
Game Details:  Sci-Fi, 2012

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  9/20/2024

Suggested Listening:  Help Me Out (Ash 25)

Primordia is a 3rd person adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic future where humans have been wiped out. You play as a sentient droid, Horatio Nullbuilt, and the power core that allows you to stay functional has been stolen. Along with your sidekick Crispin, you must set off on a journey to discover a new energy source. There are 29 Steam Achievements, all documented in the walkthrough below. The next game by the same developer is Strangeland.

The Dunes


Start by climbing down through the hatch, then head right until your ship's power core is stolen.

Pick up your datapouch and head right, then pick up the conduit from the ground, and the cable hanging on the far right. Look at the Emergency Generator, and take the spark plug to get some putty. Also examine the socket on the side of the generator. Climb up the ladder and use Crispin on the halogen lantern. Also pick up the conduit from the floor before heading left. Use your lantern on the hatch and you will go inside.

Take the Gospel of Man from the side table, and read this in your inventory. Search the bed to get your plasma torch. Use the console to return up to the deck, then use your map to travel to the junk pile.


Pick up the conduits just to the right of the red light on the ground. Look at the tube, then use Crispin on it to get some more conduit. Use your plasma torch on the lockbox to get a spark plug, then use your map to travel back to your ship.


In your inventory, use your plasma torch on the 5 conduits Knotcutter. Use the fused conduit on the socket on the side of the generator. Use your spark plug on the gap on the generator, then use the switch to turn it on. You will automatically go the recharging room Charged up.

Go right into the engineering room. Examine the radio and listen to the broadcast to hear the coordinates 894. Now remove the radio's plug. Also pick up the LCD just to the right of the radio, and examine the plans further to the right. Head right from here and try to take the rag - it will fall down before you can grab it. Return to engineering and go through the door in the back wall, then climb down the ladder and go left. Pick up the rag. Return right and use the rag in the grease to make a sticky rag.

Go back up the ladder and inside, then continue left twice to reach your bedroom. Pick up the small flashing crystal which is just to the right of the console. In your inventory, use your plasma torch on the cable, then add the putty, crystal and plug. Head right twice to return to engineering and examine the interface. Use your crystal/cable/plug on the socket, and you will see a list of 6 numbers. Remove your device from the socket. Go through the hatch in the back wall, then head left to the telescope. Examine the telescope and press the red button, then type each of these numbers into the telescope:

  • 652: Waste
  • 817: Robot
  • 608: Junk
  • 671: Waste
  • 212: UNNIC
  • 159: Device
  • 894: Metropol

You will now have more locations on your map Peeping tom. Use your map to travel to the device.


Talk to the robot here (Ever-Faithful) about each item in turn to get a new location on your map. When saying that you are a humanist, answer the quiz with these options:

  • Because Man created us.
  • A perfect machine.
  • To maintain the world.

You will receive an achievement for answering correctly Robotmitzvah. Answer the final question however you like for now, then use your map again.


Examine the endoskeleton slumped against the side of the dome, and search its pocket to get a radio transmitter. Examine the AA gun on the right of the area to get a CPU. In your inventory, combine this with your crystal/cable/plug. Add the LCD to create a mobile sensor. Now use your map again.


Use your mobile sensor on the area just above and left of the train to locate a power source. Use Crispin on this to retrieve a battery Needle in a haystack. Combine this with your signal transmitter, then travel to the giant robot.


Use your plasma torch on the giant's hand. Next examine the vents beneath the robot's eyes - use the sticky rag and the fingertip on Crispin to block both vents. Next walk into the giant's mouth. Talk to Alpha and Beta about everything. Use the cable in your inventory on Crispin, then use the cable again to climb up to the roof.

Open the panel in the middle of the processing unit, then click on the floating small droid to get it to say "001011010". Examine the panel again to see a series of lights and buttons. You need to recreate the droid's code with lights (from bottom to top, make the 3rd, 5th, 6th and 8th buttons light up). Now press the red button and the brain will stop sparking.

Climb back down the hatch and talk to Alpha and Beta again. Use the pad on the floor and enter any code, but nothing will happen. Talk to Alpha and Beta about the elevator. Use the pad and enter code "9876" then press enter and you will descend to the floor below. Use Monitor 3 to speak to Gamma, then save your game.

Use your mobile sensor on all 4 monitors to work out which one has energy. Use your plasma torch on this monitor Call me David. Load your game. Use your mobile sensor on all 4 monitors again, then use your plasma torch on one of the other monitors. Repeat this twice more to trap Gamma. Go back up using the platform and talk to Alpha and Beta again, then head outside through the hatch. The giant robot will give you a decryption module Defragmented. Use your map to travel again.


Talk to Ever-Faithful and say that your name is Horus. Now take bomblet B-325 from the pod (note that bomblet B-734 has been taken). Use your map to return to the UNNIIC.


Walk left from the grease and use your mobile sensor on a patch of ground just down and right from the middle of the screen. Click on the energy reading here to get a tape deck Keeping it reel.

