Bureau 13Bureau 13

Game Details:  Mystery, 1995

Links:  Moby Games

Walkthrough Updated:  9/7/2024

Suggested Listening:  Help Me Out (Ash 25)

Bureau 13 is a third person mystery adventure game based around the exploits of an agency tasked with investigating paranormal phenomena. After an agent is exposed, the Bureau sends another 2 agents after him to take him out.

Character Selection

At the start of the game, you will have to select 2 characters to use from the following options:

  • Hacker: Isaac Richards
  • Mech: Delilah Littlepanther
  • Priest: Father Jonathan Blank
  • Thief: Jimmy Suttle
  • Vampire: Alexander Keltin
  • Witch: Selma Gray

Most actions throughout the game are identical, but some actions are only performed by one character. The walkthrough below assumes you have chosen the Mech and Thief.


Police Station

The thief can pick the lock on the newspaper vending machine, or the mech can just smash the machine. Otherwise, search the coin slot to get a quarter, then use this in the machine and open it. Take out a newspaper and read it. Now head right to the police station and go inside.

The thief can pick the desk sergeant's pocket to get a gun. Take the super-glue, then glue the fire extinguisher door shut and push the ashtray into the trashcan. Enter the sheriff's office on the left. Open the desk and take out the keys. Open the fuse box on the wall and take the spare electronic fuse. Push the lever to turn off the power. Leave the sheriff's office, then unlock the evidence locker with the sheriff's keys. Go in and take the camera, police report and bomb fragments. Read the police report and look at the bomb fragments.

Leave the police station and head right to Rick's Electronics.

Rick's Electronics

The thief can pick the lock on the door, or the mech can smash the door. Alternatively, you can search the wall of the store to find a brick, then throw it through the door. Head inside.

Pick up the wire cutters from the shelves near the bottom of the screen. Take the answering machine tapes from the desk. Search the desk to get another cassette tape. Open the filing cabinet on the right and take out the file folder. Look at this in your inventory. Play each of the 5 answering machine tapes in the answering machine on the desk.

The thief can pick the lock on the cash register, or the mech can smash it open, then you can take the cash from inside. Leave the store and head right to the AI corporate headquarters.

AI Headquarters

Go right so you are behind the building. Open and search the dumpster to find an AI computer box. Return to the left, then push the security buzzer on the front of the building. Ask the guard to come inside, then give him the box you just found and you can walk into the building.

Pick up the note from the secretary's desk and look at it to see the code 2112. Open the copier machine on the left and pick up the office memo, then look at it as well. Open the door to the security office and go inside. Pick up the 3 video tapes, then leave again. Now open the left door and enter Ted Simpsons' office. Open the smoke detector on the wall and take out the battery. Pick up the remote control from the desk and put the battery inside. Open the large painting on the wall behind the desk to reveal a safe. Push the button on the desk. Put video tape 3 in the VCR, then use the remote control on the VCR - the safe will open. Take out another video tape. Put this into the VCR, then use the remote control on the VCR to watch it. Take the video tape back out again, then head back outside.

Go left 3 times to the news vending machine, then continue left.

Gym and Messenger Service

Head into the messenger service lobby. The thief can sneak upstairs to the delivery boys' lockers. Open the fuse box on the left wall and take the burnt out fuse. Insert your electronic fuse and the lights will come on. Pick up the empty waste can from the floor. Open the locker just to the right of the fuse box. Take out the jacket, then search it to get JP's van key. Search the lockers on the far right to get some leather gloves.

Head back outside. Go right 3 times, then down to the used RV lot and continue right.

American Temporary Storage

Open the door and head inside. Show JP's van key to the attendant. Look in the storage box and pick up everything from inside. Head outside and go left.

Used RV Lot

Use the magnetic scan card on the RV, then head inside. Leave again and you will automatically take JP's battle journal. Look at this in your inventory. Head down, left 3 times and continue left to the hospital.


Open the door and head inside to end up with a level 4 badge. Return to the RV by going down, right 3 times and down again.

Used RV Lot

Enter the RV and engage the autodrive function.

AI Weapons Plant

Go right to the forest road, then head up into a clearing in the woods. Pick up the tree limb from the ground, then return down to the forest road. Place the tree limb across the road and wait. When the truck stops and the driver gets out, get into the truck and you will enter the compound.

Open the loading bay door and head inside. Pick up the wood saw from the ground. Open the fuse box on the wall, then push it to turn the power on. Head back outside. Walk onto the scaffolding and you will head up to a corridor. Use your level 4 badge on the left door, then head through into a stock room. Push the elevator control panel and enter the code 2112. Walk into the elevator and you will head down to a security corridor. Use your wire cutters to cut the trip wire., then open the next door and continue into the laboratory. Pick up the drone ledger, then look at it.

Go all the way back to the RV and head inside. Access the RV Database and search for these names:

  • Cotton
  • Houston
  • Sterling
  • Carver

Now engage the autodrive function.

