Oddworld: Abe's OddyseeOddworld: Abe's Oddysee

Game Details:  Action/RPG, 1997

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  1/12/2007

Suggested Listening:  Give Up Now (Ash 25)

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee is the first game set in the Oddworld universe. You take the role of Abe, a member of the Mudokon race, enslaved by the evil Glukkons. After uncovering the fact that the Glukkons are killing the Mudokons and packaging their meat up for sale, you set out on a puzzle platform adventure to save your race. The story continues in the sequel, Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus.

Rupture Farms

28 Mudokons

Start by heading right and using the directory to see a map of the level. Continue right and jump up to the ledge, then on the next screen go through the door to appear in the background. Continue right and go through another door to reappear in the foreground. Climb up to the ledge and continue. Jump over the two gaps. On the next screen, chant to take control of the Slig. Walk left and use the lever, then head right 2 screens and shoot the sleeping Slig. Chant again to kill the possessed monster.

As Abe again, go right and drop down. Tell the Mudokon to follow you (you have to say hello first), and head right twice. Go down in the elevator and chant to free him. Go back up and left 3 times, then get another Mudokon to follow you right 3 screens and down to freedom.

Go back to where you found the last Mudokon, and climb down behind the barrel into a secret area. The droid here prevents your chanting from working. Jump across and get a grenade from the Boom Machine. Throw the grenade at the droid to destroy it. Now chant to possess the Slig, and it will be killed by the other one in the room. Possess this second Slig, and walk off the platform to the right. Quickly turn left and shoot to kill the 3rd Slig (if you fail, start throwing grenades down there until you can't hear him walking any more). Get another grenade and go down to blow up the droid. While you're here, chant to free 2 Mudokons.

Climb back up, get a grenade, and climb up again. When you reach the directory screen, wait for the Slig to depart to the left, then throw a grenade after him. Go back to get another grenade, then go left to the first screen of the game. Climb down behind the barrel.

Stand on the left of the platform and jump left. Drop down and sneak 1 step right, then crouch, and throw the grenade after the 4th beep. Climb back up on the left to reset the portal, then drop back down and chant to free a Mudokon.

Now climb back up and walk left under the meat grinder. Pull the lever, then roll back to the right and jump the gap and go past the grinder. Get the Mudokon to follow you, then run beneath the grinder and fall off the ledge - you will hang and the other guy will stop. Climb up and get him to follow you again, and he will fall into the gap. Next pull the lever where that guy was working - this changes the speed of the next grinder to slow. Walk past and lead the next Mudokon left beneath it. Pull the lever again, and repeat the process to get him to drop down. Drop down after him. Get the 2 guys to follow you to the ground, then chant to let them escape. Now climb right back up to the starting screen.

Get another grenade from the Boom Machine, then go to the screen where you have been jumping over bombs. Stand on the middle platform and throw a grenade down to the right - if any bombs remain, get another grenade and repeat. Drop into the pit and climb down behind the barrel.

Immediately jump left, then climb down. Drop down again and walk beneath the grinder, then pull the lever. Roll back to the right and climb up to the previous screen. Now the grinder here is slower. Get each of the 2 Mudokons to follow you carefully beneath the grinder and down a screen. On the screen below, go by yourself and pull the lever, then carefully lead the 2 guys beneath the grinder. Now chant to make them escape.

Climb back up and go to the screen left of the elevator. Jump up and pull the rope hanging here, then quickly run right to fall through the trapdoor into a secret area. Grab a grenade and drop it down on to the Slig to kill him. Get another grenade, then drop down to the room below (from the right side of the hole). From where you land, throw the grenade to the right to destroy the bomb. Jump up, then come down again and chant to free the Mudokon. Climb up again and chant to make a portal open (you will be zapped, but it doesn't matter). Grab another grenade before jumping through the portal.

Continue right and go down in the elevator. Get a Mudokon here to follow you 2 screens to the right and to freedom, then go left once and right again to free another Mudokon. Jump up and go right. Pull the lever when the Slig is above the trap door to make him fall through. Now pull the lever again and run right so you fall through as well.

When the Slig approaches the left wall, throw a grenade down at him. Drop down, jump over to the right and drop down to the room below. Sneak left past the grinder, jump across and climb down. Pull the lever to stop the grinder, then get a grenade and climb up. Drop down on the right again, sneak left and jump across. Take two steps left and turn around. Now crouch and arm the grenade, throwing it after the 4th beep to kill the Slig and the bomb. Go over and get another grenade, then jump left again. This time take one step left, turn around, crouch and throw the grenade to destroy the droid. Climb up once more and get the Mudokon to follow you down the hole. Repeat this to get him to join the other two, then chant to free 3 Mudokons. Climb back up and chant (and get zapped) then escape through the portal.

Go right. Time your jumps across the 2 gaps so that you don't get hit by falling meat chunks, and continue right. Now follow the on-screen instructions for diffusing the bomb here (hit it when it flashes green), then climb up and go right once more. Use the lever to wake up the Sligs, then pull it again to make the one on the right fall through. Now possess the other one and make him explode. Go over and pull the other lever to turn off the electric gate from earlier, then get the Mudokon here to follow you left and through the portal.

Go right twice. Possess and explode the Slig in the background, then crouch and roll beneath the wall. Get the Mudokon here to follow you to the right, then wait on this screen. Climb up and flip the lever, then walk carefully on to the next screen. Possess the Slig here, and walk right twice - shoot the other Slig, then explode. Go back to the left and chant to let 2 Mudokons escape. Go right twice and say hello to the darkness to find another Mudokon - get him to follow you left twice and through the portal.

Run 5 screens right and roll beneath the first grinder, then walk beneath the second. There are 2 Mudokons in the next screen, one obvious and one in the shadows again. Get both of them to follow you left, and wait to the right of the slower grinder. Now go right and pull the lever - note where the barrel lands. Go right, then quickly turn around and run left with the Slig following. Stop in the shadows and he will stop where the barrel will land, so quickly walk out and pull the lever to flatten him. Go left and get the Mudokons to follow you, one at a time, 2 screens to the right. Once they are all there, chant to free 6 Mudokons.

Head 3 screens left to a door with a warning above it, and go through. Run left 2 screens and get a grenade. Roll on to the right screen, wait for the Slig to jump down and throw the grenade, then roll left quickly - if you are lucky, the Slig will explode; if not, try again! Now get another grenade and take the elevator to the top. Throw a grenade down to the right to kill the Slig. Go down and make sure you killed him, then go back up and jump off the right edge of the elevator to land on his platform. Roll to the right.

