Star Trek: TNG - A Final Unity
Game Details: Sci-Fi, 1995
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 10/12/2024
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Political Asylum
Ruinore Sector
Talk to Riker and select these options during the subsequent conversations:
- Let's give it a try.
- On screen.
- You have committed an act of war by crossing the Neutral Zone.
- We'll have to take that risk.
- Our Garidian guests were rescued in Federation space.
- Give me a moment to consult with my Garidian guests.
- Set course for the Ruinore sector and resume our patrol along the Neutral Zone.
You will receive a distress call from Cymkoe IV:
- On screen.
From the bridge, open the left door and speak to T'Bak, Lukana and Avakar. Each time, end your conversation with this option:
- I sympathize with your cause.
Mertens Station
Cymkoe IV
After arriving at your destination, go through the right door to the transporter. Select to take the following:
- Personnel: Riker, Dr Crusher, La Forge, Worf
- Equipment: Med Kit, Tricorder, Phaser, Medical Tricorder
Walk through the door on the left, then head over to the big cable. Use your medical tricorder on the trapped woman. Use your tricorder on the big cable. Talk to both Worf and La Forge to get their opinions. Set your phaser to minimum and use it on the data cable. Talk to La Forge again, then return to the room where you started.
Use the transporter panel on the right here. Press the blue Lock On button and select the Data cable. Press the yellow Energize button. Go back out and have Dr Crusher use the med kit on the injured woman. Now have La Forge talk to her about everything. Now continue right and use the turbolift to go to Engineering.
Use your tricorder on the strange machine, then head right into an engineering lab. Take all 6 objects from the equipment cart on the right, then use the control panel behind where everyone is standing. Press the large button at the bottom left, then the third button at the bottom right. Picard will contact you. Select this option:
- Unfortunately, we've got too much to do here to chase after it.
Return left and down to the turbolift, taking it to Administration. Get La Forge to look at the holotable, then use the flux router on it. Look at the holotable again to see the damage report. Use the turbolift to return to Engineering, then go left to meet Dr Griems. Have La Forge talk to him several times, eventually selecting these options:
- Dr Griems, I'm chief engineer on a Galaxy-class starship. It's my job to work miracles.
- Manually? That's very impressive.
Go to the right again and look at the hole in the casing in the back of this area. Get La Forge to use the inverter coupling and wave converter on the hole. Back on the Enterprise, select this option:
- Set course for the Ruinore sector and resume our patrol along the Neutral Zone.
From the bridge, open the left door and speak to T'Bak again:
- I have decided to visit Shanok and see whether he can help you regarding the Fifth Scroll.
Archaeological Dig
Horst III
Once you arrive, use Comms to contact Shanok and select these options during the subsequent conversations:
- Shanok, we have several Garidian refugees aboard.
- What brings an archaeologist of your stature to such a remote planet?
- What have you found so far?
- I'm afraid we've got some bad news for you Shanok.
- I'd be most eager to examine the site myself.
Use Comms to contact Chancellor Daenub, then wait until you receive an incoming communication:
- On screen.
- A lamb?
- Who exactly is this "lost lamb"?
- Very well.
A Lost Lamb
After entering orbit, you will contact Constable Lliksze:
- We will respect your laws.
Go through the right door to the Transporter. Select to take the following:
- Personnel: Data, Troi, Dr Crusher, Worf
- Equipment: Med Kit, Tricorder, Medical Tricorder
Data will automatically start a conversation with Constable Lliksze on arrival. Talk to her about everything. Walk left, then to the laboratory in the distance. Pick up all 3 carcasses and have Data use each of them on the biotable and on the sonic scope. Pick up the bioprobe from the table, and also take all 3 field units from the right. Use the tricorder on the comm port and open a channel to Tracker Melas. Talk to her about everything.
Head back outside and return to Constable Lliskze's office (at the top of the tree). Talk to her about everything again, then leave to the left. Return to the laboratory and use the tricorder on the comm port. Open a channel to Consultant Iydia, and talk to him about everything. Leave here, then head right through the tree. Continue to the shuttle dock. Take the microgenerator from the left before returning down and left.
