Little Big AdventureLittle Big Adventure

AKA Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure

Game Details:  Fantasy, 1994

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  2/12/2009

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

Little Big Adventure is a third-person fantasy adventure with some platforming/action elements. You play as Twinsen, a young Quetch under the rule of an evil dictator Dr Funfrock. After having a dream about a benevolent goddess who is destined to save the world, you must escape and enact a daring plan to overthrow Dr Funfrock's rule. The game is followed by a sequel, Little Big Adventure 2.

Citadel Island

Switch to aggressive mode (F3). Wait for a guard to descend in a lift, then attack him and pick up the coin he drops. Get on the lift and it will take you to another area, where you need to quickly kill another guard and a nurse before they sound an alarm. Pick up the key, then switch back to normal mode (F1). Head down the steps and through the door. Wait for the nurse to walk past, then head around the corner to the right and into the next room. Walk behind the screen to change into a nurse's uniform, and search all the lockers to get health as well as your ID card and Holomap. Now go out and kill the patrolling nurse. Head into the other room to the north and kill another nurse, then search the lockers here. Go back out and head upstairs. Kill a guard quickly before he sounds the alarm, then kill the nurse who will drop another key. Head out through the double doors. Change to discreet mode (F4) and sneak out through the first gate, then head behind the sentry hut and over to the junk pile. Wait there for the rubbish truck to arrive, then climb in - you will end up in a rubbish dump outside the prison complex.

Walk around to the nearest building and go inside. After talking to the Rabbibunny, search the chest and drawers, then leave and head south. Stand on the grate just to the east and go down into the sewers. Collect everything from here, then go back up to the surface. Next head down the slopes to the main ground level, and enter the pharmacy which is just to the west. Once inside, quickly run over to the pharmacist and kill him, then search the shelves just to the right and pick up the bottle of syrup. Quickly run out of the store before you are killed by a Groboclone. Now head south until you meet Zoe just outside your house - you will automatically follow her inside.

Quickly head to the room to the south, and switch to discreet mode, then crouch down behind the tall cabinet. Wait here until Zoe is taken away and the Groboclone has left. Now you can search the cabinet right here to get your magic tunic and ball of power. Search the rest of the house for lots more items while you are here. Leave and go to the tavern, which is a two-storey building along the east side of town. Head upstairs and talk to the Grobo sitting down - he will talk to you if you buy him a drink. Stop the running Rabbibunny to order him a drink, then talk to him again to learn that Zoe was taken to the port. Now head west under the archway to find the port area. Run over and attack the Groboclone by the gate, then use his key to head through the gate. Talk to the Grobo at the doorway to the north, who needs you to move some crates for him. Head inside and move the 4 crates on to the 4 crosses. Go back outside and get the ferry ticket from the Grobo. Walk over the captain and talk to him to get on the ferry.

Principal Island

Head north along the dock and use your ball of power to kill the guard and the Robot Rabbibunny. Keep running north to the next screen, then continue north past the HQ and into the library. Talk to everyone in here, then leave the library and go west past a guard post and then south into the main part of town. Here you will find 2 Rabbibunnies talking to each other. Enter the doorway here and try talking to a female Rabbibunny, but she doesn't trust you yet. Go back outside and run north, then kill the Robot coming down the stairs. Go back through the doorway again, and now the Rabbibunny will give you some information about her friend Julia. Go back outside and head south, then enter the house near the sea and talk to Julia, who will tell you about an astronomer. Go back to the two Rabbibunnies by the wall, and follow one of them to the west; talk to another Rabbibunny, then follow the first back to the east, up some stairs and down into another house. Talk to the Rabbibunny in here, then use the fountain on the wall to open a secret passage, which you should climb through.

Talk to the Grobo locksmith in the next room, then follow him south. When he drops a key, pick it up and use it on the gate up the stairs. Head west and down into the building with the jerry can symbol over the door. In this shop, buy a meca-penguin and some gasoline. Head back outside and talk to the female Rabbibunny just here to get instructions to get past the Supergro guarding the steps. Run past as instructed, then go around to the right and up the staircase, then stand on the grate and use it to get down into the astronomer's house. Talk to Bob Vortix here, accept his money, then crawl through the hole downstairs to exit the building. Switch to discreet mode (F4) and sneak past the Supergro, then return past where the two Rabbibunnies were talking together earlier and continue south. Follow the main road to the east and get into the yellow vehicle to head to the Water Tower.