The Suburbs

Head left twice and down to the left to reach the library parking lot. Open the trunk of the red car and pick up the crowbar and flashlight. Return down to the right, then head right 3 times. Use the crowbar to break the lock on the door, then open the door and go inside. Pick up the Book of Magic from the table and look at it in your inventory. Return outside

Walk left twice. Use the crowbar to break the lock on the door, then open the door and go inside. Pick up the green bag, which is a vampire hunter's kit. Search this in your inventory to get a shovel, some garlic and a stake. Continue into the kitchen. Close the door here, then search the garbage can to find a concert ticket and a note to Eddie. Read the note in your inventory. Open the door again and return to the living room, then go back outside.

Continue left. Use the crowbar to break the lock on the door, then open the door and go inside. Push the answering machine to listen to the message. Go through the left door into the garage. Open the second cabinet door from the left and take Jane's book of bombs. Read this in your inventory. Open the second cabinet door from the right and take the radio. Walk down to head back outside.

Go down to the left, then continue left twice to reach the high school. Open the left window, then climb inside to a classroom. Pick up the assignment list from the teacher's list, then look at it in your inventory. Climb back outside.

Head left 4 times to reach Stalker's Night Club. Walk towards the door and give the man your ticket. Open the doors and go inside. Open the small door on the right and continue through to the backstage hallway. Open the next door and enter the dressing room. Search the coffin to get a note to the band and some garlic. Read the note to the band in your inventory. Head all the way back outside.

Go left to Sixth Street. Search the ballet poster on the wall, then open it and head into the gang hideout. Ask the gang member about Sawbuck, then about his location. Pick up the red depressants and the green stimulants. Head back outside.

Go right twice and open the bus. Search Houston and you will remove his drone chip. Go right twice more, then go down the stairs into Carver's Bar. Click on Carver 7 times - when he finds he is out of bullets he will go right. Follow him right to the basement, then search him and you will remove his drone chip. Go back up to the bar, then head outside.

Walk left and open the door, then enter the Herbalist's shop. Collect the red love potion, green healing powder, blue sleeping drug and warding charm. Also take the amulet from near the cash register. Agree with Cotton when she speaks to you. Give the amulet back to the shop owner. Return outside. Now walk behind the cat, following it right twice, down, and right 4 times. You will notice that the cat is heading to the cemetery. Search Sterling and you will remove his drone chip. Use the wire cutters on the RV to disarm the bomb. Now enter the RV and engage the autodrive function.

The Cemetery

Follow the cat left, up to the right and up to the left. Open the door and go inside. Quickly search Cotton and you will remove her drone chip. Go back outside, then head down, and down to the right. Use your camera to take a picture of the marked tombstone. Use your shovel to dig just to the left of the marked tombstone. Search the hole in the ground and pick up the finger bone.

Walk down to the right to return to the RV, then continue down to the right again. Use your wood saw on the dogwood tree on the left. Now walk up towards the church. Open the door and go inside. Open the door on the right, and proceed into the church kitchen. Dip the finger bone into the blood on the kitchen bench. In your inventory, use the wood saw on the dogwood tree limb to create a disc, then use the bloody finger on it. Open the next door on the right and go through.

Remove the crucifix from the wall. Search the floor to the left of the bed. Open the trapdoor here and pick up the Tome of Banishment. Read this in your inventory.

Leave the church, then continue left, down and left again. Use the crucifix on the apparition. Now head left again. Open the door of the mausoleum in the back, then go inside. Walk down, right twice and up. Walk through the wall on the left and you will automatically defeat Stellerex. You will get a level 6 badge and return outside.

Return to the RV by going right, then down to the right. Enter the RV and engage the autodrive function.

AI Weapons Plant

Go right twice and use the scaffolding to head up to the corridor. Use your level 6 badge on the right door, then head through to find a guard post. Wait for the guard to leave, then use your red depressants in his coffee. Leave here, then come back again and the guard will be asleep. Search the guard to get a level 7 badge. Use this on the locked door, then continue through.

Use your green stimulants on the programmer to wake her up. Talk to her, then head right. Open the door to the EMP Lab (you will automatically enter the code that the programmer mentioned). Pick up the EMP device from the middle of the room. Leave this room and head to the left. Use the level 7 badge on the locked door here, then enter Ted Simpson's office.

Push the statue on the desk, then go through the secret passage into the mainframe antechamber. Use the EMP device on the security door, which will now be completely disabled. Return down and leave the office, then go right and into the EMP Lab again. Use the EMP device on the platform where you found it, and it will recharge. Now leave the room and go down to the programmer's room, then up to the guard post.

Search the brown panel at the bottom left - since you have used the EMP, you can go through the access tunnel that you find here. Talk to Ted Simpson. Making sure you have the charged EMP device, use the VR chair. Use the EMP on the virus, then push the panel on the left.