First Class Escape 2First Class Escape 2

Head in the Clouds

Game Details:  Puzzle, 2022

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  3/23/2022

Suggested Listening:  Give Up Now (Ash 25)

First Class Escape 2: Head in the Clouds is a solo or co-operative puzzle adventure set aboard a vintage airship, and is the sequel to the previous game, First Class Escape: The Train of Thought. You must solve a series of puzzles as you chase some spies along the length of the airship. There are 12 Steam Achievements, all documented in the walkthrough below. The next game by the same developer is Escape Memoirs: Mansion Heist.

Storage Room

Look inside the fallen barrel and read the note here - this mentions coordinates of 49°15'N 7°49'E. Look in the bucket on the cleaning trolley to find collectible #1. Pick up the crowbar from the floor at the far end of this area, then use it to pry open the crate on the table. Take out the screwdriver and use it on the exposed screws at the door lock First Things First. Now you can pull the door open to reach the next area.

Staff Quarters

Look behind the corner pot plant to find collectible #2. Open the 3 fuseboxes in this area - the one nearest to the locked security gate has a wiring diagram on the inside of its door.

Go down the corridor and enter the first staff room, belonging to Bertha Barlow and Martha May. Look at the calendar on the wall, which is marked to Sunday 16 June. Read the notices on the board to see the security gate code is 8765432. Next enter the room of Frank Dryden. The calendar on the wall here is marked to Friday 7 June. You can find collectible #3 behind Frank's room door. Look at the notes on his small table (one is a copy of the wiring diagram).

Now you need to place fuses in the fuse boxes. The goal is to get power to gates N and O. Using the wiring diagram, this means you need to power up fuse panels I, E, B and D as follows:

  • Panel I: 1A, 1A, 1A
  • Panel E: 9A, 1A, 1A
  • Panel B: 4A, 2A
  • Panel D: 4A, 3A

Now enter the code 8765432 into the security gate and go through.

Main Hall

Immediately around to the left you will find a keypad that allows access to the B-Wing key, and a note saying that the A-Wing key is upstairs. Go straight ahead and find collectible #4 on one of the small glass tables. Now turn around and head up the stairs. Look next to the pot plant up here to find collectible #5 Novice Agent. Go around and look at the metallic puzzle box on the wall. You need to slide the buttons around so that the correct number are found in each row and column:


Open the panel to the right and take the A-Wing key. Go through the double doors and insert the A-Wing key into the A-Wing door Starting the Investigation. Open the door and go through.



Examine the gate on the right. You need to turn all the lights yellow. The easiest solution is to press the buttons indicated in yellow below:

Open the gate, then go through the waiting area and through the next door.

Security Office

Look at the calendar on the wall, which is marked to Sunday 16 June. Read the notices on the board to see the security gate lock changes every Monday morning, and note from the shift roster that the current year is 1935. Search the drawers and find a series of pages that show codes for different date ranges. Look behind the Morse code receiver on the desk to find collectible #6. There is also a locked suitcase here that requires a combination, and there is a logbook on the desk. The logbook indicates two important things:

  • Frank has left on 7 June, so the security gate lock will not have been updated from this date
  • The combination to the suitcase is the current year

Open the suitcase with the code 1935. Inside the suitcase you will find 2 notes to read, as well as some sort of security cartridge that has 11-6 written on it. Knowing that June 16 is a Sunday, June 11 would be a Tuesday. Using one of the two notes, you will know that Tuesday corresponds with code C5. Insert the cartridge into the top-left of the suitcase. Slide open the left panel to reveal a series of connector pieces. You need to connect contacts C and 5. One solution is as follows:


Take the new note that appears on the right and read it, including the poem at the bottom. Now you can leave the security office.


Follow the main corridor around until you find a door to the library, then head through.


Look inside the red vase on the initial raised platform to get collectible #7. Go down the stairs and look in the second bookcase on the right to find collectible #8. There is a music box on the far end of a long table in the middle of the room, with the label "The Ballad of River Bynks". There is also a small metal piece with the number 15 written on one end. Look in the shelves just to the left here to find a small metal figurine. Place this in the middle of the opened music box, then pull the handle and take note of the music that plays.

