Oniria CrimesOniria Crimes

Game Details:  Mystery, 2020

Steam Achievements:  Completed (33/33)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  12/31/2024

Suggested Listening:  Give Up Now (Ash 25)

Oniria Crimes is a third-person hybrid game blending visual novel, puzzle and point-and-click mechanics, with voxel graphics. You must help Detective Santos and Inspector Torres to investigate a series of 6 interlinked crimes that take place in Oniria, the land of dreams.

Case 1

The Impatient Collector

Read the Oniria Times (1/4) on the bed. Examine the Atari video game in the shelves Oneiric archaeologist. Now interrogate everything else throughout the room.

The note under the carpet contains a code - look for all of the numbers hidden in the text (three, eight, two, one, three, nine). Open the safe on the wall with the code 382139 White-collar detective. When you examine the computer, you will need to hack into it - just right-click on the small cubes and if the count at the bottom right of the screen increases, don't left-click on it. You will eventually identify all of the dangerous cubes Oneiric Hacker.

You should be able to find up to 6 statements for each of the 3 suspects. Select the following statements and conclusions for each suspect:

  • The Girl (Innocent)
    She is hopelessly in love with Jacob.
    The robot poster hasn't seen her for a couple of days.

  • The Pet (Guilty)
    Broke her collar after biting Jacob.
    Her bite can prove fatal.

  • The Pirate (Innocent)
    The bullet hole saw him playing chess with Jacob.
    Jacob's old chess playing and drinking buddy.

You will get an achievement for finishing the case Noob Rounder, and another for getting 6 correct hypotheses Promising Noob.

Case 2

The Case of the Blue Suite

Read the Oniria Times (2/4) on the sofa. Now interrogate everything else throughout the room. After a while, you will be able to rotate the view to get another perspective.

Within the first left drawer of the dressing table, you will find a magical box. Press the white squares on one of the smallest sides of the box and it will move so you can press a button. Rotate around to the opposite side and press a tiny irregular blue button. Click to rotate the brown striped button in the middle of this side. Now click the buttons on the other sides so they all come out from the box. Click the top panel and you will remove it entirely, opening the box Mechanism expert.

Within the third left drawer of the dressing table, you will find the key to a cipher. Examine the illegible note in front of the clock, then use the key to work out the cipher: "Today is the last day I shall see the dragons crying over Oniria" Code cracker. Make sure you interrogate all of the artwork throughout the room.

You should be able to find up to 6 statements for each of the 3 suspects. Select the following statements and conclusions for each suspect:

  • The Admirer (Innocent)
    Stole the Heart of Orpheus.
    Looked after the chrysanthemum the night before the crime.

  • The Director (Innocent)
    Found the body and fled.
    The poker is still waiting for its opportunity.

  • The Victim (Guilty)
    Had an injury that would end her career.
    Ritual suicide is very Japanese.

You will get an achievement for finishing the case Class C Rounder, and another for getting 6 correct hypotheses Luxury dreamer.

Case 3

The Case of the Weaving Cyborg

Interrogate everything throughout the room. After a while, you will be able to rotate the view to get another perspective.

There is an achievement for looking at all of the artwork in the cases up to this point Art curator.

When you have picked up the lost badge and then examined the fallen frame, you need to match up a series of 16 names with 16 badges. The order of these within the frame is random, and there is an achievement for getting them all correct Guild expert:

  • Aerena Engineers: Yellow pillar on dark blue background
  • Chronomancers: Yellow hourglass on dark purple background
  • Collectors: Yellow books on light blue background
  • Ectomorphs: Black thin body on white background
  • Eternal Scarf: Yellow scarf on pink background
  • Fencers: White sword on blue background
  • Flying Notes: Black musical notes on white background
  • Magic Fist: White fist on yellow/brown background
  • Mercenaries: White bullets on red background
  • Pictishcobalts: Blue grid on light blue background
  • Sculptors: Black pattern on white background
  • Searchers: Black map marker on light purple background
  • Sorcerers: White/yellow torch on dark purple background
  • Stairmakers: Yellow ladder on red background
  • Tea Masters: White cup on red background
  • Triple Star: Three yellow stars on dark blue background

When you examine the incomplete scarf, you need to recreate the small scarf pattern on the large loom, one row at a time Spinner. After you have seen everything on both views, you will get the opportunity to create synaptic links between objects. There is an achievement for making these 5 links Synaptic:

  • The two sections of the blue cable
  • Empty spray cans (pink and blue)
  • Hanging cables (blue and yellow)
  • Servers (hacked and normal)
  • Empty boxes and thread remains

You should be able to find up to 6 statements for each of the 3 suspects. Select the following statements and conclusions for each suspect:

  • The Thief (Innocent)
    Manipulated the loom to demoralize the rival team.
    Stole the thread that the cyborg was using to weave a banner for the match.

  • The Saboteur (Guilty)
    Tried to hack the server providing life support to the cyborg.
    Burnt the cyborg's life support cable.

  • The Vandal (Innocent)
    His guild organized peaceful anti-robot sit-ins.
    The blue cable was already split in two when he started to graffiti.