Return right and climb up the ladder, then go through the hatch. Place your bomblet in the cradle. Go back through the hatch in the back wall and down the ladder. Use the bomblet in the grease to create a sticky bomb. Use your map again.


Use your sticky bomb on the door of the dome, then use the signal transmitter on it, entering the code 6325 (prefix 6 from Alpha, and suffix 325 from the bomb). Go through the door. Talk to the machine on the wall, use the scanning port, and collect a ticket from the machine. Use your ticket on the control panel to the left of the barrier, then head through and step on to the engine.



Go through the two doorways and you will be accosted by a large robot. Continue following the pathway to find a large group of robots.

Main Street

Talk to the robot who calls out to you from the corner (Leopold). Talk to him about everything. Look at the metal plate on the ground here and Leopold will tell you that it leads to the Underworks. Use the computer terminal over to the left and enter the term "Laws", then take the printout. Keep using the computer terminal to search for all of these terms (discovered by reading the various entries, but listed here in alphabetical order):

  • Arbiter
  • CDEP
  • Central Station
  • Charity
  • Courthouse
  • Cycles
  • Dunes
  • Efficiency Initiative (more)
  • Factor
  • Goliath
  • Help
  • History
  • Horus
  • Humanism
  • Humans
  • Landmarks
  • Main Street
  • Memorious
  • MetroMind (more)
  • Metropolitan Law
  • Other Cities
  • Power
  • Primer
  • Primordium
  • Progress
  • Refuge Rule (more)
  • Robot Council
  • Scraper
  • Shell
  • Steeple
  • Sturnweiler
  • Underworks
  • War of the Four Cities

Leave to the left to find a crashed bus. Use Crispin on the cable. Talk to the repair bot about everything, and ask Crispin to talk to the floater bot. Return to the main street and use the lantern on Crispin so he can practice communicating, then go back to the floater bot and use Crispin on her to get some copper wiring Wingman. Continue left.


Approach the waiting area, where there will currently be 4 robots. Talk to the fat robot (Oswald) and tall robot (Cornelius), and you will eventually be asked a series of questions. Answer them with these options:

  • Four robots were built by Sturnweiler.
  • Three of the seven robots were built by Sturnweiler.
  • Only multiplex.

You will receive an achievement for answering correctly Lawyer robot hero. Now talk to Cornelius and answer his question with "Factor" to receive a disc. Try to talk to the floating robot (Gimbal). Use your signal transmitter on him and talk about everything to receive a record. In your inventory, look at the burnt sensor to break it down into a plug and a crystal. Go right 3 times.

Main Street

Talk to Leopold and ask to see his stuff. Trade his memory access device for your disc. Also trade his crowbar for your crystal. Now combine your plug and memory access device, then add this to the datapouch. Use your crowbar on the metal plate in the street and climb down.


Use your crowbar on the large hatch in the bottom vehicle on the left, and take out the fan belt and engine. Head to the far right and talk to the robot to learn is name is Primer - he will also give you a list of prime numbers. Climb back up the ladder.

Main Street

Talk to Leopold and ask to see his stuff. Trade his motor for your car engine. In your inventory, use your copper wiring on the motor, then connect the 3 different colored terminals without crossing the wires. Return to the waiting area.


Give the motor to Gimbal. Next talk to the battlebot at the top of the stairs (187th). Talk to him about everything, then look at the printout in your inventory and show it to 187th. Return to the main street.

Main Street

Head up past Leopold along the other street to the tower. Look at the door to see it is damaged. Return to the waiting area.


Talk to 187th again and he will leave. Try to open the door, and look at the keycard scanner. Head back down near the metal plate on the main street.


Talk to Primer again about his brother and he will say he was 50 before him (so he is actually 137th). Go down to the left to reach a new area. Walk towards the bridge, then use your signal transmitter on the keypad, sending the number 0137. Now cross over the bridge.


Clarity will save you from the shells Machina ex Machina. Talk to Clarity about everything, and you will receive a keycard. Use your map to travel.


Use your keycard on the scanner Gone courting. Head inside and you will automatically try to talk to Arbiter. Go closer and knock on the door, then look at the robot in the background. Use your lantern on the robot, then use your datapouch and reader on the hole in her head. Use your signal transmitter on the reporter and you will escape to the outside. At the court entrance, look at the blue object on Scraper's belt. Use your signal transmitter on this, sending the number 6734. Travel one last time.


Talk to Clarity to tell her what has happened. You will learn her code fragments (03067, 440, 26).

Main Street

Talk to Leopold, who will initially refuse to give you the code. Climb down near the metal plate.


Go to the far bottom right area.


Clarity will take care of the shell for you. Look at the floating junk and search through it to find your Gospel of Man and a golden chain.

