Elixir of Immortality
Game Details: Fantasy, 2010
Links: Moby Games
Walkthrough Updated: 3/25/2013
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
The Alchemist
Look in the boat and find the required items, including a lantern, a box of matches and a gas can. Fill the lantern with the gas can, then light it with the matches. Hang the lantern on the hook. Talk to the magician who arrives, then click on the clock and solve the clock minigame (set the time to 10 o'clock).
Now look in your suitcase. Find the required items, including a cane. Look at the grating and use the cane to remove it, then take the lock pick. Back out and read the newspaper, look at the lighthouse sign and look at the barrel. Use your lock pick on the door and solve the lock minigame. Go through the door.
Look at the breach in the wall and find the required items, including a valve. Look at the grating and solve the sliding minigame. Head back to the dock.
Look at the grating and attach the valve, then turn it to drain the fountain. Go back up the stairs.
Look in the base of the fountain and find the required items, including a stone eye and a stone ball piece. Put the stone eye in the gargoyle and take another piece of stone ball, then combine the two in your inventory. Walk left and look in the hole in the wall on the left; find the required items, including a gear handle.
Return right and use the gear handle in the statue. Put your stone ball in the hands of the statue, then go through the right door. Look at the large overturned urn and find the required items, including a doorbell. Continue to the right.
Search the overturned wheelbarrow; find the required items, including a pick, then return left 3 times.
Look at the laboratory door at the top of the stairs. Place the doorbell on the wall, the press the button and the alchemist will talk to you. Back out and use the pick on the rock blocking the drain. Go back up and press the button, and you will head inside.
Talk to the alchemist and you will get a cross key. Read the note on the left wall, then go right 3 times.
Look at the safe and use the cross key on it, then take the prong. Add the prong to the lock pick. Look at the servant's quarters on the right, then use the lock pick and solve the lock minigame. Head inside.
Servant's Quarters
Pick up the pneumomail and read it, then also read the note on the left. Put your suitcase on the rack, then click on it to get the contents. Open the closet on the right and look inside. Solve the closet minigame, then back out and read the next pneumomail. Head left 3 times and into the laboratory.
Talk to the alchemist, click on the device, and talk to the alchemist again. Look at the left upper shelf and find the required items, including 2 chemical glasses, then go right.
Look at the drain grating and find the required items, including a funnel and a lever. Go right and look at the overturned urn; find the required items, including a bottle. Enter the servant's quarters and search for more items, including a box of matches. Head left 3 times. Look at the storage door and open it with the lever, then head inside.
Look at the shelf and find the required items, including a gear and some forceps. Combine the bottle and funnel in your inventory. Look at the kerosene barrel and turn the valve to fill the bottle, then take the bottle again. Back out and look at the cubbyhole, then pull the lever to send the pneumomail to the servant's quarters. Use your gear on the locked door, then solve the sliding puzzle. Go through the door to the freezing chamber.
Freezing Chamber
Look at the ice area and find the required items, including a blowtorch. Next click on the control panel on the far wall and solve the rotating minigame. Now look at the freezer door. Use the blowtorch on the door 5 times, then open it. Find the required items, including a flask. Go right twice and enter the laboratory door.
Give the flask, matches, bottle of kerosene and 2 chemical glasses to the alchemist. Leave the laboratory.
Head right once. Look at the bottom of the fountain and find the required items, including 6 bullets. Continue right and into the servant's quarters. Check the pneumomail for a new message. Go back outside and head right once more.
Look at the overturned wheelbarrow and find the required items, including the hammer and chisel. Return left twice and go down.
Look at the boat and find the required items, including a revolver cylinder. Use the hammer and chisel on the barrel and take the empty revolver. Put the bullets in the cylinder, then the cylinder in the revolver. Head up the stairs, left and through the door.
Look at the alchemist's body. Read the pneumomail from the wall, and take the empty pneumo tube from the floor. Look at the bullet hole in the wall and use your forceps to retrieve a silver bullet. Now look at the box on the table and solve the chemistry minigame. Search the shelves on the left; find the required items, including a glass tube. Next put the chemical liquid into this tube, and combine it with the pneumo tube. Put this in the launcher and pull the lever. Read the new pneumomail and you will also get a handle. Go down, then go right 3 times and into the park.
The Botanist
Talk to the botanist, who will give you a jar. Back out to the park entrance and look at the base of the statue. Find the required items, including some lizards (which will end up in the jar). Go left 3 times, then into the storage area, then the freezing chamber.
