Samsara RoomSamsara Room

Game Details:  Mystery, 2020

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  12/23/2020

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

Samsara Room is a mystery adventure game set in an unfamiliar house, in the Rusty Lake universe. You awaken with no memory of your surroundings and must explore to escape. There are 8 Steam Achievements, all documented in the walkthrough below.


Look closer at the cabinet and take the candle from the flower pot. Back out and look to the left, then examine the case on top of the drawers. Spin both outer dials 180 degrees, then drag the gray boxes outwards so you can spin the middle dial. Now drag the gold box down and open the case. Take the candle from inside, then back out. Search all of the drawers to find another candle, a fish and a knife. Back out, turn right and approach the phone. Look at the envelope next to it and open it with your knife to find a message and a picture. Now answer the phone. Click on the letters to spell "enlighten me", then pick up the matches. Back out and turn right to see a window.

Open both sides of the window, then use your knife on the top left corner. Pull all sections of the painting down, then insert your 3 candles in the 3 small empty slots. Light all 4 candles with your matches. Place the fish in the large slot. Go forward until you reach the cube A fish.


Look at the mirror and pick up the shell. Back out and turn right twice, then examine the floating bottle. Click on its cracks until it breaks, then take another shell. Back out and turn right again. Examine the floating pickle, and click on the 11 buttons that aren't surrounded by dark circles. Take another shell. Back out and examine the floating briefcase to find another shell. Turn right once more and pick up the telephone. When the circles emerge, click on them from left to right to reveal the message "let it sink in". Unfold the floating piece of paper that appears to find a key. Back out and use the key on the cabinet, then open the cabinet and take the jar. Back out and turn left twice, then zoom in on the right side of the clock. Remove the nails and splinters until a hand is revealed, then use your knife on the hand. Click on it again, then take the heart. Back out and turn left again to see a window.

Open both sides of the window. Insert your 4 shells in the 4 small empty slots. Pick up the fish, then place the heart in the large slot. Go forward until you reach the cube A corrupted soul.


Turn right and use your jar to collect the gecko. Examine the window again. Pick up the heart, then place the gecko in the large slot. Go forward until you reach the cube A gecko.


Examine the flower pot and take the marble from inside. Back out and turn right, then look at the candles. Light them with your matches, from shortest to longest. Take another marble from the stand. Back out and turn right again. Look at the bottom left painting and drag it to the right. Peel the painting down and grab another marble. Next look at the middle painting to see 3:55 written on the frame. Now examine the clock and set the time to 3:55. Collect the triangle key. Back out again and turn right. Examine the bookcase and take the marble from the bottom left corner. Now rearrange the books so they all fit below the red line:

Pick up the middle book and it will fall upwards. Back out and turn right twice to see a window. Open both sides of the window. Insert your 4 marbles in the 4 small empty slots. Pick up the gecko, then place the heart in the large slot. Go forward until you reach the cube.


Go right and examine the book on the floor. Flip through all the pages to see a series of hints. Turn right and examine the clock, then set the time to 8:25. Collect another triangle key. Back out and turn left, then examine the window. Pick up the heart, then place the fish in the large slot. Go forward until you reach the cube.


Turn left twice and examine the clock, then set the time to 2:15. Pick up the next triangle key. Back out and turn left, then examine the window. Pick up the fish, then place the heart in the large slot. Go forward until you reach the cube.


Turn right twice and examine the bottom part of the clock. Insert the 3 triangle keys, then press the yellow button and open the door. Click on the man so he falls out, then examine him and click on his hand. Pick up the seed. Back out and turn right twice, then examine the flower pot and plant the seed inside. Back out and turn right, then examine the window. Pick up the heart, then place the fish in the large slot. Go forward until you reach the cube.


Use the jar anywhere to fill it with water. Turn right, then examine the window. Pick up the fish, then place the heart in the large slot. Go forward until you reach the cube.


Examine the flower pot and pour water into it to make the plant grow. Back out and turn right, then examine the window. Pick up the heart, then place the gecko in the large slot. Go forward until you reach the cube.


Examine the flower. Remove all the petals, then pick up the worm. Back out and turn right, then examine the window. Pick up the gecko, then place the worm in the large slot. Go forward until you reach the cube A worm.


Head right 3 times and pick up the large petal that floats to the floor. Return left and look at the clock, then pick up the knife. Slide the splinters away to find another petal. Go left and examine the book. Hold it open with the matches, then take another petal from inside (you will automatically take the matches back).

Back out and go left, then click on the telephone until the handset falls to the floor. Look at it more closely. Use the knife on both screws, then remove them to reveal the circuits. You need to complete the circuit by rotating the dials 3 times each, then dragging the sliders to connect the wires. Now click on the glowing speaker several times and pick up another petal. Go right twice and climb into the man's mouth.

