Henry Mosse and the Wormhole Conspiracy
Game Details: Sci-Fi, 2021
Steam Achievements: Completed (25/25)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 9/27/2021
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Chapter 1: The Mosse Family Business
Walk to the right to meet the Antoid Queen, then return left on to the ship. Try to go up using the gravity lift, but it will stop working. Take the note from above the controls and look at it in your inventory. Pick up the gravity battery from the floor on the right, and the hyper magnet from inside the 2nd-aid kit. Combine these two items to make a magno-gravity fuse, then use this on the gravity lift. Now use the lift to go up.
Go through the door to the flight deck. Walk left and use the wall panel to release the cargo. Return to the hallway and go down in the lift twice to head back outside First Far-Star Delivery. Go right and talk to the Antoid Queen and you will receive a sock. Return into the ship and use the wall panel to collect the space-fax, then give it to Seren.
Head left to the hallway, then to the far left into Henry's bedroom. Pick up the personality chip from the nightstand. Use the wardrobe and you will get changed. After Echo-Bot falls down, insert the personality chip. Next return to the hallway and go downstairs. Use the Edu-Tron, and answer all 3 questions correctly Top of the Class:
- Astrocartography: The Near Star Galaxy
- Earth History: Earth Year 900 After-Union
- Alien Facts: Incredibly short lives
Pick up the rose on the right, then go left and enter the kitchen. Put the rose in the microwave (Microsurf Model 9). Head back up to the hallway, then go left to the foyer. Click on the spider robot camera (1/4) until it leaves. Now go outside towards Bradbury Drive. Try to use the vending machine, then appease her with one of these two methods:
- Say "Who do you love?", then give her the microwaved rose Spark Crossed Lovers.
- Say "About your heartache...", "How do I prove love is true?", and "I'm ready to prove true love with a poem." Now recite this poem: "Lo! Were it not suffer ever yearn forever more" Could Be Verse.
Either way you will end up with the vox recorder. Return inside and go all the way back to your bedroom. Use the vox recorder on the Echo-Bot, then pick up grandpa's watch from the floor. Examine this in your inventory to see that it keeps pointing to a series of 3 symbols. Go back out to the hallway, then examine the door to the office, which has a strange-looking keypad. You need to press the 3 symbols in the order they were highlighted on grandpa's watch:
Open the loose drawer on the left and take the Echo-Bot remote, then leave the office again Look! A Distraction!.
Chapter 2: Into the Unknown
Cape Coocoo
Enter the Outercore Enterprises Office to meet Merkley Rivera. Back outside, try to return to your ship and you will be stopped by a hologram. After the discussion, head left to the party entrance. Talk to the bouncer about everything, then head further left to the party outskirts.
Go into Ye Olde Coocoo Bar (after the automatic scan). Search the toolbox to get a hammer. Read the sign on the bar to learn about the complimentary Gravi-Tea promotion. Talk to Bruce the bartender, and order a free Gravi-Tea. Back outside, examine the locked gate to the left. Use your hammer on it to break through. After the Void Dweller speaks to you, open the electrical box on the wall and take the screwdriver. Also pick up the discarded plushie from the ground. Once again, there are now two different ways you can proceed:
- Look up and throw the profit pet plushie at the satellite Taking Control, then head back into the bar.
- Head back into the bar and give the profit pet plushie to the gamer Avid Collector.
Take the remote control from the table. Now go and play the arcade game on the right - you will eventually reach a part of the game that is impossible to beat. Go back to the alleyway behind the bar and talk to the Void Dweller. Give her the screwdriver and remote control, and she will give you a hacking device. Return into the bar, but the bouncer will take away the hacking device. Talk to the Void Dweller inside, then go back out.
In the alleyway again, pick up the ink bucket. Now go back to the bouncer outside the party and use the ink bucket on his glass wash Spec-tacular Thinking.
Head right and return to the Outercore Enterprises Office. Give the Gravi-Tea to Seren. Now use your hacking device on the Helper Bot, so you can take its coffee. Return to the bar and give the coffee to the bouncer here New Melbourne Barista. You can now head into the bar and you will keep your hacking device. Use this on the arcade game, then play the game and you should easily be able to win (and receive a party ticket).
