Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster
Game Details: Horror, 1995
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 1/21/2025
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Get up from the slab. Walk around the room and examine everything you can find. Pick up the green lifestone crystal and put it on the wooden table just to the right. Pick up the gray cloth and place it next to the lifestone. Take 4 strands of rope and put them on the cloth and lifestone crystal to make a parachute. Pick up the entire structure and throw it out the window. Make sure you pick up the rolled note from next to where you found the lifestone crystal and take it with you. Climb up the ladder leading to the roof and examine plaque (II, wind).
Climb back down the ladder, then continue down through the trap door in the floor of the laboratory to reach the lower level of the tower. Notice the large Tesla coil on this level, and the lever beneath it. Open the door next to the stairs and go out to find a large balcony. Head toward the cannon balls and pick one up, then place it into the steel platform to the left. Pull the rope on the right. After the cannon ball falls down, back out. Take the rope, then turn right and put the rope through the opening in the wall. Go through the opening and head down, through the broken grate, right, down and left twice - this is where you can work in privacy later on.
Continue left twice, down and right. Use the pulley, but the gears will come off - put them back on and use the pulley again. This will open a secret passage out to the main hall.
Go straight ahead through the double doors into a dining room. Turn right and head to the fireplace. Take the bag and look inside it, then read the notes. Return to the table and take the turkey leg, then put it into your bag. Go through the door to the left of the fireplace, then continue right, left and through the door to the right into a kitchen. Read the note here, and Dr Frankenstein will speak to you again.
Return to the main hall and climb up either staircase. Go through the door at the top of either set of stairs to reach the second floor hallway. Go through the one of the doors on this level to find a burnt room. Head over and examine the plaque (I, fire) on the fireplace. Leave this room and search to find another door leading to stairs heading up. Climb up these stairs to reach the third floor. Turn right, then go forward, right and through the door on the left into the Observatory. Read the notes here, then go back down to the main hall again.
Open the main doors and go outside. Go over to the tree on the left and try to pick up the rope - you have no way to secure it to the tree. Examine the plaque (IV, earth) at the base of the tree. Continue past the tree and look up to see the lifestone crystal hanging high above you. Climb up the wall, always choosing the left path when there are several options, and you will reach the lifestone crystal. Pick this up, then climb back down to the ground.
Continue around towards the next doorway, then turn right and examine the plaque (III, water).
Return into the castle, then turn right and go forward through the secret passage behind the tapestry. Climb up the ladder once, then turn around and put your note, turkey leg and lifestone crystal on the desk here. Climb up the ladder, then turn around and head out the grate, and up the rope to the top of the tower. Go inside through the door.
Pick up the wooden plank near the stairs going up, then turn around and use it on the stairs going down, to bridge the gap. Now go down to find a small lab. Take the glowing battery from the desk and the coil of wire on the wall behind it. Now pull the switch on the right to defrost the ice blocking the door to the right of the desk. Turn around and look in the drawer of the other desk in this room to find a key and a note, then use this to unlock the door in the corner of the room - this is your bedroom. Turn around and leave this room, then head through the door next to the desk. You will find yourself in an anteroom. Pick up the crowbar and the notes in this room and take them with you. Examine the locked door and set the 5 levers as follows:
Turn the wheel and the door will open. There are 4 brains in the cabinet near the door - pick up each of them in turn and use them on the desk to the right - insert the drill into the brain and pull the handle to hear their last thoughts. Once you are done here, make your way back to your bedroom.
Secret Passages
Open the small cabinet and go through into a secret passage - you are now in a maze of passages that lead throughout the tower. Start by turning right, then go right again at the end and climb up 2 ladders to the top. Go to the end of this passage and open the grate, then slide the shelves - this leads back to where you first woke up. Back out for now and go back down both ladders.
Turn around and go to the end of this corridor, then follow it right twice and left. At the next fork, go left and head down another ladder. Turn around and go forward 3 times to be blocked by some planks. Use your crowbar to remove these, then follow the passage. Remove a second set of planks with your crowbar. Continue forward and go down another ladder.
Turn around and go forward, then turn right. Pull the lever here - this opens a passage straight out to the main hall. Go here now - if you turn around, you can use the torch on the wall to reopen this passage at any time.
Go to the other end of the hall and through the secret passage behind the tapestry. Climb up the ladder and turn around to put the battery and wires on the desk.
