Moons of MadnessMoons of Madness

Game Details:  Horror, 2019

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  4/28/2020

Suggested Listening:  Give Up Now (Ash 25)

Moons of Madness is a psychological horror game set on a Martian base where things start to go horribly wrong. You play as Shane Newehart, an engineer on the base awaiting the arrival of an incoming supply ship. There are 23 Steam Achievements, all documented in the walkthrough below.

Chapter 1

Wakeup Call

Get up and leave your room. Pick up the lamp near the middle of the next room, then go through the only green door. Turn left and follow this corridor past a vision and a jammed door on the left. Keep going until you find a locker on the right that you can open. Take the crowbar that falls out, then go back to the jammed door and force it open with the crowbar. Head up the stairs and towards the birthday cake on the right Rude Awakening.

Get up again and open the tall cupboard across from your bed. Pick up the Level 1 ID Card from inside. Also pick up the photograph from the floor - look at the back of it to see the code, then put it back on the shelf. Use the computer in the room, entering code 0509 to gain access. Read all of the messages, then select to unlock door. Back out of the computer. Read the letter just to the right, then leave your room.

Morning Routine

Go around the central part of the living areas and through the opposite green door to the recreation room. Continue ahead to the kitchen, and pick up the lamp from the kitchen bench. Try to access your journal, but your Biogage is missing. Go back out of the dining area and turn left, going through the next green door. Follow this corridor around until you can pick up the crowbar from the floor near an open locker. Use this on the nearby jammed door to the research lab.

Go immediately around to the left and pick up the Biogage, but it won't turn on and needs resetting. Pick up the nearby pen and you will reset it automatically. Press the button on its front, and you will attach it to your wrist. Use the Biogage to connect to the Cerberus server rack in the middle of the research lab. Select to reboot the server, and the lights will come back online.

Find an exit door leading towards an airlock, then go through this door and the next one. Put on the helmet to your right. Use the hose just to the left to refill your suit with oxygen (up from 20% to 100%). Press the button to depressurize the airlock, then open the door to go outside. Walk to the Myrcat Rover over to the left and press the button on its rear aspect to open the door. Get inside and close the door behind you. Refill your suit again, then open the next door. Sit in the driver's seat and start the engine.

Power of the Sun

Open the airlock and leave the Myrcat. Head over towards the elevator, but it has no power, so follow the path to the right, and around until you reach the solar panels. Climb up to the left and use your Biogage to connect to the console. Adjust the pitch and yaw of the solar panel array until the percentage goes up enough so you can see that it is optimally aligned (pitch 38, yaw 109). Climb back down and go further to the left to the next array. The scaffolding here is broken, but you can still remotely connect and adjust this array as well (pitch 40, yaw 105).

Go back and refill your oxygen at the central machine, then head over to the final array - its power cell is missing. Go down towards the edge of the cliff and call the elevator by pushing the button. Climb onboard and go down, then remove the power cell here. Continue into the building ahead and through its airlock. Insert the battery in the receptacle just around to the left to power up the lab. Use the computer in the corner of the room, reading the messages and then unlocking the door. Grab another power cell from the bench in here. Return to the first room and retrieve the other power cell, then go back outside through the airlock.

Insert one power cell at the base of the elevator, then use it to go back up. Head up the stairs to the final solar panel array and insert the power cell here. Connect with your Biogage and align this final array (pitch 40, yaw 105). Climb back down the stairs and go back to the collapsed scaffolding, then follow the path upwards until you find the power conduit. Try to use it, but it is turned off. Open the panel on the side and lift the circuit breaker, then go back to the front and push the button Going Green.

Return to the Myrcat, refill your oxygen, sit in the driver's seat and start the engine to return to the base.

The Flooded Greenhouse

Exit the Myrcat and return inside the base. Repressurize the airlock and remove your helmet, then go through the door. Turn left and go down the stairs and through the door to the greenhouse. After realizing the place is flooded, climb the stairs over to the left, then turn around and climb up the ladder. Drop down through the open skylight, and pick up the crank from the table. Walk around to the middle of this room and use the crank; turn it clockwise completely to close the steam vent.

Head around to the yellow hatch and climb down, then continue down through a second one in the next room. Turn off the next steam vent you find using the crank again, then proceed into the damp corridors. Turn left after dropping down a second time, and crawl beneath a pipe with "Caution!" written on it. Keep right to avoid the next steam vent, then make your way between the steam vents in the next area so you can use the crank next to Water Filter 1.

