
Game Details:  Fantasy, 2020

Steam Achievements:  Completed (14/14)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  8/5/2020

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

Heal is a melancholy side-scrolling adventure game where you take the role of an old man through a series of puzzles and memories.

Chapter 1

Desolate - Part One

Examine the wooden panel on the wall. Drag each of the 4 sliders out enough to remove the red lock indicators, then slide the wooden panel to the left Solve the First Puzzle. This will reveal the code B:35. Back out and one of the four main door locks will open. Look through the crack in the door to see the code R:220. Walk right and look behind the boxes to see the code G:25+25.

Now go to the RGB machine on the table. Set the 3 sliders 255, 255, 255 From Black to White. Now set the 3 sliders to the numbers indicated by the codes you have found: 220, 50, 35. Back out and the second main door lock will open.

Walk back to the sofa and examine the picture that has been revealed above it. Starting from the outside ring, click on each of them until they align to find a complete pattern. You should be able to see a purple VII and yellow X in the pattern once it transforms. Back out and the third main door lock will open.

Head to the clock on the right. Slide open both front panels. Press the purple button 7 times and the yellow button 9 times so the hands on the clock point to the numbers indicated on the pattern. Back out at the final main door lock will open. Head through the door Complete Level One.

Level Two

Desolate - Part Two

Look through the crack in the door to see the number 1 and an arrow pointing to the left. Go to the right until you see a grid of numbers on the wall. Examine this and drag the 2 sliders to the far right, then slide the whole panel to the right. Rotate the discs until the hidden number grid is complete, then slide the cover back. You will see purple numbers 1234 and matching green numbers 5518.

Walk right and look behind the boxes to see a vision of a silhouette with the number 2 and an arrow pointing to the bottom-right. Keep going right and examine a round panel on the wall above the sofa. Gently roll the outer disc anti-clockwise to gradually reveal the first 3 numbers, then roll it clockwise to fully reveal the numbers 1926.

Go to the telephone and dial the number 5518 - this will reveal a tab with the number 3 with an arrow pointing to the right. Also dial the number 1926 - this will reveal a blank tab.

Examine the fireplace to the right. Open both sliding doors and pull the lever down. Click on the arrows so the first points to the left, the second points to the bottom-right, and the third points to the right. Now pull the lever up and close the sliding doors to reveal the code 4036. Once the small switch is revealed, drag it down. Go right and through the white door.

Play the notes on the piano keyboard as indicated Complete Level Two.

Level Three


Examine the middle puzzle to the left of the first door. Rotate the dawn symbol, then slide the panels to the sides. You now need to program the path of the ball to the hole, by holding down each of the arrows in turn. Set them to roughly 64, 100, 32 and 80. There is an achievement for completing this within 22 seconds Ball Puzzle.

Now head all the way to the far right past the second door and examine the puzzle on the tree here. Rotate the dawn symbol, then slide the panels to the sides. Drag the 3 gray balls into the colored holes. Click and hold the green ball until it glows. Repeatedly click the pink ball until it glows. Click and slide the yellow ball until it glows.

Go to the panel to the right of the first door and change the time from dawn (top-left) to day (top-right).

Examine the left puzzle to the left of the first door. Rotate the sun symbol, then slide the panels to the sides. Click on the 9 puzzle pieces to rotate them and form a complete picture.

Now find another puzzle to the left of the second door. Rotate the sun symbol, then slide the panels to the sides. Click on the 9 puzzle pieces to rotate them and form a complete picture.

Go to the panel to the right of the first door and change the time from day (top-right) to night (bottom-left).

Examine the right puzzle to the left of the first door. Rotate the moon symbol, then slide the panels to the sides. The goal here is to light up all 9 circles by bouncing lasers off them. Click on these objects:

  1. Bottom-left circle
  2. Top-left green light
  3. Bottom-right red light
  4. Bottom-left circle
  5. Top-right circle

Next find another puzzle to the left of the second door. Rotate the moon symbol, then slide the panels to the sides. Start by turning all of the sensors red Only Red:

  1. Top-left circle
  2. Top-right circle
  3. Bottom-right circle
  4. Far right circle
  5. Bottom-left circle

Now solve the puzzle correctly by avoiding all of the sensors:

  1. Top-left circle
  2. Bottom-left circle
  3. Far right circle
  4. Top-right circle
  5. Bottom-right circle

Go to the panel to the right of the first door and change the time from night (bottom-left) to dusk (bottom-right).

