Game Details: Mystery, 2021
Steam Achievements: Completed (10/10)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 2/27/2024
Suggested Listening: Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)
After automatically talking to Zheng Ming, head to the right. Look through the red shop window and talk to receive a battery. Return left and give the battery to your partner. Now head right twice and look at the round area of blood on the bricks. Continue right and look at the blood again to see there is now some money on it. Go right one more time, then head through the rusty door.
Pick up the unlit candle and read the letter on the table. Light your candle from the other one, just to the left. Now just to the right, take the ledger from the paper doll (you will automatically read it). Head back outside.
Just to the right, look at the piece of paper on the chair - this is "Volume 1". Read the bulletin board to the right. Go back to the bloody wall and take the ancestor money. Return left to the shop and put the ancestor money into the bowl. Head to the right to reach a new area. Go through the flower doorway into the funeral shed.
Look at the large picture. Now look at the coffin and investigate all 3 available areas. Leave again and go left twice. Head back past the store, then go right to be stopped by a paper doll. Go left and examine the funeral wreath, then look at the ledger at the small shop window. You can now finally leave to the left Ghosts in the Heart.
Chapter 1
The Telephone
After the conversation, pick up the phone on the right. Examine the IV solution just to the left, then the TV - you will automatically take the clinic key. Go out through the door on the left. During the next conversation, the lights will go out. Head out through another door to the left. Search the van to get a candle, then go back inside.
Examine the wall to the left of the white cabinet, then continue through the door on the right. In this room, go to the far right and examine the door covered with spider webs - burn the webs away with your candle. In the backyard, examine the willow tree on the left, then continue through the next door on the left. Examine the wire box on the wall and rotate the red wires to join from one connector to the other.
After the next conversation, examine the red umbrella, then exit through the door. In the backyard again, look at the silhouette in the window, then go back into the clinic. Look at the TV again, then pick up the phone on the right - this isn't the one that is ringing. Go through the door to the left and pick up the phone on the desk in this room. Exit through the door on the left. Walk to the far right until you cannot go any further. Return towards the left and when blocked by the cordon, choose to enter.
Go through the door just to the left to enter a small office. Examine the calendar to the far left. Look at the small note in the cubicle with the candle to see a clue, then examine the right cubicle. Dial the number 2357 and listen to the phone call. Exit through the right door. Look at the 4 bowls on the ground to the right of the base of the stairs. Climb the stairs and search the pants to get half a cake order slip. Go back downstairs and into the small office again. You can now continue through the left door into a bathroom. Examine the washing machine to see a note called "Vol 2: Clear Mirror". Examine the left mirror for a first clue, then open curtains to the right for a second clue. Look in the bathtub, then turn on the faucet to the left and look in the bathtub for a third clue. Examine the washing machine again and turn the knobs as follows:
- Left: Pointing to the bottom right
- Middle: Pointing to the top right
- Right: Pointing to the bottom left
Look inside the opened washing machine to find the other part of the cake order slip, then put them together. Try to open the door on the left, then walk to the right - you will end up in the morgue. Examine the body and you will read an autopsy report. Look at the sink to the left which is filled with hair. Grab the scissors from the left, then go back to the sink and use the scissors to cut the hair. Now pick up the key. Open the electrical box just to the left. Turn on the red switch. Go right and move the hair aside to reveal a strange cake. Return to the electrical box and turn on the blue switch. Examine the cake again, and you will make a note about the numbers associated with the colored writing.
Return through the door on the left. Walk right to talk to Chen Qingsui. After she leaves, look at the left phone (in the second cubicle). Based on the numbers you just saw on the cake, dial the number 1481. After the phone call, exit through the door on the right. Look at the 4 bowls on the ground again, and examine the third piece of cake to find a main door key. Head up the stairs and try to open the door, but a phone starts ringing. Go back downstairs and inside, then answer the first phone. Return outside and go to the right Fiery Tree of Silver Blossoms.
Chapter 2
Accumulated Sins I
Look at the sleeping pills on the nightstand to the right. Walk past the mirror to the left, then go back and look at the mirror to get a mirror fragment (1/3). Go left and remove the old cloth from the next mirror to get the next mirror fragment (2/3). Look at the awards on the wall to the right to get the last mirror fragment (3/3). Return to the mirror and put the missing pieces back together. Focus on the mirror and the scene will change.
