
Game Details:  Sci-Fi, 1994

Links:  Moby Games, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  10/7/2014

Suggested Listening:  Give Up Now (Ash 25)

Entombed is a puzzle adventure game set within a tomb. You play as an archaeologist who is exploring the tomb; you fall through a trap door and need to discover a way back out again.

Level 1

Morning Room

Look at the light control panel to the left of the door. Turn the earth so its bright side is pointed in the same direction as the dark point from the sun, then move the moon and the lights will come on. Pick up a rock from the pile on the floor (you can only get one of them) and put it in your inventory. Approach the steps on the right and press the switch just right of the steps (leave the others in the starting positions). Back out and look at the puzzle on the left wall. You need to change all the moons into suns, but leave the earth pieces alone. The easiest way is as follows:

  • Click on the bottom left piece until it changes into a moon.
  • Rotate the pieces around the edge in a clockwise manner, until there are 4 suns along the top row.
  • Rotate the pieces around the edge of the bottom 3 rows in a clockwise manner, until there are 4 suns along the 2nd row.
  • Click on the bottom left piece until it changes in an earth piece, and move it up to the 3rd row.

Back out from the puzzle and go through the door to the north.

Day Room

Turn the light on in this room the same way as previously (turn the earth so its bright side is pointed in the same direction as the dark point from the sun, then move the moon). Now look closely at the floor tiles. You need to recreate the picture on the left, by clicking on corresponding smaller parts from the set of tiles. If you get one wrong you need to start again with a different picture. Sometimes the order you need to follow is top to bottom and left to right; other times it is bottom to top and right to left. Only trial and error will tell you which way to go. Once you succeed, the trap is disarmed and you can continue ahead to the east.

Star Chamber

Turn the light on in this room (same as before). Look at the floor tile puzzle on the right and solve this the same way as the previous room. Now head through this door to the right (east).

Evening Room

Turn the light on in this room (same as before). Look at the puzzle on the right wall. Click on the sky symbol at the top and watch the sequence of lights appear on the right; these will give you a sequence of 7 numbers from 1 at the bottom to 7 at the top. Numbering the parts of the wave from 1 on the left to 7 on the right, click on the parts of the wave corresponding with the sequence you have seen. You can repeat the same sequence 3 times by clicking on the sky symbol again; after this you will get a new sequence. Once you succeed, go through the door to the left (south).

Night Room

Look at the puzzle on the left. Click on the moon to cycle the positions of the stars above, and each time click on the star with the point missing corresponding to the left star above. One will eventually move up to the top - when this happens, change to click alternately between the moon and the sun at the top left, until this complete star jumps over to the right. Now repeat the process until all 5 stars are complete. Click on the sun again and then on your item area to take it. Back out and go all the way back around to the first room (solve the floor tile puzzles on the way back).

Morning Room

Approach the steps on the right and push in all 4 of the switches. Back out and head north again.

Day Room

Look at the left wall and use the sun piece from your inventory to fill in the missing part. Now if you number the points on the sun from 1 at the top and go in a clockwise direction, click on points 16, 12, 8 and then 4 - these will grow in size and remaining fixed. Back out and solve the floor tile puzzle then continue east once more.

Star Chamber

Look at the puzzle on the double doors. Click on the 6 symbols across the bottom the following number of times from left to right: 2, 4, 14, 2, 4, 14. This should end up switching the positions of the suns and moons, and the door will open.

Level 2

Great Hall

Pick up the stone from your inventory and walk forward to see an electrical barrier. Wait until there are no bars in front of you, then quickly walk forward into the hall. Head to the left and look at the puzzle on the wall; you must switch the positions of the red and white balls. To do this, slide the barriers left and right with the corresponding buttons, and use the other two buttons for vertical and random movement of the balls. Once the red ball is at the bottom and the white ball at the top, you may still need to use the random movement option to get them to the middle of these rows. The door to the north will open, so back out of the puzzle.

Before going through the doorway you need to turn on the lights, so use the light switch panel. In level 2, the lights work slightly differently. You need to click on the moon and then each wave symbol from bottom to top. Keep doing this and the light will turn on. Now head through the doorway to the north.

Stair Chamber

There are a red symbol and a worm hole symbol on the wall here. Click on the top line of the red symbol, then on the worm hole symbol and head upstairs, then use the left light switch to get through the left door.

Laser Sculpting Machine

Press on the buttons to set levels 1, 2, 3 and 3 from left to right, then press the 3rd symbol and pick up the crystal chunk from the return tray. Go back twice.

Stair Chamber

Press the worm hole symbol, set the red symbol to the middle line, press the worm hole symbol again and go back upstairs. Use the middle light switch to enter the middle door.

Impact Crushing Machine

Put your crystal chunk in the machine. Set the power levels to 3, 1, 2 and 3 from left to right, the press the 1st symbol and pick up the crushed rock. Go back twice.

Stair Chamber

Press the worm hole symbol, set the red symbol to the bottom line, press the worm hole symbol again and go back upstairs. Use the right light switch to enter the right door.