Examine the final puzzle, on the tree to the right. Rotate the dusk symbol, then slide the panels to the sides. Slide the switch down. Now walk to the far left and the far right repeatedly for a few minutes Keep Walking, before heading through the stone archway Complete Level Three.

Level Four

The Struggle

Head to the right and look behind the boxes to see an arrow pointing left. Go left and look again to see another left arrow. Keep going left and you will eventually reach a room.

Examine the machine on the left. Slide the cover open to the right. Guess the correct order to press the 6 buttons (random with each game). Press the button, then drag the gears down and left using the sliders. Close the cover and the machine will fully power up. Back out and examine the box on the right. Once it unlocks, slide the covers open. Press the button to start the doll spinning.

Walk left until you reach a cradle with a crying baby, then walk right until you see the cradle lift up into the air. When the scene changes, walk right until you can talk to the woman playing the piano. Play the notes on the piano keyboard as indicated Complete Level Four.

Level Five

What Remains - Part One

Ignore the first 3 puzzles and examine the small bookshelf to the right. Rearrange the books to create a complete pattern, then press the button that appears in the middle. Note the diagram that lowers down over to the right, then go and examine the puzzle to the far left. Here you need to drag lines from each circle on the left to a corresponding circle on the right:

  • 1st circle on left, 3rd circle on right
  • 2nd circle on left, 2nd circle on right
  • 3rd circle on left, 1st circle on right
  • 4th circle on left, 5th circle on right
  • 5th circle on left, 4th circle on right

Next head to the puzzle on the far right. Here you need to click the buttons to start or stop rotate of the linked circles. Start by correcting the bottom circle (you will know it is in the right spot when it turns red). Now start from the top circle and work your way down until they are all red.

Now you should approach the second puzzle from the left. Here you need to flip and rotate a shape into 4 different positions, then drag it to the 4 slots on the right. These are the locations of the hints and the positions of the red marker dot for the 4 slots:

  • Look through the crack in the left door, low on left border
  • Look out the window, right on top border
  • On the puzzle to the far right once it has been completed, right on bottom border
  • Look behind the boxes on the far right, low on right border

There should now be four 4 active buttons next to the steering wheel just to the right. Examine this and press all of the buttons to release the steering wheel lock. The goal now is to light up the whole green gauge by turning the steering wheel to gradually move it forward:

  1. Clockwise to raise the gauge 3 times
  2. Anticlockwise to raise the gauge once
  3. Clockwise to raise the gauge once
  4. Anticlockwise to raise the gauge 3 times
  5. Clockwise to raise the gauge once

Once you are done, go through the door Complete Level Five.

Level Six

What Remains - Part Two

Go to a disc puzzle to the far right. Spin the inner disc first so the N is at the top, then work outwards to create a cohesive pattern that shows multiple constellations. Look behind the boxes here and you will see 2 structures lit up in bright green: a constellation to the right with the number I, and some tree branches to the left. Examine the tree puzzle to the left and set the 3 sets of branches to match those you just saw.

Go left to the television and adjust the 3 knobs to get a reasonably clear picture:

  • Top knob: 5:30 position
  • Middle knob: 10:30 position
  • Bottom knob: 8:00 position

Adjust slightly from these positions to get the picture perfect, and a slot will open on the left of the television. Pull this out to see a constellation with the number II. Look through the crack in the door to see a constellation with the number III. Examine the next puzzle to the right. You need to use the information from the disc puzzle (converting the 3 constellations into their Greek symbols) and then enter these into this device, all in the appropriate upright position. The three symbols you need are Capricorn (♑), Libra (♎) and Leo (♌).

Now examine the discs that are revealed by the clothes moving to the side. There are 4 discs, each with a small marker. The correct positions for these can be seen on the first disc puzzle with the constellations. From inner to outer, the markers should be down, right, down and down Complete Level Six.

Level Seven

Remember Us

Walk to the right until you sit down to play the piano. Play the notes on the piano keyboard as indicated. Make sure you notice the number on the final image of the cutscene Complete Level Seven.

Final Achievements

Go back to the phone in Level Two and dial the number that you just saw in the final cutscene of the game Wrong Number. The final achievement is for completing the game in a single sequence in under 22 minutes No Time To Lose - to achieve this you need to skip every optional action throughout the game.