Dark Seed 2Dark Seed 2

Game Details:  Horror, 1995

Links:  Moby Games, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  8/19/2007

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

Dark Seed 2 is a horror adventure game starring Mike Dawson, a man recovering from a nervous breakdown suffered in the earlier game, Dark Seed. In this game, his high school sweetheart is found murdered, and Mike is the prime suspect. He will again have to enter the Dark World to attempt to clear his name, and eventually face an ultimate evil.

Normal World

Mike's House

Talk to the sheriff, then head right and talk to your mom. Take the yellow magnet from the fridge. Continue right and watch the television, then open the front door and you will receive a ticket. Open the cabinet left of the TV and take the camera. Head out through the front door and sit on your front bench. Talk to Jack, then head away from your house to the map screen.

Business District

Try the doctor's office but it is closed. Head right and talk to Paul, then continue right and talk to the Deputy. Leave this area.

Diner & Pool Hall

Head into the diner and talk to Hank, then go back outside and enter the pool hall. Talk to Jimmy and Melissa here, then head out the back. Search the trashcan to find an old coat hanger, then leave the area.

Civic Center

Enter the Sheriff's office and talk to him.


Walk left and knock on the door of the mansion to talk to Mrs Ramirez. Now head right twice to find the murder site. Examine the bushes and talk to Slim, and you will get a ticket stub.

Business District

Enter Dr Sims' office and you will be hypnotised.


Talk to the clown at the entrance and give him your ticket, then enter the carnival to find the carousel. From here go to the top right and enter the employees tent. Try to lift the anvil but it is too heavy. Return to the carousel and go to the top left, then into the sideshow area. Talk to Minnie and Daisy (the siamese twins), then continue left and talk to Gargan (the strongman). Go left once more and talk to Pandora (the fortune teller).

Diner & Pool Hall

Go through to the back of the pool hall and into the shed. Talk to Slim a few times to hear some of his theories.

Mike's House

Sit on your front bench and talk to Jack again.

Civic Center

Visit the Sheriff again and confront him about his affair with Rita. Now go next door to the morgue and knock on the window to get Doc Larsen's attention. Talk to him and get him annoyed so he hits the counter - if you can't do this, go and talk to the Sheriff about him, then come back and try again. Now you can open the door on the left and go through. Open the drawer on the right to see Rita's body. Look at the body on the main table - look at the toe tag and then the neck region. Look in the filing cabinets a few times. Try to take the body's necklace but you won't be able to yet.


Go and talk to Pandora about the twins.

Civic Center

Enter the morgue again and you should now be able to take the necklace with the glass key. Also look in the filing cabinets again and you will get Doc Larsen's little black book.


Enter the Hall of Mirrors, near the entrance to the sideshow area. Start by heading through the door on the left. Work your way down the right of the maze to get to a room that has a keyhole. Use your glass key here, then make your way to the "ornate" room over on the left. Walk through the main mirror to reach the Dark World.

Dark World

Power Center

After talking to the Keeper of Light, head right and make your way out through the maze. Once outside, go left and talk to Ik and Uk, but they won't let you into the prison. Go back to the crossroads and enter the skull. From the generator, go to the top right and follow the path into another building. Look at the fetus and try to open its container, but you can't. Return to the generator and go left. Look at the 2 control panels, then continue left. Look at the control panel, talk to the face on the wall, and give it your yellow magnet. Talk to it again, then continue left. Try to use another control panel, then return right 3 times to get back to the generator. Now go along the path down and keep going to leave this area.

Civic Center

Go through the middle door and talk to the guard to be sentenced to death. After you reach the execution ante-room, touch the belt of the dead worker next to you and pick up his data card. Now you can touch the emitter on the right and you will die.


Talk to the Keeper of Souls, then go up the stairs.

Power Center

Just walk out of here again.

Business District

Try the first door but it is locked. Go through the second door and talk to the gunsmith, then leave and go right. Enter the temple and talk to the Priestess, then read the book on the right before leaving. Continue right and talk to the guard about Ik and Uk, then return to the map.


Enter the left doorway and talk to the guy in the diner. Take the food from the left end of the counter before leaving.

Power Center

Use your datacard to open the gate and go through. Head right to leave the generator room, then go left and talk to Ik and Uk: the correct answers is "You - on the right. You are Ik, and it is night". Enter the prison and give the food to the guard, then continue right and talk to the Keeper of Scrolls. Leave back through the generator area.