Click and hold to reveal a glowing orb on the left tree, then release the mouse button over it to set it free. Go forward and repeat this process 3 more times. Now approach the altar and all 4 jars should contain glowing orbs. Adjust the four hands on the dial:

  • Hand I: 1 o'clock position
  • Hand II: 12 o'clock position
  • Hand III: 4 o'clock position
  • Hand IV: 10 o'clock position

Grab the egg that is revealed. Now adjust the four hands on the dial again:

  • Hand I: 4 o'clock position
  • Hand II: 12 o'clock position
  • Hand III: 2 o'clock position
  • Hand IV: 1 o'clock position

Take the shrimp that is revealed. Back out until you are in the room again. Head left and approach the window. Open both sides of the window. Insert your 4 petals in the 4 small empty slots. Pick up the worm, then place the shrimp in the large slot. Go forward until you reach the cube A shrimp.


Examine the mirror and click on the water drop until you pick it up. Turn right and pick up the phone handset, then rearrange the numbers as they would appear on a clock. You will see a time of 2:45. Back out, then click on the flower pot and take the earth. Back out and examine the box on the left. Use the matches on the sticks, then take the fire. Back out and turn right. Set the time on the clock to 2:45. Take the bottle that is revealed. Back out, then examine the drawers to the left and take the pencil.

Back out and turn right once more. Examine the shrimp and slide its head to the left. Examine the man's head and click on his mouth, then use the bottle to collect some elixir. Back out twice and go right. Examine the paper on the table and use the pencil on it. Crumple the paper and open it, then collect the key. Back out and open the cabinet to the right with the key. Open the jar and take the air from inside. Back out and turn right to find the window.

Open both sides of the window. Insert your 4 elements (air, water, fire, earth) in the 4 small empty slots. Pick up the shrimp, then place the elixir in the large slot. Go forward until you reach the window. Click on the woman and a girl will appear A window. Click continue.


Turn right, then examine the window. Place the egg in the large slot. Go forward until you reach the cube A bird.


Turn right, open both sides of the window, and retrieve the egg. Back out and continue right. Examine the nest and add your egg to the existing ones. Crack all 3 eggs open so the baby birds emerge. Now click on them as follows:

  • The yellow chick with the open mouth
  • The red robin
  • The red robin with the open mouth
  • The gray robin
  • The finger
  • The white chick with the open mouth
  • The white chick with the closed mouth
  • The white chick looking to the side
  • The feather

Back out and turn right twice. Examine the clouds, then drag each of them around until they form a fixed shape. After these clouds leave, drag the new cloud to the middle so that it forms a clock showing the time 7:25. Back out and turn right twice more. Examine the clock and set the time to 7:25 - this will rotate the top dial to the sunset marker.

Back out and turn right. Click on the paper plane, which contains a feather and the message "rise up". Turn right again and examine the phone. Pick up the handset and then click on the letters to spell "rise up". Click on the balloon to make it float to the left. Back out and turn left twice. Click on the balloon to make it lift up, then examine it more closely. Turn the dial on the gas tank, then use the matches to light it and it will rise even higher. Use the knife on the rope to release the weight, and the balloon will fly away. Click on the sack to untie it, then to get some sand and 2 scales. There will also be a box, but you don't know the code to open it yet. Back out, then take the sunflower from the nest on the left. Turn right and examine the pot. Put the sand and the sunflower into the pot, then drag the sun to the top right so the sunflower falls over. Pick up the sunflower seed, then back out. Turn left and examine the clock, setting the time to 2:00 - this will rotate the top dial to the day marker.

Back out and turn right, then examine the tree on the left. Give the sunflower seed to the squirrel, then take the feather. Back out again and turn right. Hang your 2 scales on the 2 hooks. Return left twice and examine the clock. Set the time to 4:15 - this will rotate the top dial to the night marker.

Back out and turn right. Examine the moon and use your knife on the middle. Click on the moon until the eye is fully revealed. Drag the eye to each of the 4 corners and note the symbols that are revealed. Now back out. Click on the owl to make it fly away, then follow it right 3 times and examine it on top of the clock. Now you need to turn the owl's head like a safe:

  • Turn it right until it faces right
  • Turn it left until it faces forward
  • Turn it right until it faces left
  • Turn it left until it faces forward
  • Turn it right until it faces backward

Pick up the feather. Now examine the box on the floor, where you need to select the 4 symbols revealed by dragging the moon's eye around:

  • Window
  • S-shape with a circle on the left
  • Straight line with a circle on the right
  • Lower-case t

Open the box and examine the pocket-watch inside. Open it and click on the gears to swap their positions until all gears are turning - the watch will stop at 7:45. Back out and examine the clock. Set the time to 7:45 - this will rotate the top dial to the dawn marker.

Approach the nest and feed the heart, fish, gecko and worm to the stork. Click on the stork several times, then take the baby. Back out and turn left, then approach the window. Insert your 4 feathers in the 4 small empty slots. Place the baby in the large slot. Go forward until you reach the cube, then click on it several times to open it. Click on all the items until they disappear A new life.