergeant. Give your cash to the bartender and you will get a cocktail. Give this to the sergeant, then use your box on him Chapaev's double.

Military Base

Use your box on the sentry, and you will end up going inside the recruitment office. Walk forward to the manhole and you will be kicked outside.

Oasis Casino

Use Vasily to talk to Anka. Switch to Pete and talk to the lady on the right, then give her some cash in exchange for the sergeant's address. Go left to the office, then down the lane to a new area.

Toys & Pets Shop

Use your ladder on Batman, then get Vasily to climb up and you will reach the sergeant's apartment. Look at 9 different things around the room Red room. Pick up the bra and the viagra pill. Open the closet door and take the rubber doll from inside. Use the wings on Vasily to leave the apartment.

Oasis Casino

Talk to Anka to formulate a plan to create a brothel. Enter the bar and talk to the bartender.

Salvage Yard

Talk to the beekeeper, who will give you a cigarette. Also take the fretsaw from the ground beneath the machine.

Oasis Casino

Enter the bar again. Combine your bullet and cigarette, and give this to the bartender. Now use your gun on him Rastafarian. Use your canister on the refrigerator to get a canister of vodka. Go through the glass doors into the casino and save your game if you want to collect all achievements.

Talk to the banker, then give him your chip. Go back out to the bar and talk to the customer so that he gives you another chip. Return to the casino and give the banker another chip. Repeat this a total of 7 times and you will win Fair victory. Load your game and this time combine the magnet and chip in your inventory. Now give this to the banker Jackpot. Either way, use your winnings on the cash register beneath the statue. Talk to the security guy who is now blocking your exit, then use the photo-cell next to the door to get rid of him. Go outside and show your money to Anka.

Salvage Yard

Try talking to the beekeeper, then give him the canister of vodka Homesickness. Talk to him again, then enter the hut to sleep.

Last Vegas (Day)


Look at the sign which is a woman's outline Rhymer.

Preacher's Office

Combine your rope and hook, then use this on the drain. Climb down into the sewers. Free Santa Claus and he will give you some presents. Talk to him until he gives you a drum and disappears Merry Christmas!. Walk right and pick up the wirecutter, then climb up the ladder on the right.

Construction Company

You will emerge behind the police line. Pick up the can of beer, then climb back down and go through the sewers again.

Construction Company

Enter the storehouse and talk to the gangster.

Oasis Casino

Enter the tube to reach a new area.

Underground Station

Talk to the Ukrainians and they will leave. Take the sledge (along with the lard and garlic), then board the train on the right when it arrives.

Salvage Yard

You will see that all the cars have now left.

Construction Company

Talk to the gangster, then give him your jackpot money.

Salvage Yard

Pick up the spare brick on the left, and the board on the right. Talk to beekeeper, then give him your beer. Enter the brothel, then leave again and it will be decorated, but you still need a red light.

Last Vegas (Night)

Underground Station

Pick up the litter bin. When the semaphore next to the train is up indicating an arrival, place the litter bin beneath it to keep it up. Now use your red bra on the semaphore and you will exchange it for a red lamp.

Salvage Yard

Use your red lamp on the sign on the front of the brothel. If your rope and hook have separated, combine them together again. Use this on the beehive, then use the free end of the rope and you will drag the beehive over to the brothel entrance.

Toys & Pets Shop

Combine your lard and sledge, then use this on the sign on the ground just outside the alleyway to the gym. Now try to go through the arch and the dog will be taken out. Head through the arch to find a sports club. Examine the door on the left. Try going through the door straight ahead, then talk to the security guy.

Oasis Casino

Anka should be fighting outside, so head into the bar. Talk to the bartender and to Grimsehr, then take the siphon from the left of the bar. Go back outside and use this on the lady, then talk to Anka. Head into the bar as Anka. Talk to Grimsehr, then to the bartender. Give the bartender some money and order a Yorsh. Use your cosmetics on the drink to make it look like orange juice. Combine the viagra and money in your inventory, then use this on the bartender. Talk to Grimsehr, then search him once he is on the floor Perky lady. Go outside and give the gym card to Pete.

Toys & Pets Shop

Go down the alley to the gym. As Vasily, show the gym card to the security guy, and you will be allowed through. Open the locker door on the left and you will take the ball from inside. Now try to lift the weight in the back room, then lift it again and Vasily will help you. Go back out and talk to the security guy again, who won't lend you his bat, but complains about a missing TV.

