Police Quest 4
Open Season
Game Details: Mystery, 1993
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 8/15/2004
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
Murder Scene
Start by talking to everyone exhaustively. Now look at the body and note the body and cigarette with your notebook. Exit the close-up view and use your notebook with the graffiti on the wall. Unlock and open your car's trunk, and grab the homicide kit. Go back and look at the body again, using the chalk from the kit on the body and the cigarette. Exit the close-up again and open the dumpster. Look at the body and note it in your notebook. Talk to everyone again and they will wrap things up.
Parker Center
Sit down and talk to Hal Bottoms, then look at your desk. Take and read the memo, then get a photo from the left drawer and a 3.14 form from the right drawer. Use your notebook on the 3.14 form, then look at the photograph and remember the password (gunner). Give the 3.14 form and crime scene report to Hal, then use the computer at the back of the office. Enter ID 612 and password gunner. Select 'Gang Information', then 'Rude Boys Get Bail'. Read all of the info here, then log out of the computer and exit the building (go down to the lobby in the elevator, then out the door). Push the reporter so you can leave.
LA County Morgue
Head inside and show your badge to Sherry. Talk to Russ, then walk through and talk to Sam. Use your notebook on the body. Walk back out and take the 2 envelopes, then head right outside.
Hickman's House
Knock on the door and talk to Valerie to get inside. Give Bob's envelope to Katherine and she will give you a vest. Talk to her and she will get upset and leave. Talk to Valerie again until she mentions the closet. Look in the closet and grab the pills from the denim jacket. Now leave the house.
LA Police Academy
Go inside and talk to Bert. Take a 13.5.1 form and give it to Bert. Give him some money from your wallet, then collect the ammo and headgear before walking to the right. Walk to the range and put on your head gear. Shoot the targets as they appear, reloading the gun when instructed to. After the training, head out of the range and return the head gear on the way out.
South Central LA
From the murder scene, head left and enter the convenience store. Take a tube of glue and an apple from the counter, then pay for them both and head outside. Walk left twice more. Show your badge to the kid on the right and ask him questions until he repeats himself. Now enter the burned-out building. Look at the bullet holes in the wall, then use your putty knife from the kit to dig all 16 bullets out of the wall. Collect each of the bullets using the plastic bags from the kit. Head left to return to the murder scene, then go right again. Show your badge to the girl then question her. Give her the apple. Head right again and show Mrs Washington your badge. Give her Bobby's envelope then question her.
Parker Center
Attach your ID to your suit so you can re-enter the building, then take the elevator down to the basement. Give the glue and pills to Chester, then go up to the 4th floor. At the end of the hall, give Teddy the bullets, and say they are for shelf storage. Return to your office on level 3, and answer the phone when it rings. After the conversation, exit the building.
South Central LA
Immediately crouch next to the car to avoid gun fire. Crawl along the side of the car and unlock and open the trunk. Unlock the shotgun and take it, then start shooting at the guys as they appear in the windows. If you run out of bullets, load and use your beretta to take them out.
Parker Center
After talking to your boss, head to your desk and talk to Hal Bottoms. Now look at your desk and take a 3.14 form from the right drawer, then fill it out using your notebook. Go to the basement using the elevator and get your gun from SIDS. Talk to Chester. Now leave the building.
Yo Money's Estate
Use your notebook on the chalk outline, then approach the house and search the bushes near the front door. Grab the shoe. Knock on the door and show your badge to the bodyguard. Talk to him, then head inside. Show the shoe to Yo Money's girlfriend. Talk to Yo Money about his enemies ("Walker").
LA County Morgue
Show your badge to Sherry and talk to Russ on the way through. Talk to Sam about Garcia, then leave.
Parker Center
Wear your ID again to get inside, then go up to level 3. Give your 3.14 form to Hal, then use the computer. Login again with 612 and gunner. Look at 'Hate Crimes', then 'Walker'. Logout, and leave the building.
South Central LA
Head right 5 times and talk to LaSondra about the lady in the red dress. Head all the way back to your car and drive away.
Dennis Walker's Place
Knock on the door and show your badge to Dennis. Talk to him, then head inside and talk again. Turn the radio down, then quickly aim your gun at Dennis' girlfriend. Talk to her twice, then handcuff her.
Parker Center
Talk to Mrs Garcia when she arrives. Take the memo from the inbox on your desk, then read it.
