Little InfernoLittle Inferno

Game Details:  Fantasy, 2012

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  3/26/2023

Suggested Listening:  Help Me Out (Ash 25)

Little Inferno is a short game almost entirely played from a first person view of a fireplace. Gameplay primarily involves burning combinations of objects in the fireplace, against a backstory of staying inside to shelter from the harsh reality of the outside world. There are 22 Steam Achievements, all documented in the walkthrough below. Most achievements are listed twice (under both the Original and DLC sections).

Original Game

Start by burning the letters and other papers you receive, then you will receive your first catalog - you need to order every item from this and burn them all. Ordering at least 3 of each item will change the border of the item to gold. Burning combinations of items together will give you bonuses and allow you to receive more catalogs.

Do not burn the coupon for a free hug as you will need it at the end of the game.

Do burn the pink logs you receive from Sugar Plumps Pink Logs.

Chimney Stuffer (#1)

There is an achievement for ordering this catalog Chimney Stuffer. These are the combos available:

  1. Bike Pirate: Wooden Bicycle (#1), Toy Pirate (#1)
  2. Someone Else's: Someone Else's Credit Card (#1), Someone Else's Family Portrait (#1)
  3. Springtime: Instant Seed Packet (#1), Alarm Clock (#1)
  4. Generations: Spider Egg (#1), Someone Else's Family Portrait (#1)
  5. Lenders: Someone Else's Credit Card (#1), Blankity Bank (#1)
  6. Movie Night: Corn on the Cob (#1), Television (#1)

There is an achievement for finding all of the combos Chimney Stuffer Combos.

Totally Recalled Toys (#2)

There is an achievement for ordering this catalog Totally Recalled Toys. These are the combos available:

  1. Seafarers: Toy Pirate (#1), Oil Barge (#2)
  2. Building Bricks: Building Blocks (#2), Ordinary Brick (#1)
  3. Fire Breather: Antiki Torch (#1), Pyranosauraus Plushie (#2)
  4. Dino-Mite: Pyranosauraus Plushie (#2), Disgruntled Elf Plushie (#2)
  5. Watching You: Television (#1), Wandering Eye (#1)
  6. Magnetic Heart: Broken Magnet (#1), Cold Metal Heart (#2)
  7. Double Fan: Space Heater (#2), Cold Metal Heart (#2)
  8. Terrible Teeth: Eager Bunny Plushie (#2), Toy Leperchaun (#2)
  9. Time Bomb: Alarm Clock (#1), Mini Nuke (#2)
  10. LOL Kitty: Wandering Eye (#1), Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (#2)

There is an achievement for finding all of the combos Totally Recalled Toys Combos.

Snooty Foodie (#3)

There is an achievement for ordering this catalog Snooty Foodie. These are the combos available:

  1. Catfish: Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (#2), Blowfish (#3)
  2. Bear in a Chinashop: Feelings Bear Plushie (#2), Fragile China (#3)
  3. Dinnerware: Wooden Spoon (#3), Fragile China (#3)
  4. Cornflakes: Corn on the Cob (#1), Tooth 'n' Corn Breakfast Flakes (#3)
  5. Deadly Fish: Blowfish (#3), Discount Sushi (#3)
  6. Wake Up!: Alarm Clock (#1), Coffee (#3)
  7. Iced Coffee: Dry Ice Cubes (#3), Coffee (#3)
  8. Easter Bunny: Eager Bunny Plushie (#2), Egg Pack (#3)
  9. Liquid Diet: Future Fizz (#3), Coffee (#3), Midlife Crisis Mitigator (#3)
  10. Egg Sac: Spider Egg (#1), Locust Eggs (#3)
  11. Freaked Out Food: Marshmallows (#3), Coffee (#3), Toaster (#3)

There is an achievement for finding all of the combos Snooty Foodie Combos.

