Game Details: Mystery, 2019
Links: Moby Games, Steam
Walkthrough Updated: 6/25/2024
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
Entry Hall
Walk forwards and read the signs on either side of the room. There is an additional sign to the right of the stairs near the door, which says "To open the door, you need a key". There is another sign back down a small corridor next to where you entered the hall - this says "To open the door, you need a pill".
Go to the stairs leading to the exit door and move the mat, then pick up the key. Walk into the door ahead and it will open so you can continue.
In the next room, there are pairs of arrows on the walls that you can move to reveal numbers, and the room changes color as you advance. Keep going through the next door to see some more signs, then press the button in the middle of the room to turn on the lights.
You will find yourself in a room with 3 different colored doorways and you cannot proceed until you eat a matching colored pill.
Colored Rooms
Green Room
Eat the green pill in the corner of the room, then go through the green door. Walk forward in this dark room and you will hear an audio recording. At the far end of the room, use the light switch on the wall to the left. Jump up on the small table along the side wall so you can eat a green pill on top of the wooden artwork on the wall. You can now open the green door near the light switch.
Enter the storage room and go to the far side of the 3 lockers, then push them aside (by holding the T key). Use the light switch hidden behind the lockers. Jump up on the chair in the middle of the storage room so you can press the button on the top shelf. This will reveal the number 3. Eat the blue pill on the wooden desk in the corner of the storage room. Now return to the room with 3 different colored doorways.
Blue Room
Eat the blue pill next to the sign that says "If you die, you will return to the beginning of the game". Go through the blue door to see a small corridor with a snowman. Because you ate the blue pill in the green room, you can also open the blue door ahead.
You will now be in an art gallery with a spiral staircase. Read the signs on the walls here - one says "Press what you see". Go upstairs and look at each of the numbered plaques. Press the 8 key while you are standing in front of the number 8 plaque, then quickly go and jump into the chair that raises up. Eat the blue pill here. Jump down from the chair again. Also eat the red pill on the wooden desk upstairs. Now return to the room with 3 different colored doorways.
Yellow Room
Eat the yellow pill in the corner of the room, then go through the yellow door. Because you ate the red pill in the blue room, you now have a choice to proceed either left or right. Go through the right door to enter a dark maze.
You will first see a sign that says "What do you hear?". Once you turn left, you can immediately follow another small passage to the left to find a sign that says "Here the silence", and if you keep going there is a yellow pill. If you ignore this small passage and keep going, you will find a sign that says "You need to take a pill", followed by another yellow pill - eat this one.
Turn right just before last sign and follow this path to reach a small bedroom.
Red Room
This has signs that mention the number 1. There is also a tiny horse figurine on the table that you can touch to hear a tune. Make your way back to the yellow room.
Yellow Room
Because you ate the yellow pill in the red room, you can now open the yellow door in the back of this room. You will find yourself in a small room with playing cards on the walls. Wait for the glass panel on the far wall to go down, so you can enter a larger games room. Find the sign that says "Horse" and eat the yellow pill here.
Back in the small room there will only be a card with the number 9 left on the wall. Go back out to the first part of the yellow room and go through the other red door into the fire maze.
Because of the fire on the ground, look up at the ceiling to help find your way through this maze. Keep going until you see a white square panel on the ceiling - do not eat the red pill immediately beneath it, but instead turn around and eat the one on the nearby ledge. Now you can keep going through a smoky maze using the same technique. Again when you reach the end, eat the red pill that is not directly beneath a white light. In the third segment of the maze, which is slightly darker, get to the end and this time eat the red pill beneath the white light.
Continue and you will hear another audio recording in a small room with 2 tables, each containing a red pill. Look at the pictures on the walls - you want to eat the pill next to the picture of the man wearing the helmet, so eat the right pill. There is a dark doorway ahead - do not enter it, as you will not be able to leave again. Instead, make your way all the way back to the entry hall.
Entry Hall
Make your way to the room that changes color and think about the numbers you have found, then about the arrows and numbers on the walls here to get the order:
- Blue: 8
- Yellow: 9
- Green: 3
- Red: 1
In the very first room, there is a sign that says "You need to make a five-digit code". Go through the white opening into another room. Stand on the platform and a red light will go on. Go back within this room and step into a small partition in the middle, then press the button here to go up in an elevator. Explore this final room, but do not eat any pills.
Go back down in the elevator and stand on the platform again. Now enter the code 89312 using your keyboard (you can determine this through trial and error since you know the first 4 digits), and step into the light. Continue forward into the next room and press the H key when prompted.