Leave the bar and head back towards the party. You will be stopped by a PartyBot, and will be given some novelty glasses. Talk to the bouncer, but now he can't read your ticket. Go right and use your hammer on the parking meter, then pick up the glass and credits. Combine the glass with your novelty glasses. Go left and give these to the bouncer, then talk to the bouncer and he will let you inside. Enter the party.
Follow the hologram to the right to reach a restricted area, then continue right into a vault. Grab the Mysterious crystal from on top of the safe. Make sure you click on the spider robot camera (2/4), then climb back down the ladder Party Till The End Of Time.
Return right and board your ship.
Chapter 3: Disembarking Up the Wrong Tree
New Callisto
Click on everything until you wake up from the dream/vision. Head right and pick up the Speak Ezy (which is broken). Continue right until you find a workshop on the right side of town, and head inside. You will automatically return to your ship, and Maax will stay there. Go all the way right into her workshop again. Click on the spider robot camera (3/4) and pick up the badge from the tool rack. Return all the way to your ship and talk to Maax about everything Maax Has Her Reasons.
Go back into the town. There are two ways to proceed now:
- Enter the desert through the archway in the middle of town. Talk to the wrangler. Now approach Dorothy - you can only move closer when her eyes are closed. Pull out the desert thorn half way. Pick up the flag from the left and give it to the wrangler. Now use the snotty flag on the ceramic pot, and you will end up taking it. Get some of the murky water here in the pot, then pour the water into the large crack in the ground. Now take the desert thorn Androcles and the Tortoise.
- Enter the store at the left of the town. Try to take the pointy knife on the desk. Use the lever to the far right, and a set of controls will be revealed. Press the left button once, then the right button twice. Talk to the giant flytrap that you have awoken. Press the left button twice. The next section needs to be completely rapidly: pull the red lever, then press the right button, the left button, and the cycle button next to the fruit fly; now use the far right lever again and click on the stink plant to awaken the bees; finally use the far right lever and press the right button to attract the giant flytrap. Reset the system by pressing the left button and cycle button. Now complete the next section rapidly as well: pull the red lever, then press the right button, the left button, and the cycle button; now use the far right lever and click on the stink plant Buzz Off. Grab the pointy knife.
Go back through town and head right to the dockyard. Talk to the dock worker, then pop the balloons with either the desert thorn or pointy knife. Talk to the dock worker again, then climb down the hatch. Climb back up and return to your ship. Talk to Maax and she will allow you to use Maari the droid. Go all the way right and down the hatch, then use Maari. You need to use a series of different whistles to guide Maari:
- soft 3 times, short 3 times, soft
- soft 3 times, long, wait until the path right is clear, soft twice, short 4 times, loud
You will end up going on another journey Missed Oppor-tuna-ty.
Chapter 4: The Mosse Family Legacy
Head right to the plateau. After the reunion with Seren, click on the final spider robot camera (4/4) Creepy Crawlies. Open the mysterious doorway with the help of Seren. Inside, talk to your Grandpa about everything. Insert the Mysterious crystal into the Universal Machine. Now you need to find the other two. Head outside and you will receive a star map Family Reunion.
For now, head down and right towards the offering site. Climb up the mountain and examine the altar to get a music score. Return to the plateau, then go right to a graveyard. Look at the strange symbol, then talk to the gravedigger about everything (including the music). Go right and try to approach the furnace, but it is too hot. Use your star map to travel.
You won't make it to the planet in time, so keep traveling.
Cape Coocoo
Enter the bar to find some of the Antoids are safe here. Talk to the Antoid Queen and offer her your help. Look at the magazines on the bar to find a PartyBot user manual. Go back outside and around to the alleyway. Talk to the PartyBot, saying "Start voice activation!", followed by "Code: SNOOZE!". You will automatically take the PartyBot's arm.