Continue along the narrow corridor to the left, past the contaminated mangrove roots, and through another yellow hatch in the ceiling. Go over to the desk near the colored pipes and pick up the Level 2 ID Card. Turn around and connect to the Water Reclamation Unit to find out that 3 pieces are missing, and you need to deactivate the sprinklers. Return to the greenhouse via the door with the card scanner.

Go up the stairs on the right and into the Blue 2 Building, then climb the stairs inside and take the Blue Recovery Unit. Unlock and open the door just to the right, then go through and connect to the Hydroponic Wheel in here. Turn it to 320 degrees, then climb out to the walkway. Go half way along, then connect to the opposite Hydroponic Wheel controls and turn it to 150 degrees. Now you can head out the other side. Climb down the ladder and take the Yellow Recovery Unit. Return all the way back out of the Blue 2 Building the same way you came in.

Turn left and climb the stairs near the Grey 1 Building. Make your way all the way up to the top catwalk area and turn off both sprinklers, then come back down to the Grey 1 Building. Unlock and open the locked door here, then go inside. Head down to the bottom of the dark lab and collect the Red Recovery Unit.

Go through the smashed glass here, then around to the left and back to the water treatment area. Insert the 3 recovery units into the correct slows, then connect with your Biogage. You will need to adjust the settings on the 3 units to get the system to work correctly. Pull each of the units back out and set them as follows:

  • Red: 50
  • Yellow: 90
  • Blue: 100

Now connect and activate the unit Red, Yellow, Blue. Go out through the green door and over to the red flashing lights. Pull the large switch up.

Thing in the Mist

Run to the right and up the stairs until you reach a locked door. When the creature arrives the door will blast open - go through and then drop down to the level below, and then again into a smaller corridor. Down here look around for a higher ledge you can climb up to. Go to the end and turn right to see the creature, then backtrack and take the side corridor. Turn left at the end and go down the stairs, then climb up once more. Go forward and open the yellow hatch in the ceiling, then climb up.

Immediately turn left and run, going down the stairs. Head straight for the green door and go through Tunnel Rat. Go through the airlock on the right. Wear the helmet and fill up your oxygen, then head outside. Climb into the Myrcat, enter the driver's seat and start the engine.

At your destination, open the airlock and leave the Myrcat. Go straight ahead into the green glowing cave.

Cave of Madness

Continue into the cave, and focus on the orb on the pedestal. Follow the purple glow to the next orb, then focus on this one. Your path ahead will shortly be blocked, but you can see the next orb if you look down - focus on this, then drop down and head towards the candles. Make sure you look around every now and then, and the black worm following you will back away.

In the next area, you need to focus on 3 different orbs. The pedestal in the middle is missing its orb, so head down the corridor where the creature is lurking and turn left. Pick up the orb, then return it to the empty pedestal Corruption.

Grab the glowing orb and carry it back to where you found it on the red pedestal. Now read the notes in this area, then continue forward and down to a lower level. Find and focus on an orb behind a partially closed door to the left, then another next to a desk with a green light straight ahead. Pick up the orb from the desk hanging from the ceiling to the left. Carry it back to an empty pedestal opposite the previous partially closed door, then focus on it to clear the next area.

You will find another empty pedestal near a locked door ahead. Head up the path to the left, making the black worm back away, then steal the orb from the ledge. Go back to the empty pedestal and place the orb here, then focus on it. Follow the purple glow to the right and into a new area.

There is an empty pedestal just to the right, and a red pedestal to the far left. Grab the orb from a table beyond the red pedestal, then bring it back to the empty pedestal and focus on it. Follow the purple glow, then focus on the next orb up high to the left. In the next room, grab the orb from the table and put it in the central pedestal. Now focus on 3 orbs in the ceiling and behind partially closed doors to activate the central orb. Grab the glowing orb and place it in the red pedestal from earlier. Now quickly run away from the two apparitions to drop down into the next area. Follow the red caverns to meet your new enemy.

Shunned Basement

Go straight through to the flooded back room and step into the water Zapper.

Go through to the flooded back room again and look at the periodic table on the wall to see C-Be-He-Be, corresponding with atomic numbers 6424. Return to the first room and veer to the left to see light coming from behind a bookcase. Pull out the books in the order corresponding to the code.