Pick up the red fruit and give it to the monkey in the tree, then continue left to the canyon biotope. Use the microgenerator on the power port. Now use field unit A on the caverns - when it returns, pick it up and use your bioprobe on it to retrieve a sample. Repeat this process by using field unit A on the pit and the crater, and you will have a total of 3 samples. Retrieve the microgenerator and head back to the path. Go right through the tree. Head along two of the paths here to find two more biotopes and repeat the process to get another 8 samples. This is the total list of samples:
- Canyon Biotope (Field Unit A)
Caverns: Genser sample
Pit: Umblumba sample
Crater: Sunil sample
- Bogforest Biotope (Field Unit B)
Tunnel 1: Granger sample
Tunnel 2: Dyerwood sample
Tunnel 3: Comte sample
Tunnel 4: Neerowolf sample
- Marine Biotope (Field Unit C)
Jellycorals: Edlen sample
Jellycorals: Birkby sample
Jellycorals: Kordic sample
Jellycorals: Grath sample
Return through the tree and into the laboratory. Use all 11 samples on the sonic scope. Use the tricorder on the comm port and open a channel to Healer Zzolis, then talk to her about everything. Look at the neuroscans that appear on the biotable, then leave the laboratory. Head right through the tree, then continue right to the quarantine shelter. Talk to Watcher Tzudan about everything.
Leave here and return to Constable Lliskze's office, then talk to her until she leaves. Wait until Dr Hyunh-Foertsch arrives. Leave and head to the shuttle dock, then go inside. Use the utilities trunk to communicate with Constable Lliksze. Head left to exit, and you will be back at the quarantine shelter. Use console 2. As soon as the beast arrives, use console 1, then quickly use console 3 to trap the beast.
Back on the Enterprise, you will set a course for Joward III to track down Aramut. Since he has already left, you will then head to the Nigold system:
- Hail them, Mr Worf.
- Scan the ship. I want to know if Iydia is on board.
- Let him go. Let's see what he does.
After an automatic conversation, you will head to a new destination.
Planet Frigis
Shonoisho Epsilon VI
Use Comms to contact the planet, but you will get no response. Talk to Troi, then open the left door and speak to T'Bak. Get him to try to contact the planet twice and you will eventually have a brief conversation. After Chancellor Laraq calls back, go through the right door to the Transporter. Select to take the following:
- Personnel: Riker, Troi, La Forge, Data
- Equipment: Phaser, Tricorder
Once you arrive, Riker will talk to Laraq. Go through the doorway into the pyramid here. Talk to Stamblyr about everything, and you will end up with an orchestrion that plays "The Futility of Wisdom". Leave again once the conversation is over.
Head right to the desert, then enter the pyramid in the background and talk to Nachyl. Note the locked vault on the right here. Now walk towards the door and approach the Gatekeeper. Although the questions are random, answer them all with the most vague answer each time, such as the following:
- Everybody seems to have a different interpretation... I'm not sure what to believe.
- For all I know, we may not have any right to be here.
- I have no idea. That would take a better diplomat than me.
- Everyone plays so many roles in life... it is impossible to label them.
- I'm not sure of that myself.
- I don't know.
Head through the door. Have both Data and Riker look at the stasis field, the sign and the control panel. Now have Riker talk to Data. Leave the pyramid and return to Laraq - talk to him and he will upload new information to your tricorder. Return right, into the pyramid in the background, and through the door again. Use your tricorder on the sign, then use the panel to free Aelont. Talk to him and you will receive a key and 2 talismans.
Go back out through the door and save your game. Use the thermacode key on the vault, then take only these 3 items:
- Staff with white ball
- Silver device
- Golden ring
Walk down and left, then enter the pyramid here. Give the golden ring to Stamblyr and you will receive another orchestrion that plays "Watch Your Step". Get La Forge to use the device on the instrument to receive a third orchestrion that plays "Traveling Music". Leave here and walk to the pyramid in the background to meet Madia. Give your staff to Madia and she will lower the force field. Now use the "Traveling Music" orchestrion and you will end up in a strange room with a floor that disappears:
You need to gradually collect all of the orchestrions in the room. For the purposes of this part of the game, the orchestrions will be described by their number of prongs and whether or not they have a cover over the prongs. From the start, take these actions:
- Play Orchestrion 4: Collect orchestrion from A, move to position 1
- Play Orchestrion 3: Collect orchestrion from B, move to position 2
- Play Orchestrion 1 (covered): Move to position 3
- Play Orchestrion 4: Collect orchestrion from C, move to position 3
- Play Orchestrion 1 (covered): Move to position 4
- Play Orchestrion 2 (covered): Collect orchestrion from D, move to position 4
- Play Orchestrion 1 (covered): Move to position 3
- Play Orchestrion 4: Move to position 5
- Play Orchestrion 1: Move to position 6
- Play Orchestrion 2 (covered): Move to position 7
Use the blue talisman in the niche of the door here and you will go through. Take the manuscript, which is the Fifth Scroll. Beam back up to the Enterprise. You will end up having several conversations. Wait and you will see images from the Neutral Zone, showing an attack by the Romulans.
