Goin' Downtown
Game Details: Mystery, 2008
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 10/28/2010
Suggested Listening: Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)
Jake's Street
Jake's Street
Look at the 3D console. Try to use the ComStation but it is broken (you will end up taking the cable and handset). Go to open the door and you will hear an explosion then go outside. Look at the lifeless body on the ground, and you will invite the girl upstairs.
Pull out the bed and the girl will sit down. Pick up the cup and fill it with water from the sink, then give the water to the girl, who tells you her name is Rose. After you wake up, close the window. Pick up Rose's handbag and look inside to get a photo and a "gold thingy". Use the cash printer near your door to get some money, then head outside.
Head outside and talk to Isabel - get her to contact Edward, but he will not help. Talk to the paramedic, then look at the body under the sheet. Switch to day time, then talk to Liza Tuttle at the news stand. Try to use the ComStation here, but your cable is broken. Get on your chopper and head to the station.
Police Station
Take the stylus from your desk and the nail polish from Isabel's desk. Look at the stack of crates, then push them to the other side of the office. Talk to Edward and ask for a replacement cable - he should give you one, but if he doesn't you can now take the one from Isabel's desk. In your inventory, combine this cable with your handset. Now use the ComStation here to look at all the available police files, including Rose's file. Leave the station.
Fat Franzy
Pick up the escort agency card from the ground, then talk to Fat Franzy, who asks you for some help with a poison problem. Use the ComStation here to try to call the escort agency, but you will just get a recorded message.
Police Lab
Talk to Simon and ask him to look at your TaGun. Now use the ComStation here to call the escort agency again, and they will call back - Simon will answer. While he is on the phone, go and take the toxin tester and darts from the cupboard on the right. After Simon sits down again, talk to him to get your gun back.
Fat Franzy
Use your toxin detector on the bottles and you will end up finding prussic acid. Talk to Fat Franzy about this, then about Rose to learn about her friend Alabama-Kate.
Red Light District
Talk to Alabama-Kate and you will take her upstairs, then come back down. Use the ComStation to look up everyone's files, then phone Patricia, who tells you to get DiazepamQ and magnesium.
Police Lab
Talk to Simon, then use the ComStation to order him an escort. Talk to Simon again to receive the DiazepamQ.
Jake's Street
Head up to your apartment and use the TeleDoc next to your bed. Say you have cramps and you will receive some magnesium tablets.
Red Light District
Head upstairs and you will give Alabama-Kate the medication, then meet her downstairs and you will get Rose's address.
Rose's Loft
Look at the statue and insert your "gold thingy" into it to open a secret room. Head into the room and look at the portrait.
Talk to Khan when he comes in, then pick up the thick wire from the right. Use this wire on the central locker, then take the gloves from the top shelf. Use your chair on the heating pipe on the left, then use the gloves to protect your hands, and use the polymer rope on the heating pipe to free yourself.
Open the left locker and take the drill. Also pick up the ladder and the toolbox. Try to open the toolbox, then smash it against the wall on the left, and pick up the bit adapter, pliers and soldering iron. Combine the bit adapter with your drill - now you need a drill bit. Look in the drain on the floor, and use the pliers on the drain to get the bit. Combine this with the drill. Now use your ladder on the high ventilation shaft on the right. Climb up the ladder and look at the grate. Use your drill on the grate to remove it. Climb into the shaft to leave this room.
Pick up the hammer from near the bottom of the steps, and the gasoline can from the bottom left, then head right and take the extension cord from the floor and the yellow tube from the wall. Try to open the large door on the right, but it is locked. Look at the smoke alarm on the top left wall. Use your hammer to break the wooden pallet and take the pieces of wood. Place the wood on the metal platform beneath the smoke alarm and pour gasoline on the wood. Go and attach the extension cord to the socket next to where you found the gasoline can, then use your soldering iron on the wood. After Khan arrives, get into his van and you will steal it.
Rose's Loft
You are only here to lose the van and get your bike.
Police Station
Use the ComStation and look up the police file for Big Brix Inc. Now talk to Edward to learn that Rose's thumb was stolen. Talk to him again to realize the paramedic is a suspect.
Jake's Street
Use the ComStation here to call Brix. Talk your way past his 3 secretaries and you will make a meeting with Gordon Brix for tonight. Use the ComStation again to call Danny O'Neill and set up a meeting at the Industrial Plant.
Walk left and talk to Danny, and you will arrest him.
Police Station
Talk to Edward who confirms he has credited your account with $15,000.
Fat Franzy's
Talk to Fat Franzy and you will end up with his faulty weapon scanner.
Talk to Platino, who will agree to fix the faulty scanner for $15,000.
