Cruise for a CorpseCruise for a Corpse

Game Details:  Mystery, 1991

Links:  Moby Games, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  12/3/2009

Suggested Listening:  Give Up Now (Ash 25)

Cruise for a Corpse is a mystery adventure set on board a cruise ship. After the captain is murdered, you play as Inspector Raoul Dusentier and must solve the crime. Time advances throughout the game in 10 minutes intervals once you have discovered enough evidence, through talking to the other people on the ship and exploring the ship for yourself.



Starting in Niklos' office, take the piece of paper next to the ashtray, then unfold it and read it. Use the map to go to the bar. Show the piece of paper to the barman, and you will receive a prayer book. Read this and take the letter inside, then read the letter. Head to Fabiani and Dick's cabin and pull the suitcase at the bottom left, then open it to find some gambling items. Close the suitcase again and push it back. Head to the dining room. You will return the prayer book to Father Fabiani. Talk to him while you are here, then go to the upper deck and talk to Suzanne. Now go to the smoking lounge and talk to Tom about everything.


Go to the main deck, port side bow. Knock on the first door, then open it and talk to Julio. Next go to the dining room and talk to Father Fabiani. Head to the smoking lounge and pick up the piece of paper beneath the chair, then read it. Go to the bar and talk to Suzanne.


Now head to Raoul and Julio's cabin and take the key from the left side of the rug. Return to Niklos' office. Insert your key in the lock on the desk. Open the jewelcase, and examine the clasp on the end of the bracelet. Take the note from the desk and read it. Go to Tom and Rose's cabin and talk to Tom. Next go to the dining room and open the far drawer, then take the engagement invitations and read them. Go to the main deck, port side bow. Head down from here to see Rebecca and Tom on the upper deck. Now go to the laundry room. Search the bottom laundry basket. Open the necklace and examine the picture inside.


Go to the rear hall and talk to Dick. Go to Fabiani and Dick's cabin (you need to knock first) and talk to Father Fabiani. Now head to Raoul and Julio's cabin and talk to Julio again. Go to Daphne and Suzanne's cabin, where Suzanne is passed out. Open the closet on the left, search the cosmetic case at the bottom, and take the prescription. Read the prescription, then go to the bar and take the glass and bottle of whiskey.



Head to the upper deck and talk to Suzanne, then give her a drink and talk to her again. Now go to the butler's cabin and talk to Hector. Next go to the smoking lounge and talk to Tom. Go to Fabiani and Dick's cabin (you need to knock first) and talk to Father Fabiani. From outside his cabin, go one screen down and look through the porthole here to see Rebecca and Tom again. Return to Daphne and Suzanne's cabin. Open the wardrobe on the right and search the pile of laundry to find a newspaper clipping. Head to the upper deck and talk to Rose. Go to the bar and talk to Suzanne. Now go to Niklos and Rebecca's cabin and talk to Rebecca.


Enter Fabiani and Dick's cabin. Open the second wardrobe door and take the pocket watch. Go down to the laundry and search the pot to find a small key. Go to Daphne and Suzanne's cabin and talk to Daphne about Rebecca and Rose. Just outside this cabin, talk to Julio again about the pocket watch and Niklos' death. Head to the dining room to talk to Father Fabiani about Rebecca, Rose and Raphael. Go to Niklos' office and talk to Hector about Fabiani's poker game, Mercedes and Rebecca. Head to the upper deck and search the bag to find a gun advertisement.


Talk to Rose about the advertisement for guns, then go to Tom and Rose's cabin. Open the wardrobe and search the sheets to find a letter, then close the wardrobe and read the letter. Return to the upper deck, and after Suzanne falls fling the right lifebelt to her. Suzanne will talk to you, then ask for her cosmetic case.


Go to Daphne and Suzanne's cabin. After you close the wardrobe door, open the music box on the floor and examine it. Insert your small key, then when the doll is turning, block it and turn the key again to open a drawer. Take the letter and read the sheet of paper. Head to the bar. After the incident, pick up the purse from the ground. Go to Daphne and Suzanne's cabin and talk to Daphne about Agnes' will.


Walk down one screen and Rebecca will invite you inside for a chat. Walk down again and listen to Daphne's story. Go to the main deck, starboard astern. Walk down one screen and go inside to listen to Rose. Walk up one screen and enter the room to talk to Father Fabiani. Head to the bar and talk to Suzanne about Rebecca/Tom's relationship. Next go to the rear hall and talk to Dick about Tom/Rebecca's affair and Tom and Rebecca's plot. Now go to Raoul and Julio's cabin. Pick up Hector's note from the floor, then go to the butler's cabin. Head to the alleyway outside the kitchen, and enter the kitchen. Pick up the can opener. Open the hatch in the floor to go down. Take the crowbar and use it on the small crate just right of the middle of the room. Take a tin from the crate and open it with your can opener to find a grenade. Now use the crowbar on the loose plank in the bottom left of the room. Pick up the reel of film from the hole here. Head to the engine room and take the screwdriver.



Go to the smoking lounge. Pull the film projector, then examine it. Put the reel of film on the projector, then use your screwdriver on the screws and operate the green switch. Use your screwdriver on the screws again, then operate the green switch to watch the film. Go to the rear hall, where Daphne will give you a note. Head to Daphne and Suzanne's cabin, and examine Suzanne's body. Next go to the captain's cabin. Take the orange book from the bookcase. Examine the book, open it, and examine the inscription to see "incal". Go to the top toilet and take the soap from the washbasin. Now go down to Niklos' office and examine the books. Rearrange the books into order to show "incal". Throw the soap through the secret doorway.


Search the mafiaso on the floor to find a contract. Examine the puppet, then take it. Go to the smoking lounge and show the puppet to Daphne. Select Dick Schmock as the murderer.