When the first grinder is up, jump across beneath it. Now time a roll to the right when the next grinder is up and the 2 trapdoors are closed. Keep rolling on to the next screen and chant to free 3 Mudokons. Roll back to the left and drop down. Go left and pull the lever, then grab another grenade before going up on the elevator again. Crouch and throw the grenade left to destroy the 3 bombs. Now drop to the left, and down again to the ledge below, then head left to the next area.

Stockyard Escape

12 Mudokons

Jump left over the pit and go on to the next screen. Immediately chant to free the Mudokon beneath you (otherwise he will be killed quickly). Now carefully proceed across the screen, making sure you are standing still whenever the motion sensor's beams pass over you. Drop into the first pit on the next screen and go through the dark doorway to appear in the background. Go left, then chant and go through the portal.

Chant from where you start to open an exit portal below you. Now hop down and go right, immediately running back to the left and jumping up to the ledge. Say Hello and Follow Me quickly, then start running to the right with the Scrab right behind you. Jump over the three gaps on the follow screens, then up to a safe ledge. Chant to let the Mudokon escape. Now wait for the Scrab to be below you and facing right, then make a return run to your original safe ledge. Go through the same process to save the second Mudokon. Finally, run back and jump through the portal you opened previously.

You will appear back in the left pit. Climb out and do a running jump over the pit on the left. On the next screen, wait for the Scrab to be on the right side, then jump to the bottom of the pit and quickly do a running jump to climb out the opposite side. Carefully cross over the next three screens, chanting to read the firefly messages on the second and third ones.

On the next screen, jump over the bomb and fall into the pit - you will hang from the ledge. Wait for the Slig to head left, then climb up and sneak left into the shadows. When he passes by again, sneak left and hide in the shadows on the next screen. Wait for both Sligs to leave the next screen, then drop down and roll to the next shadow. When the bottom Slig is to your right, sneak to the left. Jump over the bomb and lower yourself down to the screen below. Chant to reveal a bird portal in the shadows (you will be zapped), then run and jump through.

Jump immediately to avoid getting shot by a Slig. When both Sligs have left, pull up and run right. Jump past the Slig and hang from the next ledge. Wait for him to go left, then climb up. Get a Mudokon to follow you as you jump left and go to the left side of the screen, then tell him to wait. Quickly drop down to hang from the ledge again before the Slig returns. Repeat this to get the second Mudokon to the left side of the screen, then hang again. The next time the Sligs leave, climb up to the top ledge and arm the bomb. Drop down and hang from the edge of the pit. Wait here until the top Slig blows himself up, then climb up to that ledge. Lead the 2 Mudokons left and to freedom, then possess the remaining Slig and run him off a ledge. Finally return through the portal where you entered the area.

Now drop down and arm the bomb from its left side. Walk to the screen on the right and remain in the shadows. When the two Sligs are facing left, step into the light then run back right and jump up to the ledge. One of the Sligs will chase you and run into the bomb. Return left into the shadows. When the Slig is heading left and reaches the middle of the screen, run past him and jump up to the ledge above. Continue left now and read the firefly message. Jump the gap on the next screen and drop down several ledges. You will wake a Slig up - quickly jump right and hang from the ledge. When he leaves the screen, go to the right edge of the screen. When he starts approaching again, run to the right and jump to grab the middle ledge. When the Slig leaves, chant to open the portal, then drop down and jump through.

A Slig will walk on to the top platform. Possess it, then drop down to the bottom level and say "Hi" to your fellow Sligs. Now shout "Look Out" and shoot the 2 Sligs before exploding yourself. Now as Abe, get each of the 4 Mudokons to follow you left, then right, then down to the bottom level. Chant to let them all escape. Walk left and chant, then go through the portal to the previous area.

Head left twice, then wait for the patrolling Slig to go right. Drop down, arm the bomb and pull up before the Slig returns and blows up. Go down and to the right and collect 3 rocks, then return left and climb up. Wait for the bats to disperse before climbing down. Make sure you go down to the bottom of this screen to find a save point, then climb up and go to the right. Chant to open a portal, then throw your 3 rocks to destroy the 3 bombs (if you waste one, collect another rock from the left). Head through the portal.

Immediately crouch and roll right, stopping on the next screen. The Slig straight ahead will keep turning around - when his back is turned, do a standing jump between the bombs. Repeat this once more. Now wait until the top Slig is heading left - pull up to the ledge above, then quickly jump right into some more shadows. Wait again, then roll through to a safe area to the right. Start chanting to kill the bottom Slig, then possess the top one. Go left and kill the top guy, then drop down and kill the other two (tell the Mudokon to "Look Out" if you need to). Destroy yourself. Now as Abe, go left and chant to free the Mudokon, then go right, open the portal and go through.

Go back to the left and to the bottom, then get another rock. Roll to the left. Throw the rock to destroy the bomb and the Slig. Continue left. Sneak into each shadow as the Slig's back is turned, then run left from the screen and jump to the ledge. Roll beneath the rocks and continue left. Get 3 rocks here, then climb up to the left. Jump over the bomb and continue left. Fart to get the Slog's attention, then run right and jump over the bomb again - the Slog will blow up. Roll left behind the campfire to drop down into a new area.

Chant to open the portal below, then throw 2 rocks to destroy the bombs. Now as the Slog is in mid-jump, head right and roll through the gap. Quickly jump to the opposite ledge on the next screen. Now wait for the Slog to start jumping again, and repeat this, heading through the portal you opened before. Now sneak right and jump up to the ledge above. Chant to open the portal and let the Mudokon escape. Head left and chant to open the portal, then return right. When the Slog is attempting to bite you, jump off to the right and up to the opposite ledge. After the Slog moves beneath you again, run left and jump through the portal you just opened.

Get 3 more rocks, then head left twice, drop down and go right. Drop down and open the portal, then jump through. Run to the right immediately, going 2 screens, then jump up to a ledge with a door. Walk through the door. Chant to free a Mudokon, then head left and chant to open an exit portal. Return right and back through the door. Now run left twice and jump through the portal.

Back outside, head left until you see another Slog. He will chase you, so return right and jump to the ledge. When he is beneath you, run left and jump over the bomb - he will explode. On the next screen, stand beneath the Slog and throw rocks upwards to destroy 3 of the bombs (and the Slog). Jump up to that platform and jump over the 4th and final bomb. Climb down the cliffs on the next screen.

Monsaic Awakenings

0 Mudokons

Head left and use the Rune Stone. Jump over the gaps (timing it so you avoid the falling rocks). On the next screen is a sentry; mimic his calls (high, high, fart) to be allowed to pass. Climb down the cliff and use another Rune Stone. Now possess the Slig, go left and kill the other Slig, then kill yourself. As Abe again, go through the door.

