
Game Details:  Fantasy, 1994

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  5/2/2015

Suggested Listening:  Help Me Out (Ash 25)

Dragonsphere is a classic 3rd person point-and-click adventure from MicroProse. You play as Callash, and having just been crowned king of your realm, you must defeat the evil sorcerer Sanwe.

Gran Callahach

Walk over to the washbasin and you will get washed and change. Open the book next to the washbasin, then go through the door to the east. Open the diaries in the shelf on the left, then head south from this room to reach a hallway. Continue south into the ballroom. Talk to the scullery maid, then pick up the bone from the floor on the right, and the goblet from the left table. Walk south once more to reach the throne room. Talk to your brother, then look at the dragonsphere between the thrones. Go through the top left door to the meeting room.

Look at the bookshelf, and try to open the books in the middle. Now go and push the tapestry on the right wall - try to open the secret door, but it has no handle. Return south to the throne room and south again to the council room. Pick up the sword and the shieldstone from the table, then continue south to the guardroom and east to the dungeon cell. Now return to the throne room and go east to the courtyard, then out through the castle gate.

Talk to the guard captain near the gate, then to the shapechanger (agree to help him). Next talk to the Soptus Ecliptus; ask him how to cross the desert. Also talk to the Faerie about everything you can. Talk to the merchant and purchase some fruit from him, then talk to him again. Continue to the east and you will be shown a map: travel to Brynn-Fann.


Talk to the faerie, being nice and asking about the Butterfly King, then head into the maze. Talk to each of the sprites here to solve the riddle. The solution is to talk to Ralph when he is red and ask if it is safe to cross; now you can continue to the west. Talk to the Butterfly King, and answer with options 3, 1, 2, 3 and 3 - you will receive a red powerstone. After thanking the King, answer his next quiz with options 1, 1 and 1. After some more questions you will receive a carved bird figurine. Pick up the crystal flower and look at the crown guarded by the toads. Use your signet ring to quickly travel, then go east to return to the map screen.

Slathan ni Patan

When you arrive and talk to the guards, suggest offering them something, then give them your goblet; explain that it is a boon, and they should keep it as a deposit. Now follow the path to the right until you reach the pool. Throw your shieldstone into the pool, then take the severed tentacles. Continue further along the path and talk to the shifter on the rocks. Admit you are the King and you will receive a polystone, then you will enter the cave and retrieve a doll. Talk to the shifter again about everything you can. Walk back to the west to find the guards again and talk to them to retrieve the goblet.

Soptus Ecliptus

You will automatically reach a small camp in the desert. Talk to the trader. When he asks "Ka vinkiotum tratratrashab?" (Are you seeking death), answer "No". When he asks "Ka vinkiotum soptus?" (Are you seeking the Soptus), answer "Yes". He will now give you directions:

  • Shab = North
  • Falla = South
  • Ecliptus = West
  • Popo = And

Follow these directions (most often it is west, west, north, west and west) to reach the oasis. Talk to the Shamans sitting near the oasis, admitting you don't speak their language very well, and you will receive a yellow powerstone. Now talk to the guard and you will enter the large tent. Talk to the Caliph, watching a dancer and then playing a gambling game; you need to keep gambling until you have won a total of 3 prizes (Caliph will eventually say he has no more prizes to give you). Ask him for any help he may be able to provide, then you will automatically leave the tent again. Talk to the Shamans again, asking about the Spirit Plane. Invoke your signet ring to leave the desert, the head east.


Talk to the stranger hiding behind the rock, and politely reject her offer, then she will give you an amulet. After the conversation head west. Take a gold nugget from just left of the waterfall before entering the cave behind the waterfall. Talk to the hermit about everything, then leave the cave. Return to the east and climb up the rough stone to the right of where you met Llanie. Take the feather from just to your left. Use your sword to carve up your bird figurine, then use the birdcall you have created. Be polite to the shak that arrives, then continue climbing. Attack the beast with your sword, then walk around the cliff to the west. Talk to another shak and if you have been polite you will learn a rhyme. Pick up some mud from near the waterfall, then head east and climb up further.

Walk around the path that goes behind the tower until you reach the door. You will be caught by the vines before you reach the door - answer the questions with "Red", "His leg" and "Beef stew". Now enter the tower. If you try to walk across the floor, the eye on the right wall will kill you. Throw your mud at the eye, then head through the doorway to the east. Take the music box from the table and the blue vortex stone from the dresser. Look at the books on the shelves, then head east again. Use your vortex stone to take magic from the rope that is attacking you. Now pick up the rope. Open the rat cage at the bottom right and take the dead rat from inside, then put the rat in the freezer. Take the contents of the freezer and you will end up with a ratsicle. Look at each of the components in the experiment, then take the flask and put it on the metal plate. Open the petcocks above the retorts and the flask will fill with acid; pick it up before returning west twice to the eye chamber, and continuing west once more.