1st Person Shopper (#4)

There is an achievement for ordering this catalog 1st Person Shopper. These are the combos available:

  1. Wooden Block: Letter Blocks (#1), Building Blocks (#2), Tetronimos (#4)
  2. Arachnid: Spider Egg (#1), Giant Spider (#4)
  3. Zombie Garden: Instant Seed Packet (#1), Toy Zombie (#4)
  4. Eggcellent: Egg Pack (#3), Phoenix Egg (#4)
  5. Puzzling Adventure: Tetronimos (#4), Gentleman Adventurer Doll (#4)
  6. World of Goo: Goo Ball Pack (#4), Casual Game (#4)
  7. Airplane Mode: Cell Phone (#4), Handheld Fireplace (#4), Gaming Tablet (#4)
  8. Underwater: Blowfish (#3), Miss Hexopus (#4)
  9. Meta: Handheld Fireplace (#4), Beta Version (#4)
  10. Pixel Pixelated: Pixel Pack (#4), Beta Version (#4)
  11. Japanese: Discount Sushi (#3), Toy Ninja (#4)
  12. Brains Ahoy HIYA!: Toy Zombie (#4), Toy Pirate (#1), Toy Ninja (#4)
  13. Rosy: Valkyrie Doll (#2), Gravity Boy Action Toy (#4)

There is an achievement for finding all of the combos 1st Person Shopper Combos.

Ms. Nancy's Guide to Stylish Living (#5)

There is an achievement for ordering this catalog Ms. Nancy's Guide to Stylish Living. These are the combos available:

  1. Howl at the Moon: Howling Coyote (#5), Mini Moon (#2)
  2. Cat Lady: Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (#2), Old Lady Doll (#5)
  3. Elderly Couple: Gentleman Adventurer Doll (#4), Old Lady Doll (#5)
  4. Terrible Mystery: The Terrible Secret (#5), Mystery Seasoning (#3)
  5. Change the Bulb: Fragile Bulbs (#2), Modern Lamp (#5)
  6. Cold War: Uncle Sam's Blam Blams (#2), Russian Nesting Doll (#5)
  7. Framed: Little Inferno Collector Poster (#1), Someone Else's Family Portrait (#1), Oil Painting (#5)
  8. Writer's Block: Letter Blocks (#1), Word Pack (#5)
  9. Stop Drop & Roll: Smoke Detector (#3), Fire Extinguisher (#5)
  10. Colorful Flame: Zesty Beetles (#3), Beta Version (#4), Powder Barrel (#5)
  11. Pollinating: Instant Seed Packet (#1), Cocoon (#5)
  12. Cat Bath: Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (#2), Dish Detergent (#5)
  13. Clean Plate: Dish Detergent (#5), Fragile China (#3)
  14. Orchestral: Valkyrie Doll (#2), Cello (#5)
  15. Moonlight Melody: Mini Moon (#2), Cello (#5)
  16. Medicated Midlife: Midlife Crisis Mitigator (#3), Medicated Mommy Pills (#5)
  17. Pill Popper: Best Friend Supplement Pills (#2), Medicated Mommy Pills (#5)

There is an achievement for finding all of the combos Ms. Nancy's Guide to Stylish Living Combos.

Shop & Awe (#6)

There is an achievement for ordering this catalog Shop & Awe. These are the combos available:

  1. Bearskin Rug: Feelings Bear Plushie (#2), Old Bear Trap (#6)
  2. Fireworks: Uncle Sam's Blam Blams (#2), Dynamite Daisy (#6)
  3. Spinning Blades: Super Juicer 4000 (#3), Drill Chain Thrower (#6)
  4. TIMBER!: Drill Chain Thrower (#6), Lumberjack Hand (#6), Manly Odor Spray (#6)
  5. Poker Hand: Glass Cards (#6), Lumberjack Hand (#6)
  6. Duck Season: Gaming Tablet (#4), Game Bush (#6)
  7. Huntin': Old Bear Trap (#6), Game Bush (#6)
  8. Nuclear Shave: Mini Nuke (#2), Manly Razer (#6)
  9. Manly: Manly Razer (#6), Manly Trophy (#6), Manly Odor Spray (#6)
  10. Brick 'n Mortar: Ordinary Brick (#1), Unstable Ordinance (#6)
  11. Texting Gurl: Cell Phone (#4), Low Self-Esteem Action Doll (#6)
  12. Sorority Party: Low Self-Esteem Action Doll (#6), Balloons (#5)
  13. Chain Puffer: Drill Chain Thrower (#6), Puff Pack (#6)
  14. Deadly Vices: Midlife Crisis Mitigator (#3), Glass Cards (#6), Puff Pack (#6)
  15. Legal Charges: Legal Briefcase (#6), Someone Else's Credit Card (#1)
  16. Injection: Snake Surprise (#2), Protein Powder (#6)
  17. Bodybuilder: Manly Trophy (#6), Protein Powder (#6)
  18. Deafening: Valkyrie Doll (#2), Sonic Boombox (#6)
  19. Road Rage: Wooden Bicycle (#1), Celebration Bus (#1), Mustache Rider (#6)
  20. Diseased: Toy Leperchaun (#2), Mystery Seasoning (#3), Book of Darkness (#6)