In this area, practice your rolling and jumping into wells. When you are happy, go through the opposite door. Climb down, head left, and climb up over the wall. Use the next Rune Stone, then go up in the elevator. Continue left and mimic another sentry (high, high, low, low, fart) before using yet another Stone. Jump left and climb up the ledge, then use the lever and jump into the well. Mimic the sentry (high, high, low, low, high, low, fart), then go left and through the door.

Use the Stone to the right, then jump into the well. Read the next Stone for a map, then go left and read another one. Chant to open the portal, then jump through. Go down in the elevator. Run left past the chanting Mudokon and climb the ledge. Run left past the bees and jump to the next ledge - the bees will attack the Mudokon here. Use the Stone to learn the Bell Song. Now run back to the right, past the bees again and back to the elevator. Go up now, then head left and chant to possess the bells and open the door. Go through this door.

Head right and mimic the sentry (high, high, low, low, high, low, high, low, fart), then use the Stone to learn about the flintlocks. Use the lever to light the flame. Continue right and chant to get a useful message. Jump off the ledge to the right. Continue right and go through the door, getting another message from the fireflies. Go back through the door and head left, over a ledge and through another door. Go right twice and use the lever and Stone, then return left and jump into the Paramonia Well.


0 Mudokons

Head right and get some info from a Stone (in a treetrunk) and a hint from the fireflies. Sneak right, and arm the bomb, then quickly climb up before it explodes. Now get some rocks before heading right. Pull the lever and throw a rock to destroy the bomb. Return left, then jump in the well. Pull the ring, then walk off the right edge of the platform to fall back into the well and land safely on the ground. Mount the Elum and run right, jumping the gap.

Say "Hello" to the sentry, then mimic him (low, high, high, low, fart) and he will lower the elevator. Get on, and dismount from the Elum, then go up. Tell the Elum to "Stay", then sneak right and roll a rock at the bomb to destroy it and the Slig. Go back and get the Elum, then head right and up in the elevator. The Elum will stop to eat honey - throw a rock at the bee hive and the bees will attack - run right. The Elum will eventually follow after being stung many times!

Continue right and disarm the bomb. Mount the Elum and jump over the gap, then keeping running and jumping right until you reach a tent (there is a Slig in the background who will shoot you if you stop).

Dismount from the Elum and jump over to the left, then climb up. Keep climbing and jump into a well to reach the top of the tower. Possess the Slig here, and drop down to the left. Say "Hello", then drop down and kill the other Slig. Fall off to the left, then the right, and walk into the bomb on the left. As Abe, jump down to the left, then drop down to reach the lever. Pull the lever, then get on to the elevator and take it right down. Call the Elum down to you, then go right up to the top on the elevator. Mount the Elum and run left. Keep running with bees in hot pursuit, jumping over the next 5 screens until you enter the next area.

Dismount and pull the ring, then after your flight, drop all the way down to the bottom and pull the lever. Jump over the bomb and get the password from the Rune Stone, then jump back and into the well. Run and jump right and pull the other ring, then climb back down to the ground and jump into the well once more. You will return to the Elum.

Continue left and go down into the elevator. Say "Hello" to the sentry, then give the password (high, low, low, high, fart). Get on to the other elevator and go up, then left. Continue left, then go down in the elevator. Possess the Slig who appears, then go left and kill another Slig, then left, down and right to kill the last one, before exploding. Go left to find a gap, then tell the Elum to "Wait". Climb up, head right twice, then climb up to find another Rune Stone. Return to the Elum and jump over the gap. Dismount and possess the Slig in the background. Kill the other Slig, then explode. Tell the Elum to "Wait" again, then jump into the well. Chant, then jump into the portal.

Paramonian Temple

3 Mudokons

Head right twice, then quickly run back to the left and jump into the well. Possess the Slig that followed you, then head back to the right and shoot the Slog before exploding. As Abe again, jump back through the well and head right. Go down in the elevator, then quickly drop down to the right to avoid the bats. Pull the lever to drop a rock down on the Slig, then continue to the right and through the door.

You are now in the Paramonian Temple Hub. You need to light the flintlocks in each of the 6 areas before the top door will open.

Start by going through the first door to the right. Go to the left to see a hive, then return to the right. Climb up the ledges, then at the top, head right. Jump up to the ledge, avoiding the Paramite. Get some meat here, then head right, keeping the first Paramite on your left. Throw the meat to the right, and both Paramites will run to it, triggering a trap. Run left and jump to the platform to avoid the boulder. Now get some more meat before returning to the start of the area. Go left and the hive has been destroyed. Climb up and get the Bell Song, then drop down and continue left. Throw the meat to the right to distract the Paramite, then continue left and down. Get more meat and jump across to the left. Take one step on to the next screen and throw the meat to hit the hive. The bees will kill the Paramite. Now go down and pull the lever, then quickly climb back up. Return to where the trap was triggered earlier, making sure you have some meat with you. Roll through where the disk started from and chant to open a portal, then jump through.

Throw the meat, then quickly run and roll through the pipes, then on the other side jump and climb up to the ledge. Wait until the eating sounds have finished, then say "Hello" and "Follow Me". Knock loose a bit of meat, then run left, roll through the pipes, chant to open two portals, wait for the Mudokon to jump through his, then jump through yours. Now go and get a piece of meat from 2 screens to the left, and repeat this procedure again for another Mudokon. Repeat it for another Mudokon, but as you go to leave this time, falling rocks will bar your way - just time a run through these and jump through the exit portal.

Go 2 screens left and get some meat, then left twice more. Throw the meat so that it lands in the shadow, then pull the lever to crush the Paramite. Go back and get some more meat, then return here. Go left once more and get the Paramite to follow you, then crush this one the same way. Finally head left, possess the bells and go through the door.

Back at the hub, enter the next door to the right. Head left twice, then climb up to the level with the Paramite. Roll left and learn the Bell Song, then knock a piece of meat free. When the Paramite comes running, go past to the right. Climb up and head left twice. When the disk starts rolling, run right twice, and you will fall to grab the ledge as the disk rolls past. Return to where it started and pull the lever. Now head right twice and jump into the well. Enter the second well, then pull the lever to light the flintlock. Return through the wells and go down the platforms. Jump across to the right to knock some meat free, then pick up the meat. Throw it to the screen on your left, then run there and jump to the ledge while the Paramites are eating. Possess the bells and exit the area.