Go north into a cell and take the lit torch from the wall. Return south and press the lower button on the left wall. Now head through the doorway into the dark room, and you will automatically put your torch on the wall. Try to walk to the left, but the spell guarding the floor will stop you. Return south and push the button on the wall to go back up, then enter the cell again. Pour your acid on the floor to the left to burn a hole in the floor. Tie your rope to the manacles on the wall and climb down to get the blue powerstone. Head south to leave the cell, then press the top button. Put your ratsicle on the door frame and it will turn from red to blue. Put the tentacle parts on the teleportal to remove it. Now head north into the machine room. Put the teleport door in the window and it will divert water into the other room to cool the grating. Return south and now you can go east. Go all the water along the corridor and through the dragon door.

When you can, get your polystone to mimic the blue powerstone. Throw your blue stone at the circle of spheres.

Take the black sphere from the ground, and the crystal bll and spirit bundle from the chest. Look at the scrolls on the wall (you will see the number 73766,347) and take the map from over the bookshelf. Leave the castle by going west, and then continue west down the mountain. Go west past the waterfall and talk to the shak, then continue west once more. Now look at your map to find the path across the pillars:


Take the belt from the nest, and you will drop down safely to the ground. Head east and enter the cave. Talk to the hermit, then use the spirit bundle on Llanie. Now talk to her, saying a phrase from the book at the beginning of the game "Thou art a rose - but no! For no rose as fair did ever grow in any land!" Now use your doll to heal Llanie. Invoke your signet ring.

Gran Callahach

Admit that you are a shapechanger, but you didn't kill the king and now must save him; offer to give the guard something, then use your doll to heal her. Talk to her after this to confirm she will help you if you rescue the king. Head east to return to the map screen.

Soptus Ecliptus

Just head west this time to get from the small camp to the oasis. Talk to the guard and you will again be allowed into the tent. After talking, play your gambling game again and win 2 more prizes. After you automatically drink with the Caliph, quickly use your doll to heal yourself. Outside again, use your signet ring, then go east.


Enter the maze to the west, then continue west and go over to the roads. Open the flask of flies and you will automatically get the key-crown. Use your signet ring, then go east again.

Slathan ni Patan

Talking to the guards, say that you are not a shifter, then ask to go in as far as they can see. Give them the soporific, then quickly use your doll to heal yourself and the guards will pass out. Head east past the pool and enter the cave to see a vision. After coming back outside, continue to the east along the path. Talk to the shifting monster, then use your doll to heal it. Walk through to the village and talk to the lady here, who gives you your shifter ring. Use your signet ring and go east.

Soptus Ecliptus

Go west and talk to the Shamans again. Since you have used your original spirit bundle, you need to make a new one. Put your feathers on your bone, and use the vortex stone to add some magic. Give the Shamans the new bundle and they will take you to the spirit plane.

Spirit Plane

Talk about the quests, then say you are ready to accomplish the quests. Head east to find a group of pillars. Step over them in the following order (mirror image from the previous time):


In the next area, use your shifter ring to shift into a snake, and you will automatically cross the snake pit. Use your vortex stone to take magic from the grape vine. Now throw your dates at the roc. Quickly take the soul egg from the roc's nest and put your black sphere in its place. Now head west and talk to the Shamans to return.

Soptus Ecliptus

Use your signet ring to travel.

Gran Callahach

Now that you have your magic belt, jump down the well. Pick up the rare coin from the ground. Use your shifter ring to change into a seal and swim to the opposite shore. Look at the green glowing ward; invoke your crystal ball, then take the emerald. Change into a seal again and swim west down the river. After talking to the queen, swim to the far shore again. Walk to the trap door to descend to an area below. Put the statue on the walkway before heading west.

Walk half way across the cave, and when the beast walks out towards you, speak the words on your parchment. Continue west again. Use your shifter ring to change into a bear, then push the king to break him free. Give him the soul egg, then tell him you plan to bring him into the castle. Exit through the door to the north. Push the wall switch and wear the key-crown, then activate the wall switch and wear the key-crown again.

When you can, switch into bear form. Now use your sword to try to attack MacMorn. Finally, invoke Llanie's amulet to destroy him.