Chronicles of Mystery: The Legend of the Sacred TreasureChronicles of Mystery: The Legend of the Sacred Treasure

Game Details:  Mystery, 2010

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  5/23/2024

Suggested Listening:  Give Up Now (Ash 25)

Chronicles of Mystery: The Legend of the Sacred Treasure is the third in a series of adventures by City Interactive, following after Chronicles of Mystery: The Tree of Life. You take the role of journalist Chelsea Connor, who is investigating the mysterious death of her father. This game changes to a first-person hidden object adventure format, unlike the earlier 3rd person adventures. The series continues with Chronicles of Mystery: Secret of the Lost Kingdom.



Talk to the policeman. Look at the rubbish bin on the left for a hidden object minigame, which results in finding a wet cigarette. Look at the front of the cafe for another hidden object minigame, which results in finding some matches. Now head back along the street.

The Institute of Anthropology

Enter the Institute's hall and talk to the porter. Go back outside and look at the green bench to the left for a hidden object minigame, which results in finding an invitation. Go inside and give this to the porter, then continue through to the corridor. Enter the study and talk to the head of the institute.

Go back out and talk to the porter. Examine the equipment on the left for a hidden object minigame, which results in finding a duster. Head through to the corridor again and use the duster on the portraits. Go back outside and talk to the tramp who is now sitting on the green bench. Return inside and look at the equipment on the left for another hidden object minigame, which results in finding some fruit juice.

Return out and give the fruit juice to the tramp. Go forward along the boulevard to see that the police officer is blocking your path to the barge. Go back to the institute and head inside to the study. Examine the fireplace. Turn all 4 knobs so the rays point to the middle, and the doors will open. Use your matches to start a fire, then put your wet cigarette in front of the fire until it dries out.

Return to the police officer and give him the cigarette. Talk to the tramp once more, then go inside and talk to the porter (and the head of the institute). Go back outside and along the boulevard, then descend to the barge.


Talk to the tramp, then search the area near him for a hidden object minigame, which results in finding 3 planks. Use these on the deck to build a bridge, then get onto the barge. Examine the police tape, removing it one piece at a time in the correct order. Enter the steering room for a hidden object minigame, which results in finding a photograph, a lighter and an oil container.

Head right to the loading room. Look under the stairs to find a lamp - use the oil container and the lighter on this. Find 12 photo pieces here, then place them together to make a pieced together photograph. Look at the scene of the crime, then find 20 differences in the next minigame. You will end up with a penknife and a flashlight. Look under the table, then use your flashlight here. Use your penknife on the board. Pick up the tile fragment and letter. Head all the way back off the boat to talk to the tramp. Return to the institute. Go to the study, then back out and head through the door on the right.

The Lab

Talk to the head of the institute and she will take a look at your tile. Examine the cupboards for a hidden object minigame, which results in finding a burner. Next look at the lab table, and place all the objects over their matching shadows. Now examine the centrifuge on the lab table. You need to put 8 test tubes into the centrifuge so that the arms are all balanced. The test tubes in the rack are arranged from lightest on the left, up to heaviest on the right. If the tubes are numbered 1-10 in the rack, place them in the centrifuge as follows:


Back out and talk to the head of the institute again. Return to the lab table and examine the burner. Turn on the burner, then click on a test tube to load it. Click on the test tube to move it in front of the burner, then remove it again when the gauge is in the middle. Repeat this multiple times until it is sealed completely. Talk to the head of the institute once more. Go out and talk to the porter. Head to the corridor and try both doors, but they will be locked. Talk to the porter again

Go outside and talk to the tramp to start a hidden object minigame, which results in finding some keys. Re-enter the institute. Go through to the corridor, then use the keys to enter the laboratory. Examine the desk for a hidden object minigame, which results in finding a key. Return to the corridor, then use the keys on the left door and enter the study.

Look at the portrait on the right wall. Next examine the pedestal for a hidden object minigame, which results in finding a mummified cat and a sphinx lithograph. Examine the desk for another hidden object minigame, which results in finding a Bastet figurine and a fresco. The door in the desk is locked, so use the key on it and take out a granite tile and a business card. Look under the desk to see another puzzle. Here you need to rotate the tiles so that 4 you can see on your objects appear in the middle column:

  • Top Row: Symbol from fresco
  • Second Row: Symbol from Sphinx lithograph
  • Third Row: Symbol from Bastet figurine
  • Bottom Row: Symbol from mummified cat

Back out, then examine the desk again. Take the tile fragment from the opened drawer. Back out again and you will make a phone call.


Menekot's Residence

After automatically talking to the security guard, enter the headquarters and talk to Menekot. Examine the portrait, then go behind the screen. Play the hidden object minigame, which results in finding 8 stone fragments. Back out and talk to Menekot again. Examine the armchair on the right and notice the 8 hieroglyphs across the top. Back out and examine the chest on the left. Look at both sides of the chest and insert the stone fragments into the gaps. Now rotate the symbols to match the 8 hieroglyphs on the armchair. Open the chest to get 12 stone fragments. Close the chest again.

Go to the table on the left and place the stone fragments here, then piece them together (note that you can rotate them, but also double-click to flip them). You have to find something to glue them together. Back out and head outside.


Go back out to the gate, but the security guard will not let you leave. Look at the flowerbed for a hidden object minigame, which results in finding 4 pieces of resin. Next look at the plants in the background for another hidden object minigame, which results in finding a leaf. Head left to the kitchen and examine the dishes to play the next hidden object minigame, which results in finding a stone. Examine the fireplace to the left and put your stone here. Now you need to press the stones around the edge of the fireplace to get them to all come out - work your way gradually around from the left in a clockwise direction. Now you will start a fire.

Back out and go to the dishes again. Play the hidden object minigame, which results in finding a pot. Go back to the fireplace and place the pot in front of the fire. Add the resin to the pot. After it melts, dip the leaf into the resin. Back out and return to the headquarters.


Go to the table and use your leaf on the tile pieces to glue them together. Talk to Menekot, then look at the banquet table behind him. Play the hidden object minigame, which results in finding a gold ring. Back out and talk to Menekot again.

Jail and Arsenal

Examine the bed on the right for a hidden object minigame, which results in finding a potty. Back out and search the rubbish for another hidden object minigame, which results in finding 2 branches. Go back to the bed and use the branches to hold it up, then use the potty to complete the tunnel. Go forward along the corridor to find a locked door. Back out and enter the ventilation shaft for a hidden object minigame, which results in finding a crowbar. Approach the door again and use the crowbar, then head through to the arsenal.

Look at the photograph on the lockers to the left, then back out and examine the table to find 16 differences. You will end up with a key. Go to the entrance upstairs and use your key to open the gate. Play a hidden object minigame, which results in finding a rubber plant leaf.

Head back down to the arsenal and examine the safe on the right. Use your leaf here. Go back out to the corridor, then into the ventilation shaft for another hidden object minigame, which results in finding a drum. Return to the arsenal and use the drum on the safe, then examine the combination look. Enter the code MAKEDA and open the safe, then take out everything inside.

Go up to the entrance upstairs again. Go outside into the yard. Search the flowerbed for a hidden object minigame, which results in finding a fishing rod. Next look at the pool, and use the fishing rod in the pool to get some car keys. Back out and now head back to the gate. Play a hidden object minigame, which results in finding a knife. Use your knife on the locked gate here, then go to your jeep. Play one more hidden object minigame, then play another game where you must arrange everything in your backpack. Finally, use your car keys on the ignition.