Now go through the far left door on the level above. Jump across to the left ledge and then back to the right and hang. Drop down and pull the lever, then roll right and climb back up to the elevator. Go all the way up and get some meat, then go all the way back down. Throw the meat to distract the Paramite so you can get the password. Go back up in the elevator and say "Hello", then give the password (high, low, high, low, high, fart). You will given the power of the Spirit Rings. Go down to the screen below and chant to destroy the bombs. Pull the lever to light the flintlock. Go back up and give the password a second time, then go right to the top. Chant to destroy the bombs here, then flip the lever to activate a well. Return down in the elevator and jump in the well. Quickly run left and pull up to the ledge. Possess the bells and go through the door.

Enter the next door. Head left and immediately go right and jump to the ledge with a Slig in pursuit. Possess it, then go left and kill the other Slig before exploding. Now head left and get a rock before continuing. Crouch on the edge, and when the bat has passed by, jump over the gap avoiding the boulder. Repeat this twice more and sneak on to the next screen. Sneak over to the bomb and crouch and arm it, then quickly roll right and the Slog will explode. Now go over and learn the Bell Song and light the flintlock. Go back to the right and roll beneath where you started. Throw your rock right to destroy the bomb, then possess the bells and exit.

Now go through the first door on the right side of this level. Go left and get the Paramite to follow you right, timing a run so that it is crushed by the falling rocks. Go back to the left and learn the Bell Song. Now go right and roll beneath a barrier, noting the pressure plate on the left here. Get the Paramite on the next screen to follow you left and use the pressure plate to squash it with a rock. Go right once more and jump to the ledge, then quickly run left as 2 more Paramites appear. Crush them the same way. Finally go right and light the flintlock. Now chant to possess the bells and escape.

Head through the far right door. Walk right and you will find another screen with swinging boulders and bats. Duck while the bats are there and jump across when the way is clear. On the next screen is another bat circling over a bomb. When the bat goes up, roll over and disarm the bomb, then roll back to the left. The next time it goes up, run and jump up to the ledge. Jump up to the next screen, then go up and left to the middle platform. Disarm 3 more bombs, then pull the lever to light the flintlock. Jump left and sneak on to the next screen. Sneak over to the ring and turn to face the right, then jump to pull it and run right - keep running off the ledge to hang opposite, and the Slog will stop. You are now safe to pull up and make your way back to the first screen, where you can go through the now open door.

Go through the large door at the top of the temple hub. you can survey this level by using the wells to jump around safely in the background. Once you are happy and back at the start of the area, ride the elevator up, then immediately run and jump up to the left ledge. Turn and jump and run right. Jump over the trapdoor on the next screen and keep running, then jump to a ledge up on the right on the following screen. You are safe for the moment. Jump up and just hang there - 2 Paramites will come down and jump over the top of you, off the ledge. Now climb up, jump up to the left ledge, across to the right ledge, and climb up again. Roll to the right, then jump up - when 2 Paramites drop down and jump past you, climb up quickly. Roll under the barrier to the left and keep running. Jump over the gap on the next screen, then up to the left ledge. Keep running and roll beneath the barriers, then jump down to the left. A single Paramite will run away from you. Follow it to the left and jump to the ledge on the left and into the well before you are eaten. Hit the meat and get two pieces before jumping into the other well. Throw both pieces of meat to the right before jumping down and going through the door. Chant to open the portal and jump through.

Back in Monsaic Awakenings, retrace your steps and activate the wells again, then jump in the right well to Scrabania.


0 Mudokons

Try to use the well here, but it is broken. Go left and jump over the bomb, then hang from the ledge. When the Slig is walking away, pull up and sneak over to the bomb. Arm it and quickly roll right off the ledge, then wait for the Slig to blow itself up. Go left and sneak to the next screen. Wait in the shadows until the Slig leaves, then climb up and stand by the lever. When it returns and nears the X on the ground, pull the lever to squash it. Continue left and find another lever. Stand on the left of the lever and pull it, then return to the start of the level.

Now that the well works, jump into it and you will appear in the background. Pull the lever, then jump in the well to return. Now go left one screen and use the well here. Possess the Slig in the foreground and walk him off to the right to his death. Jump in the well, then pull the ring to summon an Elum. Climb down to the ground and mount it. Run left and jump over that large gap, then keep running through a hall into the next area.

Go right and then down in the lift. Say hello then repeat the sequence (low, high, low, fart) to get a Spirit Ring. Head right and chant to destroy the floating mine. Return left and get another Spirit Ring again, then jump to the ledge and go right. Pull the lever to get the elevator up, then go back left and right to reach it. Go down and chant to destroy the 3 mines. Jump up to that ledge to the right to get the password from the Rune Stone. Go back up once more to get a Spirit Ring, then take the lift right to the bottom. Say hello then give the password to the sentry (high, high, low, fart). When both mines are together on the right, chant to blow them up. Mount the Elum and jump to the right to continue.

Over the next 3 screens, you need to just keep running on your Elum. Time the start of your run to match with the gap in the mines, then just jump over the gaps. You will eventually reach a cave leading to a new area.

Head right 2 screens to find an elevator. Go up and the Elum will stay with the honey. Continue to the next elevator and go down. Head right 3 screens (jump over the gap on the way) then wait for the Slig in the background to go right. Head right and crouch in front of the rock so the Slig cannot shoot you. When it goes left, stand up and pull the lever, then run back to the left and jump in the well. You will knock down a rock, so pick it up. Take the lift all the way to the top and climb to the left ledge with the bomb. Crouch and roll the rock to destroy the bomb, then roll left to the next screen. Repeat the sequence (high, low, low, high, fart) to get a Spirit Ring.

Go back to the right and take the lift down to Elum level. Head right and chant to destroy all 4 bombs here. Roll beneath the cactus, then climb up to the screen above. Pull the lever, then climb quickly down, roll beneath the cactus and left past the Elum. The bees will persuade it to leave the honey. Go down the lift on the right, then mount the Elum and start running right. Jump over the gap on the screen with the Slig in the background, then stop on the next screen. Dismount and jump in the well to land on the other side. Disarm the bomb, then head right (by yourself). Stand behind the rock for protection from gunfire, and run right beneath the floating mine to reach the next screen. Jump in the well.

Jump left and get a rock to fall, then take the right elevator down to collect the rock. Throw the rock left to destroy a bomb, then go back up and take the left lift down to the now safe ledge. Get the password from the Rune Stone, then go back up and right, and recite the password (low, high, low, low, fart) to get a Spirit Ring. Return down to the area with the floating mine and chant to destroy it and the Anti-Chant Droid. Now possess one of the Sligs and it will get shot by the other. Possess the other and explode. Jump in the well here to return to your Elum. Mount the Elum and go right 3 screens, then up in the elevator and right to go through a cave.

