Isoland 2Isoland 2

Ashes of Time

Game Details:  Fantasy, 2018

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  7/24/2020

Suggested Listening:  Help Me Out (Ash 25)

Isoland 2: Ashes of Time is the second in a series of fantasy adventures that begins on an isolated island in the Atlantic Ocean, in Isoland. In this game, you must explore a new barren land and reveal the secret of time travel. To complete the game fully, you must play the game twice. The series continues with Isoland 3: Dust of the Universe.

Round 1

Pick up the mysterious triangle and place it on top of the hourglass. Now head through the open door.


Notice the picture on the canvas, then go right. Grab the blueberries and matches, then talk to the woman about everything. Examine the disc on the back wall and exchange the positions of the tokens to match the outer symbols, then go upstairs. Read the red book all the way to the end, and take the mailbox key from inside. Notice the drawings on the blackboard, then go back downstairs and head right to go outside.

Use your mailbox key on the mailbox, then take the boat ticket from inside. You will now get the Pass on the Dream achievement. Head left 3 times.


Enter the building. Talk to the man about everything, then give him your boat ticket and head through the opened gate. Talk to the lighthouse keeper on the jetty, then head back through the port office. Continue left and take the empty bottle. Notice the piece of paper on the post here - it mentions Remain 16, Relic 09 and Display 23. Continue left to find a factory.


Examine the panel on the wall and solve the puzzle by dragging the white symbol until all of the dark circles have been lit (this must be done in 1 continuous path). Now go inside.

Pick up the space rune from on top of the game console, then take the light bulb from the ceiling over the ladder. Now watch the video that is playing - the alien will generate 8 different symbols, and there will be dots highlited on the smaller blue display to the right. Continue around the corner and talk to the man with the knife. Examine the left door and solve another puzzle - this time you need to drag red bars out from each of the grey boxes to completely fill the grid. Go through the open door to find a dead alien on a table. Notice the highlighted green symbols on the wall here (random with each game).

Return to the previous room and examine the right door. Based on the piece of paper you saw earlier, this door should lead to the Relic room, so enter 09 on the display:

Go inside and notice the symbols on the columns here. Examine the puzzle and drag the green sliders to match the diagram on the blackboard from the starting house:

Pick up the lute that is revealed. Go all the way back outside, then left twice and out towards the lighthouse.


Look at the door, and enter the code told to you by the lighthouse keeper on the jetty: NSWEEN. Go inside and pick up the shovel and the puzzle piece (on the astronaut picture). Now go up the ramp. Grab the bait and the saw, then head through the doorway. Talk to the boy about everything, then give him your empty bottle. You will now get the My Dream achievement.

Return inside and go up to the top of the lighthouse. Take the triangular key, then look at the puzzle beneath the light. You need to connect the yellow terminals with yellow tiles, blue terminals with blue tiles, and red terminals with red tiles. Go down twice and use the triangular key on the fuse box, then pull the large switch down. Go up once and examine the fan on the wall - take the crank from behind the bottom fan blade. Leave the lighthouse and return to the port.


Head inside, then go through the gate to the jetty. Look at the bottle in the water here and notice the message you can see inside. Board the ship, then go inside. Pick up the duct tape, then talk to all 4 characters here about everything. Climb up the ladder.

Give your bait to the fish, and it will swim up and reveal the number 63942. Climb back down and examine the panel on the left. Enter the code 63942 here, then go downstairs. Pick up the time rune, then go back up the stairs.

Leave the boat and go inside again. Keep doing this and randomly the girl's doll will change. Click on it when it is an orange man to get the Mr. Pumpkin Adventure achievement. Click on it when it is a small triangle to get the Little Triangle achievement. Now head outside and to the right, to reach the ship's deck. Talk to the man here about everything. Examine the speaker behind him. Press the buttons in a specific order (random with each game) to keep them all depressed, then pick up the flying fish that arrives.

Now leave the boat and return to the port office. Examine the clock on the right wall and set the time to 3:42 (based on what the girl on the boat said). Now head upstairs. Talk to the boy, then give him your light bulb - notice the order of colors of the lights once they have been turned on. Pick up the shell, then examine then examine the music box on the right. Insert the crank and turn it to hear a song: DGEGDA. Pick up the blue stone and the pencil while you are here, then back out and leave the port.


Go to the back room with the man holding a knife, and use your duct tape to repair the broken wire on the left. Give your flying fish to the man, then take his knife and talk to him again.


Board the boat and go downstairs. Kill the whale with your knife, and take the spearhead and fish bone from inside.


Go into the living room. Use your saw on the antler, then remove it. Head upstairs and read the book again. This time you can use your pencil on the final page to reveal the password, which consists of the 8 symbols you saw the alien generate in the video in the factory. Examine the machine on the left and insert your time rune and space rune. Now highlight the dots corresponding to the 8 symbols you just saw, using the information you gathered from the factory:

You will now get the Story of Your Life achievement. Go through the time machine portal.