There is an achievement for finding all of the combos Shop & Awe Combos.

Existence, Now (#7)

There is an achievement for ordering this catalog Existence, Now. These are the combos available:

  1. Chain Email: Drill Chain Thrower (#6), Email (#7)
  2. Wooden Applause: Lumberjack Hand (#6), Laser Pointer (#7)
  3. World Adventurer: Flaming Globe (#7), Gentleman Adventurer Doll (#4)
  4. Learning is Fun!: Celebration Bus (#1), Rocketship of Learning (#7)
  5. Glasses & Staches: Fashionable Sunglasses (#7), Mighty Mustache (#6)
  6. Before the Internet: Television (#1), Old Timey Radio (#7)
  7. Sleeping Idol: Sleeping Idol (#1), Triangle Idol (#5), Rotund Idol (#7)
  8. Ice Planet: Dry Ice Cubes (#3), Mini Pluto (#7)
  9. Heart and Soul: Cold Metal Heart (#2), Transhumanist Action Figure (#7)
  10. Yellow Brick Road: Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (#2), Scarecrow (#5), Transhumanist Action Figure (#7)
  11. Planes & Trains: Unstable Ordinance (#6), Railroad Xing (#7)
  12. Robotic Future: Clampy Bot (#4), Mum & Dad Bots (#7)
  13. Polar Bear: Feelings Bear Plushie (#2), South Pole (#7)
  14. Cardboard: Imitation Meatboy (#4), Cardboard Sword (#4), Decoy Lady Bug (#7)
  15. Sausage Factory: Sausage Links (#3), Clone Factory (#7)
  16. Book Club: The Terrible Secret (#5), Book of Darkness (#6), Creation Science (#7)
  17. Spam Cloud: Email (#7), Internet Cloud (#7)
  18. Online Piracy: Internet Cloud (#7), Toy Pirate (#1)
  19. It's a Sign!: Railroad Xing (#7), This Way Down (#7)
  20. Sun Flower: Instant Seed Packet (#1), Miniature Sun (#7)
  21. Mini Milkyway: Mini Moon (#2), Mini Pluto (#7), Miniature Sun (#7)
  22. Future's So Bright: Miniature Sun (#7), Fashionable Sunglasses (#7)

There is an achievement for finding all of the combos Existence, Now Combos.

There are additional achievements for buying at least 3 of each items in every catalog Super Shopper, for finding all combos from every catalog All Combos.


You will eventually get a request to burn 4 items together:

  • Broken Magnet (#1)
  • Jar of Fireflies (#2)
  • Toy Exterminator (#3)
  • Fashionable Sunglasses (#7)

Do this to reach the next part of the game IT'S TIME TO BURN DOWN YOUR HOUSE.

After doing this, click on the two counters at the top of the screen, and you will end up outside. Walk right twice and talk to the mailman, then read your letter. Continue right twice more and talk to the gate operator. Talk to the receptionist, then enter the elevator. Go right again and use your coupon for a free hug if you still have it Hug Ms. Nancy.

Now go left and back down in the elevator. Leave the building and go right twice to talk to The Weather Man Ready to go?.

Ho Ho Holiday DLC

Start by burning the letters and other papers you receive, then you will receive your first catalog - you need to order every item from this and burn them all. Ordering at least 3 of each item will change the border of the item to gold. Burning combinations of items together will give you bonuses and allow you to receive more catalogs. There are additional combos available if you are playing the DLC version of the game.

Do not burn the coupon for a free hug as you will need it at the end of the game.

Do burn the pink logs you receive from Sugar Plumps Pink Logs.