Fat Franzy's
Talk to Fat Franzy, who tells you that the weapon scanner has been repaired and reinstalled. You will automatically sit down and meet with Gordon Brix, then Jessica will talk to you. Talk to Fat Franzy before leaving.
Rose's Loft
Use Rose's thumb on the safe to open it and you will find a diary. Read the diary in your inventory.
Jake's Street
Go upstairs to your apartment. Switch to day time, and you will get a visit from Jessy.
Fat Franzy's
Talk to Fat Franzy and arrange for Jessy to stay in his apartment at the bar.
Police Station
Talk to Edward and he will leave his wallet on the desk. Take the wallet and open it, and you will get his ID card and automatically return the wallet. Switch to night time.
Look at the light barrier and the key pad - you need to get past both of these to get into the CIS, and will note that the cleaning robot can get through the light barrier.
Talk to Platino and you will learn about how to find the Chinese Mafia.
Jessy's Apartment
Talk to Jessy to check out what she has learned.
Chinese Mall
After Mike tries to steal from you, try to use the elevator, then try talking to the guard. Talk to Mike, but he isn't much help. Try to steal from the guard, then talk to Mike again and get him to try it. Look at the vending machine on the left, and order a hotdog with all 3 sauces. Give this to Mike and he will use it to distract the guard and steal his wallet - you will end up with the keycard. Use the elevator and press the -1 button. Downstairs in the garage, look at all of the guards, then leave again.
Look at the taipan on the shelf, then talk to Platino and you will get a jar. Wear your safety gloves, then use the jar to collect venom from the taipan.
Chinese Mall
Use the elevator to head back down to the parking garage. Combine your venom with your darts. Now use the metal pipe on the first guard on the far right. Move over to where he was and shoot the next nearest guard, then approach the boxes there. Shoot the 3rd guard while he is over to the right, then go there and shoot the final guard.
Pick up the blow torch from the left of this area. Now climb into the truck and you will take an endoscopic camera. Take the gas cap off the side of the truck and use the camera to look into the gas tank. Now use the rubber tube in the gas tank and use the rubber tube again to siphon out the fuel. Use your blow torch on the side of the tank, then reach into the hole to get the fingertip reader. Go back to the mall and talk to the guard then leave.
Fat Franzy's
Talk to Fat Franky and you will give him your special fingertip reader.
Police Station
Talk to Isabel - she may agree to meet you if she is in a good mood. If not, go to Jake's Street and buy an instant flower from Liza Tuttle, then come back to the station and give it to Isabel. Now she will agree to meet you.
Fat Franzy's
Talk to Isabel and when she leaves Fat Franzy will use your fingertip reader. Use Rose's thumb on the reader and now you have stolen Isabel's ID.
Use nail varnish on the door to the CIS and the cleaning robot will come out and start cleaning, turning off the light barrier in the process. Now use Rose's thumb on the keypad and you will get inside. Sit down in the chair and use your login card on the panel, then start the simulation.
Sim: Rose's Loft
Use the keypad and enter "Box@pandora.xox". Go inside and hide behind the curtains (near the statue), but Rose will come in and find you.
Start the simulation again.
Sim: Police Lab
Talk to Simon to find out he has some strange gloves he is investigating.
Sim: Police Station
Talk to Edward who is investigating a killer named Rollins.
Police Station
Switch to day time and talk to Edward about the gloves and Rollins, then switch back to night time.
Enter the CIS, sit down and start the simulation (continue the previous session).
Sim: Police Station
Talk to Edward about Rollins and you will get a 47B requisition form. Pick up the stylus from your desk and complete the form.
Sim: Police Lab
Give the form to Simon and you will get the gloves.
Sim: Rose's Loft
Walk left and climb up to the ceiling above the bed using the nanogloves. Use the ComStation here to get the last dialled number, then call Norman. Say you are Rose's friend, the party is at the Plant Tower and you will offer 10% commission.
Sim: Norman's Apartment
Talk to Norman and get changed.
Sim: Plant Tower
Talk to Khan, say you are on the guest list, and you will head inside. Look at the fingertip control, then use the monitor and look at the Security page. Now logout and use the ComStation to contact the fire safety officer. Ask him to disable the barrier, and you will get the password "Rosebud". Use the monitor again and go to Security, then enter the password and disable the safety barrier. Go through the barrier and into the rumpus room. When Rose comes out, start following her until she collapses outside your apartment block.
Jessy's Apartment
Talk to Jessy and convince her to come to the police station with you.
Police Station
Talk to Edward who will send backup to the Plant Tower shortly.
Plant Tower
Talk to Khan and you will fight him, then take his weapon and use it on Khan. You will now automatically head inside for the ending.