Continue to the smaller desks at the far end of the room and find collectible #9 with a broken phone. You will find metal pieces 2, 3, 7, 9 and 13 on the other desks and nearby shelves. Go through the double doors into a small side room. You can pick up collectible #10 from beneath the small round table between the sofas Apprentice Agent. In the shelves you will find metal pieces 5, 12 and 14. On another small round table you will find metal pieces 6, 8 and 10. On the larger table you will find metal pieces 1, 4 and 11. You need to place 3 of the metal pieces into the music device in this room and turn the handle, in order to recreate the music from the music box out in the main part of the library. Insert pieces 5, 8 and 13. Turn the handle, then wait for the music to play. Take the note that appears, which mentions "Global Maxima".

Come back out to the main part of the library. Slide the stairs along the nearby bookshelf to the middle, then climb up to the top. Look at the chandelier here to find collectible #11. Climb back down the ladder.

Find a mechanical lock on another side door. Here you just need to rotate each of the gears so they have a slot facing upwards. Press the down arrow button to then bring the bar of the mechanism down to unlock the door. Push the door open and head out to the corridors again.


Turn right and go up the gentle incline to the double doors. Lift the bar off these so you can open them. Straight ahead, find collectible #12 hidden behind the tapestry on the wall here. Go back down the incline and around to a locked security gate. The solution to this is based on the page from the security office that includes the date range of 3/6-9/6:

Open the gate and go through past some slot machines on the left, and you will reach the guest area.

Guest Rooms

Go to the left end of this corridor and take the master key from the cleaning trolley. Use this to unlock and open the door to Room 001 Following the Clues. Inside this room, find collectible #13 beneath the hat on the floor. Close the suitcase on the table and look carefully at the symbols on the corners. Based on the poem you got from the security office, you need to press these buttons:


Open the secret compartment and take out a cartridge that has 10-6 written on it.

Leave this room and use the master key to unlock and open the door to Room 002. Look at the left end of the high bookshelf to get collectible #14. There is a locked glass case in here that requires a long combination to open. Back out of the room for now.

Use the master key to unlock and open the door to Room 003, then head inside. Look beneath the tall wardrobe on the left to find collectible #15 Intermediate Agent. Look at the complex puzzle on the wall here. The colored buttons rotate the discs of the same color. You need to get the correct number of lit bulbs associated with the circuits attached to each gauge. The following is one solution:


Slide down the unlocked compartment to the right and take out a code instruction sheet and a note. Carry the code instruction sheet back to Room 002 and use it to solve the long combination puzzle in here:

Press the OPEN button on the right, then lift open the cabinet and take out the Planetary Alignments book. Take this and drop it next to the planetarium in the library. Take the cartridge from Room 001 back to the security office.

Security Office

Knowing that June 16 is a Sunday, June 10 would be a Monday. Using one of the notes from earlier, you will know that Monday corresponds with codes B2 and D8. Remove the old cartridge and insert the new cartridge into the top-left of the suitcase. Move the connectors around to connect contacts B and 2, as well as D and 8. One solution is as follows:


Take the new note that appears on the right and read it - it mentions an inscription on the back cover of Maximus. Head back to the library.


Move the ladder on the left so you can climb up the M shelf, and find the red book by BR Maximus. Look at the back cover to see BFEH written here. With the cipher indicated on the note you just read, this corresponds to the number 1547. Examine the small combination lock on the planetarium and enter the code 1547. Now you can lift open the metal cover. Pick up the Planetary Alignments book that you found in Room 002 and open it to the page showing The Global Maxima. Place the book with this page open in the middle of the planetarium so that you can see it when examining the main puzzle. Now you need to use the 5 controls to rotate the planets so they match this picture. At the start, all 5 controls point upwards; move them as follows:

  • First Control: Turn 1 time, to point up and right
  • Second Control: Turn 4 times, to point down
  • Third Control: Turn 1 time to point up and right
  • Fourth Control: Turn 4 times, to point down
  • Fifth Control: Turn 5 times, to point down and left

Look at the open sun in the middle and take out a note. Read this to see the code for the key holder is 351935. Head out of the library and back through the A-Wing doors.