Run up to the top of the steps and go down through the grate into the water tower. Collect all the mushrooms from in here, then go to the water supply and use your bottle of syrup on it. Go back outside and use the yellow vehicle to return to Peg Leg Street. Run all the way back to the library and talk to the librarian, admitting it was you who put the syrup in the water supply. Follow him down to a book that you should read. Leave the library again and go west past the guard post, then northwest into a military compound and up to the northeast to find a green vehicle. Use this to go to Port Belooga.

Head north and talk to the Rabbibunny on the pier, then pay for him to take you to White Leaf Desert.

White Leaf Desert

Jump across the small islands, avoiding fire from the mounted gun, then run south and kill the guard with your magic ball. Pick up the key he drops and use it on the gate, then run to the east. Head southeast and talk to the man sitting near a hole in the ground - he is looking for a book held within an underground temple. Jump down the hole into the temple.

Head right and jump over the small platforms, then over the spikes. When you reach the yellow ball bouncing between vases, set your meca-penguin free, and as it runs over the raised square platform, head through the gate to the south (you could otherwise find a large white statue and push that back on to the platform, but this way is faster).

Immediately run east and jump over the gaps to avoid the spiked rolling log, following the corridor around the corner to the north. Follow this path past several more traps, until you are on a narrow raised platform and can see a vertical log with a raised white lever - throw your magic ball at this, then jump on the moving platform and off on to the next raised platform. Throw your ball at the next lever, get on the moving platform, use the lever again, and keep going right.and use the next moving platform to keep going. Follow the raised platforms around to find a rolling boulder to dodge, then use the next lever by hand. Run around to the left, down the stairs and drop down to a lower area. Use the 3 levers to move the raising platforms into a stairway and jump up these. Push the large white statue down on to the raised square platform, then go through the open gate. Run through and get the Book of Bu to reach magic level 2, then run east to leave the temple.

Talk to the man sitting here, and he advises you to return home. Head back to your boat and talk to the Rabbibunny, paying to return to Citadel Island.

Citadel Island

Head back to your house (climb in through the chimney in the roof), go down to the cellar and enter the barrel to find a secret room. Read the runes on the door here to find out you rneed to find the Pirate LeBorgne's treasure. Return to the port and talk to the Grobo who sold you the ferry ticket earlier, then buy another ticket. Go to the captain and get him to take you to Principal Island again.

Principal Island

Go to the Old Burg area and talk to the Rabbibunny by the wall; he says you can find LeBorgne's log for sale. Go back to the shop where you bought the gasoline and meca-penguin and talk to the shopkeeper about the log - it has been sold to the librarian. Head over to the library and ask the librarian about the log, and you will be told to talk to a Grobo within the library. Talk to him to read the book, and you will learn the treasure is on Proxima Island. Head to the military camp and go to the green vehicle, using it to go to Port Belooga.

Talk to the Rabbibunny on the pier, but he won't take you to Proxima Island. Head over to the left and talk to the Sphero, who will sell you a catamaran. If you don't have enough money, just keep searching around here to get more. Once you can, buy the vehicle and go to Proxima Island.

Proxima Island

Head up the steps and down into the town area, and buy a hairdrier from the salesman. Now head west to a new area, and enter the house with the large hole in the wall. Talk to the Grobo inside and give him the hairdrier; you will receive a proto-pack. Go back outside and try to enter the house down the slope to the right; a Groboclone will appear and attack, so kill it with your magic ball and pick up the key that is dropped. Use this to get inside here. Talk to the Rabbibunny inside and offer to help him. Go back to your catamaran and set sail.

Principal Island

Enter the HQ. Go down to a jail cell beneath a machine gun and talk to the Rabbibunny prisoner. Return to your catamaran and sail to Proxima Island again.

Proxima Island

Go to the house where you offered to help the Rabbibunny and talk to him to receive a red security card. Return east and use your red security card in the slot on the front wall of the museum, then head inside. Look at the treasure chest and pirate flag in the upper area, then go down through the grating hidden behind the barrels to find some sewers. Head forward and up the other elevator to enter the prison. Wait until the Groboclone isn't looking, then use the red switch on the wall to sound the alarm. Quickly, run back and crawl through the passage down into the sewers, then go back up into the museum. Head through the door into the main part of the museum and get to the top of the stairs, then use your proto-pack so you don't touch the pressure-sensitive floor. Go over to the pirate flag first and take it. Use the proto-pack again and head to the treasure chest; if you come across a robot just stop moving and it won't detect you. Once you have the key from the treasure chest, go to the railing and drop down to the bottom area, then go back down through the grating to the sewers. Go up through the prison and out through the door. Return to your catamaran.

