
Free Your Mind

Game Details:  Mystery, 2020

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  2/19/2023

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

Veritas: Free Your Mind is a first person puzzle adventure. After volunteering to take part in some form of medical study by Veritas Industries, you awaken by yourself in a small room with no memory of recent events.


Look at the small shelf on the wall. Pick up the camera and photo album, and read the rolled-up note (16/16). Back out and take a photo of the series of arrows over the bed. Look at the small grey controller next to the door, and move it in the directions indicated by the arrows: up, right, up, down, right, down. Take the padlock key, then back out again.

Examine the oil barrels in the corner of the room. Unlock the padlock with your key, then pick up a barrel. Place the barrel in front of the door. Try to open the vent cover above the door, but you need a screwdriver, so climb back down. Turn around and examine the round glowing puzzle on the back wall. Rotate the discs to complete the path from outside to inside. Now you can pick up a screwdriver and read another note (15/16).

Turn back around and climb up to the vent cover. Use your screwdriver to remove the screws, then climb into the vent. Read another note (14/16). Continue around to the right. Push open the vent cover next to the Exit sign, then climb out.

Chapter 1

Go through the open door #2. Read the diary and the note (13/16) on the bed. Examine the frog poster and tear off the corner to see 5 dots (and left and down arrows). Look in the sink and take a photo of it to notice something in the drain.

Leave this room and go forward in the main corridor. Use the air-conditioner controls to turn the system off. Continue around and examine the guard station desk. Grab the key #3 from the desk. Read the incident report here. Open the drawer to find some batteries and another note (11/16). Back out and search the trash. Examine the cereal box and take a photo of the maze on it. Now look at the red panel on the wall and press the buttons in the same order as solving the maze:


Take out the magnet and read the next note (12/16). Back out and read another incident report on the notice board on the wall. Look at the piggy bank on top of the filing cabinet to see 1 dot (and up and down arrows). Back out to the start of the corridor and turn around, using your key to unlock door #3. Climb up into the vent and go forward then left. Reach through the fan (which should now be turned off) to get some string. Back out, then go right and continue straight along the shaft until you are looking down through another vent cover. Combine your string and magnet, then use this to get key #1. Make your way back to the main corridor.

Use your new key to unlock door #1, then go through the door to see the number 0896 written everywhere. Pick up the TV remote from the bed, and the knife from the sink. Combine your batteries and TV remote, then use this on the TV in the corner of the room. Look at the TV to see an image of a panda with 4 dots (and right and left arrows). Leave here and go back to room #2. Use your knife to cut the rope; you will get the rope and the box will open. Look inside the box to see some rat poison with 2 dots (and up and left arrows). Now look in the sink and use your magnet to get the coin. Examine this to see it shows a goat and 3 dots (and 2 down arrows).

Leave this room and go back around to the guard station. Examine the filing cabinet in the corner. There are 5 files here, each showing an image of an animal, with 2 arrows and 2 spaces for other animals. You need to use the information that you have been gathering already, mixed with the information from these files. Go to the green security panel on the wall and input this information:

  1. Up, right, left, down
  2. Up, right, left, left
  3. Down, down, up, right
  4. Down, right, left, up
  5. Left, left, down, down

The door will now open, so head through.

Chapter 2

Ignore the large door ahead, and go right, then straight ahead. Ignore the passage down to the lab, and continue straight ahead and through the large sliding doors. Climb the stairs and read the note (9/16) on the machine. Examine the "Critical Error" message on the right, and notice the slot to place something on the left. Go to the left to see a closed door with a cross in the middle. Head back and around to the right and take a photo of the same door from the other side. Go back around to the left and press the button to raise the door. Take a photo from the other side again. Raise the door once more and take one last photo (you will now have 3 of these).

Back all the way out of these area and go down the ramp towards the lab. Continue until you can examine the toe tag on the body (0896, Philip Latane), and pick up the QR piece from here. Keep going past the body and take photos of 8 QR codes on the walls. Head through the next door into the lab itself. Examine the first bench and take a photo of the blue test tubes, then examine the second bench and pick up another QR piece. Also open the drawer here and take the padlock key. Notice the puzzle box on the bench, but you don't have the code for it yet.

Return to the start of this chapter and go through the left door. Examine the blue lights on the left, and set them according to the test tubes from the lab:

Take the light switch and read another note (8/16). Go forward to the locked gate and open it with your padlock key. Look in the crate to the right and take a photo of the stickers on the top of the box. Open the box and take the sponge, then read the note (7/16). While you are here, look at the small cabinet on the wall and take another QR piece.