Main Hall

Go downstairs to where you found the keypad on the wall earlier. Enter the code 351935 and take out the B-Wing key. Use this key on the nearby B-Wing door Seeking the Truth. Open the door and go through.



As soon as you enter the corridor, turn around and look up to the right to find collectible #16 on the wooden beams up in the corner, over the red wallpaper. Now follow the corridor around and open a set of double doors on the left. Proceed through here into the next section.


Go into the first office on the right, belonging to Andrew Watson. Climb up on the telescope near the window to be able to reach collectible #17 from the curtain rail. Read the letter on the desk, that mentions a code based on a chess board. Search the drawers to find another letter that mentions an electric lock code based on the date of the newer Husselhaff painting. Looking around at the walls the 2 Husselhaff paintings have dates of 1821 and 1836.

Go over to the smaller desk to find another cipher machine, as well as a security cartridge with 12-6 written on it, and 2 notes in the drawer. Knowing that June 16 is a Sunday, June 12 would be a Wednesday. Using one of the two notes, you will know that Tuesday corresponds with codes E1 and G2. Insert the cartridge into the top-left of the cipher machine. Slide open the left panel to reveal a series of connector pieces. You need to connect contacts E and 1, as well as G and 2. One solution is as follows:


Take the new note that appears on the right and read it - it mentions the code to General Wayne's safe is 5252, and also mentions some decorative armors on pressure plates. Head back out of the office and turn right, then find a gate with a sliding puzzle on your left. Here you need to move the white pieces to the top edge of the puzzle (horizontal, vertical, vertical, vertical, horizontal), and the black pieces to the bottom edge of the puzzle (horizontal, vertical, horizontal, vertical, horizontal). Go through to a smaller area.


Go to bedroom on the right, belonging to Andrew Watson, and open it with the code 1836. Find a note beneath the bed. Take another note from the bedside table and place it next to the chess book on the table at the end of the bed. Flip through the pages of the chess book to realize that the game indicated must have started at position 8. Now go to the chess board and move the pieces to start position 8; the starting code on the machine should be FDHHHHFB. Now play through the moves of the game on the note; the final code on the machine should be CDAHJIEG. Leave and return to the offices.


Go back to Andrew Watson's office and enter the code CDAHJIEG on the combination lock behind the desk. After the safe opens, take out the book called "History of Myrmarsk" and read through it. While you are here, open the drawers in the large chest of drawers based on those indicated on the note you found beneath Andrew Watson's bed:

Take a note from a compartment on the left of the chest of drawers to see the code for Walter Wayne's office and bedroom. Leave this office and enter the code 5072 on the lock at Walter Wayne's office, then head inside. Look up at the small bookshelves on the wall to the right to find collectible #18. Read the book on the desk to see a list of paintings. Open the central desk drawer to find a note and the key to the storage closet. Leave this for now and head back to the bedroom area.


Go to the bedroom on the left, belonging to Mr & Mrs Wayne, and open it with the code 5072. Inside, search the drawers of the small dressing table to see a safe code. Open the wardrobe and look inside the black bag in the bottom to get collectible #19. Read the book called "The Knightly Orders of Medieval Preutroa" on the nightstand for more information about the knights.

Go back to Andrew Watson's bedroom and look around the top railing of the bed to find collectible #20 Expert Agent. Leave the bedroom area and return to the offices.


Enter Walter Wayne's office and enter the animal code into the combination lock behind the desk (Gazelle-Owl-Owl-Raven-Rhino-Horse). Open the safe inside with the code from the note you found in the cipher machine (5252). Inside you will find a gold coin and a lantern. Use the lantern and look at the book of paintings on the desk to see 5 numbers written in secret writing. Walk around and find these paintings, still using your lantern, to find a series of Roman numerals written on the paintings:

  1. Melankol 1914 (V)
  2. Robsen 1882 (VIII)
  3. Melankol 1915 (III)
  4. Husselhaff 1836 (IV)
  5. Roscoe 1933 (II)

Put the lantern back in the office and pick up the gold coin. Take this back through the main hall and up the stairs.



Head back to the series of slot machines along the wall and put the coin in the accessible one House Always Wins. Now you can head back down to B-Wing again.