You will now get the Back to the Past achievement. Notice the symbols on the stone hand statue here, then click on the lizard and follow it to the left. Click on the seagulls here, then when the seagull lands, click on the lizard and pick up the white feather that is left behind. Notice the symbols on the stone bird statue here. Go upstairs. Examine the door and set the symbols according to the message in the bottle you saw next to the jetty:

  • Star: Left
  • Sun: Bottom
  • Moon: Top
  • Eye: Right
  • Planet: Left

Head inside and look at the puzzle on the far door. This is random with each game, but you need to move the colored tokens over the matching colored symbols. Go through the doorway and talk to the man about everything. Give him your blueberries in exchange for a moonflower. Go back out and up the stairs, then talk to the girl about everything and give her the lute. You will now get the Awake, my Glory achievement. Click on the lute and play the song from the music box: DGEGDA. Talk to the girl again, then use your matches on the torch on the wall. Click on the blue bird, then pick up the blue feather. Examine the next door here and insert your blue stone, then go through.

Break the jar on the right and take the stone tablet from inside. Attach your spearhead to the statue's spear and take the blue gem from its mouth. Examine the puzzle on the back wall, which is random with each game. Insert your puzzle piece as well as the ones provided here to complete the puzzle. Grab the green potion when it appears. Leave the temple and head left.

Notice the symbols on the stone Pharaoh statue here. Use your shovel to dig in the ground and collect the weird fragment. Go left, then insert your blue gem in the eye so you can continue left once more. Examine the large statue here to see a puzzle. This requires the information from the canvas in the first room of the game. Leaving the other spaces alone, click to add these symbols:

  • Sphere: Left
  • Cube: Top
  • Cylinder: Middle
  • Pyramid: Bottom-right

You will now see a series of light dials projected from the statue's chest. Go right past the stone hand statue and out to the stone Anubis statue. Notice the symbols here, then return back and left and go through the time machine portal.


Head out to the boat and then to the deck. Give the blue feather to the man here, then talk to him again. Look inside his suitcase after he opens it, and take the stone egg. Go inside the boat and climb the ladder. Use the moonflower on the beetle to reveal a pattern. You will now get the Devil's Snare achievement.


Go to the back room with the man holding a knife. Place the stone egg on the machine, then pull the lever. Take the seed that is revealed. Enter the back room with the alien and pour your green potion into its head. You will now get the Samsara achievement. Notice the symbols that are left on the wall after it vanishes.


Head upstairs and go through the time machine portal.


Head right twice and talk to the boy about everything. Give him the seed and he will plant it. You will now get the I Grew up in Egypt achievement. Return left and go through the time machine portal.


Back in the present, leave the house and back, then head right twice and climb up the tree.


Examine the door and enter the code from the wall of the alien dissection room in the factory. Head inside and climb the ladder. Use your weird fragment on the glass dome so you can take the flower. Examine the puzzle on the right, which is random with each game. You need to drag the snakes around so the colored segments end up on the matching colored squares. Talk to the astronaut about everything. Assuming you have spoken to everyone, you will now get The Cup of Trembling achievement. You can leave the rocket for now.


Go to the Relic room. Using the information from the wall of the alien dissection room, place the following items on the columns:

  • Fishbone: Left
  • Antler: Top-left
  • White Feather: Bottom
  • Flower: Top-right
  • Shell: Right

Place your stone tablet on the new depression that is revealed. You will now get the Alchemy achievement. Pick up the golden tablet.


Head upstairs and go through the time machine portal.


Head left and up into the temple and examine the door you haven't opened yet. Use the pattern from the beetle on the boat to unlock the door:

Go through the doorway and insert the golden tablet in the middle of the room. Now turn the half discs so they match the symbols you have seen on the stone statues in this area. From left to right, they should be: top, left, left, bottom, right, right, top, top. Take the power crystal, then return through the time machine portal.


Enter the rocket and open the small round hatch, then put the power crystal inside. Climb up both ladders to see the astronaut is now in the cockpit. Talk to him, then examine the dials in front of him and set them based on the light dials that projected from the statue's chest earlier. From left to right they should be set as follows:

  • Bottom-right
  • Bottom
  • Top-right
  • Top-left
  • Right
  • Top

You will now get the Space Travel achievement. Talk to the astronaut and you will take off, but get stuck within a big glass dome.

Round 2

Back at the main menu, start a new game - don't worry about the warning. Play through the game again as outlined above, but do not take off by adjusting the dials yet. Travel around and collect four ancient runes from the following locations:

  • On the left in the middle level of the rocket (you cannot get this after the rocket has taken off)
  • In the left wall of the alien dissection room in the factory
  • In the hole on the beach (in the past) where you dug up the weird fragment
  • Above the doorway in the temple where you got the power crystal


Board the boat and go up the ladder, then take the mysterious red sphere from the glass bowl.


In the left room, look at the picture on the canvas to see it also shows new symbols that match your 4 ancient runes, and pay attention to the associated Roman numerals.


Go to the relic room and place the mysterious red sphere in the hole in the wall, then pay attention to the order of the 8 symbols that highlight as the red markers glow around the sphere. Leave the factory and go right once, then climb down the ladder. Place your 4 ancient runes on the 4 pillars, based on the Roman numbers on the picture at home. Talk to the hologram, then watch the series of arms gestures he makes (these correspond to the symbols you just saw in the factory).


Now you can safely set the dials in the rocket as in the first round and you will take off. After you get stuck within the glass dome, you now have a series of controls at the bottom of the screen. From left to right, set these as follows (based on the order of arm gestures made by the hologram, and the corresponding symbols in the factory):

  • Bottom-left
  • Top
  • Bottom-right
  • Top-left
  • Top-right
  • Left

Watch to the end of the credits and wait for a long time to eventually land and get the Dust in the Universe achievement.