Go through to a secret room and examine the notice board to the left where there are 5 photos missing. Leave this room and look to the right to find the first photo (1/5) beneath the broken window. Now return to the flooded back room and walk over the pallets along the right wall, then open the door and enter the storage room. Grab another photo (2/5) from the barbecue, then use your crowbar on the boards on the opposite wall, so you can pick up the next photo (3/5).

Examine the electrical box on the wall and turn the power off to the laundry. Now head out to the flooded room and grab a photo (4/5) from the desk at the back. Return to the secret room to get the last photo (5/5) from the desk to the left of the notice board. Look at the notice board and insert the photos based on their ascending timestamps:

  • Photo 1: 07:48:15
  • Photo 2: 08:55:37
  • Photo 3: 12:24:43
  • Photo 4: 12:57:31
  • Photo 5: 13:00:00

This will activate the right stone tablet on the altar. Now you have to explore and focus on 4 runes throughout the area, to change them permanently from white to red. Find the first on the hot water heater beneath the stairs, the second around the back of the wall opposite it, the third on a box of books in the middle of the room, and the final one on the back of some furniture right next to it.

Return to the secret room once more and look at the left stone tablet on the altar, which will now activate. Look at the top stone tablet, and the tentacles will release the book Klaatuu, Barada, Orochi. Pick up the book One Third.

Chapter 2

Sabotaged Signal

You will wake up inside the Myrcat. Open the airlock and leave, heading over towards the storage crates near the base of the mountain. Enter the open crate on the left to see the code 7357 written on the white-board. Go slightly up and over to the right, and use this code to open a locked crate. Take the power cell from the shelves inside here. Back outside, insert the power cell into the front of the M90 Badger. Use your Biogage to connect to it and run the Test facility.

Now that you can get past, head up the steep slope to the right to find an elevator. Try to use it, but it is malfunctioning. Keep following the path, and refill your oxygen in the open crate. Now climb up the scaffolding and continue up and down a rock path to reach the top. Go over the bridge and through the airlock into the outpost.

Read the journal in the sleeping quarters, and the entries on the computer terminal. Remove the power cell on the way back out of the outpost, remembering to refill your oxygen as well. Head around to the right and insert the power cell at the base of a tall elevator. Use the elevator to get up to the satellite dish. Go through the airlock to enter the communications center.

Pick up the power cell from the desk and insert it back near the door. Scan the circuit box to the left with your Biogage and connect to it. Rotate the circuits to bypass the damaged areas:


Once completed, repeat this with the next circuit box - fix the circuits to communicate with the lower output first:


Go and read all the information on the computer terminal, then connect with the second circuit box and direct power to the upper output:


Now proceed to connect to the third circuit box and direct power as follows to end up with 9 power units reaching the output:


Go up the stairs in the middle of the room and scan your ID card where indicated. Now connect to the communications module with your Biogage to calibrate the satellite (pitch 43, yaw -158). Select to use the radio Back Online. After the conversation finishes, go through the airlock and back outside.

Beings From Dust

Use the elevator - when it comes to a stop, you will need to jump down off the side. Make your way down to the lower lift, when you need to jump down again. Continue on towards the M90 Badger, at which point you will start to be chased. Keep running and following the lights, climbing into the Myrcat as soon as you can. Get through the airlock, sit in the driver's seat and start the engine Escape.

The Looming Threat

Open the airlock and leave the Myrcat, then enter the base. Inside, turn right and enter the infirmary. Read the messages on the computer, then find the centrifuge on the table behind you. Pick up a total of 7 vials from near the centrifuge and the table behind it, and also grab the injection gun from the end of the second table. Once you have everything, examine the centrifuge. You need to insert 4 vials to create the first poison, and they need to be balanced within the centrifuge:

Back out to create the weak poison Watered Down. Pick it up to insert it into your injection gun. Leave the infirmary and turn left, then go up the stairs to the right. Use your injection gun on the plant covering the door. Inside the research lab, go around to the left and read everything on the computer terminal, making sure to download the Biogage script. Pick up another vial from here. Scan the flowers on the wall here to make them open (they are now safe). Leave the lab and return to the infirmary, then use the centrifuge again. You need to insert 3 vials this time, spread evenly in a triangular pattern:

Back out to create the strong poison Fire Water. Pick it up to insert it into your injection gun. Go back out and turn right, scanning with your Biogage to kill any flowers before you get too close. Turn right towards the greenhouse, and use your injection gun on the plant blocking the door to the left. Continue through to the airlock. There is no helmet here, so press the button, open the door, and run. Follow the lights to the greenhouse, then open the airlock, get inside and press the button Lung Capacity. Go through the inner airlock door.