Citadel Island

Head into your house and go down to the cellar. Use your ancestral key to get through the locked door, then get Gawley's Horn and Sendell's Medallion to reach magic level 3. Read the runes on the wall here and use Gawley's horn on the S symbol to get 5 clover leaves. Go back to the catamaran and use the pirate flag on it, then set sail once more.

White Leaf Desert

Head through the camp to the desert and go north to find another S symbol on the wall of a cliff. Use Gawley's horn here and head inside. Navigate the maze and talk to the elf to get a blue security card. Return to your catamaran once more.

Proxima Island

Go east and then north to find a buggy, and take this to the Marked Stone. Use Gawley's horn and go through to learn the password "GIZMO". Go back to the buggy and return to town, then run south and get on the yellow vehicle to go to the Eclipse Stone. Here learn the password "BURBS", and say the word "GIZMO" to get a magic flute. Return to the city and head to your catamaran, sailing to a new destination.

Rebellion Island

Run around the water's edge to the south and then west. Talk to the Rabbibunny here, then run south through the battlefield, where you can get in a buggy to go to the Rebel Camp. Once you arrive, head north and collect the meca-penguin and some more fuel, then talk to the Spheroid to learn about Colonel Kroptman. Use the buggy to return to the harbour. Go back to talk to the Rabbibunny again, and you will automatically board a craft that takes you to the Hamalayi Mountains.

Hamalayi Mountains

After landing, head west and kill two soldiers, then jump up on to the roof of the building and destroy the transmitter with your magic ball. Drop down to the ground and save your Rabbibunny companion by killing another soldier. Run north along the path, either dodging or killing the other soldiers. You will eventually reach a blue tank, and the Rabbibunny will suggest getting inside. Do this and you will automatically drive forward all the way into the fortress. Head upstairs and kill the two Robot Rabbibunnies, then collect the key the second one drops and head through the doors marked "F". Kill the two guards in here and get keys from each of them, then head through the south door, around the passage and up the stairs. Kill the red Groboclone and take his key, then use this to free Colonel Kroptman from his cell. Go north up the stairs and kill the final Groboclone here. Open the hatch in the far wall and crawl through to get back outside. Head north, then pick up the snowboard and use it to ski down the slopes. At the bottom head east between a pair of trees.

Enter the village just to the north and kill the mutants. Talk to each of the villagers and collect your clover leaf reward. Go over and touch the large pot in the middle of the village, then follow the female Rabbibunny south and drop down the hole she digs for you. Go and talk to the Grobo sitting on the dock, then kill the red Groboclone by the door and use his key to get inside. Talk to the Grobo inside, then hang around until the shuttle arrives, and go through the gate to enter it - the shuttle will take you to the Mutant Factory.

Quickly kill the scientist before he can sound the alarm, then run up the stairs to the north and kill the Robot Rabbibunny. Go into the lab and kill all the mutants on the tables, then continue to the next room and kill the scientist and the eggs jumping around in the pit - when you are done the screen will flash red. Run back to the lab and head northwest through the doorway. Head upstairs and kill the scientist, then pull the levers as instructed by the Spheroid in the library (right lever once, middle lever twice). Now drop down to the lower area and head southwest to the buggy. Use the fuel can to get some more gas, then use the buggy to head back to the village.

Return to the large pot in the middle of the village, then follow the Rabbibunny through the passage to the northwest. Go north after the carrot passage is opened, then head west. Kill the guard and use his key to open the gate. Continue straight up the stairs and kill 3 more guards. Now head over the bridge to the north and use your blue key card to open the gate. Kill the 2 guards inside and pick up the key, then drop down to the south east and use the key to unlock the gate. Go around the corner to kill a Groboclone, then continue around the back to reach Clear Water Lake. Use the flute near the frozen lake to reach magic level 4 (you will fill your bottle with Clear Water from the lake). Return east and use the hydroglider to head to Tippett Island.