Follow the corridors past the offices and bedrooms to a larger open area. There are a series of 7 suits of armor here. Examine the table in the middle carefully to find collectible #21 beneath the raised portion in the center. Get the storage closet key from Walter Wayne's office desk and use it to get into the storage closet at the end of the corridor.

Storage Closet

Look in the bottom of the cleaning trolley to find collectible #22. There are also a series of 12 weapons in the room - bring them all out to the corridor so you can start assembling the suits of armor.


Use any of the weapons to go and cut the rope holding the chandelier in a small room near the beginning of the B-Wing area, then bring it back to the suits of armor. Also collect a narrow wooden shield from along the wall near the start of the area and bring that as well. Remove all the shields and helmets from the suits of armor and group them together on the floor so you can see them all clearly. Now you need to use the information from the two books, "History of Myrmarsk" and "The Knightly Orders of Medieval Preutroa" to piece together the suits of armor correctly:

  • Sir Mammon: War officer's helmet (pointed top), halberd (very long spear/axe)
  • Sir Massei: War officer's helmet (pointed top), war officer's sword (ornate black handle), war officer's shield (decorated round metal)
  • Sir Cetelei: Peace officer's helmet (red plume), peace officer's rapier (red handle), peace officer's shield (plain round metal)
  • Sir Kolike: Soldier's helmet (flat top), soldier's sword (plain black handle), soldier's shield (round wooden)
  • Sir Rahei: War officer's helmet (pointed top), war officer's sword (ornate black handle), war officer's shield (decorated round metal)
  • Sir Hillois: Soldier's helmet (flat top), small axe, narrow wooden shield
  • Sir Fyfe: Soldier's helmet (flat top), soldier's sword (plain black handle), soldier's shield (round wooden)

A bookcase will slide sideways, revealing a secret passage. Go through to see a gate with a grid of Roman numerals on a lock mechanism. You need to slide the markers over the Roman numerals you found hidden on the paintings earlier:


The gate will now unlock Uncovering the Secrets. Go through and open the next door.

Secret Rooms

Look on the floor behind some cardboard boxes against the far wall to find collectible #23. Climb on the small set of steps near the entrance and look on top of the nearby bookshelf to get collectible #24. Read the 2 books and the variety of notes around the room, including on the table and the notice board. There are also a variety of chemicals and some DERA-gems in the shelving around the room.

Examine the locked box on the side table. You need to press a combination of buttons to get the holes to align across the middle. Press the buttons indicated in grey below to achieve this:

Now press the bottom button to open the box. Based on the clipboard, there was a partially successful experiment using a combination of 5 DERA-gems (Acranite, Cahalcite, Celdadite, Vaekiwaldanite and Ferrocepelite), so this is what we should focus on for now:

  • Acranite
    This is a clear/white gem that you can collect from the broken chandelier near the start of the B-Wing area.

  • Cahalcite
    You will need to make this one based on instructions in the book on the large table. Turn on the power to the crystallizer and press the red open button. Grab some Antite (dull grey gem) from a box beneath the large table and put it in the machine. You also need nitric acid (diluted), rhodium and titanium oxide, which are all in the shelves. Set the voltage on the machine to 160V, then close it and press the blue start button. Open the crystallizer and take out the new brown/orange gem. Put the other chemicals away again.

  • Vaekiwaldanite
    You will also need to make this one yourself. Take the glowing green Berycite from the locked box on the side table and put it in the machine. You also need methanoic acid and copper oxide, which are both in the shelves. Set the voltage on the machine to 240V, then close it and press the blue start button. Open the crystallizer and take out the new glowing pink gem. Put the other chemicals away again.

  • Ferrocepelite
    This is a red gem that you can find on Walter Wayne's office desk.

  • Celdadite
    According to the clipboard this gem exploded during the last experiment, and there are yellow fragments on the large table. You can find a whole yellow gem in the shelves.

Open the other door here and go through. You can take collectible #25 from amongst the cables on the ground behind the platform Master Agent. Place your five crystals in the holders on the right wall. Turn on the power on the left side of the room. Now approach the controls and enter the coordinates from the beginning of the game (North 49°15'N, East 7°49'). Use the lever on the controls, then step into the light Smooth Escape.