The Poison Tree

Make your way slowly forward, scanning with your Biogage to open the flowers, and injecting the larger plants. Climb the stairs and enter the Blue 2 Building, then climb down the stairs inside. Keep scanning and injecting, then make your way down through the yellow hatch. Crawl through the passages and follow each path at the branch, injecting the poison into both filtration tanks. Return back up through the yellow hatch.

Go through the doorways ahead until you find the environmental control console, then pull the large switch up. Approach the base of the tree, where you will have to attack Inna. Quickly click on the targets when they flash green, and make your way around the tree injecting it where indicated. You will need to attack Inna twice more. Continue around the tree and inject Inna Tree Hugger, then pick up her Level 5 ID Card.

Leave the greenhouse and go to the research lab. Use Inna's computer and read the messages to see the code. Select the Call Elevator option, and enter code 5538. Once the elevator arrives, press the button, then scan your ID card to show the controls and select Argus. Leave the elevator, then walk forward and the camera ahead will see you. Back up, then connect to it with your Biogage. Point it above the door on your right, then quickly run through the left door.

Secret Keepers

Continue through the door on the right, then approach the robot that comes to life and destroy it like you did with Inna. Read the messages on the computer in this area, then approach the locked door. Connect with the circuit box you can see beyond it, and rotate the circuits:


Go through and connect to the next security camera with your Biogage. Point it up to the right, then quickly run past it and go left, climbing up and crawling through the broken window. Head along the corridor and into the next room to use another computer terminal. Try to go up the conveyor belt here, but it is blocked. Head along the next corridor and connect to a security camera through a locked door. Scan around with it until you can connect to a subsequent circuit box, then adjust its circuits:


Disconnect and turn around, then connect to the newly active security camera just ahead. Point it up and ahead, then quickly run past. Continue over the conveyor belt now that it is clear. Proceed along the far wall and turn right. Connect to one more security camera and angle it up to the left, then quickly run forward and use the computer. Read the message and disable the security system. Continue around to the left and into a destroyed office with another computer - read all the entries here. Leave the office and head up the stairs to the left.

Go through the door, then around to the right. Go to the computer terminal in the far left of this room and pick up the Level 10 ID Card. Use the computer, reading all messages and then selecting to deactivate the security lock down. Look out at the room of red devices, then return to the previous hallway. You will set off the security camera, but just run through the door to the right. Go down the stairs and through the unlocked door so you are down between those red devices you just saw.

You need to make it across this room without being detected. The key is to not bother interacting with the security cameras. Turn left and then take the first right. Wait here until you see a robot come in from the right and turn around, then follow it, avoiding the camera's gaze, and duck into a side passage to the right before he turns around again. Turn left, then left again and hug the right wall. Wait for the next robot to go past, then keep to the right and climb the stairs. You can pause at the top to look down and see the layout ahead. Come half way back down the stairs and you will see a robot walking in a small circle, with a camera and an unlocked door in the distance. Wait for the robot to go past, then follow it. Turn off to the left, avoid 2 cameras, and go through the door.

Turn left and go along the corridor, then through some doors towards the living area. Go to the back of this area, then up the ramp and through a broken window. When you reach the half-open door, scan to connect to the camera with your Biogage and scan around to find a monster. After it leaves, enter the room. Enter a room in the back right corner and use the computer to unlock another door ahead. Go through this and past the large plant to return to the elevator. Scan your ID card to show the controls and select Icarus Secret Revealed.

Go forward and pry open a jammed door with your crowbar. Go through a security point and through another door to the next area.

Icarus Complex

Run past the filth to the left and through a door, then explore an office on the left and use the computer for some information. Keep pressing forward, and crawl beneath a half-closed door. Keep going through some labs, past a crawling robot torso, out to a larger area. Go through the unlocked door and run over some filth to a large elevator. Try to use the hand scanner, but your access is denied. Search the rooms to the left and read the messages on 2 computers and you will find a code. Return back along the corridor and open the door on the left with code 9510.

Open the morgue drawers until you find a hand that you can take. Return to the hand scanner and use the hand here. Quickly get on to the elevator and press the button as soon as you can. At the bottom, make your way through a series of doors to reach the command center.