Civic Center

Enter the doorway on the left this time to find the Hall of Troopers. Talk to the Drekketh guard and show him your datacard. Talk to him again, then take the Light of Truth and leave.

Power Center

Go through the maze, and through the portal.

Normal World


Go back through the Hall of Mirrors, using your key at the locked door. Return to the carousel and go left. Walk along here until you find the Wheel of Fortune. Play this 3 times and you will win a teddy bear (this only happens after you use the smiley face magnet in the dark world). Leave the carnival, and from the map, select the portal.

Dark World

Power Center

Go through the gate then go left twice. Put your "teddy bear" in the container on the right, and the power will shut off.


Enter the right doorway. Take the ego-massager from the ceiling, then open the door and go through. Head through a lit doorway on the right and talk to Goth, who needs some painkillers. Use the map to get back to the normal world.

Normal World


Go and find Gargan and give him the ego-massager; you will end up getting some painkillers.

Dark World


Go out the back to see Goth again. Give him the painkillers, then talk to him in depth. Take the magnetic crossbow from above the door on your way out.

Normal World

Civic Center

Talk to the mayor, then use your coat hanger on his car - you will get a quarter and some photographs. Use the quarter in the payphone here and phone the sheriff. Tell him that there is a robbery in progress involving a lady at an ATM, and he will leave his office. Enter the sheriff's office and look in his desk to find another photograph and a newspaper article.

Mike's House

Sit on the bench and talk to Jack about your progress.


Walk left and knock on the door to talk to Mrs Ramirez again. Try several times until she refuses to talk any more.

Diner & Pool Hall

Enter the pool hall and talk to Jimmy and Melissa again.


Go left and you will see Jimmy enter the house. Look through the window on the left and use your camera on the window.

Business District

Enter Dr Sims' office and you will be hypnotised again.

Mike's House

Sit down and talk to Jack once more.

Diner & Pool Hall

Head into the pool hall. After the fight head out the back and find Slim, and you will get a letter and a gun.

Dark World

Business District

Give your gun to the gunsmith and he will give you a bio-gun.

Normal World


Go to the shooting gallery (left from the carousel) and use your bio-gun to destroy the targets; you will get another prize. Talk to the sheriff when he arrives, and give him the letter. Head right twice. Use your crossbow on the central pillar of this game, then play the game to win yet another prize.

Business District

Enter Dr Sims' office and you will be hypnotised again. When you head outside you will have to talk to an FBI agent.

Mike's House

Sit down on the bench and talk to Jack again.

Dark World

Power Center

Go through the gate then go left. Put a "teddy bear" in the container on the right, then go left twice and insert your third "teddy bear". Go far right to leave this area.

Business District

Press the small red button next to the left door and go through. Take the skull opener from the desk.

Civic Center

Enter the middle doorway and open the cupboard on the right. Take the Scrolls of Wisdom.

Normal World

Business District

Walk right and talk to Paul again. Use the skull opener on the faucet on the side of his house, and you will end up sneaking inside. Go through to the bedroom and look at the scuff marks in front of the bookcase, then pull the bookcase open. Go through and read the book, then take the keys and you will kill Paul and end up outside again. Go left and use his keys to enter the hardware store. Touch the alarm on the back wall, then you will go outside and the Deputy will head inside. Go right twice down the street and into Rita's house. Open the desk and read the letter from Rita. Go through to her bedroom. Take the card from the bottom left of the mirror, then leave.


Go and see Pandora and give her the ticket.

Mike's House

Go to your bedroom and open the closet, then look at the mirror and walk through.

Dark World

Mike's House

Look at the blue box containing bloody shoes and a knife. Take the Sword of Justice, then head right. Talk to your mother, then look at her body and talk to Rita's head. Head right, then press the buttons next to the door and go outside. Leave this area.

Power Center

Go through the gate and take the top right path. Enter the building to see the behemoth has already hatched. Go back to the generator and take the path to the right. Enter the maze by using the walkway nearest the bottom of the screen. Now you must navigate the maze so you get to the ornate room before the behemoth. Head left twice, down 3 times and left through a secret door (you can just see the hinge if you look closely). Make it to the ornate room and you will kill the behemoth. Now go back through the maze (the long way, over to the right first). Go back through the skull mouth to the generator. Approach the console and insert the Scrolls of Wisdom and the Light of Truth. Use the Sword of Justice to cut the cable on the right.

Normal World

Business District

After the confrontation, walk out through the open door.