The Tiny Bang Story
Game Details: Sci-Fi, 2011
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 10/2/2013
Suggested Listening: Give Up Now (Ash 25)
Chapter 1
Find 5 puzzle pieces, then press the top red button and go through the door to climb up the tree.
Find 4 more puzzle pieces here, then click on the ladder to see 5 rungs are missing. Take a ladder rung from the inside of the open hatch. Now click on the numbers on the inside wall and solve the matching puzzle (match all number pairs until you are left with the numbers 713). Go through the bottom door to climb back down.
Click on the large partially open panel, then collect 2 more ladder rungs. Open the furnace door, then click to look inside. Find 3 puzzle pieces and 1 ladder rung, then back out of here. Click on the panel on the switch to the right and enter the number 713. Take the ladder rung from the inside of the switch panel door, then click on the open panel to see you need 9 light globes. Take the light globe from over the top door, then press the top red button and climb up again.
Take the light globe, then use your ladder rungs on the ladder and climb up again.
Find 7 puzzle pieces (one in the cupboard on the right) and 3 light globes. Click on the locked chest and the empty picture frame, then go upstairs.
Find 4 puzzle pieces and 3 light globes. Click on the telescope then pop 25 sets of balloons that are holding flasks with pieces of canvas. Back out of this game and go back downstairs.
Use your pieces of canvas on the black picture and solve the jigsaw puzzle. Pick up the key that the old lady drops and use it to unlock the chest. Inside, take the 2 puzzle pieces, light globe and wrench. Go all the way down to the ground.
Use your wrench on the 3 bolts to open the large panel - now you need to find 8 pipes and 7 gears. Pick up 2 gears and a pipe from here, then open the furnace door and get another gear and pipe. Use your light globes on the switch panel on the right and rotate the globes so they are red, purple and green from top to bottom. Now go back up.
Take a pipe, and open the alarm panel to find a gear. Continue up.
Find a gear and pipe in the room, another gear and pipe in the chest, and yet another pipe from the cupboard. Head upstairs.
Find the last gear and 2 pipes, and head down to the ground.
Use your gears and pipes on the open panel, then press the bottom red button and head in through the opening to find a dismantled train. Correctly place the 16 train parts using the diagram provided, then go back outside.
Chapter 2
Tree Trunk
Find 7 puzzle pieces, then click on the open elevator mechanism to see you need to find 3 wheels. Now click on the sliding screen panels and change them to show the picture of an airplane (from the starting position press buttons 2, 1 and 4 from the left). Now go left by clicking on the blue arrow.
Find 5 puzzle pieces, then open the round glass door to the lab and click inside to see you need to find 2 flasks. Continue left.
Find 5 more puzzle pieces, then open the hatch and click inside to see you now also need 4 handles. Pick up 1 valve handle then return to the right.
Pick up another valve handle, then open the gray cover on the ground on the right and head through.
Underground House
Find 5 puzzle pieces in the room. Open the top cupboard and get another puzzle piece. Open the bottom cupboard and take a wheel. Open the trapdoor and look inside, then take a flask and another puzzle piece. Open the chest and look inside, then take a wheel, the last flask, a valve handle and the last puzzle piece. Click on the picture on the wheel and rearrange the tiles, then take the last wheel from the picture. Now climb back up the ladder.
Open the round glass door again and use your flasks on the vat. Correctly place the 13 machine parts using the diagram provided, then go back outside. Head right.
Tree Trunk
Take the last valve handle. Put your wheels in the tree's mechanism, then try pressing the elevator button but you need a battery. Return left.
Take the battery and head back to the right.
Tree Trunk
Insert your battery and press the elevator button. Now click on the door to see you need to find 24 balls and a triangle button. Pick up 7 balls from here before going left.
Pick up 3 balls from out in the open, and find another 3 balls inside small hatches. Head down.
Underground House
Pick up 2 balls from out in the open, 1 in the top cupboard, 1 in the chest, 1 in the medicine cabinet and 1 beneath the trapdoor. Climb up again and go left.
Find 5 balls, then use your valve handles on the controls. Now join all the pipes together so the gas flows without any leaks. After you are done, click on the glass dome at the top of the right bottle to see you need 4 levers. Pick up the lever from the ground on the left, then go right.
Pick up the lever here, then go down.
Underground House
Pick up the lever, then go back up and right.
Tree Trunk
Take the lever, then go all the way back to the bottles.
Use the levers on the glass dome and complete the matching patterns puzzle, then go back outside. Look at the television and navigate the ship through the obstacles in the minigame (destroy the green blocks with the + button on the left). Take the triangle button from the ship that arrives. Head all the way to the right.
Tree Trunk
Use your triangle button and balls in the door, then rearrange the balls so the orange are in the middle, then blue and finally yellow on the outside. Head through the open door.
Chapter 3
Find 4 puzzle pieces, then click on the security camera and find 2 more puzzle pieces. Open the door to the left and go through.
Apple Store
Find 7 puzzle pieces, then click on the empty frame on the wall to see you must find a scroll, and open the drawer of the display cabinet to see you must find 3 apples. Now click on the vending machine at the bottom left. Rearrange the colors from brightest to faintest in the color order indicated. Take the scroll from the machine when you are done, and put it in the frame on the wall. Head right.
Pick up the apple from the bookshelf, then continue through the right door.
Find 6 puzzle pieces, and an apple in the nest at the top. Now click on the map on the wall to see another minigame; solve this by clicking the sides of the map as follows: left, right 3 times, left, right 3 times, left, right, left, right 3 times. Click on the ticket counter to see you need a coin, then head left.