Back out and go right to the Observation Room. Add your light switch to the controls here and turn it on. Read the note (10/16) on the chair and look at the test answers on the desk (take another QR piece from here). Also take note of the Roman numerals on the right wall. Leave this room and go to the Calibration Room. Look through the window on the right. Take a photo each time you line one of the arrows up with the same shape in the room beyond - the Roman numerals highlighted each time are important. Back out, then examine the polygraph machine on the table. Pick up another QR piece, then look at the responses for the 5 questions and take a photo.

Return to the start of the chapter again, and examine the puzzle box on the floor. You need to set it according to the stickers on the top of the box:

Pick up the broken telescope and QR piece from inside. Go back towards the lab and look at the door to the left of the body. Use your telescope to break the window, then to reach the button on the other side. Once the door is open, read the note (6/16), then go inside. Look at the piece of paper here and take a photo.

Return to the start of this chapter and go through the left door again. Examine the red lights on the right, and set them according to the piece of paper you just found:

Take the QR piece and QR scanner. Go back past the start of the chapter and continue right. Look at the wall over the ramp down towards the lab. Insert your QR pieces here. Now rearrange these based on the photos you took earlier (and in particular the red markings around them):

Now use your QR scanner here to see the code 141204. Head through to the lab and look at the puzzle box on the second bench. Based on the photos you took through the window earlier, enter the code XIV-XXI-IVX. Take out the key card. Head back to the main door at the start of the chapter. Insert your key card, then enter the code 141204. After the door opens, head through.

Chapter 3

From the central area with a glass tube, go through the left door. Look down at the grate in the floor, and soak up some water in your sponge. Back out of here, then go forward twice and right towards the Library. Head forwards through the open door into a bedroom. On the table, read the green journal. Open the wallet to get some coins and read a small note. Also read the note (4/16) on the table. Go to the back of the room to a desk. Pick up the projector remote and read the note (1/16).

Back out of here and continue left towards the Library. Open the tube on the ground and take out an x-ray of a hand. Continue into the Library and use the computer. Press the eye symbol to display the password, then back out and look at the projected image. Use your projector remote to adjust the focus until you can see the password, then take a photo. Also look at the books in the shelves, and take another photo. Back out of the library and go back again, then look at the green machine on the left wall.. You need to press buttons to show symbols matching the books in the library shelves. The top row of books from left to right are:

  • Big square, small triangle
  • Big triangle, small circle
  • Big square, small circle
  • Big square, small circle
  • Big circle, small circle
  • Big circle, small square

The bottom row of books from left to right are:

  • Big square, small triangle
  • Big circle, small triangle
  • Big square, small square
  • Big triangle, small square
  • Big circle, small circle
  • Big square, small circle

Take the roll of duct tape. Now head right towards the Rec Room, then continue inside. Look at the chess board and take a photo of it. Look at the green table to the right. Pick up the metal disc, and take a photo of the writing on top of the puzzle box. Back out, then go to the back part of the room. Read the note (2/16) on the pool table, then take a photo of the balls on the table. Back out and look at the blackboard, taking a photo of the list of coordinates.

Back out until you reach a yellow door with "No Entry" written above it, then head left towards the Diner. Head inside and approach the jukebox. Insert a coin, then enter the sequence from the blackboard and chess board: B1, B4, C2, C3, A8, B3, B4, A6, C3, C6, A3, C5, A8, B1, B4, B2, C3, A8, C4, B4, A1, C3 - you will then see the code "Blue, Green, Red, Blue, Yellow". Back out, then take a photo of the food in the first booth. Go to the second booth to find the next note (3/16). Examine the puzzle box, using trial and error to slide each latch open in this order:

  1. Top right
  2. Bottom left
  3. Bottom right
  4. Top left
  5. Middle left
  6. Middle right

Pick up the door knob. Back out and look at the kitchen. Use your sponge on the coffee machine to half-fill the reservoir. Look in the sink and pick up the red metal cog. Back out of the Diner and go left towards the Music Room. Look at the orange circle on the wall. Use your metal disc here, and move it around to see pairs of letters that need switching. Looking back at the letters on the puzzle box from the Rec Room, you can convert "KYI GHHI VFDITE KEDBK TDBEO KZHVT" into "SUN MOON PLANET STARS EARTH SCOPE".