Romulan Warbirds
During this segment, your game will be interrupted by combat sequences, so make sure you save your game regularly.
Try to use Comms to contact Starfleet, and after a delay you will be successful, and will set a course for Outpost 543. Use Comms to contact Commander Chan, and you will then set a course for the Paxanona system.
- Prepare to engage, Mr Worf.
- Then it appears we've done our job. Let them go, Mr Worf.
Use Comms to contact Commander Chan again. You will now set a course for the Beremar system. When you arrive you will engage a Romulan Warbird that you only need to hit once. You will have a brief conversation with Tyralak before his ship explodes. Use Comms to contact Commander Chan once more. No matter which option you choose, you will set a course for Goldur Epsilon. You will end up talking to Captain Ky'Dra:
- We appreciate your help, Ky'Dra. Thank you. Q'pla!
Use Comms to contact Commander Chan and you will talk about the Unity Device. Accept a call from Admiral Williams, then set a course back to Shonoisho Epsilon VI. When you arrive you will need to take out another Romulan Warbird. After Chancellor Laraq calls again, go through the right door to the Transporter. Select to take the following:
- Personnel: Picard, Data, Worf, Troi
- Equipment: Phaser, Tricorder
Once you arrive, have Picard talk to Laraq, and you will receive 3 very important items. You will then automatically return to the Enterprise. Set a course for Horst III.
Shanok's Research
Horst III
After receiving a recorded message from Shanok, go through the right door to the Transporter. Select to take the following:
- Personnel: Picard, Troi, La Forge, Data
- Equipment: Phaser, Tricorder, Isolinear Rod, Rod Programmer
Once you arrive, set your phasers to maximum and shoot at the rubble that blocks your path. Head left through a passageway. Look at the small screen and put your isolinear rod into the aperture at the bottom right. Now use the rod programmer on the isolinear rod. Have La Forge use the tricorder on the screen, then remove the isolinear rod again.
Continue left to the rear of the site. Have La Forge use the tricorder on the instrument and the instrument mounting. Return right twice and beam back up to the Enterprise.
Chodak Outpost
You will receive a call from Admiral Williams, and will set a course for Yajj IV. When you are attacked by a group of Chodak vessels, select to flee. Data will identify a Chodak outpost on Allanor, so you will set a course for this destination. Wehen you arrive, go through the right door to the Transporter. Select to take the following:
- Personnel: Picard, Worf, La Forge, Data
- Equipment: Phaser, Tricorder, Med Kit, Isolinear Rod, Rod Programmer
Use the tricorder on the schedule in the back of the room. Set your phaser to maximum power and use it on the 3 alloy seals on the left of the ventilation duct on the right. Walk through the ventilation duct.
Examine the display panels on the right. Insert your isolinear rod, then use the rod programmer on it. On the screen, select these options:
- System Log, More, More, Done
- Initialize System, Ok, Activate Facility
Remove the isolinear rod, then go to the window just to the right. Use your tricorder on the small maintenance drone, then on the larger one - Data will work out a way to disable the drones with your tricorder. Return left twice and use your tricorder on the drone here, choosing to deactivate it. Remove the logic inhibitor from the drone. Head right twice, Pick up the sheet of metal from the floor on the right and you will also get a paperclip. Now continue to the door in the back of this room.