Freezing Chamber
Look at the ice area and find the required items, including a pipe piece. Use the pipe piece on the broken pipe near the ceiling. Look at the alchemist's body, then open the freezing chamber on the left and put your jar of lizards inside and close the door. Click on the control panel on the far wall and solve the rotating minigame. Turn the handle on the freezing chamber, then open the door and retrieve the frozen lizards.
Return to the botanist in the park. Give the frozen lizards to the botanist in exchange for a half heart. Go back twice and up the steps to reach the castle entrance.
The Physicist
Castle Entrance
Look at the winding mechanism on the right; attach the handle and turn it to receive another handle. Take the stone mask from the large right statue. Look at the winding mechanism on the left; attach the handle and try to turn it, but you need to fix the gears first.
Look at the hidden compartment on the right statue and take the gears. Look at the hidden compartment on the left statue and attach the gears. Now turn the handle on the left winding mechanism. Look at the stone face over the castle door and solve the symbol minigame (show the entire face, then cover it with your stone mask). Head inside.
Entrance Hall
Click on the hole in the roof and find the required items, including a screwdriver. Look at the lockers on the left, and insert your half heart into its correct slot. Open the gate and go through to the main hall.
Main Hall
Talk to the physicist. Look at the lock at the top of the stairs - you may need the magician's help. Go back 3 times, left twice and into the storage area.
Look at the bottom shelf. Find the required items, including a wire coil. Now return all the way to the main hall.
Main Hall
Give the screwdriver and wire coil to the physicist, then follow him into the elevator. Insert his triangular key into the control panel and press the red button as instructed.
Physicist's Room
Talk to the physicist. Look at the picture and note on the right wall. Look at the diagram on the table, then assemble the machine using the instructions from the drawing. Finally attach your revolver and bullet to the clamp on the right of the desk, then click on the gun to test the machine; now you will get another key. Exit to the left. Put the kitchen key into the control panel and press the kitchen button.
Search the utensils; find the required items, including a pot. Look at the spice rack and solve the matching minigame to get some spices. Go back to the lift and head to the main hall.
Main Hall
Search the table for the required items, including a wooden ladle and a matchstick. Use the matchstick on the fire to light it. Leave the castle and return to the storage area.
Look in the crate on the floor. Find the required items and you will end up with a basket of vegetables. Go back to the castle and head inside, then use the elevator to get up to the kitchen.
Look at the soup recipe on the wall. Put the pot in the sink, then pull the lever to fill it with water and pick it up again. Put the pot on the stove. Light the stove with the matchstick. Add the vegetables and spices, then search the kitchen utensils and find the required items, including a sleeping potion. Add the sleeping potion to the pot, then stir with the ladle and take the pot. Get into the elevator and go to the physicist's room.
Physicist's Room
Give the soup to the physicist, then look at the portrait and take the half heart. Get back in the lift and go to the entrance hall.
Entrance Hall
Look at the lockers. Insert your second half heart, then move all the symbols around to eventually find a 4-digit code. Head to the main hall.
Main Hall
Pick up the cryptex from the table on the right and enter the code to get a plant bud from inside. Now look at the broken chandelier and find the required items, including a pump handle. Get in the elevator and head to the physicist's room.
Physicist's Room
Talk to the physicist, then click on the puzzle box on his desk. Solve the maze minigame, then talk to the physicist again. Get back in the elevator and head back down.
Entrance Hall
Back out to the entrance hall. Look at the hole in the roof and find the required items, including some shears. Leave the castle and head back, right and through the gate to the park.
The Botanist
Look at the basin and find the required items, including a glass shard. Look at the pump and add your pump handle, then use this to fill the well. Enter the greenhouse.
Look at the botanist's notes on the desk and take the smaller separate note from here. Now look at the plants on the right and find the required items, including a hand spade. Use this on the soil, then put the soil in the pot and add the plant bud. Turn on the tap. Look at the plant light to find the glass is missing. Also look at the microscope on the left to see the lens is missing. Go back twice.
Park Entrance
Use your glass shard in the glass disc above the gate, then solve the glass minigame to receive some colored lenses. Head through the gate to the shore.
Give the note to the magician in exchange for some magic seals. Look at the broken boat and find the required items, including a telescope. Head back to the physicist.
Physicist's Room
Give the telescope to the physicist in exchange for a microscope lens. Go back down to the main hall.
Main Hall
Use the magic seals on the door over the stairs and solve the tile minigame.