When you reach a ledge with a floating mine opposite, dismount and drop down several ledges. Pull the lever, then quickly climb up to avoid the moving mine. Mount the Elum and time a jump to the right to avoid the mine. Keep running and jumping over the next few screens as a mine will start to chase you. It will eventually stop, so dismount and climb the left ledges to the screen above. Possess the Slig and go right. Kill the sleeping Slig, then go down in the lift and pull the lever to destroy itself and the other Slig. As Abe again, go down and mount the Elum, then continue right. Run past the lever and jump over gaps on the next 2 screens, then dismount.

Sneak to the right and sneak all the way past the Slig to the next screen. Wait for the floating mine to pause and jump over the mines on the ground. Repeat this to cross the screen safely, then on the next screen say hello and repeat the chant (low, high, low, low, high, fart) to get a Spirit Ring. Return left and use this to destroy everything. Go right and pull the lever, then jump in the well. Possess the Slig in the foreground, then head right and shoot another Slig before exploding. Jump in the well and go left then mount the Elum. Run right several screens and jump over the gap.

Dismount for the last time and climb the middle ledge. Head right and jump in the well. Dodge the mine carefully on this screen, and say hello then repeat the tune (low, high, high, fart) so you can roll over and jump in the well. Head right and say hello, then repeat the tune (low, high, low, low, high, low, fart) to get a Spirit Ring. Chant to destroy the bombs, then run and jump over the ledges to reach the next screen. Jump in the well here. Read the Rune Stone then continue right. Chant to open the portal, then run left with the Slog chasing you. Jump in the well, then start running right and jump through the portal.

Scrabanian Temple

6 Mudokons

Roll left beneath the rocks and chant to open a portal to a secret area. Jump through. Wait for the Slig below to be heading left, then drop down into the shadows. The next time he goes left, sneak behind him into the next shadow. When he heads right, sneak left, disarm the bomb and quickly roll right into the shadows. The next time he goes right, sneak behind him to the shadows on the right. When he goes left, jump back up to the platform. Now possess him. Run left and stop in the middle of the screen. Make a single shot left to kill the Slog, then immediately turn right and shoot once more to kill another. Repeatedly turn left, shoot, right, shoot and continue until the Slogs stop coming. Now explode yourself. With Abe again, go left and possess the Slig here, then explode yourself. Go right and chant to open your escape portal, then return left and chant to help 2 Mudokons escape. Return right and leave this area.

Now roll right to the starting screen again. Wait for the Sligs in the background to leave the screen, then run right and stop behind the rock. Again wait for the Sligs to leave (you may have to try chanting to get them to run away), before running right, jumping over a bomb and stopping behind a rock. Wait once more for them to leave (except the lone guy higher up) then run right and stop quickly on the next screen behind a rock. Crouch down and wait for the Sligs to leave, then quickly roll right, disarm the bomb, and roll left again. Wait for the coast to clear again, then run right, jumping over the 3 remaining bombs, and stop on the next screen behind a rock. Jump over the remaining mine and enter the door on the right.

You are now in the Scrabanian Temple Hub. You need to light the flintlocks in each of the 8 areas before the bottom central door will open.

Enter the left door on the second level. Jump off the ledge to the right and get the rock you knocked loose. Lower yourself down to the screen below, then jump left over the Scrab. When it heads right, lower yourself down and jump left to safety. Roll right 2 screens, and throw a rock to the right to destroy the bomb. Keep rolling and use the Rune Stone to learn the Bell Song. Climb up here and chant to possess the bells. Go left and pull the lever, then return right, down and left. Jump up and hang near the Scrab, and when it is at the far right, climb right up, run right and jump up to the ledge. Now just run right several screens and go through the door.

Head through the door to your right. Wait for the Scrab to be at the far right, then jump off the left, pull the lever, and jump back up to your platform. When it is at the left, jump right and then into the well. When you land, jump into the well right next to you. Run right and jump into another well, and you will land so you can learn the Bell Song. When the Scrab is beneath you and facing right, run off to the left and keep going, jumping to a ledge on the left of the next screen. Wait for the Scrab to leave, then drop down into the well below. Ignore the lever where you start, and climb up. Pull the lever, then go back down to the previous lever. Wait for the Scrab to be on the far left, and pull the lever then run right. Jump up to the far right ledge, then wait for the Scrab to leave and jump down and enter the left well. Pull the lever to light the flintlock, then drop down. Wait for the Scrab to go right, then drop down and run left, jumping up to the ledge on the next screen. When it leaves again, drop to the ground, then jump into the well. Climb up, chant to possess the bells, and return to the hub.

Go through the bottom left door. Wait for the floating mine to go down to the left, then jump across to the right. Lower yourself down, then jump to the right and drop down again. The Slig in the background will shoot you if you walk out from cover while it is walking right. Wait for it to be heading left, then sneak out and pull the lever to crush the other Slig with a rock. Sneak back right again to avoid gunfire. When the background Slig heads left next time, run to the next screen and stop behind the rock. Possess the Slig, and have him face the left and pull the lever to light the flintlock. Start firing and keep firing continuously to kill all the Slogs. Now go right and shoot the other Slig, then explode. Now jump into the well to reach the background. Head right and learn the Bell Song, then jump into the well on the right. Chant to possess the bells, then go through the door to exit the area.

Head up to the top right door and go through. Run left and on the next screen jump up to the ledge and learn the Bell Song. Now run back to the right, past the starting screen, and jump to the ledge to the right and continue right before the bats catch you. Jump over the large gap on the next screen, and on the one after that jump to the ledge on the right. If the Scrab has jumped off, quickly climb up; if it hasn't, drop down and climb up when it does. Jump into the well, then head 2 screens right. Wait for the Scrab to be on the far right, then pull the lever to light the flintlock, and start running left after you fall. Roll beneath the rock and you will grab the opposite ledge. Pull up and roll left again - on the next screen you will drop to the ledge below. Wait for the scrab to be over to the right and facing away, then jump off the ledge, get on the elevator and go up. At the top, chant to open the exit and go through.

Enter the door on the left of the platform below. Jump over to the left and drop down twice. Turn and run right off the ledge, then quickly jump up to the right ledge. Pull the lever to light the flintlock, then when the Scrab has gone right, jump over it to the left and into the next room. Jump up to the ledge and learn the Bell Song, then when the Scrab has gone right again, run off to the left and jump up to another ledge. The Scrabs will fight each other. Chant to possess the bells, then go through the door.

Run right 2 screens to get a Scrab's attention, then run back to the left twice. Jump in the well, and when you land start running right. Go back past where the Scrab started, and on the next screen jump up to a ledge. Drop down to the elevator on the right and take it down to the bottom. Head right to see another Scrab, then quickly run left and jump up to the ledge. When the Scrab is standing on the elevator, pull the lever to raise the Scrab to the top. Head right again and pull the lever, then return left, climb up and jump in the well. Watch the Scrab's duel it out, then jump in the well. Learn the Bell Song, then go left and pull the lever to light the flintlock. Return right and jump in the well. Drop right and take the elevator down to the bottom, then go right and possess the bells before leaving.