Experiment 1
You should now have a note, turkey leg, lifestone crystal, battery and wires on the desk. Connect the two wires to the two ends of the lifestone crystal. Once you wake up again, pick up the grappling hook, then stand up.
Go down the ladder and out through the tapestry, then leave the castle again. Look down at the rope near the base of the tree on the left. Use your grappling hook on the rope, then throw the rope up and climb up it into a new room. Read the notes on the side table here. Pick up the small table from the middle of the room and put it in front of the main door. Walk forward and the two knights will bend down.
Turn right and remove the block of wood from the base of the aquarium, then push the aquarium and it will end up beneath the chandelier. Turn the winch next to the fire, and you will end up putting the fire out - this opens up another pathway inside the secret passages. Approach the main door and go through. Go forward, turn left, go forward, turn right and go forward through the door ahead - you will end up in a library.
Take the axe from the wall and use it to bring the ladder closer to you, so you can climb down. Read 4 sets of notes (take 3 of them with you). Find a set of balance scales in the shelves and move the weight to the right side to reveal another secret passage. Go through here and turn left, then follow the passage until you find a red valve on the right that you can turn. Go back to the library and head out through the main door.
Make your way to the main hall. Now keep walking around and coming back to the main hall until Dr Frankenstein arrives. Once you see him, save your game. Approach Dr Frankenstein, then follow his instructions precisely (you will die if you make a mistake).
Dungeon and Maze
After you are alone, look left and click on your left hand. Look left and then right again, and take the key. Turn right and use the key on your right hand, then click on your right hand to be free. Walk across the room towards the stairs, then climb through the grate on the right. Crawl forward, then continue forward. Turn left and climb the ladder. You will find yourself in the hedge maze outside the castle:
The apparent distances of the corridors in the maze don't look correct, but you will stop at each intersection on the map above, so just turn in the appropriate directions and you will find your way. You start just to the right of the hole (black). Take a black beetle from the skull (yellow). Find some plants (orange) and put the beetle into the right one, then take some garden shears from the left one. Now use these garden shears on the vines (red). Open the hatch and climb down. Pull the lever on the right, then go through the tunnel and climb up the next ladder.
Planetarium Cave
Approach the large panel on the wall. You need to use this to open 4 gates, based on the information from the 4 plaques you have seen previously:
- Gate 1
Open the first panel in the top row (fire)
Open the first panel in the bottom row (I)
Turn the dial until the outer planet is at 8 o'clock
Pull the handle on the right
- Gate 2
Open the third panel in the top row (wind)
Open the second panel in the bottom row (II)
Turn the dial until the outer planet is at 5 o'clock
Pull the handle on the right
- Gate 3
Open the second panel in the top row (water)
Open the third panel in the bottom row (III)
Turn the dial until the outer planet is at 2 o'clock
Pull the handle on the right
- Gate 4
Open the fourth panel in the top row (earth)
Open the fourth panel in the bottom row (IV)
Turn the dial until the outer planet is at 11 o'clock
Pull the handle on the right
You can only have one gate open at a time. Open gate 4 first and go through to find a mausoleum. Read 6 documents in the open drawer here (and take 3 with you).
Return to the cave and open gate 3, then go through into a wine cellar. To make it through here, go forward 3 times, right, forward, left, forward, right, forward, left, forward and right. Find your way through a small square opening, then turn left and pull the lever to open a path with some tram tracks. Turn around and go up the right stairs, then desk the desk to find some more notes to take. Go back through the square opening and return to the wine cellar. To get back through the maze, go forward, right, forward, left, forward, right, forward, left and forward 3 times.
Back in the Planetarium Cave, open gate 1 - this will be important later. Don't go through here, but instead climb back down the ladder and up the other one to return to the hedge maze. Go straight ahead and you will find a new ladder taking you straight back up to the castle. Go around to where you found the third plaque, then continue along the left side of the water basin and examine the small gargoyle. Push this, then continue forward to the platform that rises up, and go straight ahead through another secret passage.