New Callisto
Head into the forest and take the orange fruit from the side of the large mushroom. Talk to the shadowy shopkeep on the right to get some Hydro-Air. Now talk to Bruce just to the left. Depending upon your choice back in Chapter 3, following one set of these instructions:
- If you got the desert thorn, Bruce will give you some dung stones. Give your credits to him and take the tentacle. Enter the store to the left and give the dung stones to the fruit fly You Catch More Flies With Dung, then pick up the plant poison. Return left to the forest and use the plant poison on the vines. Look at the mysterious doorway, then at the strange symbol. Go back to your ship and talk to the wrangler, asking for passage to the pyramid.
- If you got the pointy knife, Bruce will give you a Slopgargle drink. Enter the desert through the archway to the right. Talk to the wrangler and offer him the Slopgargle in exchange for passage to the pyramid Intergalactic Bargaining.
Climb the side of the pyramid and use the Hydro-Air to extinguish all 4 torches. Now go all the way around the top and down the other staircase towards the fish. Use your PartyBot arm to get the heat-proof parasol. Next go through the hidden entrance at the top of the pyramid. Walk to the right, and the veils will be lifted from the instruments. Use the left instrument, and Seren will go to the other one. Click on each of the 2 disciples on the stage and notice their dance moves. Examine the music score in your inventory, and find the matching grid positions. Now examine the instruments and press these buttons:
Speak to The Silent One about music, and assuming you spoke to the gravedigger about music earlier, they will agree to go to Pluto.
Go left and approach the furnace, then use your heat-proof parasol on it. Talk to the Plutoon just to the right, and it will move next to the furnace. Go and talk to them again, and the furnace will be broken. Head left twice, then down to the right towards the mountain. Climb to the top and use the instruments. Look at the disciples and press the appropriate buttons:
After the beast appears, use the instruments again:
And repeat the process one last time:
The beast will offer up the Chrono crystal once you have completed the final music puzzle Pitch Perfect. Take the Chrono crystal. Go down to the bottom of the mountain and talk to the gravedigger Music To My Ears. Go back to the left and through the mysterious doorway, then insert the Chrono crystal into the Universal Machine. After another conversation, it is time to travel again.
Cape Coocoo
Enter the bar and give the Lemy fruit to the Antoid Queen Friends in High Places. Pick up the baby beast.
Go to the top of the mountain and give the baby beast to the large beast. Next go to the graveyard. If you have seen the symbol in the forest, and the symbol on the grave here, you can examine the amulet on the gravedigger's back. Use the tentacle on the gravedigger to scare him, and you will pick up the amulet.
New Callisto
Head into the forest and examine the mysterious doorway, then use the amulet on the symbol. Go through the doorway into a laboratory. Use the DNA synthesizer to combine a series of balls of different colors:
- Combine pink and green to make orange; combine dark blue and pink to make yellow; allow orange and yellow to combine.
- Combine dark blue and pink to make yellow; combine dark blue and light blue to make purple; allow yellow and purple to combine.
- Combine pink and green to make orange; combine light blue and green to make pink; allow orange and pink to combine.
You will automatically take the Geno crystal Keep your ion the prize!.
Go through the mysterious doorway and insert the Geno crystal into the Universal Machine Inventor's Apprentice. You will subsequently be captured Villain in the Stars.
Chapter 5: Live Long and Make Your Mother Proud
Talk to Wormhole about everything. Try to reach the Echo-Bot remote, and Maax will arrive. Talk to her, then try to whistle for Maari. Talk to Maax about her portal again and she will leave. Use Maari to get the Echo-Bot remote. Use the remote on yourself, and you will be in control of Echo-Bot.
Use the vox recorder in your inventory on Wormhole when he is in front of the Universal Machine, and when he is speaking to his underlings. You will then be kicked down the tube. Give the vox recorder to Henry and Seren. Head back up the pneumatic tube. Use the inconspicuous bin to switch positions with it. You will end up with a burning script, and be kicked down again. Give the burning script to Henry and Seren.
During the final confrontation, use the vox recorder on Merkley, then use the sock on him. Use the vox recorder on him again, then use the vox chip to the right Evil Undone.