Look at the blackboard on the ground, and the book on the floor (for the formula for the elixir). Next look at the left bookshelf and find a book with the matching symbol from the blackboard. Click on it and it will go to the stand. Look at the book on the stand and take the small note. Leave the castle and return to the greenhouse.
Look at the lighting system and insert the glass discs. Click on the 3 discs required to recreate the triangle. Look at the flower in the pot and use the shears to cut it. Next look at the microscope and insert the lens. Place the flower on the microscope and solve the pollen minigame. Talk to the magician, then read the pneumomail. Give the flower to the magician, then head outside and go to the servant's quarters.
Servant's Quarters
Read the pneumomail then head outside and go to the shore.
The Magician
Talk to the skeleton, then head inside.
Look in the hole and find the required items, including some gold coins. Head down the left tunnel.
Magician's Tower Entrance
Look in the pit and find the required items, including a crescent stone. Head into the magician's room in the top left.
Magician's Room
Talk to the magician, who will give you a sphere. Read the note on the back wall, then back out to the grotto, and down the right tunnel.
Take the right tunnel. Search the blocked area and find the required items, including some sealing wax. Head back out to the park.
Look in the basin and find the required items, including a hook. Return to the castle and into the main hall
Main Hall
Click on the broken chandelier and find the required items, including some rope. Head upstairs into the library.
Look at the blackboard on the ground. Next look at the narrow middle bookshelf and find a book with the matching symbol from the blackboard. Click on it and it will go to the stand. Look at the book on the stand and take the small note. Go back out of the library.
Main Hall
Enter the elevator. Take the key from the physicist, put it in the controls and click on it.
Look at the boxes. Find the required items, including a bell. Now look at the planet display control panel and put your stone crescent on the post. Solve the sliding minigame, then use your sphere on the telescope and solve the stars minigame. You will now have a charged sphere. Use the elevator to go down and head to the grotto.
Combine your hook and rope, and use the combination in the hole in the top of the statue. Take the seal ring and combine this with your sealing wax to make a stamp. Now back out of the grotto.
Give the gold coins and the stamp on the skeleton and you will get some metal pieces. Look at the chest on the ground and use your metal pieces, then solve the tangram minigame to get a medallion piece. Enter the grotto and take the right tunnel.
Look at the delivery mechanism on the right. Insert your bell, then ring them in the order indicated (middle, left, right). Take the stone rose. Back out and go to the park entrance.
Park Entrance
Look at the statue and place the rose in the statue's empty hand, then take the medallion piece. Combine the two pieces, then go through the grotto to the magician's room.
Magician's Room
Look in the coffin on the left. Find the required items, including some candles. Now put your charged sphere in the middle of the ritual area. Add your candles, then solve the candle minigame. Use your medallion on the portal to go through.
Take the skull from the right and use it to break the mirror, then take the final medallion piece and combine them in your inventory. Click on the magical symbols and find the required items, including a sigil. Use this sigil on the portal, then click to go through again.
Read the pneumomail. Look in the coffin again and find the required items, including an oil can. Now back out of the room.
The Mansion Master
Magician's Tower Entrance
Look in the pit. Find the required items, including a wrench. Back out once more.
Look in the pit and find the required items, including a lever this time. Now head to the castle and up to the physicist's room.
Physicist's Room
Look at the device on the bench. Attach your lever and pull it to turn off the power. Look at the device again and use your wrench to remove the 5 bolts, then solve the maze minigame and take the physicist's charged ball. Leave here and return through the grotto to the right tunnel.
Open the door on the right.
Mansion Master's Room
Pick up the full container from the left desk and the remedial flower from the right desk. Read the contract on the floor and the blackboard, then look at the manufacturing machine.
Use the flower, container, ball and medallion on the machine to make the elixir, then drink it. Pick up the revolver and shoot the alchemist. Look at the papers and take the clock element, then back out of the room.
Look at the blocked area and find the required items, including a rag. Now head to the freezing chamber.
Freezing Chamber
Use the elixir on each of the bodies, then go to the dock.
Click on the clock and add your clock element. Now solve the clock minigame, then head left into the lighthouse canal.
Lighthouse Canal
Look at the junk pile. Find the required items, including a flint, then head upstairs.
Look at the left pillar and take the gear.
Lighthouse Canal
Open the faceplate of the rotation mechanism, then click on it to get a closer look. Place your gear inside and solve the rotating minigame. Go upstairs again.
Pick up the torch and combine it with the rag, then with the oil. Use your flint on the torch to light it. Open the round door and put the torch inside to light the lighthouse. Go down to the dock to complete the game.