Eight Headed Monster

Go right and look at the plaque mentioning Eden, then continue up and look at the rotating model of New Eden. Read the note on the computer that mentions a board meeting at 5:12. Log into the computer using the pass-code Eden. Read the messages here, then go over to the console on the left and sit down. Look at the sticky note on the left to get some hints, then perform these procedures:

  1. Turn the red dial clockwise until lighting reaches 20%.
  2. Set the sound volume slider to 4.
  3. Set the sound wave frequency slider to 3.
  4. Flip the 5 numbing agent switches that are dark on the sticky note.
  5. Press the right window shutter button.
  6. Press the left window shutter button.

You will automatically stand up and the Dreamer will be revealed The Dreamer. Go over to the console on the right and sit down. Enter code 512, then push the red button. Go through the doorway that is eventually revealed.

Knowledge Consumed

Look around the room, then go back through the door behind you. In the lecture hall, read the 4 notes, then go through the exit door. Look at the book and the PC in the office, then continue through the next door. Walk along the wooden pathway in space and open the book at the end, then you will find yourself back in the office. Use the PC, then read the nearby book. Go through the doorway. Now run along the ground until you have a vision of your mother. Enter the elevator and press the top button Two Thirds.

Leave the elevator, then exit the lab. Go straight across to the airlock, put on the helmet, and head outside. Enter the Myrcat, go through the airlock, sit in the driver's seat and start the engine.

Chapter 3

The Gate

Open the airlock and leave the Myrcat. Head outside and over to the stone pedestal. Push the button, then connect to the device with your Biogage. You need to rotate the 3 layers so the lines on the pieces all match up. Start by rotating the top and bottom layers together to line up the bottom and middle layers, then rotate the top layer alone until all 3 line up and the door opens Open Sesame.

Follow the massive pathway forward, then around to the right and up on to a higher ledge.

Bitter Reunion

Refill your oxygen here, then follow a narrow passage and go up a long staircase. Ignore the large closed door ahead and find a narrow passage on the right. Keep following the narrow passages and refill your oxygen at the next station. Step forward and look down to the sand below - a creature burrows beneath the surface and devours the fallen light, then leaves again. Drop down and run to stand on some solid rock to the left. Wait until it is safe, then run straight across to the opposite rock. Climb up and around to a high ledge, then watch for creatures before jumping down and across to the next light.

When the coast is clear, run across to the next light, then climb up to the ledge above. Go over this rock and down the steps on the other side. Wait for the creature to go past, then run to the next rocky ledge ahead. You should now be safe to proceed across the sand and rocks. Continue up some ledges and refill your oxygen once more. Continue up the stairs ahead.

The Immaculate Machine

Head down the stairs to the left, where you will find another oxygen supply. Go forward to talk to Declan at the base of the machine. Pick up the glowing cube next to him, then insert it into the first pillar to the right. Pick it back up and rotate it so that the symbols on the front faces of all 3 cubes match the symbols on the large rock face behind. Once correct, you can proceed around to the second pillar.

Pick up 2 cubes and rotate and insert them so their symbols match. Repeat the following with the third pillar, picking up 2 cubes, rotating them and inserting them Twin Moons. Run down the stairs and start following the path away from the machine.

As the World Crumbles

Follow the winding passages beneath and over the top of fallen rubble. You will eventually reach an open area where you need to stay on a narrow path to the left - go slowly here or you may bounce off the edge with the tremors. Outside the temple, climb carefully down the side of the mountain, then make your way back to the Myrcat. Get inside, go through the airlock, sit in the driver's seat and start the engine.

Last Man on Mars

Open the airlock and leave the Myrcat. Head outside and around to the left, through the open door into the facility. Go through the rooms until you find some stairs to climb. Also climb the ladder to the top. Head around to the control panel and push the large red button. Climb back down the ladder and stairs, then make your way back outside, where there are more creatures under the sand.

Go straight ahead and then up on to the sloping platform to the left. Walk over this an over the trailers, avoiding the sand. Drop down and run to the open container, then make your way from one rock to the next, until you can get to the ramp leading to the elevator. Push the button on the elevator to get up into the base of the Invictus.

Go through the airlock, then climb up the 2 ladders and sit in front of the controls. Set all of the controls to green, then push the large red button Blast Off.

Moons of Madness

When prompted, you have 2 options:

  • Use the radio and launch the payload Problem Child
  • Do nothing Mommy's Boy

Either way, you will reach the end of the game Adrift. You can continue the game after the credits and play through the last section, then select the other option.