The Uninvited
Game Details: Horror, 1986
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 9/2/2001
Suggested Listening: Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)
Car Crash
Open the door, the exit the car. Open the mailbox and open the envelope within, then take the talisman. Open the door and go inside.
From the entrance hall, open the door on the right and go through to find the library. Open the book and examine it (you need this info later, so take the book with you or write it down). Go back out of the library to the entrance hall, then open the door straight ahead and go through. Continue up the stairs, then open the first door on the right and enter it to find the storage closet. Take the Spider Cider and the No-Ghost, then leave the closet and go downstairs to the hall.
Open the bottle of No-Ghost, then open the first door on the right. Use your No-Ghost on the ghost, then drop the bottle and go through the door to the parlor. Open the next door here and go outside - you will see a spider run past along the railing. Use your Spider Cider on the railing, then go back inside. Go outside again, then take the spider and drop the Spider Cider. Head back inside, and back out to the hall.
Open the far door on the left and go through to the dining room. Take the flowers, then open and go through the far door on the left into the kitchen. Take a knife from the far wall. Enter the room on the right (pantry) and take the matches, then back out. Enter the room on the left (bedroom). Operate the lights here, then drop the spider on the floor to scare away the ghost. Open the book from the safe and examine it. Now back out of the bedroom, and go all the way back to the entrance hall.
Use your knife on the left chair, and take the gold skeleton key. Go back to the upstairs hallway and open the near left door, then go through to the master bedroom. Open and examine the book on the small table, then use your gold key on the cabinet and open it. Examine the 2 scrolls here, then take the box. Go back down to the entrance hall.
Open your matchbox. Use a match on the matchbox, then use it on the fireplace to start a fire. Put your wooden box in the fire, then take the brass pentagram. Go to the hall, then open and go through the near left door. Use your gold key on the cabinet and open it. Speak to the gypsy doll, saying SPECAN HEAFOD ABRAXAS. Open the door straight ahead and go through to enter the trophy room. Take the cage from the floor, then go through the door to reach the backyard.
Take the middle path and enter the greenhouse. Use the watering can on the empty pot on the left table, then take the empty pot (a plant will slowly grow in this while you are carrying it around). Back out of the greenhouse and take the right path. Speak to one of the dogs, saying INSTANTUM ILLUMINARIS ABRAXAS. Now open the chapel door and go inside.
Open your matchbox again. Use a match on the matchbox, then use it on the candle holder. Drop your matchbox, then take the candle holder, and also grab the cross from on top of the altar. Speak to the stone head here, saying SPECAN HEAFOD ABRAXAS. Go out the open door to the church grounds (if you didn't have the lit candle holder you would be dead now). Go forward into a maze. Now head north, west twice, north twice, west twice, north twice, east twice, north twice and east twice to find a zombie. Use your amulet on the zombie to make it run away. Now continue east twice and south twice. Put your flowers on the ground and go through the secret passage. Use your gold key on the lock, then quickly use your cage to catch the bird. Head south twice. Put your cage on the ground and open it to get rid of the creature, then take the gem. To get back out of the maze, go north twice, east, north twice, west 4 times, south twice, west twice, south twice, east twice, south twice, east twice and south twice. Continue back to the mansion.
Go to the upstairs hallway and go through the middle door on the right. Pick up the axe, then return downstairs and then out to the backyard. Take the left path to find the Magisterium. Use your gem in the hole above the door, then go inside. Use your potted plant (which should now have 2 fruit on it) to the blue demon and it will fly away. Open the door straight ahead and go through. Open the safe with combination 79-47-80 (derived from a hints you can find in the study and the master bedroom). Use your axe on the cookie jar within, then drop your axe and take the cookie.
Return to the mansion and go to the rec room (south of the trophy room). Put the cookie on the floor and move it around until the red demon eats it and leaves behind his small key. Go back to the room in the Magisterium with the safe. Open the trapdoor and go down.
On the DOS version of the game take the left tunnel, and on the Windows version of the game take the right tunnel.
Use your brass star on the ice to melt it. Go forward to the next cave and push the man into the pit. Go forward past the pit and use your small key on the door, then open it and go through to the study. Return to the upstairs hallway. Open the far left door and go through, then open the other door here and go through to the bathroom. Turn on both knobs over the bath, then try to open the light on the ceiling. Keep trying to do this until you can finally reach it, then go up through the hole.
Hit your brother and he will escape. Use your wooden cross on the gold demon, then escape through the window.