Preacher's Office

Give the rabbit to Furmon, then click on the TV and take it.

Toys & Pets Shop

Go down the alley again, then give the TV to the security guy and he will give you his baseball bat.

Salvage Yard

Combine the baseball and bat in your inventory, then use this on the beehive.

Oasis Casino

Talk to Anka, then give her the baseball bat. Enter the bar. Use your siphon on Grimsehr to sober him up, then talk to him. Give him the gym card, and he will agree to bring you another TV. Leave the bar and go back inside, then talk to him to receive the TV.

Preacher's Office

Give the new TV to Furmon, then talk to him again. Show him your girlfriend, and he will follow you to the brothel.

Salvage Yard

After Anka leaves, pick up the crowbar from the floor. Get Vasily to use the clothes and he will change into the sergeant's uniform.

Military Base

Enter the office. Try to take the camera and you will remove the lens. Pick up the pen from the floor. Open the desk drawer and take the list from inside, then use your pen on the list, and use this combination on Pete. Leave the office.

Military Base

Drill Ground

Talk to the corporal about everything, then head left to the obstacle course.

Obstacle Course

Switch to Vasily and get him to touch the wire. Combine your gloves and wirecutter, then use this on the wire. Switch back to Pete and use the lens on the fence, then get Vasily to use the fretsaw on it and you will break through. Head through the entrance.

Swimming Pool

Click on the skeleton, then take the helmet and chain. Put the brick in the pool of acid, then use your board on the brick and Pete will cross over. Combine the rope and hook in your inventory and use this on the plug in the bottom of the pool to drain it. Use your crowbar on the dripping tap to break it into two halves, then continue right.


Use half of the crowbar on the first mechanism, then the other half on the second mechanism. Go right again.

Bottle Dungeon

Press the poster of Che Guevara to reveal a swinging wall mechanism on the right. Use the chain on the bars in the ceiling. Attach your helmet to the chain, then put your brick inside the helmet. Push the chain to automatically go through the wall.

Mine Field

Start by stepping on the wrong first mine 4 times, killing Pete each time Butthurt. Once you have the achievement, you can now follow the correct path through the mine field Death course:


Drill Ground

Talk to the corporal again, then go to the air field.

Air Field

Talk to the pilot, then take his mattress and use it on the tank truck. Pick up the ammo from the ground. Now you can board the helicopter (without a parachute) and you will end up back at the drill ground Darwin award.

Drill Ground

Enter the armoury and talk to Brenda, then take the radio and parachutes before returning outside.

Air Field

Board the helicopter again. While you are falling this time, pull the ring on your parachute Jump.

Drill Ground

Talk to the corporal once more, then enter the shooting range. Combine the ammo and gun in your inventory, then add the camera lens to it. Switch to Vasily and use this modified gun on the target to destroy it. Return outside and talk to the corporal.

Air Field

Board the helicopter to head to your next location.



Pick up the compass, then head along any of the paths into the jungle.


Pick up the bananas from the ground, then continue left.

Abandoned Parking

Take the red journal He's almost Robinson. Also pick up the spade, glass beads and bottle. Take the top hat from the skeleton, then take the photo that was hidden beneath it. Use the bottle on the swinging bucket, then pick it up after it falls.


Head right to find a new area.

Tumba-Jumba Tree

Combine your rope and compass, then use this on the crocodile. Use your spade on the ground beneath the crocodile. Click on the rope to untie it, then take the rope again. Now combine your rope and bucket, then use this on the river. Use your banana on the bucket to catch the piranha, then also pick up the bucket of water.


Use your girlfriend in the vines, and Tarzan will end up on the ground. Use your rope on Tarzan Monkey hunt, then show him the photo. Untie Tarzan before leaving.

Tumba-Jumba Tree

Talk to the native guy, then show him the glass beads. Combine the beads and rope, then show this to the native guy. Add the piranha to the beads and rope, then use this on the crocodile pit Over the river. Pick up the crocodile and give it to the native guy, then get into the canoe.

Once you reach the drug hut, use your spade on the poppy field. Talk to Tarzan, then pick up the machinegun and use it on the dynamite Burn it all!.

Military Base

Air Field

Head straight back to the drill ground.

Drill Ground

Talk to the corporal to receive your next mission.