Head through the left door below. Lower yourself down, then wait for the Scrab to go right before running left to the next screen and jumping to another ledge. After the 2 Scrabs fight and the winner is heading right, run off to the left again and jump to yet another ledge on the next screen. Another fight will take place. When the remaining Scrab is to your left, run off to the right, past the starting screen, jumping up to a ledge on the right of the following screen. While the battle between the 2 Scrabs here continues, pull the lever, then jump down and into the well. Head right and pull the lever to light the flintlock. Continue right and learn the Bell Song, then find another well to the right to jump into. Wait for the final Scrab to be below you and facing right, then jump off to the left and run all the way back to the bells, jumping to the ledge. Chant to possess the bells and open the exit door, but don't go through yet. Climb up and roll to the left, then chant to open a portal and jump through to a secret area. Say hello then follow me, then wait for the Scrab to head right and drop down. Quickly run left and roll through the pipe, dropping out the other end. Immediately pull up to avoid another Scrab. Jump up and hang, watching the path of a floating mine. Pull up and immediately jump and pull up again when the mine heads left. Chant to free the Mudokon, then time 2 drops down to avoid the mine again. Chant to open your exit portal, then wait for the Scrab to head right and lower yourself, run left and jump through. Now exit to the right and drop down to the ledge below. Wait for the Scrab to leave to the right, then quickly drop down, go left and exit through the door.

Next is the door in the lower right corner. When the Scrab is on the left of its platform, run right 2 screens, jump to the ledge and pull the lever. Another Scrab will come up to fight the first. Once the fight is over, run back to the left and jump to the platform where the first Scrab started. Go up in the elevator and walk left, then run right with a Scrab chasing, and roll beneath the low rock. Pull the lever to send the Scrab down on the lift. Pull the lever again to return the lift, then roll left and go to the next screen. Learn the Bell Song, then go down on the lift, chant and jump through the portal to a secret area. Chant to open your escape now, then hang from the ledge to attract the Scrab and pull up before he arrives. Get a Mudokon ready to follow you, then when the Scrab is in the bottom right corner, run left off the ledge, jump immediately, keep running and jump over a gap on the next screen, then up to the left ledge. Chant to free the Mudokon. When the Scrab is on the far left, run back and up to your starting ledge. Repeat this to free the other 2 Mudokons, and on the last return run, jump through the portal. Jump back up to the elevator and go up. Head right and go down on the other lift, and the 2 Scrabs will start fighting. Run to the right and up to the ledge 2 screens away, then head right again. Chant to possess the bells, then exit to the hub.

As with the Paramite Temple finale, you can survey the area first using wells in the background. When ready to start, run right and jump over gaps on the next 3 screens, then quickly up to a right ledge. Climb up to the screen above, then quickly up to the elevator. Ride this to the top, then run right and jump up to another elevator on the next screen. Ride this up as well, then run right, jump the gap and hang on the ledge. Pull up and run right again, jumping a large gap and continuing. Start rolling on the next screen and you will fall down. Keep going right and jump up to a ledge in the next room. With the Scrab below you, run left and quickly jump up to the left ledge. The lever here opens the trapdoors below, so pull it when the Scrab walks over one of them. Now lower yourself to the ground and time jumps past the falling rocks. Pull the other lever to stop the rocks and head through the door. Chant to open the bird portal, and escape.

Back in Monsaic Awakenings, retrace your steps past the wells to the screen with the Sligs and mines. Use trhe Shrykull (chant button) to destroy everything. Now head right, chant and jump through the portal.

Stockyard Return

0 Mudokons

Climb up on the left to reach the screen above. Sneak right past the motion detectors, then start running right with a Slog behind you. Keep going to the next screen and jump to the ledge. Now when the Slog is beneath you, run left off the ledge, past the next screen and up to another ledge. You will probably trip a motion sensor - if not, move a little left until you do. The floating mine will destroy the Slog. Go right 3 screens.

Climb up to the top level and go across to the lever (both sensor beams need to be on the right before you jump the mine). Pull the lever, then go back to the left and down to the bottom level. Jump into the sack to get 2 rocks, then go back up. Standing on the far left, throw a rock to destroy the floating mine. Throw another to destroy one of the mines. Go down and get more rocks, and destroy the remaining mine. Head right again.

There are 4 floating mines here. Throw your remaining rock to destroy at least one, then return for more rocks and destroy the others. Make sure you have 2 rocks with you before continuing right. Jump to the ledge and roll through, then start running with the Slog chasing you. Go right 2 screens, rolling beneath a Slig and continuing to run. Jump to a ledge and continue right to reach a screen with 4 mines and a portal. Chant to open the portal. Now use your rocks to destroy as many mines as possible, then jump through.

Now jump down into the pit so you avoid the sensors. Duck and carefully disarm the bomb without being caught. Step right, then turn left, run and jump to the ledge - hang here. When the sensors are tripped a Slig will come from the right. As it falls into the pit, pull up. It will run into a mine on the left. Now jump back down and you can step closer and pull that lever to disable the forcefield. Run and jump up to the right. Walk a bit to wake up the Slog, then run back to the left. Jump in the pit and quickly jump up to the left and climb up. The Slog will come through and explode a mine on the right. You can now jump up to the right, drop down and proceed along the lower right path. Drop down once more, chant and jump through the portal.

Zulag 1

25 Mudokons

Get the Mudokon here to follow you left and chant to let him escape. Go left 3 screens and get 5 grenades from the Boom Machine. Use your first one to destroy that floating mine. Head right and use another to kill the Slig on the platform (wait for 4-5 beeps before throwing). Jump up and pull the lever to turn off the forcefield. Continue right and go through the door to head up.

Run left immediately with a Slog in pursuit. Keep running past a Slig that will wake up. Keep going and jump up to a ledge on the left. Possess the Slig and say "Here Boy" to take control of the Slog. Head right and kill each of the Sligs you encounter with either your gun or your Slog, but be careful not to kill any Mudokons. You will eventually reach a Slog kennel, and have to stand still killing heaps of Slogs. When they stop coming, explode. Head left and chant to free a Mudokon. Go left again and get a Spirit Ring from the guy in the background, then head right and chant to destroy the bombs. Now find and rescue 3 Mudokons by leading them all to the portal here. Once you are done, go to the far right screen and pull a lever - this will open the exit door, but also disable the forcefield to the far left. Go there and get another Spirit Ring, then continue left.