Go back, then head right towards the Gym. Take a photo of the circles on the right wall here. Press the button next to the door, then enter the Gym. Pick up the metal weight from the left that says "WHERE?". Use your knife on the punching bag to the right, then take out the eyepiece. Now you need to walk around the corridors and press the buttons in the order mentioned on the jukebox:

  1. Blue: In the corridor straight ahead from the glass tube at the start of the chapter
  2. Green: In the corridor heading to the Music Room
  3. Red: In the corridor heading to the Diner
  4. Blue:In the corridor straight ahead from the glass tube at the start of the chapter
  5. Yellow: In the corridor heading to the Rec Room

Take the drumsticks from the cabinet that opens next to the yellow button. Enter the Rec Room and examine the puzzle box on the green table to the right. Press the buttons according to the converted text:

  1. Sun
  2. Moon
  3. Planet
  4. Stars
  5. Earth
  6. Scope

Pick up the 2 broken keys - note the message here that says "use the 3 broken keys to open the piano". Head back towards the Library and look at the symbol on the right wall before going inside. Use your eyepiece here to see some arrows, then take a photo. Now go and enter the Music Room. Examine the piano and insert your 2 broken keys. Now play keys on the piano until you find a broken one that doesn't make any sound - hold this down until the piano opens. Look inside and take a photo of the boarding passes, then pick up the flag token. Back out and examine the drum kit - there are 7 components, matching the layout of the food from the Diner. Count the number of food items in each object to determine the order to hit the components of the drum kit, then use your drumsticks to hit them in this order:


Look in the opened compartment and take the wooden star. Go all the way back to the start of the chapter with the glass tube, and head left. Examine the cogs, and insert yours so they all start turning. Back out and use your duct tape to fix the black and yellow pipe. Also insert your wooden star in the front of the chest on the floor.

Chapter 2 Area

Go back to the lab in the previous section. Examine the light box and put your hand x-ray on it. Move it around until the symbol lines up, then take a photo of the letters and numbers on the fingers. Look at the refrigerator in the back of the lab and enter the code from the x-ray: U5Y4U2X1Z3. Pick up the severed finger from inside the refrigerator.

Chapter 3 Area

Go straight ahead from the glass tube to the "No Entry" door. Use the severed finger on the fingerprint reader to the right of the door, then head forward up the stairs. Continue into the office and pick up the mug from the right and the metal globe from the left.. Examine the yellow box on the left. You need to use the photo with arrows that you took earlier to solve this puzzle:

  1. Move top slider right
  2. Move middle slider right
  3. Move top slider left
  4. Move bottom slider right
  5. Move top slider right
  6. Move middle slider left
  7. Move bottom slider left
  8. Move top slider left

Pick up a bedroom key card. Now examine the computer on the desk. Insert the key card into the slot, then type the password you saw earlier on the projector (PD-VR-97UY). Use your severed finger on the fingerprint scanner, then take the fixed key card. Back out of this area, then head towards the Library, going straight into the bedroom. Look in the cupboard on the left and add your metal globe to the others. Now rotate them so they match the photo of the circles from earlier. From left to right, the arrows should point as follows:

  • Left
  • Down and right
  • Right
  • Down and left

Take another flag token, and take a photo of the boarding passes. Back out of this room, then use your key card to open the door to the left. Head into this bedroom. Read the red journal on the coffee table. Insert the door knob into the cupboard door on the right, then open it and take a photo of the shirts. Go to the back of the room. Look at the bunk bed to see a book with a bookmark that says "LIES WEIGH HEAVILY ON THE MIND". Also read the note (5/16) and look at the cross. You need to set the controls to match the number of stars on each of your 3 door photos from earlier:

  1. 5
  2. 3
  3. 1

Pick up the Allen key. Now go to the Rec Room and examine the slot machine. Insert a coin and press the Spin button. Hold any of the images that are correct, and keep spinning until they show the same symbols that were on the shirts in the cupboard: Lemon, Seven, Diamond, Cherries. Take the torch from the opened slot at the bottom of the machine.

Next return to the Diner. Examine the coffee machine in the kitchen. Place your mug here, then press the button and notice the symbols that appear. Now go to the Gym and examine the weights. Use your Allen key on the lock, then pick up all of the weights. Go back to the start of the chapter and enter the room on the left. Examine the mug you are holding carefully and count the spokes on the various symbols. Now examine the cogs and rearrange them as follows:


Take another flag token and take a photo of the boarding passes. Back out and now examine the door on the right. You need to use the information from the polygraph questions and readings, then place the weights on the brain symbol that correspond to lies: WHO, WHEN and HOW. This will reveal a lock-down code of 1172493.

Return to the Library and look at the round device on the low table. Now based on the boarding passes, you need to turn the various flag tokens to indicate directions of travel following the path shown here from 1 to 6, then back to 1:


Pick up the metal valve.