Follow the path straight ahead to reach some docks, then save your game. Pick up the spear gun and diving equipment, then activate the air compressor. Turn right and get into the water. Look around to find an important note and a treasure chest, then shoot the squid (you will die if you don't have the spear gun). Climb back up the ladder, deactivate the air compressor, then walk away from the dock to remove the diving equipment. The following is a simplified layout for the mines (the directions are not obvious and you will not immediately see all available exits):
Don't attack the hand if you see it within the mines - it will be helpful later on. From the dark blue docks, make your way to the light blue water wheel. Turn the valve to stop the water wheel. Go across and pick up the chain, then attach it to the water wheel. Turn the valve again and the wooden door will be pulled off its hinges. Cross over and flip the large switch on the right, then head through the doorway.
Follow the tram tracks to the left. Pull the lever to open the steel door, then go through and climb the ladder to reach the silver Ore Processing Plant. Go to a conveyor belt in the far wall and activate it. Now return down to the mines and go to all 3 conveyors (marked with C) to activate them as well. Once they are all running and you can see ore moving on them, go back up to the Ore Processing Plant.
Turn right and press the black button to activate the main conveyor belt - you won't see it moving yet. Now go over to the main controls and save your game. Flip the large lever on the left. As the ore comes along the conveyor belt, you must press the red button to crush it with the left crusher, and the black button to crush it with the right crusher. If you miss either of these, the machine will shut off; the easiest thing to do then is restart your game (otherwise you need to pull the lever near the ladder and restart everything again. Once you have processed enough ore, the machine will stop with the ringing of a single bell.
Climb down the ladder - there will be a mine cart filled with ore here. Follow the tracks to see a control panel with 2 switches on it. Keep going to see a switching point - the left track goes to the Melting Chamber. Continue along the track to see another switching point - the left track goes to the Mixing Chamber and the right track is a dead end. Pull the lever here to select the left track.
Return to the control panel and flip the left switch down so the mine cart travels to the Mixing Chamber. Go there now and attach the chain to the wagon, then return to the control panel. Flip both switches down, and the mine cart will head back to the right, ripping off the door from the Mixing Chamber in the process. Make sure both switches are in the up position. Pull the lever to the left of the control panel, then flip the left switch down again, to send the mind cart to the Melting Chamber. Head there now.
Go up the left stairs to find a new control panel. You should have found a note that shows the layout of these controls already:
- Claw Power Switch: The left switch at the top
- Electrode Switch: The right switch at the top
- Temperature Gauge: The left gauge ranging from black to red
- Temperature Control: The adjustable small lever just right of the temperature gauge
- Voltage Control: The rotating dial at the bottom left
- Voltage Meter: The numerical display at the bottom right
- Vertical Claw Control: The knob that slides up/down on the left
- Horizontal Claw Control: The knob that slides sideways in the middle
Take these actions:
- Pull the claw power switch down
- Drag the horizontal claw control right and then left
- Drag the vertical claw control down and then up
- Drag the horizontal claw control right
- Drag the vertical claw control down and then up
- Move the temperature control lever to the far right
- Turn the voltage control knob to set the voltage to 80
- Pull the electrode switch down
- Drag the vertical claw control down and then up
- Drag the horizontal claw control left
- Drag the vertical claw control down and then up
- Pull the electrode switch up
- Pull the claw power switch up
Go down to the main floor of this room. Head over to the Tesla coil in the corner and flip the lever up. Return out to the control panel by the tram tracks. Flip both switches down, and the mine cart (holding the glowing white object) will head back to the right. Make sure both switches are in the up position. Push the lever to the left of the control panel, then flip the left switch down again, to send the mind cart to the Mixing Chamber. Head there now.
Climb up the ladder and approach the controls in the far left corner of the room. You should have found a note that shows the layout of these controls already:
- Electrode Switch: The horizontal switch at the top left
- Claw Control: The knob that can move in multiple directions at the top right
- Claw to Crystal Maker: The knob at the bottom right
- Spin Control Clutch: The large lever to the right of the other controls
- Voltage Meter: The numerical display in the middle
- Voltage Control: The rotating dial at the bottom
Take these actions:
- Drag the claw control right
- Drag the claw control left
Go over to the mixing tub and continue with these actions:
- Turn the left valve to add H2O
- Turn the right valve to add HNO3
- Move the central on the metal pillar switch up to start the mixing
- Pull the small lever at the base of the tub to move the white liquid into the nearby tube
Return over to the controls and take these actions:
- Drag the claw control left
- Drag the claw to crystal maker knob down
- Pull the electrode switch right
- Turn the voltage control knob to set the voltage to 80
- Pull the spin control clutch lever
- Pull the electrode switch left
- Drag the claw control down
Turn around and go to the dumbwaiter. Press the red button to send it up. Leave by going through the wooden door and you will be back in the main hall.