Chant to destroy everything, then drop down to the screen below. Do not rescue this Mudokon yet - the number 2 in the portal indicates you need 2 rescues at once to get your Shrykull power. Pull the lever to close the trapdoor, then climb back up and go left. Possess the Slig and explode it, then lead the Mudokon slightly to the left. Go back right twice and get another Spirit Ring, then come and destroy that bomb. Now lead the Mudokon right and down through the floor, then down to be with the other one. Now you can chant to free 2 Mudokons and get the Shrykull. Go up and left and chant to destroy the 3 Sligs who come to attack. Go right twice and get another Spirit Ring, then go left 3 times. Chant to destroy the bombs, then continue left.

Run and jump up to the ledge and possess the Slig, then explode it. Pull the lever to go down, then immediately sneak left into the shadows. When the Slig next to you is not looking and the one below heads to the left, throw a grenade down. Now wait for the one next to you to look away, and drop down. Chant to possess the Slig. Have him drop down until he is on a platform with 3 Mudokons and 2 other Sligs. Go to one end and say "Look Out", then shoot the 2 Sligs before exploding yourself. Now go down there and get the Mudokon near the mine to follow you left. Crouch and throw a grenade right to destroy the mine. Leave the screen and come back to reset the portal, then chant to free 3 Mudokons. Climb back up and chant, then jump through the portal to return to the screen above. Climb up to the ledge and go left again. Chant to possess a Slig and the other one will kill it, so possess the other one. Go left and kill a Slig, then go left again and kill 2 more before exploding. Now as Abe again, go left and get the Mudokon to follow you, then go left again. Chant to rescue 2 Mudokons before going through the door.

Go up in the lift and run left with a Slog chasing. Go 2 screens left and jump to the ledge. Possess the Slig that appears, then shoot the Slog. Go left and kill the other 2 Sligs before exploding. Go right and pull the rope then run through the trapdoor. Get some grenades then possess a Slig. Shoot the other one before dropping down twice and killing the other Sligs. Now you can explode. Get the Mudokon here to follow you down, then chant to free 2 Mudokons. Go back up and chant, then go through the exit portal. Go left twice and drop down behind a barrel. Possess the Slig and have it drop down. Quickly turn left to kill another Slig, before 4 drop down and kill you. Get a grenade and go down to the middle of the platform below. Throw grenades down the hole until all the Sligs are dead. Drop down yourself and chant to free 2 Mudokons. Climb back up 2 screens and possess the Slig. Head left and kill another Slig before exploding. Lead the guys here all the way back to the right and down in the elevator, then chant to free another 2 Mudokons. Go back to where the last Slig you possessed started, and head left.

Drop down and go down behind the barrel. Jump left immediately to avoid the Slig, then run right and jump up to where the Slig started. Now possess the Slig and head down. Kill the first Slig, then drop again and kill the second. Now pull the lever before exploding. As Abe again, drop to the screen below and chant to free 2 Mudokons. Go back up out of this area and continue left. Go through the door to appear in the background and run left and through another door. Continue left twice and chant to rescue 3 Mudokons. Drop down behind the barrel. Possess the Slig and drop down to kill the Slog, then drop down and get shot. Now as Abe drop down and possess the remaining Slig, then explode it. Go back up and get the guys here to follow you down, then chant to free the final 2 Mudokons of this area. Go up and then right. Chant to open the portal and jump through to return to the screen where you get the Spirit Ring. Continue right and go through the door at the end and a final door to reach the next area.

Zulag 2

9 Mudokons

Use your Spirit Ring if you have it, then go through the door into the main area. Sneak left and jump up to the ledge, then possess the Slig. Walk left and say Hi, then repeat the code (low, high, high, low). The electricity is turned off and a Slig drops from above. When it drops to the bottom level, shoot it then explode yourself. As Abe, run left, climb up to the right and take the elevator up to the hub.

Go through the door on the left. Get the Mudokon here to follow you and go right 2 screens. Tell him to wait here, then scatter the birds forming the portal (which requires 3 escapees). Climb up to the ledge and pull the lever, then run off. When the Slig arrives, jump back up as it falls off. Possess the Slig, then go left. Say Hi, then repeat the code (high, low, high) to turn off the forcefield. Shoot the Slig that appears from the left, then explode. Now as Abe go and get the guy on the left to follow you towards the portal, and chant to let 3 Mudokons escape. You will now have the Shrykull. Take the elevator up. Pull the lever, then go right and use the Shrykull. A single Slig will come in from the right - possess it. Go right and kill the other Slig then explode. As Abe, go right and chant to free 2 Mudokons. Return to the hub via the entrance door.

Head through the middle door. Run right and jump to a ledge on the right. Possess the Slig, have him control the Slog and go right. Sick the Slog on the Slig, then call it back and shoot it before exploding yourself. Now head right and roll through the tunnel to the next screen. Sneak right and jump up to the ledge with the other Mudokons. Now wake up the Slig and wait for it to be facing right, then jump over it, run through the next room, and roll through the pipe. Climb up and go back to the right and possess the Slig. Walk right and shoot all the Slogs emerging from their kennel. Once they stop, pull the lever and explode. Now as Abe return to the right and bring the guys left, then chant to help 2 Mudokons escape. Return all the way left and leave via the door.

Now go through the right door. Head right and jump over the bombs. Sneak past the sleeping Slig, then climb up and return left. Get a grenade from the Boom Machine, then go and crouch by the lever. When the Slig is beneath the trapdoor, throw a grenade on to it and pull the lever to drop it on the Slig. Get some more grenades and destroy the bombs on the screen to the left. Now lead the 2 Mudokons left and through the bird portal. Go right and pull the lever, then go right and take the elevator to the top. Sneak left and climb above the Slig. Throw a grenade to the right to kill the Slig, then drop down to flip the lever, and return to the hub.

You can now go through the doors to the next Zulag.

Zulag 3

10 Mudokons

Sneak left and wake up the Slig, then run back to the right and jump to the ledge. Possess the Slig and have the Slog follow, then go right. Sick the Slog on the Slig, then call it back and kill it before exploding. Now Abe can drop down and go right, roll through the tunnel and flip the switch. Return left 2 screens, then climb up and use the elevator to reach the hub.