Chimney Stuffer (#1)

There is an achievement for ordering this catalog Chimney Stuffer. These are the combos available:

  1. Bike Pirate: Wooden Bicycle (#1), Toy Pirate (#1)
  2. Pirate in a Pear Tree: Pear Tree (Ho Ho), Toy Pirate (#1)
  3. Someone Else's: Someone Else's Credit Card (#1), Someone Else's Family Portrait (#1)
  4. Springtime: Instant Seed Packet (#1), Alarm Clock (#1)
  5. Generations: Spider Egg (#1), Someone Else's Family Portrait (#1)
  6. Lenders: Someone Else's Credit Card (#1), Blankity Bank (#1)
  7. Movie Night: Corn on the Cob (#1), Television (#1)
  8. Watching You: Television (#1), Wandering Eye (#1)

There is an achievement for finding all of the combos Chimney Stuffer Combos.

Totally Recalled Toys (#2)

There is an achievement for ordering this catalog Totally Recalled Toys. These are the combos available:

  1. Seafarers: Toy Pirate (#1), Oil Barge (#2)
  2. Building Bricks: Building Blocks (#2), Ordinary Brick (#1)
  3. Fire Breather: Antiki Torch (#1), Pyranosauraus Plushie (#2)
  4. Dino-Mite: Pyranosauraus Plushie (#2), Disgruntled Elf Plushie (#2)
  5. Santa's Pals: Poodolph Poo Poo Plushie (Ho Ho), Disgruntled Elf Plushie (#2)
  6. Magnetic Heart: Broken Magnet (#1), Cold Metal Heart (#2)
  7. Double Fan: Space Heater (#2), Cold Metal Heart (#2)
  8. Singers: Pear Tree (Ho Ho), Valkyrie Doll (#2)
  9. Terrible Teeth: Eager Bunny Plushie (#2), Toy Leperchaun (#2)
  10. Ginger Ginger: Gingerbread Disaster (Ho Ho), Toy Leperchaun (#2)
  11. Time Bomb: Alarm Clock (#1), Mini Nuke (#2)
  12. LOL Kitty: Wandering Eye (#1), Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (#2)
  13. Poo Pals: Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (#2), Poodolph Poo Poo Plushie (Ho Ho)
  14. 12 Days of Hannukah: Bluetooth Enabled Smart Dreidel (Ho Ho), Pear Tree (Ho Ho)

There is an achievement for finding all of the combos Totally Recalled Toys Combos.

Snooty Foodie (#3)

There is an achievement for ordering this catalog Snooty Foodie. These are the combos available:

  1. Drama Club: Nutcracker Doll (Ho Ho), Valkyrie Doll (#2)
  2. Sweet Screams: Gingerbread Disaster (Ho Ho), Marshmallows (#3)
  3. Catfish: Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (#2), Blowfish (#3)
  4. Bear in a Chinashop: Feelings Bear Plushie (#2), Fragile China (#3)
  5. Dinnerware: Wooden Spoon (#3), Fragile China (#3)
  6. Plate of Cookie: Gingerbread Disaster (Ho Ho), Fragile China (#3)
  7. Cornflakes: Corn on the Cob (#1), Tooth 'n' Corn Breakfast Flakes (#3)
  8. Tooth Blue: Bluetooth Enabled Smart Dreidel (Ho Ho), Tooth 'n' Corn Breakfast Flakes (#3)
  9. Deadly Fish: Blowfish (#3), Discount Sushi (#3)
  10. Can Opener: Sw1SS 4R-M3 (Ho Ho), Future Fizz (#3)
  11. Wake Up!: Alarm Clock (#1), Coffee (#3)
  12. Iced Coffee: Dry Ice Cubes (#3), Coffee (#3)
  13. Easter Bunny: Eager Bunny Plushie (#2), Egg Pack (#3)
  14. Liquid Diet: Future Fizz (#3), Coffee (#3), Midlife Crisis Mitigator (#3)
  15. Egg Sac: Spider Egg (#1), Locust Eggs (#3)
  16. Freaked Out Food: Marshmallows (#3), Coffee (#3), Toaster (#3)
  17. GingerBread: Gingerbread Disaster (Ho Ho), Toaster (#3)
  18. Pear Juice: Super Juicer 4000 (#3), Pear Tree (Ho Ho)
  19. Acorn Cracker: Nutcracker Doll (Ho Ho), Squirrel Whistle (#2)

There is an achievement for finding all of the combos Snooty Foodie Combos.