Tippett Island

Talk to everyone on this island to get a key and some information, and buy some supplies from the shop if you need them. Head through the large gate and run past the two Groboclones to enter the Twinsun Bar. Talk to the barman and the Rabbibunny on the stage to learn about a secret passage you will be shown in exchange for finding a guitar for the band. Return to your hydroglider and use it to travel to the Hamalayi Mountains.

Hamalayi Mountains

Return through the path to the south, then head east through the pass, down through the hole that was dug earlier, then southwest and west to eventually find the catamaran. Use this to continue travelling.

White Leaf Desert

Head through the gate to the desert and give the flute to the old man in exchange for a space guitar. Go back to the catamaran to return to Hamalayi Mountains.

Hamalayi Mountains

Make your way back to the hydroglider and take it to Tippett Island.

Tippett Island

Head into the Twinsun Bar and give the space guitar to the band, then talk to the barman. Drop down into his secret passageway, then follow it to come out on top of a hill. Talk to the Dino-Fly and climb on to travel to the next island.

Fortress Island

Talk to the Rabbibunnies here, who will dig you a tunnel if you will disable the Teleportation Centre, and you also need to find the fortress plans. Go back to the Dino-Fly and travel again.

Hamalayi Mountains

Go to the catamaran and travel to Tippett Island.

Tippett Island

Talk to the Grobo here and pay him to learn that the plans are in Dr Funfrock's safe in his HQ. Find the hydroglider and travel again.

Hamalayi Mountains

Go to the catamaran and travel to Principal Island.

Principal Island

Run southeast and get in the buggy to go to the Military Camp. Run south from here and return to the HQ. Use the red and blue key cards to get through two consecutive gates, killing the guards on the way. Take out the Supergro and take its key, then go through the double "F" doors to enter the HQ. Go inside and quickly kill the scientist, then run down the stairs and head east to kill another, taking his key. Free the Rabbibunny from its cell to learn about a secret passage, then go to the opposite stairs. Dr Funfrock will kill his guard and then teleport away - free the Grobo from his cell here, then use his key to open the safe. You will end up with a saber, but the plans have been moved by the Architect. Go back to the Rabbibunny's cell and head through the secret passage to leave. Return to the buggy and take it to Port Belooga, then get in the catamaran and go to Citadel Island.

Citadel Island

Head to the door just right of your own to find the Architect's house. Talk to him and he will give you the Architect's pass. Return to the catamaran and travel once more.

Hamalayi Mountains

Go to where you left the Dino-Fly and use it to travel to your final new destination.

Brundle Island

Go to the guard near the gate and show him the Architect's pass so you can go through the gate. Enter the building and find the row of 5 teleporters - jump on each of them to destroy them. Go back out and down the steps, and destroy the control panel - the screen will flash red when you are successful. Jump over the broken wall to the southeast, then drop down next to the statue and head out of the building. Go back to the Dino-Fly.

Fortress Island

Talk to the Rabbibunnies again and follow one of them to the east. Kill the guards with your magic ball and open the gate, then use the saber to destroy the tank. Wait for the Rabbibunny to dig the tunnel, then fall down. Jump up to the top of the platforms in here and get a key from the cup, then turn the tap to the far right before climbing up and going through the gate. Run through the next area until you can free a Zoe-clone from a cell - you will then be captured by Dr Funfrock.

Wait for the guard to appear, then kill him and stand on the platform. Quickly kill the other guards, then kill the Zoe-clone and retrieve your possessions from a locker to the north. Head west to the next room and kill the robots, then go to the west wall to find another S symbol. Use the horn here, then climb through to find the Stone of Septentrion. Use your flask of water here, and you will get a magical sword - run out of the building and the fortress will be destroyed.

Once you are out at the ruins, fight your way to the northwest corner of the area to find a green Grobo. Talk to him to receive a key for a bulldozer. Jump up to the northwest and use the key to get into the bulldozer. Follow the tracks south and then west, and use the bulldozer to move the rocks that are blocking the path. Get out and follow the path upwards, then north and finally east down some large steps. Kill the guy here to find a key, then go south and use the key to get through the gate. Kill the 3 workers, then climb to the top of the Well of Sendell. Attack Dr Funfrock with the magical sword until he falls off the edge. Talk to Zoe then use the horn while you are standing on the S symbol up the top. Climb down the inside of the well and jump on the grate to fall further down. When Dr Funfrock returns, attack him with the magical sword again. Head outside to complete the game.