Leave through the door on the left. Pick up the candle from the cubicle, then leave through the door on the right. Head upstairs and go inside. Examine the calendar to the right, then the red umbrella to the left. Go through the cordoned-off door on the left to find a living room.
Look at the empty frame on the wall near the pedestal fan. Go over to the altar and examine the phone here - you will find a yellow note called "Huisha". Light the candles (there are 2 already lit, and 3 you need to light). Once all are lit, examine the radio to the right. To tune the radio, you need to set the sliders to match the relative heights of the 5 candles:
Go through the door to the left of candle 1. Go right and talk to Chen Qingsui again. Search the cupboard on the left to see a family portrait in a wine jar. Pick up some chopsticks from the counter on the right. Go back to the cupboard and use the chopsticks to get the family portrait. Read the poem on the table before returning through the doorway to the left.
Go right and put the family portrait into the empty frame on the wall, then straighten the frame to see TV21 written on the portrait. Tune the TV to channel 21. Watch the lottery draw, then clean the screen. Go through the right door, then through the door to the far right (with beads hanging over it). In the next area, go through the door with the red lantern, and you will find yourself in a bedroom.
Look at the calendar just to the right of the door, then look at the books on the desk and you will find a piece of paper about moon phases. Head over to the clock on the right side of the room and set the time to 24:00. On the small scene inside the clock, just walk to the far right.
Back in the room, go through the left door 3 times to return to the living room, then through the door at the far left to reach a balcony Father's Debt is Son's Debt.
Go back inside. Answer the phone that is ringing on the altar. Examine the large frame just to the right to see some musical notes have appeared within it. Go through the door on the right and walk over to talk to Chen Qingsui again. Examine the calendar on the wall here, then go through the left door into the living room again. Examine the frame with the musical notes again. Return through the door on the right and examine the main door. Enter the code 5358 and choose to go down the stairs.
Chapter 3
Accumulated Sins II
Examine the torn diary page on the wall to the right, then examine the toy camera hanging to the left - invert the image, and you will be playing in a black-and-white style now.
Go through the door on the left to return to the living room. Examine the red drawing on the altar. Use the toy camera to the right, inverting the image back to normal. Go to the altar again and move the deity statue to reveal a diary page. After reading this, fold the paper as indicated by the arrows:
- Down
- Up
- Up
- Right
- Left
- Down
During the tadpole minigame, swim around to the red circles and avoid the red crosses.
In the classroom, examine the wooden box below the right side of the welcome message on the blackboard. Solve the sliding puzzle to get a key inside a box. Use the toy camera on the left to invert the image. Examine the red door, the faces on the blackboard, the red flower and the red window. Use the toy camera again to return to normal. Go over to where you saw the red flower, and unlock the middle drawer with your key in a box - you will get some red chalk. Find a pencil sharpener below the left side of the welcome message, and use it to grind your red chalk into powder. Invert the image with the toy camera, then use your red chalk powder on the faces on the blackboard. Invert the image with the toy camera again.
During the tadpole minigame, swim over each of the characters to turn them into stars. On the white screen, just keep heading left.
In the kitchen, examine the dining table to the left. After the scenes, go through the left doorway into the living room. Use the toy camera on the right to invert the image, then go through the door on the right. Continue through the next door on the right, then use the next toy camera to return the image to normal.
Head through the door on the right (with the red light over it) to find a new bedroom. Examine the damaged diary page on the wall to get a ticket to "Vase Girl". Look at the bed and open the mosquito netting. Use the toy camera on the left of the bed to invert the image, then move it around to form a star - you will receive a marble. Use the toy camera on the right of the bed to invert the image, then move it around to form a bird cage. Go to the window on the right and take the black feather. Return to the bed and put the marble and the feather into the bowl. Ask about both women Childish Adventure.
Go right and examine the award on the wall (it will move when you approach it). Tear open the award multiple times when prompted. Leave by heading through the right door. Use the toy camera to invert the image, then go through the left door. Use the toy camera to return to normal, then leave through the central door.
Chapter 4
Accumulated Sins III
Search the white cabinet just to the left and take the clinic key from inside. Examine the infusion stand to the right, then continue through the right door. After a short conversation, continue through the next door to the right. In the ward, listen at doors 3 and 2, then open door 1 and head through.
As Zhao Xiaojuan, head right and talk to the patient, then return through the door to the left.
Back in the entrance hall, go right and take the damaged doodle from the wall. Now go left and take the damaged family portrait from the wall. Head right and examine the new frame that appears beneath a red light.