You will get an achievement for finishing the case Class B Rounder, and another for getting 6 correct hypotheses Lucid in the shadows.

Case 4

Larceny in the Library

Interrogate the 3 witnesses and they will leave. Read the Oniria Times newspaper archive (3/4) high up on the right (near the ladder). Read as many books as you can find - there is an achievement for reading at least 700 of them One of our own. Now interrogate everything else throughout the room, using both available perspectives.

When you examine the grand magic door, rotate the dots until you reveal a QR code Spatial vision. Scan this code with your phone to be taken to a website that gives you the following information:

Only the circle seeker will pass

  • 305035 -> 2
  • 128530 -> 3
  • 230565 -> 2
  • 980313 -> 4
  • 125861 -> 3
  • 981267 -> 4

  • 127782 -> ?
  • 938021 -> ?
  • 038920 -> ?
  • 123057 -> ?
  • 506306 -> ?
  • 867503 -> ?

Count the number of circles within the numbers shown, then examine the electronic lock just to the right of the door and enter the code 245144 The Circle enthusiast.

You should be able to find up to 6 statements for each of the 3 suspects. Select the following statements and conclusions for each suspect:

  • The Father (Innocent)
    Was in Opera Theater during the power outage.
    Not interested in Awakeland life.

  • The Son (Guilty)
    Was in the Library when the power outage occurred.
    Wants to rescue his father from Oniria.

  • The Butler (Innocent)
    Left the Library before the power outage.
    Partakes of the director's passion for oneiric food.

You will get an achievement for finishing the case Class A Rounder, and another for getting 6 correct hypotheses Bookworm.

Case 5

Murder on the Oniria Express

Interrogate everything in the compartment B. Leave the room and interrogate door 2. Go left, opening the door to compartment A. Talk to the anarchist, then read the Oniria Times (4/4) Newspaper researcher. Interrogate everything else here, then leave. While you are here, interrogate door 1 and the door on the left.

Go right twice and interrogate door 3. Also interrogate the door on the right and talk to the conductor. Now head into compartment C. Talk to the bearded, then interrogate the Study of Kabu Restricted knowledge. Examine the briefcase on the left, then the ashtray near the window to see a map. You need to rearrange the map as follows Oneiric cartographer:

  • Top Row: The Vessels, Collectors' Guild, The Magic Fist Suburbs, Akihabara, The Tea House District, Sorcerer's Guild, Long Bridge
  • Second Row: Stairmakers' Guild, Opera Theater District, The Triple Star Barracks, Palace of Desires, The Mercenary Barracks, The Financial District, The Oriental District
  • Third Row: Electroneiric Station, Rounders Headquarters, Sculpture Garden, Conciliation Ave, The Church of the Circle, Searchers' Guild Alleys, Palace of Desires Central Station
  • Bottom Row: Biomi Grand Park, Fifth-Dimension Cemetery, Science City, Scarlet Park, The Lake of Desires, Grand Oniria Stadium, The Kabu Zoo

You should be able to find up to 6 statements for each of the 3 suspects. Select the following statements and conclusions for each suspect:

  • The Bearded (Guilty)
    Closed the curtains and the compartment door.
    Did strange things after closing the curtains.

  • The Anarchist (Innocent)
    Closed a curtain to read.
    Did not leave her compartment.

  • The Conductor (Innocent)
    The suspicious liquid is mineral water.
    Entered Compartment B to restock the minibar.

You will get an achievement for finishing the case Star Rounder, and another for getting 6 correct hypotheses The hound of the Oniria Express.

Case 6

Nightmare's Crossing

Start interrogating everything you can find, and the scene will eventually go dark. Now you need to be facing towards objects before you can interrogate them. Once you look at the owl on the wooden sign, you will look up to the stars in the sky. You need to identify a series of 5 constellations Astronomer Rounder:

  • Key: Upright, to the far right (8 stars)
  • Trident: Almost horizontal, to the far left (9 stars)
  • Dragon: Shaped like a scythe, to the left of the key (9 stars)
  • Soft Drink: Shaped like a rectangle, to the right of the trident (4 stars)
  • Anchor: Shaped like an arrow, pointing down to the left, below the cake (5 stars)

You should be able to find up to 6 statements for each of the 3 paths. Select the following statements and conclusions for each suspect:

  • Coast Path (Don't go this way)
    There is a broken branch on the pine by the path side.
    Dodgson and Liddell arrived from the Coast Path.

  • Castle Path (Don't go this way)
    Someone came from the Castle Path.
    It is very steep and hazardous.

  • Altar Path (You're on the right path)
    The pine next to the milestone has a broken branch.
    The stars show that it is the North Path.

You will get an achievement for finishing the case Scarlet Rounder, and another for getting 6 correct hypotheses Night Rounder.

You can get additional achievements for playing again and selecting the Coast Path Lobster hunter and the Castle Path Vampire hunter. You need to watch these bad endings completely.


Press the rectangular button at the bottom left of the maze and wait. Eventually the blue lines will all be spinning around this button. Now press this button once more Initiated in Aerena secrets. Watch as the game completes Substitute Dreaming Ranger. There is a final achievement for getting all other achievements Brainiac.