Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion
Game Details: Mystery, 2000
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 5/20/2023
Suggested Listening: Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)
Turn around until you can see a tapestry to the left of a wooden door. Read the poem on the tapestry - this will be very important later. Back out and turn right, then examine the blue suitcases. Use your key to unlock the suitcase, then read the journal inside. Close the suitcase and back out again.
Turn further to the right and examine a jade dragon statue on the fireplace. Look at the plaque on it to see the Hanzi character for daughter (1/10). Back out and head through the wooden door to a corridor. Continue forward, then go left at the intersection. Knock on the door to the left to meet Abby - talk to her about everything.
Back out, then head around to the right and go down the spiral staircase. Turn right at the bottom and go through the double wooden doors.
Dining Room
Talk to Rose, then look at the floor behind her and solve the wooden puzzle here - the pieces will highlight when they are in the right spot, and there must not be any blank space between the pieces. Once you are done, talk to Rose again and tell her you finished the puzzle. Turn around and look at the tea set, reading the schedule just to the left of it. Also open the drawer beneath the tea set and read the insurance policy, noting the Hanzi character for fire (2/10). Close the drawer and back out again.
Leave through the doors just to the left. Step forward along the corridor and open the door to the right of the door with the stained glass window. Go down the stairs here.
Talk to Charlie about everything. Turn around and go back up the stairs, then turn right and go through the door with the stained glass window.
Entrance Hall
Step forward and look beneath the scaffolding on the left. Move the paint tray and pick up the scraper. Back out and turn around. Go through the wooden door to the left of the grandfather clock.
Head over towards the fireplace and look at some documents in a cardboard box. Open the wooden cabinet in the corner with roses painted on the door. Open this and examine the fire extinguisher inside. Next go to the writing desk in the corner of the room. Search the left drawer and read the 2 letters inside. Use the phone on the desk to call Emily. Go all the way back upstairs to your room.
Open the blue suitcase and read the journal to see your new notes. Go to the alarm clock to the left side of the bed. Set the alarm to 12:00pm, and you will automatically sleep, then wake up at this time. Go back down to the parlor.
Turn right and go through the double doors.
Talk to Louis, who is sitting at the desk. Look in the shelves to the left and move some books so you can pick up a ceramic tile. Turn around and read the blue book on the top of the cardboard boxes in the corner of the room. Look to the right and examine the mahjong set on the small table between the green chairs, noting the Hanzi character for four (3/10). Head back upstairs again.
Knock on Abby's door, and she will take you down to the basement.
Head to the round table to the right of the fireplace. Open the compartment in the base of the table and take out a cassette tape. Back out and examine the toolbox on the workbench to the right, taking out a screwdriver. Back out again and turn around. Approach the cash register on the bar and press a button on the right to eject the drawer, then take out a key.
Return to the base of the stairs, then turn around and approach the piano. Look in the piano stool to read some piano sheet music, noting the Hanzi character for river (4/10). Go all the way back upstairs.
Set your alarm clock to 6:00am. When you wake up, use your screwdriver on the corner post of your bed, then pick up a small key. Leave your room, then follow the corridor around to the right and climb up the ladder. Use your paint scraper on the damp ceiling. Use the key you got from the cash register on the lock, then climb up into the attic.
Go over to the angled writing desk (with the red top) and unlock it with the key from your bedroom. Look at the top of the sheet music, which has a series of notes highlighted (B, E, G, A, G). Also find a playbill, photograph, letter and a book, noting the Hanzi character for beginning (5/10). Close the desk and back out.
Turn to the right and look in a wooden crate to find a crowbar to pick up. Further to the right, pick up an iron from a small wooden chest. Keep looking right and grab another ceramic tile from on top of a wooden barrel. There are also 2 books you can read in this room. Once you are done, look down at the trapdoor and try to lift it with the rope. Use your crowbar on the trapdoor, then climb down.
Head all the way down to the basement.
Go to the piano and play the music notes that you saw highlighted up in the attic: B, E, G, A, G. Take the piece of paper from the compartment that opens. Now climb back up into the attic.
Unlock the angled writing desk again and examine the sheet music. Use your piece of paper on the bottom of this to see the message "find diego on stairs". Close the desk and use the crowbar to get back down from the attic. Go back to the entrance hall.
Entrance Hall
At the top of the large staircase, approach the wooden banister. Rotate the spindles to spell DIEGO, then look down to get a golden symbol, and read the scroll. Leave here and go back to the dining room.
Dining Room
Talk to Rose about everything - she will ask you to fix the dumbwaiter. Leave the dining room and look on the wall just outside - open the white panel to see a rope hanging inside. Attach your iron to the rope, then close the panel and go upstairs.