Chapter 2 Area

Head left from the start of this chapter and go through the previously locked gate. Attach the metal valve to the pipe on the left.

Chapter 3 Area

Take the key from the glass tube, which is now filled with water.

Chapter 2 Area

Go down towards the lab, and go through the door on the left. Use your torch on the dark passageway, and follow it until you reach a closed door. Pick up the toy car from the floor. Examine the buttons on the wall and set them to match the pool balls from earlier:

Go through the door and grab another toy car from the table. Now back out and go to the previously locked gate once more. Look on the right wall in here and insert the toy car with a D on it. Now you can take another wooden star from the cabinet here.

Chapter 3 Area

Go left from the start of this chapter. Insert your wooden star in the chest, then take the glowing artifact from inside. Back out of this room, then go forwards and up the stairs. Insert the glowing artifact on the right here. Go through to the next room and examine the red cabinet on the left. Use the key to unlock the cabinet, then enter the code 1172493. Press the button next to the elevator.

Chapter 4

Move the chair away from the stairwell door. Continue forward to see a big sign.

Pick up the bucket, then look at the writing on the left wall: "MANY TIMES ARE ONE". Look at the door to Security on the left - drag the laser down so that it points at the center of the target, and the door will open. Head through the door. Look at the bench on the right and pick up the hammer and scrap of paper. Note the cryptex here - you don't know the solution yet. Look at all of the security cameras on the left.

Back out of this room, then head right towards Storage. Use your hammer on the exposed bricks. Pick up the bricks, and find another slot for the glowing artifact here. Now go around the pillar, open the door and go through. Take the mirror from the left. Examine the panel with buttons and irises on the right, then press the 1st and 4th buttons. Back out, then swap your bricks for the jack on the floor. In your inventory, combine the rope and bucket. Open the dumbwaiter on the right and use the bucket in the opening.

Chapter 3 Area

Pick up the glowing artifact. Head back to the Diner and open the dumbwaiter here - the bucket should be waiting inside. Put the glowing artifact into the bucket.

Chapter 4 Area

Head to the Storage room again and look in the dumbwaiter. Pull the rope, then pick up the glowing artifact. Go back out to the brick pillar and place the glowing artifact in the holder. Go back to the big sign and go forward to Reception.

Take a leaflet from the robot here. Now look to the right and pull the lever on the wall to see a whole lot of moving symbols. Go through the door and look at the hatch on the right. Press the red button beneath the iris. Back out and put the mirror on the left between the chairs. Now examine the clocks on the wall and change the times to spell ONE:

Pick up the key piece from the opening amongst the clocks. Also look at the coffee table and pick up the scrap of paper. Back out of this room, then head towards the left escalator. Look at the reception desk and pick up the prism and key piece. Also open the small box here and take out the key and scrap of paper. Now head up the escalator. Step forward and put the glass prism in the opening on the left. Back out, then take a photo of the panel on the opposite wall. Use the key to open the wooden door in front of you, and you will automatically go through.

Enter the Meeting Room on the right. Look at the trash can on the floor here. Pick up the scrap of paper from the floor, and take a photo of the pink piece of paper in the trash can. Back out of this room and enter the Developers Room. Press the red button to open the hatch on the back wall, then use your jack to keep it open. Now press the red button inside this hatch. Back out and examine the computer. Pick up another scrap of paper from here. Notice the pink "Passcode" note - if you look back at the photo of the pink piece of paper and its shape, you can tell your photo is upside down. Use the computer keyboard to enter the passcode 20561. You now find out that you are missing a "sim cube". Back out for now and enter the Meeting Room again. Look at the pink pad on the desk, and add your scraps of paper. Piece them all together, then click to turn them over and use your duct tape on them. Pick up the taped paper.

Back out until you are at the reception again. Examine the robot and place the taped paper in its tray. Go through the doors on the right again, and examine the puzzle box on the low table. You need to move the pegs into pairs of symbols that when added together form each of the 4 symbols from the photo of the upstairs wall panel. You then need to take note of the code displayed in the middle of the puzzle box:

  • OXX
  • XOO
  • OXX
  • OOO

Go back out past the robot and through the left doors to return to the large sign. Enter Security again and take another key piece from the opened box on the wall. Now look at the red television monitor and watch all the messages - note the final word ESCAPE. Drag the blue arrows upwards until you see a strange message with 5 green symbols, and take a photo of this. Back out again and examine the cryptex on the bench, opening it with the code ESCAPE. Take another key piece from inside.