Hickman's House
Talk to Katherine, then leave.
Short Stop Bar
Take some pretzels from the bowl, then talk to Sam and Julie.
City Hall
Walk to the front of the building and answer the reporter and the mayor. When Walker stands up, aim your gun at him, then talk to him twice. Handcuff him and the ordeal is over.
Parker Center
Talk to Hal, then grab a 3.14 form from your desk and fill it out with your notebook. Give the form to Hal then leave.
LA Police Academy
Go inside and grab a green form, then give it to the officer. Grab the ammo and headgear and walk to the right. Walk to your position and wear the headgear, then shoot as previously. Walk back to the entrance and return your headgear, then leave the building.
Impound Lot
Show your badge at the window to get the code phrase, then walk around behind the fence. Talk to the man and ask him about the patrol car. Open the car door and grab the newspaper clipping, then read it.
LA County Morgue
Visit Sam and talk to him extensively about the Jane Doe and about any Garcia updates.
Griffith Park
Give your pretzels to the dog, then walk up to the tree with the yellow tape. Dig around in the dirt and collect a bone in one of your plastic bags (from the homicide kit).
LA County Morgue
Go back and see Sam again, asking about the bodies in the car. Give him the bone you found in the park.
Hollywood and Vine
Talk to the man in front of Ragin' Records and the Bitty Kitty Club. Enter the club, showing your badge to Electra before questioning her. Show her the red shoe from Yo Money's house, then ask more questions. Light her cigarette with the lighter from the bar. Go outside and pick up the mirror from the street. Enter Ragin' Records and talk to the owner, then go back outside. Enter the Bitty Kitty again. Show your badge and talk to Barbie, then show her the shoe.
LA County Morgue
Sherry will be questioned by the reporter and you will automatically intervene.
LA County Morgue
Ask Sam about all new information.
Parker Center
Go to the basement and ask Chester about everything, then go up to your office on the 3rd floor. Grab another 3.14 form from your desk and fill it out using your notebook. Give to to Hal. Now go through the back door and talk to the Lieutenant. After that you can exit the building.
Impound Lot
Flash your badge through the window to get today's code phrase, then walk behind the fence and talk to the guy. Ask him about the car again and look at the license plate (E2BSY669).
Parker Center
Go back up to level 3 and use the computer. Login with 612 and gunner, then select 'DMV' and enter license number E2BSY669 to get information. Logout, then leave the center.
Social Services Office
Go through the glass door and show your badge to Nora. Talk to her until you reach Luella's office. Look at the desk and pick up the case files and audio tape. Now look in your inventory and read the case files, noting the names. Leave the office and talk to Nora some more.
Hollywood and Vine
Enter Ragin' Records. Give the audio tape to the owner, then look at the counter. Grab a drum stick. Now head next door to the Bitty Kitty club and ask Barbie Cann about Luella Parker.
Third Eye Theater
Show your badge to the guy in the ticket booth, then talk to him. Go through the door to the left and talk to him, then drink the tea he offers. Go through the right door and you will fall asleep. Leave when you are woken up.
South Central LA
Enter the burned-out building and take the piece of rope from the boxes.
Griffith Park
Use the rope on the dog.
Open the homicide kit and use the pry bar to open the double doors on the left. Now grab the flashlight from the kit and use it to identify the door on the right. Use the putty knife from the kit to jimmy the lock, then push open the door. Put some glue on your drum stick, then attach your car's mirror. Use this device on the crack in the door, and when you are sure the coast is clear, open the door and enter the kitchen. Open the refrigerator. Close it again, then walk left twice and give the pills to the dog.
Go into the pink room at the end of the hall on the right. Open the closet, then move the rug on the floor. Open the trapdoor and you will climb down the ladder. Go through into the theater, looking at the woman, then continue to the back of the room. In the lobby, take the right can, then use it in your inventory to find a skeleton key. Return to the theater and use this key on the door to the right. Turn on your flashlight and you will be knocked out.
Pick up the ball and throw it out the window to distract the dog. Go left, then through the door on the left into the bathroom. Grab the hair spray from the cabinet. Leave the bathroom and return to the kitchen, taking the cigarette lighter from the head in the fridge. Close the fridge and head left twice. Use the lighter on the spray, then walk into the pink room. When you can, use the lit torch on the killer.