Open the white panel near Abby's room. Look at the broken teacup, noting the Hanzi character for eye (6/10). Also pick up another ceramic tile. Go back to your bedroom. Open the blue suitcase and read the journal to see your new notes. Go back towards the door, then read the letter that is slipped beneath your door. Head downstairs.
There will be a fire near the fireplace. Quickly grab the fire extinguisher from the small corner cabinet and use it on the cardboard box to put out the fire.
Dining Room
You will automatically start talking to Rose in the dining room. Return to the parlor when you are done.
Head to the cardboard box and look at the scraps of paper - these used to be in the left drawer of the writing desk in this room.
After overhearing an argument on your way to your room, head inside. Read the journal in your blue suitcase again. Set your alarm clock to 10:00am. When you wake up, head downstairs.
Go to the fireplace and insert your 3 ceramic tiles above the fireplace. Now pull the left lever next to the fireplace to reveal a secret passage in the bookshelves. Go there now. Step forward and examine the painting of the child on the ground. Examine the bottom of the frame, noting the Hanzi character for child (7/10). Take the lantern from up to the right. Further up here move the loose brick, move the slider and look through the peep holes. After the scene with Louis, back out and turn around. Pull the lever so you can exit the secret passage. Head back upstairs.
Set your alarm clock to 7:00pm, then return downstairs.
Examine the fireplace and use your crowbar to lift up the grate in the bottom. Now use your lantern to head down. Follow the room until you find a living area. Examine the objects on the right - a book, a postcard, and a takeaway food container, noting the Hanzi character for king (8/10). Pick up the blue computer diskette. Head back upstairs.
Set your alarm clock to 3:00pm. After waking up, go to Abby's room and head inside. Turn right until you see some shelves with a stereo system. Look in the black jewelry box here and take out a spider charm. Turn left to the tall wooden cabinet and unlock it with the spider charm.
On the middle shelf, try playing some of the sound effects. On the bottom shelf, insert your cassette and press play. Back out and examine the large framed picture on the wall to find a two-way mirror. Next look at the desk and open the drawer. Look at the incense wrapper here, noting the Hanzi character for moon (9/10). Examine the tall bookshelf in the corner of the room and read the Zodiac book, noting the order of the animals mentioned.
Put the spider charm back into the black jewelry box, then leave the room (if you take too long in here you will be caught by Abby). Go downstairs.
Answer the phone when it rings to hear a spooky message.
Insert your computer diskette into the computer on the desk, then use the computer. Play the Maze game, pressing M to see a map - make your way to the exit in the bottom right corner, and you will be logged into the computer. Look at the passwords section to find the briefcase code (4653-4868). Look at the diskette section to read Charlie's paper outline.
Open the briefcase on the chair here with the code you just found. Read the book inside to see a reference to "Gum Bo Fu". Read several other notes here, then close the briefcase. Leave here now.
Set your alarm clock to 12:00pm. After waking up, head downstairs.
Use the telephone to phone Emily and ask her about everything, including "Gum Bo Fu".
Talk to Charlie about everything, including "Gum Bo Fu", and you will automatically return his diskette.
Dining Room
Talk to Rose about everything, including "Gum Bo Fu".
Talk to Abby about everything, including "Gum Bo Fu".
Talk to Louis about everything, saying you heard about "Gum Bo Fu" from a magazine.
Dining Room
Go back and visit Rose again, who will tell you that everyone else is leaving, and a package has been delivered to your room.
Enter your bedroom and read the letter from Emily on the chair, noting the Hanzi character for gold (10/10). Look at the lower part of the wall to the right side of the bed. You need to press the 12 animal tiles here in the same order as they were listed in the Zodiac book (rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, boar):
This will reveal a safe. You now need to select the Hanzi characters in the order indicated by the tapestry near the door in this room:
- Child
- Beginning
- Daughter
- Four
- Eye
- Fire
- Moon
- King
- River
- Gold
After selecting each character you must press the arrow - pressing the circle in the middle resets the combination. Inside the safe, look at the will, 2 letters and a wedding album. Use your golden symbol on the pyramid, then rotate the pyramid. Examine a puzzle where you must change suns into moons - the puzzle is different depending on whether you are playing as a junior or a senior detective. Click on the squares indicated in gray:
You will now see a sliding tile puzzle, which has either 9 or 16 tiles depending on the difficulty level. The finished image is that of a phoenix, which you can see on the floor of the entrance hall if you need to. Once done, the pyramid will open and you will collect a large red gem.
Close the safe and back out. Set your alarm clock to 4:00pm. When you wake up, go downstairs.
Entrance Hall
Insert your red gem in the eye socket of the phoenix on the post at the base of the staircase. After the light show, examine the floor and use your crowbar on the phoenix symbol.
After you recover from being knocked down, run up the stairs immediately to your right and across to the opposite landing. Use the rope 3 times, and the chandelier will fall down and trap the villain.