Click on the elevator to go up to an office.
Find 5 puzzle pieces in the room, then open the cupboard on the left and get the last puzzle piece. Click on the yellow astrolabe to see you need a compass. Click on the flashing display to see you need 4 dials. Get the dial from the desk, then head down.
Take the dial from the shelf, then look at the security camera and take the compass. Head left.
Apple Store
Take the dial from the desk. Head right twice.
Take the dial from the side of the building. Return left and up.
Use your compass on the astrolabe. Turn the big dial around in an anti-clockwise direction until all of the red lines match up. Now click on the papers on the desk. Take the cipher key from inside the astrolabe and use it on the papers. Now find a position you can place the key so a valid subtraction can be performed (the first two columns are 5-2=3 and 8-7-1). Next use your 4 dials on the machine with the flashing display, and enter the code 3132. Take the apple from inside this machine. Head down and left.
Apple Store
Use your apples on the display cabinet, then take the coin from the cash register. Go right twice.
Use your coin on the window, then return left and up.
Use the computer and play another minigame where you must dodge the trees and planes to land your jet. When you win, head down and out to the right.
Press the large red button and try to enter the plane, but first you need 12 packages. Find 2 packages in the open and one in the emergency panel, then head inside to the left.
Pick up 2 packages in the open and look at the security camera to find 1 more package. Continue left.
Apple Store
Pick up 3 packages in the open and find another within the drawer on the left. Go right and up in the elevator.
Pick up one package from the chair, then open the cupboard on the left to find the last package. Return down and outside to the right.
Use your packages on the open cargo door of the airplane.
Chapter 4
Find 5 puzzle pieces. Click on the scales to see you need 10 pieces of luggage. Pick up 6 pieces of luggage in the open, then open the small hatch and get 1 more. Open the door at the bottom left, and inside here find 3 puzzle pieces and 3 pieces of luggage. Use your 10 pieces of luggage on the scales. Put 5 pieces of luggage on each side until you make it balance perfectly. Back out and click on the blue sign to go right.
Find 3 puzzle pieces, then click on the central podium to see you need 4 dice. Find another puzzle piece behind the heart door, and another beneath the small right hatch. Continue right.
Collect 5 puzzle pieces and one blue die. Click on the broken circular engraving to see you need to find 4 broken pieces, then pick one up from the top of the large statue. Click on the lock tied to the boat to see you need a key, then return to the left.
Get another broken piece of engraving from the ceiling, then continue left.
Get the broken piece, then open the left doors and get the last broken piece and a red die. Also open the hatch at the top of the left bottle and find a green die. Return right twice to reach the dock.
Use your broken pieces on the engraving and solve the jigsaw puzzle. Click on one of the doors at the bottom and find the yellow die and 2 more puzzle pieces, then back out and go left.
Use the dice on the podium. To get them into the correct spots, move them in this order: red, green, blue, yellow, green, red, yellow, blue. Now click on the green lever and climb up the new ladder.
Teapot Attic
Find 3 puzzle pieces in the open, then click on the torn map to see you need a map corner and 8 boats, and then on the puzzle box to see you need 10 tops. Open the left cupboard to find another puzzle piece and a top. Open the right cupboard to find the last puzzle piece, then climb down.
Here you can find 2 boats and 3 tops hidden in various compartments.
Get a boat and top from the open, then enter the small left door and find another boat and top. Head right twice.
Get 2 boats and a top from out in the open, then find another top beneath the hatch. Click on one of the doors and find another 2 boats and 2 tops. Now return left and up the ladder.
Teapot Attic
Use the tops on the puzzle box and place all the pieces to solve the puzzle. Pick up the corner of the map and use it on the torn map on the wall. Use your boats on the map - you now need to connect similarly colored boats without crossing lines; start by taking the yellow path right around the bottom, then green around the top and finally fill in the red and blue. Pick up the key from beneath the corner of the rug, then go down and right.
Use the key on the lock.
Chapter 5
Find 5 puzzle pieces, then click on the small door on the right to see you need 5 wheels. Open the trapdoor and take a wheel. Grab another wheel from the round structure in the background. Head through the glass doors.
Find 5 puzzle pieces and another wheel, then click on the tiled portrait to see you need to find 10 tiles, and the locked doors to see you need a key. Pick up 4 tiles, then look at the fountain and get another wheel and another tile. Head back outside.
Pick up 5 more tiles and head back inside.
Use the tiles on the portrait and fill in the picture by starting with the middle square of 4 tiles, then working around the outside. Take the last wheel and head outside again.
Use the wheels on the right door. You need to position these on 5 points to stop all water getting from the bottom inlet to both of the right outlets. Once done, head inside again.
Look in the dry fountain and get 2 puzzle pieces and a key. Use the key on the locked doors, then head upstairs.
Find 4 puzzle pieces, then continue up the left stairs.
Clock Tower
Find 5 puzzle pieces in the open. Look at the game table and find 3 more puzzle pieces (also look at the positions of the pieces on the board). Click on the clock to see you are missing 10 roman numerals and 2 clock hands. Open the small wall cabinet and take a numeral, then go downstairs.
Find 2 more numerals, then look at the safe on the left. Open this with combination B1-C3 (from the game board upstairs) and take the clock hand from inside. Head downstairs again.
Collect 3 numerals, then look in the dry fountain to get another numeral and the second clock hand. Head outside.
Get the last 3 numerals, then go all the way back up to the clock tower.
Clock Tower
Put the hands and numerals on the clock, then go downstairs.
Get the last puzzle piece from behind the moving pendulum.