Haven Moon
Game Details: Sci-Fi, 2016
Steam Achievements: Completed (10/10)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 2/11/2017
Suggested Listening: Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)
Telescope Island
Walk forward and read the note left by Ektor Turren, then take the key from the back of the device. Go over the walkways to the large glass building with the domed roof. Read 3 more notes on the desk here, and look at the large sketches. Go up the spiral staircase and look at the maps of the surrounding islands.
Go back towards the starting platform, and follow the rocky path down to a huge turbine. Turn the wheel on the side to lower the turbine into the water. Find another wheel just off the platform and turn this so the whole device rotates 90 degrees. Now open the panel on the side of the device - the power gauge should show that you are somewhere between 9 and 10. Pull the lever on the right of the gauge Seleos awakens.
Follow the other narrow path down near the water. Activate the Telescope Island Beacon (1/4) using the small handle near its base. Next head to the large brick building. Move one lever to Base and the other to Lab. Enter the airship and pull the handle in the ceiling to set off.
Laboratory Island
Disembark and you will find a combination lock; you don't yet know the combination. Head down a set of steps and activate the Laboratory Island Beacon (2/4) using the small handle near its base; if you look up you will see it flashes 2 times. Get back in the airship and head back to telescope island.
Telescope Island
Climb up the spiral staircase to the telescope. Turn the small handle to open the viewing window, then set the coordinates to 000-000 and press the button. After the telescope rotates, the display should show you the 2 flashing lights from the beacon. Now you know the combination for the lock, based on the notes from downstairs. Travel in the airship once more.
Laboratory Island
Enter the code 2000 into the lock, then turn the wheel Door to knowledge. Go through the door and follow the path to reach a domed building. Turn the small handle to open the door, then go inside. Head around to the left and search the shelves of books until you find a monkey head statue Meet Suzanne. Now go back towards the entrance and head up the spiral staircase. Read 3 notes on the desk here, then go back downstairs. Just to the right of the base of the stairs, there is a panel on the wall - take the small gold key from here. Use the airship to get back to Telescope Island.
Telescope Island
Change the levers so one is set to Base and the other to Cannon. Enter the airship and pull the handle.
Cannon Island
Use your small gold key to open the first door, and you will go through to a large open area with walkways connecting towers. You must turn the handles in each of the 12 towers (they should be facing so one end of the handle is pointed at the light in the ceiling). To reach the towers, you will need to adjust the small handles on the covered walkway at the start. The following shows the layout of the towers:
When you first arrive, all four of the small handles are vertical, and you can approach the towers via the left walkway, which is the bottom green square on the diagram above. This is the easiest way to complete the puzzle:
- Set levers: Vertical, vertical, vertical, vertical
- Activate towers: 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12
- Set levers: Horizontal, horizontal, horizontal, vertical
- Activate towers: 2, 3, 4, 8 and 10
- Set levers: Vertical, horizontal, horizontal, horizontal
Once you have done this, go back to the airship and open a small side door. The power gauge will be fluctuating. Go and turn off the handle in tower 11. When you come back to the power gauge it will now be stable. Pull the lever on the side and the power light will come on Speed of light. Use the airship to travel again.
Telescope Island
Go up into the telescope room again. You now need to determine the correct elevation over the laboratory for the teleporter coordinates. Increase the second dial in small increments until you see the signal dial increase; this will be maximal at coordinates 000-067. Go to the raised stone platform where you started the game, and enter the small glass building. Set the top set of coordinates here to 000-067 (these are directions for the teleporter). Head to the brick building and use the airship to get back to Laboratory Island.
Laboratory Island
Go down the side steps, then along the rocks under the bridge to reach this island's teleporter. Press the button in the middle to teleport.
Telescope Island
Adjust the levers in the airship building so that one points to Lab and the other to House. While you are here, climb down the ladder where the airship would normally be. Look at the large T logo, and notice that there are 6 large hexagonal screws around the edge. You need to set these correctly, and there are hints on the large T logos that you can find on Laboratory Island and Cannon Island. Going clockwise from the 12 o'clock position, set them to \, /, /, \, / and |. Take the small bronze key from the panel that opens at the bottom of the logo. Now go back and use the teleporter again.