Have Data use the tricorder on the alien device near the bottom left of the door. Now have Data use the logic inhibitor on the door circuits to the left of the door. When the next drone comes by and stops at the door, use your tricorder to deactivate it. Remove the logic inhibitor and go through the door (you will automatically reinsert it to prevent the doors from closing behind you).
Look at the access panel near the doorway on the left. Insert your isolinear rod, then use the rod programmer on it. On the screen, click to display these options:
- Power On
- Station Online
Remove the isolinear rod, then wait for the nearby drone to be charged so it leaves. Use the panel again in the same way and click to display these options:
- Power Off
- Station Online
Set your phaser to minimum. Wait until the capacitor at the charging station only shows one green light, then shoot it with your phaser. After the 2 Chodak appear, follow them to the right. Talk to the Chodak on the far right with these options:
- We are on an archaeological research expedition.
- We are on a peaceful mission.
- Tell me more about this encryption rod you need.
- We have not found any such rods.
- We have expertise in data encryption.
- No need to trouble yourselves.
- Perhaps you could lead us to the Hall of Records after all?
Follow the Chodak to the right and keep talking. After going through the transporter, head to the archways in the back of the room. After a number of scenes you will be faced with the main computer terminal. Insert your isolinear rod, then use the rod programmer on it. After the Chodak leave, use the terminal again, and use your tricorder on each entry to record them.
Leave by walking up, and you will see the Chodak leave. Have Data use the med kit on the injured Optimator twice, then use the stimulant on him and talk to him. Use the security panel next to him. Insert your paperclip into the hole next to the rod, then take out the isolinear rod. Insert it again and you will automatically say the correct code. Press the 6 buttons to disable the security system everywhere, then leave the panel.
Go up the stairs on the left, then continue left and up. Use the panel on the right. Press the right button above the display, and the middle button to the left of the display. Now press the white bar on the right, exit the panel and quickly join the rest of your team - you will all be transported. Go all the way back to where you first arrived here. Use your tricorder on the schedule, then beam back to the Enterprise.
The Unity Device
During this segment, your game will be interrupted by combat sequences, so make sure you save your game regularly.
You will detect a Romulan Warbird approaching, but stay where you are for now. Wait for Data to report to you, then talk to him and you will set a course for Jericho. When you arrive you will find a black hole. Talk to Data, but don't accept his suggestion. Talk to Troi, who has a better suggestion. Use Astrogation to plot a course for Al'Din at coordinates 5-6-7.
When you get close to your destination, Data will get a new suggested location for the Unity Device. Use Astrogation to plot a new course for Thang at coordinates 3-1-3. Once you arrive you will be hailed by Captain Pentara, and then Admiral Brodnack. Choose evasive maneuvers. Wait and you will automatically send a team via a shuttle:
- Personnel: Picard, Worf, Data, Butler
- Equipment: Phaser, Tricorder
Go right and have Worf stand on the circular transporter. Next send Data, Butler and finally Picard - Picard will end up alone in a new location. Walk over to the glow on the left and you will talk to it. Ask any question, but you won't receive an answer. Continue left to talk to Captain Pentara and Admiral Brodnack, then step onto the shuttle.
Agree to an alliance with Captain Pentara, then walk through the far door on the right to meet a future projection of yourself. You will receive an artefact. Don't tell the others about your vision. Talk to Admiral Brodnack to learn about the second test, then follow these steps to win the game:
- Look at the table.
- Place a red disk half on the left side.
- Press the button.
- Look at the table.
- Press the button.
- Look at the table.
- Press the button.
Choose not to kill him, then ask him to help you. Look at the table and retrieve the disk half. Next look at the field generator to the right. Combine the two disk halves in your inventory, then place the disk in the lower air gap in the field generator. Look at both air gaps and the field emitter, and you will comment that you need more disks. Back out and you will retrieve the disks from the others. Combine them and insert them into the lower air gap.
Back out again and you can now head to the right. Use the artefact in your inventory 3 times so you all travel across the abyss. Pick up the symbol, then continue right. Use the symbol on the right door and head through. Use the small panel to the right of the stasis chamber, and answer your question with this option:
- The Unity Device should be used for the good of all
After the conversation, head through the open door and go right, then head to the tower in the distance. After meeting the Chodak, use the control panel, then rather than selecting an option from the screen, just use the orange bar at the bottom to deactivate the panel without making a choice.