Head through reception and up the escalator, then examine the wall panel and enter OXX, XOO, OXX, OOO. Pick up the final key piece. Go through the wooden door, then around to the right. Examine the lock to the left of the storage closet. Insert the 4 rounded key pieces, then insert the main one to open the closet. Go inside and pick up a sim cube. Back out and enter the Developer Room again. Go over to the computer and place the sim cube in the stand. Use the screen and click on the right side to copy the data to the sim cube.

Go back to the top of the escalator and head through the glass door on the right. Examine the panel on the right - you need to trace a pattern using the 5 green symbols you saw at the bottom of the red television monitor. The layout of the buttons is as follows:


Trace the following sequence (without letting go): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 1. Now insert your sim cube in the new slot. Back out, then sit in the chair.

Chapter 5

Go down the stairs and ahead into Bay 01. Examine the blue computer screen where you need to solve a series of puzzles - just click on the squares in order to turn them all green:


Pick up the UV torch. Turn left to the yellow bunk and read the Bible summary, noting passage 1:3 "Let there be light". Now look at the window here. Press the button, then take two photos when the red plus symbol lines up with the red circle and the red square. Back out, then go forward. Open the green book and take the spinning top from inside. Look at the black blinds to the left, then use the UV torch on them and take a photo of the 4 symbols. Go back to the HAPPY BIRTHDAY sign and rearrange the letters to match these 4 symbols:


Take the nodding bird desk toy. Go forward 3 times to approach a medical area. There are 2 buttons here, and they need to be pressed at the same time. Use the desk toy on one of the buttons, then press the other one yourself - the doors will open. Don't head inside yet, but instead continue along the left corridor. Climb down the ladder on the left and examine the cooling system to see that it needs more water. Climb back up the ladder, then continue forward and examine a small green panel on a stand. You need to set the number of crosses for the green square and blue circle screens according to the photos you took through the window earlier:


This will open the doors ahead. Examine the drinks machine to the left and order a coffee with 0 milk, 0 shots and 0 sugar, then take your cup of hot water. Back away from the machine, then go straight ahead. Examine the computer console to get an objective to repair the ship's cooling system. Head down the stairs on either side, and examine the loose control panel. Remove the cover, then take a photo of the wires beneath.

Head back up to the medical area and go along the right corridor. Look at the controls on the right and adjust them based on the photo of the wires you just took:

Pick up the rubber gloves. Now back out and enter the medical bay itself. Open the cryogenic tube on the left. Put your cup of hot water inside then close the tube and open it again. Now pick up the cup of cold water. Open the green container on the right of the room and use your rubber gloves to get the glowing carbon rods. Back out of the medical bay and go left, then down the ladder again. Pour your cold water into the cooling system to repair it.

Go back to where you saw the black blinds on the left. Examine the alarm clock on the floor. Use your glowing carbon rods on the darkness here to review a number written on the wall. Go forward past the medical bay and examine the green computer screen. Enter the number 4492. Go through the opened door to the bridge.

Chapter 8

Follow the path of the glowing rods until you reach a gap, then jump over it.

Chapter 9

Go all the way along the gangway into a control room. Look at the calculators on the desk to see the numbers are increasing in the pattern (2x+1). Therefore the 3 sequences are:

  • 2, 5, 11, 23
  • 3, 7, 15, 31
  • 6, 13, 27, 55

Next look at the red screens in the top right part of the room, and take a photo of them just before they all go fully red. Next look at the round red screen. Move the top slider to the far left, then move the bottom slider near the middle, and take a photo when the pattern is over the top of the dots.

Open the door on the right and go through. Walk around to see that some control rods are missing. Go back and close the door to see a series of numbers on the back of it - take another photo here. Go back into the control room and examine the green sonar machine on the left. Press the buttons in the order indicated on the back of the door:


Now look at the display to see a series of 5 dots have appeared. Go back to the entry gangway and look at the green console on the right. Enter the numbers from the third calculator (6, 13, 27, 55). Take the control rod from the opened room. Go back again and examine the yellow puzzle on the left. You need to move the 6 yellow levers according to the order of the dots from the round red screen:


Pick up another control rod from the opened room. Back out again, then look at the blue console on the right. Here you need to follow a path according to the red screens from the top right of the control room:

Grab the next control rod from the opened room. Turn around and look at the final console on the left. Here you need to click on the segments of the sonar display matching the findings from the green sonar display in the control room. If you count clockwise around the 16 segments from the top, work out to in and click on these segments:

  • 11th segment (outer)
  • 4th segment
  • 1st segment
  • 8th segment
  • 14th segment (inner)

Pick up the final control rod. Go back through the control room and out the right door again. Insert the 4 control rods - don't worry that there is still one missing. Head back into the control room.