Air Field

Board the helicopter to travel once more.


Three Holes

Ignore the holes for now and head up towards the palm in the distance.

Coconut Palm

Switch to Vasily and pull Sayed out of the ground, then switch back to Pete. Use the ladder on the palm, then the fretsaw on the coconut. Pick up the coconut and give it to Sayed. Now head down and then right to a new area.

Invisible Wall

Click on the armchair twice and you will pick it up. Now head left twice.

Ship Graveyard

Use the armchair on Pete, then pick up the tires and use the armchair to return.

Invisible Wall

Use the tires on the wall Mystical wall. Set the tires on fire with your gun, then enter the plane. Take the stealth switch, then leave again.

Ship Graveyard

Use the stealth switch on Vasily, then go and take the keys and enter the ship. Talk to the pilot, then use the keys to free him. Pick up the harpoon and use it in the harpoon gun near the door. As Pete, combine your rope and bucket, then use this on the well. Head back outside. Pick up the CD player and take some of the fishing net from around the trapped guard.

Coconut Palm

Give the bucket of water to Sayed, then talk to him again to enlist his help.

Three Holes

Use the net on one of the holes to catch the rabbit. Switch to Vasily and click on Pete Buck or doe?. Untie the rabbit and you will get some batteries, but then the rabbit will escape. Pick up the net and use it on the hole to catch the rabbit again. This time, use your rope on the rabbit, and you will get the radio. Use the batteries on the radio Copy that, Roger.

Military Base / Last Vegas

Air Field

Head straight back to the drill ground.

Drill Ground

Talk to the corporal, then enter the armoury. Talk to the computer with every possible option I am ****locked. Pick up the hammer and the toy gun. Play the game of tic-tac-toe against the computer and you will lose. Leave this room and talk to Brenda until you are tasked with finding the answers to her crossword puzzle. Leave the armoury and then leave the drill ground by going down.

Military Base

Open the mailbox and take the newspaper from inside, then go back into the base.

Drill Ground

Enter the armoury and give the newspaper to Brenda - you will receive a marker. Head right and start another game with the computer, then use your marker on it to win I vs Robot. Enter the elevator and you will reach a secret room with a bomb. Press the open button on the right to open the reservoir. Hit the spacesuit on the right with your hammer, then leave this area.

Salvage Yard

Take the wheels from the sports car on the left, and combine them with your bath.

Drill Ground

Enter the armoury and use the elevator to get back to the secret room. Add the engine to your bathtub on wheels, then use this on the open reservoir. Press the down button on the right, then use your toy gun on the trolley and pick up the bomb.

Construction Company

Enter the storehouse and talk to the gangster Fair trade.

Oasis Casino

Talk to the Mexican about everything Wonderland.

Construction Company

Use the truck to travel to a new destination.

Titty Twister

Go inside and Vasily will be captured. As Pete, go to the parking lot on the right. Use garlic on the Vampire Queen. Talk to the priest, then open the door of the fire truck. Take the hose and use it on the tap on the side of the priest's truck From Dusk Till Dawn.



Look at the airport panel hanging from the ceiling On alien shores, then leave by heading to the left.

Market Square

Enter the large building straight ahead.

City Hall

Talk to the Mayor, then try to take the map of Alaska from the wall. Try to use the phone, then use Anka's business card on the phone to call her Distance relationship.


Press the on/off button to stop the cargo carrier, then pick up the parcel of vodka from Anka. Go back outside and enter the building to the left of city hall.


Talk to the locals, then look at the bottles on the bar Sober Alaska.


Pick up the scale from the left.


Put the scale on the free space on the left side of the stage. Use the top hat on Pete Auction and you will receive whiskey and gold.

City Hall

Give the gold to the mayor, then take the map from the wall. Head back outside, then enter the house near the end of the street.

First Gold Digger's House

Talk to Joseph. Give him your bottle of whiskey, then take his pickaxe. Go back outside.

Market Square

Combine the note and map in your inventory, then examine it. Now you can head down to a new location.

Native American Settlement

Talk to the Shaman, then give him your bag of presents. Follow him into the wigwam. Talk to him again, then give him your drum. Take the amulets from the wall. Go back outside and look at the caved-in mine entrance. Use your pickaxe on it, and you will fall into the mine. Use your bomb in the round hole to the far right. Hit the bomb with your hammer Alexit.