Infinite Flame Furnace

Put your crushed rock in the top of the machine. Set the power levels to 2, 3, 1 and 3 from left to right, the press the 2nd symbol and pick up the dull crystal. Go back twice, then continue back to level 1 and head east and south (doing a floor tile puzzle on the way).

Night Room

Approach the stairs on the right, and press the left pressure switch (pointing to the northeast). Zoom in on the island and put your dull crystal in the middle hole, and your stellar pointer in the triangle pointing to the northeast. Press the lower square button to restore the walkway, then go back. Return the left pressure switch to its normal position. Now repeat this with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th pressure switches, each time using your stellar pointer on the correct triangle on the island. After all 4 triangles have been depressed, pick up the crystal, which is now energised. Go back 3 times, solve a floor puzzle and head through the double doors when it is safe to do so.

Great Hall

Head to the right this time and look at the puzzle on the wall. Press each of the triangles along the bottom row once to solve the prism reflection puzzle. Back out and turn on the lights, then go through the doorway to the north.


Take the unlit torch from the wall. Put it in your hand, then put the energised crystal on to it to combine the torch and form a lit torch. Keep this in your hand, and now when you enter the tunnel you will be able to see. Take the passage to the right to reach a maze.

Level 3

Maze of Lost Souls

This is a very large maze with a total of 5 levels, and you will go up and down stairs between the levels many times. There are no combats or traps, you just have to be patient and work your way through. Go through the energy portal at the end of the maze.

Level 4


From the altar, turn right so you are facing towards the west. Approach the machine with the prism of ice on top. Press the buttons as follows:

  • Negative phase 1
  • Positive phase 2
  • Positive phase 1

Now press the button on the right and take the teleportation key that is revealed. Turn around so you are facing towards the east and approach the similar machine here. This time press these buttons:

  • Positive phase 3
  • Negative phase 2
  • Negative phase 3

Press the button on the right and take the mind link spectacles. Put these in your hand to wear them, then look at the flower-shaped glass case just to the right of where you found the spectacles. Now read your diary to get the rest of the story and instructions on how to proceed. Turn around to face the altar and zoom in on it. Place your teleportation key on the altar, and parts of the symbols on the front of the altar will light up. Click on the top-right part of each symbol as it lights up, and if you are successful the top of the altar will light up. Retrieve the key and step back to teleport.

Great Hall

Head left.

Stair Chamber

Using the three rooms available from here, make another dell crystal, using the same machine settings as previously. Go back twice, then continue back to level 1 and head east and south (doing a floor tile puzzle on the way).

Night Room

Make your crystal energised as you did previously. Go back 3 times, solve a floor puzzle and head through the double doors when it is safe to do so.

Great Hall

Go forward to the altar. Use your teleportation key on the top, then repeat the teleportation process. Back out from the altar when it has been activated.


Turn to the west and zoom in on the cryogenic nuclear furnace (left archway). Open the door and place your energised crystal inside, then close the door again. Back out and go to the next archway to the right. Pick up the cryolon gloves and put them on your hands, then pick up one of the control rods. Put this in the furnace, then repeat this with the other two control rods from the rack. Now take the old control rods from the furnace and put them in the rack. When you look at the furnace again it should be activated.

Back out and turn to the east, then zoom in on the stellar map (second archway from the right). Rearrange the pieces so there is a complete circle around the outside and the inner joins match up. Back out and go to the far right archway to see a timer circuit with this layout:


To solve this puzzle make the following connections, which match with the layout of the stellar map:

  • 1-2
  • 1-7
  • 3-4
  • 6-8
  • 6-11
  • 9-10

Now walk behind the altar and enter the sarcophagus.

Level 5


Go back to the altar and turn right so you are facing the west side. Go to the arch second from the right, and press the buttons on the puzzle in order from 1-8 as shown:


Next go to the arch on the far right and press the buttons in this order:


Turn around to face the east side. Go to the arch on the far left and press these buttons:


And finally go to the second arch from the left and press in this order:


Now turn to face the south (away from the altar) and walk forward - there will be 4 crystals on the ground. Now you need to transfer them across the water on the boat. This is the correct way to achieve the transfer (assuming the crystals are numbered 1-4 from left to right):

  • Click on crystals 1 and 3 to move them to the boat.
  • Go forward towards the temple.
  • Click on crystal 3 to leave it here.
  • Go back to the cathedral.
  • Click on crystal 1 to remove it from the boat.
  • Click on crystals 2 and 4 to move them to the boat.
  • Go forward towards the temple.
  • Click on crystals 2 and 4 to leave them here.
  • Go into the temple and click on crystal 3 to move it back to the boat.
  • Go back to the cathedral.
  • Click on crystal 1 to move it to the boat.
  • Go forward towards the temple.
  • Click on crystals 1 and 3 to leave them here.
  • Go into the temple.

Keep clicking your 4 crystals in turn and you will eventually be transported away.