Go through the bottom right door. Sneak right 2 screens, then climb up. Possess the Slig, then go left. Pull the lever to drop a Slig down, and shoot it. Repeat this until they are all dead, then explode yourself. Now roll to the left and lead the Mudokon to the trapdoor. Tell him to wait there, then go down and pull the lever yourself. Now he can follow you right and the Mudokon can escape when you chant. Go through the door. Make sure you have at least 2 grenades for later. Drop down on the right and possess a Slig, who will be killed. Possess the other Slig, then head right 2 screens. Say Hi and repeat the code (high, low, high). Now call the Slog and lead it left, sicking it on the Slig. Go back to the right and shoot the Slog, then continue right. Warn the Mudokons, then kill the Slig before exploding. Now send Abe to the far right and chant to free 2 Mudokons. Return all the way left and pull the lever, then climb up to the screen above and go through the door. Go all the way left again and through the door to exit.

Walk into the top right door next. Crouch and throw a grenade right to destroy the first floating mine. Go down and pull the lever, then climb back up to the starting position. When the second mind is steady, lob a grenade up and it will destroy it. Now sneak right to the next screen. Sneak across and lower yourself down. Pull the lever, then jump up to avoid the Slig. Walk left and sneak back to the right again - it will be asleep. Run off the ledge and jump over the gap, jumping up to a ledge on the next screen. When the Slig walks off to the left, drop down from the right of this platform, pull the lever, and jump back up again. When the Slig leaves again, get on the elevator and go up. Get 5 grenades from the Boom Machine, then pull the lever and take the elevator back down. Quickly run and jump to the left ledge to avoid getting shot. Jump over to the right ledge, crouch and throw a grenade left to destroy the anti-chant droid. Try to possess the Slig and it will run off to the left and down the gap to its death. Sneak left and throw a grenade up after the 3rd beep to kill the other Slig. Get the Mudokon to follow you left and chant to let him escape. Climb up and go through the door.

Finally go through the top left door. Jump the gap and sneak to the right. Crouch and roll a grenade to destroy the Slig. Get more grenades if you need them, then climb up and continue right. Throw a grenade after 4 beeps to destroy the anti-chant droid, then possess the Slig. Use the lever before walking off to the right. As Abe again, climb down twice, then running jump to the right, then back to the left (you will hang here), dodging the rocks each time. Drop down to the ledge below. Walk left and possess a Slig, who will be shot. Possess the other one and explode. Now drop down and go left, jump the gap and flip the lever. Quickly run right and jump to the ledge. Possess the Slig and kill it. Now get the 3 Mudokons here to follow you left to the elevator. Take it up and notice the portal indicates you need 4 escapees. Take the lift to the top and head right 2 screens. Get the Mudokon here to follow you back to the lift. Now take it down and chant to free 4 Mudokons and get the Shrykull. Go right to the bottom and head right. Jump across the rock pit and chant on the next screen to destroy everything. Go right once more and chant to free another 2 Mudokons. Return all the way left and go up in the lift. Pull the lever then go right to the top and through the exit door.

Head through the open door to continue.

Zulag 4

5 Mudokons

Climb the ledge on the right, then jump up to the next screen. Climb up when the Slig is facing left, then sneak right and go through the door. Stand on the right side of the lever. Pull it, then run and jump up to the ledge on the left. Chant to possess the Slig, then go right and kill the 2 Sligs here. Take the lift down and kill another 2, then go right to kill 1 more, and a second when it runs in from the right. Wait for both Sligs below to face left, then drop down and kill them both. Continue left and warn the Mudokon before killing the last Slig here. Now explode.

Walk right and drop down on to the elevator. Chant to free a Mudokon, then go right, drop down again, and go right again. Roll through the tube, then quickly arm the bomb and roll back before it explodes. Roll back through and climb up, then pull the lever and have the Mudokon follow you. Head left twice and chant to free the Mudokon. Now go right 3 screens. Throw a grenade up after 4 beeps to kill the Slig here, then make sure you have a grenade from the machine before going through the door.

Crouch and turn left, then roll a grenade after 4 beeps, quickly rolling right to avoid the explosion. Get another grenade, then sneak to the right. Roll a grenade right after 3 beeps then return left and listen for the Slog exploding. Go back and get another grenade then return to the room you just exploded. Pull the lever and get the Mudokon to follow you left and exit through the portal.

There are 2 more Slogs on the next 2 screens to the right - kill each of them with a grenade rolled to the right after 3 beeps. Now possess the Slig above. Run left and stop, then kill all the Slogs running from their kennel. Walk forward another step, then kill the last Slog that runs out. Pull the lever, then explode. Now as Abe, head right again, and lead the 2 Mudokons here all the way left and through the portal to escape. Go back through the door here, left through the previous section and through another door. Now the door you just came through will close, and the one above will open.

Go left and wait for the Slig to leave before running and jumping and hanging from the ledge. When it leaves again, pull up and sneak over to the shadows on the next screen. When the Slig heads off to the right, sneak over and jump up, then when the Slig above heads right pull up and sneak over to the shadows here. When the Slig returns, sneak right, then run another screen to the right and go through the door (don't worry about that lever).

Ignore the mines and go right. Possess the Slig, then pull the lever and shoot all the Slogs coming from the kennel (you will need to shoot in short bursts, or the gun's recoil will push you off the screen). Now go left and pull the lever, then shoot the Slog from the left, then from the right, and keep going to kill 24 in total (beware: the last 2 both come from the left side). Now explode yourself. As Abe, drop down and go left 2 screens, rolling through to get a Spirit Ring. Return right and chant to destroy the bombs and the 3 Sligs. Go left and get another Spirit Ring, then go right 2 screens and destroy more bombs and Sligs. Go left to get a final Spirit Ring, then go right twice, up on to the ledge and right again. Destroy the 2 mines. Now go left and drop down. Run to the right screen, then run back left with a Slog and a Slig chasing you, and jump up to the left ledge. Possess the Slig and shoot the Slog, then go right and shoot more Slogs escaping from their kennel, before exploding. As Abe, go right and touch the "Do Not Touch" panel.

The Boardroom

1 Mudokon

Head right and enter the door, then go right and through another door to start a 2 minute timer.

Run left and drop to the ledge below. Head right and down to the next ledge, then go left and jump across and pull up. Roll left and you will drop to the next screen. Pull the lever here, then go left and time some rolls past the grinders. Turn and climb down, then jump right over the bombs and through the grinders on to the next screen. Jump over the 3 bombs, pull the lever, and jump back over the bombs on this and the previous screen. Get on the elevator and go down. Roll right through the tunnel, then stand up and do a running jump over the bombs. Go right and repeat this procedure, then head right off the ledge and go left. Disarm the 3 bombs here, then have the Mudokon follow you right, and chant to free him. Pull the rope here to fall into the room below. Walk right and pull the lever, then chant to kill everything on the screen.

You will be taken away. If you saved less than 50 Mudokons, you will die. If you saved more than 50 you will be spared. If you saved all 99, you will get to review all the movies (including both good and bad endings).