Make your way back to the anteroom and through the next door that you opened with the combination earlier. Continue through the door to the left (if it doesn't open, you haven't read enough notes in the mausoleum - head back there, and remember to open gate 1 again when you are finished).
Approach Dr Frankenstein. After the first conversation, turn around and take the notes from the open desk drawer. Turn left and talk to Dr Frankenstein again. Save your game, then turn left and try to leave. Once Dr Frankenstein points a gun at you, quickly turn around and go through the door.
Make your way downstairs to the main hall, then outside. Proceed around to the left and you will be stopped by a man with a gun. Turn around to see that there are two men with guns. Just keep avoiding them and make your way back into the main hall. Climb up the stairs on the right and go through the door at the top. Continue left, then go to the end of the hall, turn right, go forward, turn left, and go through the door straight ahead.
Turn right and approach the mirror - after it shatters go through the mirror. Follow Sara and she will eventually say that you are safe. Pick up the cup of water she offers. Step forward and turn right - Sara will ask for a bottle from the top shelf. Push a barrel behind the shelves, then pick up the wooden fork and use it to knock a bottle down. Turn around and Sara will talk some more. Keep turning around until Sara stops talking and the hand appears - now just wait until the hand leaves (don't hit it with the rock). Turn back to Sara and she will want to see Dr Frankenstein, and will follow you.
Leave this cave and turn right, then continue around to the right to return to the Planetarium Cave. Open gate 4 and enter the mausoleum. Read the documents in the open drawer again. Back out and turn around, then follow Sara back to the Planetarium Cave. After the earthquake, you will only be able to leave through gate 2, which is now open. Follow Sara into a large cave, then approach her at the base of a tall ladder. Save your game, then climb up the ladders as follows:
- Ladder from ground
- Left ladder (only one)
- Left ladder
- Right ladder
- Left ladder
- Right ladder (only one)
- Right ladder (only one)
- Left ladder (only one)
- Right ladder (only one)
Grab Sara's hand to save her from the monster. You will end up in the garden. Leave this small courtyard through the web-like door. Push the small gargoyle on the side of the water basin, then go forward through the secret passage. Once you reach the docks, look on a grate to the left and read the note, then take it. Now turn around and see a bomb.
Leave the docks and take the left passage to return to the gardens (green on the mines map above). Return into the castle and go up to the 3rd floor, then find the Observatory. Talk to Dr Frankenstein and walk around until he leaves and locks you inside. Go back and talk to Sara again, then look through the telescope.
Go back out near the door and push the desk beneath the wall grate. Look down to the right and open the drawer. Take out the key, then use this on the wall grate - you will unfortunately drop it down through the floor grate. Push the desk back to the left. Go out to Sara and pick up the magnet from the table to her right. Bring this to the floor grate and use it to retrieve the key. Now push the desk once more and use the key on the wall grate. Try to climb inside but you will not fit. Turn left to get Sara, then direct her through the grate. Now go to the door, which Sara will open for you.
Make your way back downstairs and outside into the garden, then through the secret passage in the water basin and straight to the docks - you will find Gabrielle killed by the bomb. Pick her up and carry her back out to the gardens. Head into the castle, then go through the tapestry and up into the tower. Go up to the top floor where you started the game.
Experiment 2
You will automatically place Gabrielle on the table. Go over to the dumbwaiter and open the grate, then look inside and take the lifestone crystal. Insert this into the green receptacle over the table. On the table control panel, flip the 3 horizontal switches right, then flip the 2 vertical switches up. Pull the large lever on the left, and the table will rise up to the roof.
Go down through the trapdoor to the floor below. Examine the large Tesla coil in the middle of the room and flip the switch up.
Go back up to the top floor and climb up the ladder on the wall to reach the roof. Examine the wind gauge and watch for when it is between 10 and 20 - quickly back out and click on the spool of rope to release the kite.
Now head back down to the Tesla coil and flip the switch down. - when the gauge is just beneath the red area, flip it back up again.
Finally, go up to the table control panel and flip the 3 horizontal switches left.