1st Person Shopper (#4)

There is an achievement for ordering this catalog 1st Person Shopper. These are the combos available:

  1. Wooden Block: Letter Blocks (#1), Building Blocks (#2), Tetronimos (#4)
  2. Arachnid: Spider Egg (#1), Giant Spider (#4)
  3. Working Boss: Office Worker Plushie (Ho Ho), The Boss Plushie (#4)
  4. Zombie Garden: Instant Seed Packet (#1), Toy Zombie (#4)
  5. Eggcellent: Egg Pack (#3), Phoenix Egg (#4)
  6. Puzzling Adventure: Tetronimos (#4), Gentleman Adventurer Doll (#4)
  7. World of Goo: Goo Ball Pack (#4), Casual Game (#4)
  8. Airplane Mode: Cell Phone (#4), Handheld Fireplace (#4), Gaming Tablet (#4)
  9. Underwater: Blowfish (#3), Miss Hexopus (#4)
  10. Meta: Handheld Fireplace (#4), Beta Version (#4)
  11. Pixel Pixelated: Pixel Pack (#4), Beta Version (#4)
  12. Japanese: Discount Sushi (#3), Toy Ninja (#4)
  13. Brains Ahoy HIYA!: Toy Zombie (#4), Toy Pirate (#1), Toy Ninja (#4)
  14. Undead Alien: UFO (Ho Ho), Toy Zombie (#4)
  15. Breaking Bulbs: Ho Ho Holiday Fun Starters (Ho Ho), Fragile Bulbs (#2)
  16. Red, Green, and Blue Orbs: Ho Ho Holiday Fun Starters (Ho Ho), Tiny Galaxies (#4)
  17. Galaxy Invasion: UFO (Ho Ho), Tiny Galaxies (#4)
  18. Rosy: Valkyrie Doll (#2), Gravity Boy Action Toy (#4)

There is an achievement for finding all of the combos 1st Person Shopper Combos.

Ms. Nancy's Guide to Stylish Living (#5)

There is an achievement for ordering this catalog Ms. Nancy's Guide to Stylish Living. These are the combos available:

  1. Howl at the Moon: Howling Coyote (#5), Mini Moon (#2)
  2. Cat Lady: Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (#2), Old Lady Doll (#5)
  3. Elderly Couple: Gentleman Adventurer Doll (#4), Old Lady Doll (#5)
  4. Terrible Mystery: The Terrible Secret (#5), Mystery Seasoning (#3)
  5. Change the Bulb: Fragile Bulbs (#2), Modern Lamp (#5)
  6. Cold War: Uncle Sam's Blam Blams (#2), Russian Nesting Doll (#5)
  7. Framed: Little Inferno Collector Poster (#1), Someone Else's Family Portrait (#1), Oil Painting (#5)
  8. Writer's Block: Letter Blocks (#1), Word Pack (#5)
  9. Stop Drop & Roll: Smoke Detector (#3), Fire Extinguisher (#5)
  10. Colorful Flame: Zesty Beetles (#3), Beta Version (#4), Powder Barrel (#5)
  11. Pollinating: Instant Seed Packet (#1), Cocoon (#5)
  12. Cat Bath: Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (#2), Dish Detergent (#5)
  13. Clean Plate: Dish Detergent (#5), Fragile China (#3)
  14. Batteries: Batteries Included! (Ho Ho), Batteries (#1)
  15. Field Trip with Santa: Sleigh of Learning (Ho Ho), Celebration Bus (#1)
  16. Orchestral: Valkyrie Doll (#2), Cello (#5)
  17. Moonlight Melody: Mini Moon (#2), Cello (#5)
  18. Medicated Midlife: Midlife Crisis Mitigator (#3), Medicated Mommy Pills (#5)
  19. Pill Popper: Best Friend Supplement Pills (#2), Medicated Mommy Pills (#5)
  20. Freezing Rein: Poodolph Poo Poo Plushie (Ho Ho), Freezing Rain Cloud (#5)
  21. Dirty Power: "Clean Cole" Boy Plushie (Ho Ho), Oil Barge (#2)
  22. Coal Cleaner: "Clean Cole" Boy Plushie (Ho Ho), (Ho Ho)
  23. Dirty Dust: "Clean Cole" Boy Plushie (Ho Ho), Reindeer Dust (Ho Ho)
  24. Extra Clean Cole: "Clean Cole" Boy Plushie (Ho Ho), Dish Detergent (#5)

There is an achievement for finding all of the combos Ms. Nancy's Guide to Stylish Living Combos.