You will appear in a photo studio. After the conversation, examine the photo booth to get a photo sticker. Next walk left to the middle of the large backdrop, and tear the backdrop open - you will get a backdrop fragment. Look around the room and collect 4 flower fragments (3 on the left and 1 on the right), then use these on the frame. Collect the toy dog from the left and the cute doll from the right, then also use these on the frame.
Go through the door on the left to return to the living room. Answer the phone on the altar. After this, examine the black frame to the right, then the 2 paper dolls sitting in front of the TV. Leave through the door to the right. Look at the brick wall, then continue right again. In the hallway, examine the right door to find it is locked, then return to the left and examine the portrait that appears on the wall. Head right through the door now that it is open.
In this bedroom, tear open the crack above each of the 2 beds to get wall fragments; you will place them together and can view them in your inventory. Look at the locked diary on the desk beneath the window and open it with the code 922 (made by overlapping the two wall fragments). Turn the pages of the diary until you have control of some scissors, then use these to remove the dying leaves from the sapling. On the balcony, head right then go inside.
Back inside, examine the first door to the right to hear the sound of eating, then head through the door. Examine the chained diary on the dining table. Walk right and enter the path to the graveyard.
Take the middle path and then the right path through the trees. Now walk right to find a red lantern, and examine the piece of paper on the tree here. Return to the left and take the path beneath the nearest white lantern. Now go just to the right and examine the first grave site to see a fish. Remove the red scale and you will get a ring. Walk left to return to the kitchen. Examine the chained diary again and unlock it using the ring. Turn the pages of the diary to reach the end. Walk left and go through the door.
Outside, walk left to a bricked doorway and examine it. Now keep walking left to start another conversation.
Once you are back in the bedroom, look through the window on the door to the right, then look beneath the door seam. After you automatically hide, examine the diary on the desk again, then go to the door to the right - leap over the candle and leave the room.
In the new area, walk left and use the black bridge. In the next scenes, light the candle and hand over the money, then click repeatedly to fold a boat. Go left off the first screen, then keep going left off the second screen. Now head right until you see a flag change direction and blow to the left. Go left until you stop at a jetty.
Examine the small ship on the right, then head left to return to the kitchen. Examine the stove, then repeatedly turn up the fire.
Behind the fire, read the red writing on the tree to the left. Further left, look at the body beneath the blade. After the vision, look at the purple flame in the brazier just to the left Return of the Soul. Walk right to the base of the black bridge, then return left and examine the mirror. Remove the curtain and finish the conversation.
Chapter 5
The Bird
Go through the left door and then examine the cabinet beneath the red light - you will end up with fingerprints on the bottle cap. Go back through the right door, then continue through the left door. Answer the phone on the altar. After the conversations, examine the iron on the table just to the left - there is a fingerprint there but you need some tape. Go right to the TV and take some tape from the cabinet. Return to the iron to extract the first fingerprint (1/3).
Go through the right door to return to the entrance hall, then continue right to the hallway. Go through the middle doorway and examine the small bed, then examine the clock on the right for the next fingerprint (2/3).
Return left to the hallway, then through the right doorway to another bedroom. Examine the toy clock hanging on the wall to get the last fingerprint (3/3).
In the fingerprint matching minigame, the correct order is 1, 3, 2.
Light a candle beneath the portrait on the wall, then play through a series of smaller scenes Birds Flying into the Forest. Go right to leave the living room. Go through the central door here, then head down the stairs. Once you hear the phone ringing, go inside through the door and answer the phone in the first cubicle.
Chapter 6
Milky Way
Go outside and you will appear beneath a large announcement pole. Examine the public bulletin board. Walk right to talk to a group of kids. Release the lanterns into the water, then guide them into the red circles to the right.
After the conversation with Chen Qingsui, climb up the rope Falling Stars.
Chapter 7
After the initial scenes, walk right and read the 2F sign, then continue right and go through the blue door on the next screen. Examine the crime scene photos hanging on the wall. Go through the doorway to the right. Examine the body beneath the red light. Remove the white cloth, then put the ribcage back together. Return through the door on the left. Use the phone on the desk.
At the train station, answer the questions Prison of Falling Embers.
Like Tears in Rain
Examine the public bulletin board again. Walk right until you stop near the tree Spring Breeze Turns into Rain. Watch the entire credits Don't Dream Coldly Tonight.