Main Street

Use the Gospel on Leopold and you will learn his code fragments (0248, 102) KEEPINGTHEFAITH. Talk to Oswald just to the right, then use the bar and the bartender will slip you a note. Read this, then use your signal transmitter on Rex so you can take the oil from the bar. Go somewhere else, then come back here again and Oswald should have returned. Give him the golden chain and he will give you his monocle. Now that you have this, go and use the computer terminal to the left again. Use the monocle on the computer screen and it will turn red and display different information. Search for all of these terms (discovered by reading the various entries, but listed here in alphabetical order):

  • Arbiter
  • Art
  • Central Station
  • Charity
  • Council Tower
  • Courthouse
  • Created
  • Crier
  • Escape
  • Factor
  • Goliath
  • Help
  • History (more)
  • Horus
  • Humanism
  • Humans
  • Landmarks (more, more)
  • Lies
  • Main Street
  • Memorious
  • MetroMind
  • Metropolitan Cathedral (more)
  • Metropolitan Law
  • Oblique
  • Other Cities
  • Primordium
  • Redlien
  • Refuge Rule (more)
  • Robot Council (more)
  • Scraper
  • Starport (more)
  • Steeple
  • Sturnweiler
  • War of the Four Cities (more)

You will receive an achievement for searching for all of these terms and the ones without the monocle Know it all. This is the most important series of clues when using the monocle:

  1. Oblique (this mentions Redlien)
  2. Redlien (the first letter of each line gives Art)
  3. Art (this mentions Created)
  4. Created (this mentions Lies)
  5. Lies (this gives the numbers 5:19:3:1:16:5, which translates to "Escape")
  6. Escape (this gives the hidden phrase "First Letters")

Now search for the term "Oracle". Talk to Memento Moribuilt Ghost whisperer. Talk about everything to get his code fragments (675, 4024, 02). Use your map to travel again.


Enter the building, then open the hatch and go down. Use your plasma torch on the panel next to the blast doors. Look inside and take the large gear. Touch the belt and it will disintegrate, then you can take the small gear. Climb back up the ladder and go outside, then walk down along the bridge.


Look at the submersibles in the water to the left of Primer. Use the large gear on the submersibles, then use the oil on the small gear in your inventory Gear head. Return down to the right.


Head inside and down the hatch again. Put both gears back into the panel and add your fan belt. Now press the button over the panel to open the blast doors. Pick up the disc (medal) that falls to the ground. Use your map to travel.


Talk to Clarity, then click on the skulls for a closer view. Examine each skull and take the one that you recognise. Use your datapouch and reader on the robot head in your inventory - you will discover the code 518.


Give the medal to Primer.


Go inside and down to the open blast doors. Use your signal transmitter on the radio tower and send the code 0518. Give your robot head on Factotum to get his codes (7510, 4803) Melted heart.

The Great Tower


Use the console to the right of the main door to see that you need a 16-digit code. You need to come up with a sequence that includes all of the code fragments you have received (placed in order here for clarity):

  • 440
  • 4024
  • 0248
  • 4803
  • 03067
  • 675
  • 7510
  • 102
  • 02
  • 26

Enter the code 4402480306751026 Open sesame. Head inside, then press the button on the right to use the elevator. Turn the dial inside to go up and meet MetroMind. You will end up outside the tower again. Use your map once more.


Go to the bottom right area and look at the subway map on the wall. Click on the button next to the label for Calliope, then go through the doorway that opens. Head all the way along the corridor and use your plasma torch on the cable on the floor at the other end.


Use your crowbar on the arm buried within the rubble in front of the doors to the court.


Go back to where you just cut the cable and use Scraper's arm on it Sacrifice. Take the matrix out of Crispin's body, and pick up the golden datachip from the ground nearby. In your inventory, use the decryption module on the datachip, then use the datachip on your datapouch Smells of rotten custard. Your map is now broken, so walk all the way back to the tower.


Enter the tower and press the button to enter the elevator, then save your game. Turn the dial to get back up to MetroMind. During the conversation, you will be asked to join her. You can talk about other things, but you will eventually have to choose between three options:

  • I need to think about it.
  • Very well, I will join you. Resistance is futile
  • I will never join you. Live free or die

Assuming you chose to think about it, you can now save your game again (the other options end the game). Pick up Clarity's head from the right. There are now 5 other endings you can reach by taking the following steps:

  • Use your plasma torch on the power core and say "Very well." Too much power
  • Use your plasma torch on the power core and say "No. You must be destroyed." Not bluffing
  • Use the virus on the signal transmitter, then use this on Scraper I told you to stop
  • Walk to the right, climb the tracks, then jump off the ledge I always wanted to fly. . .
  • Walk to the right, climb the tracks, use the virus on the signal transmitter, then use this on the radio Thanatos

With the good endings, there are 2 final achievements you may receive, based on which robots ended up joining you:

  • Three musketeers: Don't let 187th explode, give Primer his medal, solve Ever-Faithful's quiz
  • We're all in this together: All of the above, solve Oswald and Cornelius' quiz, select the name "Factor", repair the motor for Gimbal, give Leopold the Gospel of Man, take the matrix from Crispin's body, pick up Clarity's head