Shop & Awe (#6)

There is an achievement for ordering this catalog Shop & Awe. These are the combos available:

  1. Bearskin Rug: Feelings Bear Plushie (#2), Old Bear Trap (#6)
  2. Fireworks: Uncle Sam's Blam Blams (#2), Dynamite Daisy (#6)
  3. Boxed Wine: RE:Gift (Ho Ho), Midlife Crisis Mitigator (#3)
  4. Balls: Balls of Tape (Ho Ho), Sporting Ball (#6), Goo Ball Pack (#4)
  5. Football: Missile Toe (Ho Ho), Sporting Ball (#6)
  6. Spinning Blades: Super Juicer 4000 (#3), Drill Chain Thrower (#6)
  7. TIMBER!: Drill Chain Thrower (#6), Lumberjack Hand (#6), Manly Odor Spray (#6)
  8. Poker Hand: Glass Cards (#6), Lumberjack Hand (#6)
  9. Crack 'n Grab: Nutcracker Doll (Ho Ho), Lumberjack Hand (#6)
  10. Duck Season: Gaming Tablet (#4), Game Bush (#6)
  11. Huntin': Old Bear Trap (#6), Game Bush (#6)
  12. Birds of a Feather: Game Bush (#6), Pear Tree (Ho Ho)
  13. abDUCKtion: UFO (Ho Ho), Game Bush (#6)
  14. Nuclear Shave: Mini Nuke (#2), Manly Razer (#6)
  15. Manly: Manly Razer (#6), Manly Trophy (#6), Manly Odor Spray (#6)
  16. Brick 'n Mortar: Ordinary Brick (#1), Unstable Ordinance (#6)
  17. Mortars 'n' Missiles: Missile Toe (Ho Ho), Unstable Ordinance (#6)
  18. Texting Gurl: Cell Phone (#4), Low Self-Esteem Action Doll (#6)
  19. Sorority Party: Low Self-Esteem Action Doll (#6), Balloons (#5)
  20. Chain Puffer: Drill Chain Thrower (#6), Puff Pack (#6)
  21. Deadly Vices: Midlife Crisis Mitigator (#3), Glass Cards (#6), Puff Pack (#6)
  22. Legal Charges: Legal Briefcase (#6), Someone Else's Credit Card (#1)
  23. Injection: Snake Surprise (#2), Protein Powder (#6)
  24. Bodybuilder: Manly Trophy (#6), Protein Powder (#6)
  25. Gym Sock: Naughty Sock (Ho Ho), Protein Powder (#6)
  26. Deafening: Valkyrie Doll (#2), Sonic Boombox (#6)
  27. Road Rage: Wooden Bicycle (#1), Celebration Bus (#1), Mustache Rider (#6)
  28. Diseased: Toy Leperchaun (#2), Mystery Seasoning (#3), Book of Darkness (#6)
  29. Hugs and Kisses: Missile Toe (Ho Ho), Feelings Bear Plushie (#2)
  30. Recursive: RE:Gift (Ho Ho), Russian Nesting Doll (#5)
  31. Bro Science: Lil' Scientist Kit (Ho Ho), Protein Powder (#6)
  32. Footwarmer: Naughty Sock (Ho Ho), Missile Toe (Ho Ho)
  33. Sticky Vials: Balls of Tape (Ho Ho), Lil' Scientist Kit (Ho Ho)

There is an achievement for finding all of the combos Shop & Awe Combos.