Laboratory Island
Climb back up the steps and get into the airship. Pull the handle to travel to a new destination.
House Island
Walk around the starting level and you will find a large handle. Move it so that it is pointing straight up. Now walk around until you hear a hissing noise; look at the large bolts here to see one has a silver cap rather than bronze (it is on a corner and is second from the top). Open this fake bolt and you will insert your small bronze key Safe place.
Go back to the large handle and move it so that it is pointing to the right. Next head up the stairs and open the doors. Inside, go into the bedroom on the right, and you should hear a hissing sound near the bed. Interact with the fake bolt on one of the corners of the bed. Continue through the next door, then through the narrow golden double doors. Enter the elevator and press the top button to go up. Read the note on the desk here, then go and turn both the small handles so the lights turn on - these control the House Island Teleporter and the House Island Beacon (3/4). Take the elevator back down, then go back down the stairs and use the airship.
Laboratory Island
Go down to the teleporter and press the button in the middle to teleport.
Telescope Island
Climb the spiral staircase up to the telescope. Adjust the coordinates to 028-000 to be fixed on the House Island beacon. Now gradually increase the second dial to get the teleporter coordinates of 028-055. Go back to the teleporter and insert these coordinates into the middle row. Use the teleporter to travel.
House Island
Go down to the bottom of the teleporter platform and adjust the large handle so that it is pointing straight up. Now teleport back again.
Telescope Island
Use the teleporter controls to select the first set of coordinates, then teleport once more.
Laboratory Island
Climb up and use the airship to travel.
House Island
Go up the stairs and use the elevator to go up again. Insert the small bronze key into the stand by itself near the windows. Now take the elevator down twice. Go down the stairs and turn the small handle so you can enter a dome filled with gold. Climb the spiral staircase and read the 2 notes on the desk - the coordinates for the Cannon Island teleporter are there. Head back up in the elevator and use the airship.
Laboratory Island
Go down to the teleporter and press the button in the middle to teleport.
Telescope Island
Go to the teleporter controls and enter the new set of coordinates into the bottom row: 317-026. Use the teleporter.
Cannon Island
Head along the short corridor and through the door to reach the outside. Go down the steps and activate the Cannon Island Beacon (4/4) using the small handle near its base Illuminated path.
Head back inside and approach the other door. Press the call button, then enter the elevator and go up. Use your small gold key to get through the door here. Open a doorway to the right to see another fluctuating power gauge. Go forward to return to the grid of towers as before:
This time follow these instructions:
- Set levers: Vertical, vertical, vertical, horizontal
- Deactivate towers: 6 (and 11)
Come back and the power gauge should now be stable. Pull the lever on the side and the power light will come on With great power. Note: If this doesn't work for you, you may need to also deactivate tower 1.
Go back to the elevator and go up to reach the cannon platform. Enter the control booth and you will see another pair of dials to enter coordinates.
If you want to get all possible achievements, follow the order of endings as outlined below.
Good Ending
Set the coordinates to 000-067 and press the button to rotate the cannon. Take the elevator down twice to get to the bottom level and use the teleporter to return to Telescope Island. Adjust the lever at the teleporter controls to the top setting (000-067) and use the teleporter again to reach Laboratory Island. Go up the stairs and into the dome building. Just inside the entrance, insert your key into the stand and press the button. After you ascend up into space, read the note in the stand. Find a button on the wall behind you and press it Treasure of Haven Moon.
After the credits, you will end up back on Telescope Island. Adjust the lever at the teleporter controls to the bottom setting (317-026) and use the teleporter again to reach Cannon Island. Take the elevator up twice to return to the cannon platform. Enter the control booth.
Bad Ending
Set the coordinates to 028-055 and press the button to rotate the cannon. Take the elevator down twice to get to the bottom level and use the teleporter to return to Telescope Island. Adjust the lever at the teleporter controls to the middle setting (028-055) and use the teleporter again to reach House Island. Go down the stairs and into the dome building. Just inside the entrance, insert your key into the stand and press the button. After you reach the planet surface, read the note in the stand Seleos Historian.
There is an additional achievement if you see both endings in this order (without restarting the game entirely) Prosperity and chaos.