Dominic CraneDominic Crane

Dreamscape Mystery

Game Details:  Mystery, 2010

Links:  Moby Games, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  8/8/2013

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

Dominic Crane is a hidden object adventure game with standalone puzzles. You play as the protagonist, Dominic Crane, an artist haunted by disturbing visions. The game takes place within your dreams, and you find a way to escape back to reality. The series continues with Dominic Crane 2.

Chapter 1

Walk left and turn on the lights using the switch on the left. Find the required items, including the keys and hammer. Return to the right and smash the vase with the hammer, then pick up the pewter angel from inside. Use your keys on the door and solve the key puzzle. Head through the door.

Use the pewter angel to pacify the dragon. Click on the light switch on the left and solve the circle puzzle - with the lights off the dragon will sleep, and you can take its duct tape. Head back through the left door and look at the table. Use the duct tape on the wires. Find the required items, including the doorknob. Back out from the table and return to the dragon's room. Use your doorknob on the door on the right and head through the door.

Find the required items, including some scissors. Look at the painting on the right and solve the tile puzzle. Look at the safe, but you need to find its code. Head left 3 times and use your scissors on the sofa pillow to see the code 572. Go back to the right 3 times and enter this code into the safe. You must also find corresponding pictures for the safe puzzle, which are the starfish, rainbow and yin-yang symbol.

Take the key from the safe, then head left twice. Use your key on the drawer and take the first key.

Chapter 2

Look at the woman here to see she is missing her ring. Look at the back of this area and find the required items including a crowbar. Head left and use the crowbar on the gate. Go through the gate and find the required items including a picture piece. Back out and put the picture piece in the picture left of the gate. Look at the picture and solve the jigsaw puzzle. Pick up the snorkel gear, then go left.

Find the required items, including a belt. Head right twice, and look at the pool of water. Put the belt on the alligator, then use your snorkel gear in the water. Solve the 3 slider puzzles, then take the ring. Back out and give the ring to the woman in exchange for a key.

Head left and go through the gate, then use the key to unlock the box and solve the symbol puzzle. Take the second key.

Chapter 3

Look at the circle above the door and solve the circle puzzle, then go through the door. Find the required items including a corkscrew. Look at the tea set on the table and solve the slider puzzle. Take the key from the dragon's mouth.

Go through the door on the left and continue left. Find the required items, including the coin. Return right twice and use the key in the right door. Look at the table and find the required items, including the clock hands. Back out to the room again. Use the coin on the board on the back wall, then click on it and solve the matching puzzle. Take the gear from behind the board, then go left twice.

Put the clock hands in the clock, and change the time to 2:50. Open the compartment at the bottom of the clock and insert your gear, then solve the gear puzzle. Take the third key from the top of the clock.

Chapter 4

Approach the pyramid and look at the puzzle on the ground, then solve the pattern puzzle. Enter the pyramid and look at the right area. Find the required items, including a glyph cube and a lighter. Back out, and use the glyph cube in the puzzle on the rear wall. Click on the puzzle, then solve the glyph puzzle.

Go through the door and find the required items, including a key. Head left and use your lighter on the torch. Open the basket to take a rag, then click on the rear wall and solve the jigsaw puzzle. Now you can see something hidden in the wall but you can't reach it. Head right twice, then back outside.

Use your rag on the right wall to see a code. Head back inside and use your key on the locked chest. Solve the combination puzzle, knowing two correct animals from the wall outside. Take the faucet from the chest. Head through the door and then left. Use the faucet on the left wall, then pick up the bucket of water.

Go right twice, then back outside and back further. Give the water to the elephant. Go back inside to the room with the faucet and use the hammer on the broken puzzle, then take the fourth key.

Chapter 5

Go through the right door and look at the table. Find the required items, including the broom. Back out and go left, then use your broom on the cobwebs. Look at the door puzzle - place the red star at the top, then spin the centre disc so red is at the top, place the other stars in order around the outer ring and the plain discs matching around the inner ring. Now head through the door.

Look at the sofa and find the required items, including some wood logs. Back out and look at the picture, then solve the circle puzzle. Take the matches, then head right through 2 doors. Put your logs and matches in the fireplace, then take the key from the bat and use it to unlock the right door. Head through.

Look at the cabinet and find the required items, including some antlers. Back out, then look at the picture above the fireplace and solve the tile puzzle. Go through the right door then the left door. Give your antlers to the deer and take the screwdriver. Head right twice and use the screwdriver on the screws, then take the fifth key.

Chapter 6

Look at the shelves and find the required items, including a picture piece. Back out and head right. Find the required items here, including the stone, then return left. Break the vase with the stone and pick up the key. Use this to unlock the door and head through.

Use the picture piece in the picture and solve the jigsaw puzzle. Go left and find the required items, including a water pitcher. Return right and pour the water on the fire, then pick up the CD. Continue right twice more and use your CD in the computer. Click on the computer and solve the symbol puzzle. You will now see a code on the screen.

Go left twice and look at the safe. Solve the safe puzzle (the symbols are spider, eyes and week). Take the magic potion. Give the potion to the leopard, then take the sixth key.

Chapter 7

Look at the boat and find the required items, including an axe. Use this axe on the log to get a stick. Look at the cabin and use the stick on the dog, then head inside. Go right and find the required items, including the shovel. Now click on the picture on the wall and solve the tile puzzle. Take the balloon.

Head left twice and back out, then use your shovel on the ground near the rock and take the coins. Head back into the cabin and use your coins in the puzzle, then click on it and solve the matching puzzle. Use your balloon on the pump that is revealed, and pick up the inflated balloon. Head back outside and use the balloon on the rhino, then take the seventh key.

Chapter 8

Walk left and look at the table. Find the required items, including the poker. Back out and head left, again finding the required items, including the brush. Return to the right. Break the vase on the left side of the fireplace using the poker and pick up the paint can. Now use the poker in the fireplace and take the doorknob. Head right again.

Add your paint to the collection on the right, then use your paintbrush in the paints, then on the unfinished painting. Click on the painting then solve the jigsaw puzzle, and note the partial code displayed. Now attach your doorknob to the door and you will head through. Look at the desk and find the required items, including the ladder. Back out, then head through the door and left twice. Place the ladder on the left, then take the key from the lamp.

Return right twice and through the door. Use your key in the locked desk drawer, and solve the combination puzzle. Take the eighth key.

Chapter 9

Look at the pile of items and find the required items, including a key and a candle. Back out and go left, then click on the top right part of the screen. Find the required items, including the twig bundle. Return right and put the twigs on the 2 holes. Light both sets of twigs with your candle, then click on the lit circle and solve the tile puzzle.

Take the green cube and place it with the others, then solve the glyph puzzle. Head into the temple and take the shovel from the statue. Back out and go left. Use your shovel on the rocks and take the bomb. Return to the temple and put your bomb on the crate - when it explodes go through the hole. Use your key in the lock and solve the pattern puzzle. Take the ninth key.

Look at the locks and match the keys with their locks.