Existence, Now (#7)

There is an achievement for ordering this catalog Existence, Now. These are the combos available:

  1. Chain Email: Drill Chain Thrower (#6), Email (#7)
  2. re: RE:Gift (Ho Ho), Email (#7)
  3. Wooden Applause: Lumberjack Hand (#6), Laser Pointer (#7)
  4. Laser Focused: Bluetooth Enabled Smart Dreidel (Ho Ho), Laser Pointer (#7)
  5. Hands to Feet: Missile Toe (Ho Ho), Lumberjack Hand (#6), Laser Pointer (#7)
  6. World Adventurer: Flaming Globe (#7), Gentleman Adventurer Doll (#4)
  7. Santa's 24 Hour Flight: Sleigh of Learning (Ho Ho), Flaming Globe (#7)
  8. Earth Invasion: UFO (Ho Ho), Flaming Globe (#7)
  9. Learning is Fun!: Celebration Bus (#1), Rocketship of Learning (#7)
  10. Blastoff with Santa: Sleigh of Learning (Ho Ho), Rocketship of Learning (#7)
  11. Glasses & Staches: Fashionable Sunglasses (#7), Mighty Mustache (#6)
  12. Tape Worm: Balls of Tape (Ho Ho), Computer Worm (#7)
  13. Before the Internet: Television (#1), Old Timey Radio (#7)
  14. Sleeping Idol: Sleeping Idol (#1), Triangle Idol (#5), Rotund Idol (#7)
  15. Ice Planet: Dry Ice Cubes (#3), Mini Pluto (#7)
  16. Heart and Soul: Cold Metal Heart (#2), Transhumanist Action Figure (#7)
  17. Yellow Brick Road: Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (#2), Scarecrow (#5), Transhumanist Action Figure (#7)
  18. Planes & Trains: Unstable Ordinance (#6), Railroad Xing (#7)
  19. Robotic Future: Clampy Bot (#4), Mum & Dad Bots (#7)
  20. Polar Bear: Feelings Bear Plushie (#2), South Pole (#7)
  21. Cardboard: Imitation Meatboy (#4), Cardboard Sword (#4), Decoy Lady Bug (#7)
  22. Sausage Factory: Sausage Links (#3), Clone Factory (#7)
  23. Factory Workers: Office Worker Plushie (Ho Ho), Clone Factory (#7)
  24. Book Club: The Terrible Secret (#5), Book of Darkness (#6), Creation Science (#7)
  25. Spam Cloud: Email (#7), Internet Cloud (#7)
  26. Online Piracy: Internet Cloud (#7), Toy Pirate (#1)
  27. It's a Sign!: Railroad Xing (#7), This Way Down (#7)
  28. Crack Down: Nutcracker Doll (Ho Ho), This Way Down (#7)
  29. Sun Flower: Instant Seed Packet (#1), Miniature Sun (#7)
  30. Beam Me Up: UFO (Ho Ho), Broken Teleporter (Ho Ho)
  31. Future's So Bright: Miniature Sun (#7), Fashionable Sunglasses (#7)
  32. Mini Milkyway: Mini Moon (#2), Mini Pluto (#7), Miniature Sun (#7)
  33. Logged Online: Yule Log Delivery Subscription (Ho Ho), Internet Cloud (#7)
  34. Sawing Wood: Yule Log Delivery Subscription (Ho Ho), Drill Chain Thrower (#6)

There is an achievement for finding all of the combos Existence, Now Combos.

There are additional achievements for buying at least 3 of each items in every catalog Super Shopper, for finding all combos from every standard catalog All Combos, and for finding all combos that use items from the DLC catalog Naughty & Nice Combos.


You will eventually get a request to burn 4 items together:

  • Wandering Eye (#1)
  • Gingerbread Disaster (Ho Ho)
  • Sleigh of Learning (Ho Ho)
  • Poodoolph Poo Poo Plushie (Ho Ho)

Do this to reach the next part of the game IT'S TIME TO BURN DOWN YOUR HOUSE.

After doing this, click on the two counters at the top of the screen, and you will end up outside. Walk right twice and talk to the mailman, then read your letter. Continue right twice more and talk to the gate operator. Talk to the receptionist, then enter the elevator. Go right again and use your coupon for a free hug if you still have it Hug Ms. Nancy.

Now go left and back down in the elevator. Leave the building and go right twice to talk to The Weather Man Ready to go?.