Bill and Ted's Excellent AdventureBill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

Game Details:  Comedy, 1990

Links:  Moby Games

Walkthrough Updated:  7/25/2013

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure is a game based on the movie from 1989. You control the two titular characters and must travel through time collecting dudes from different time periods. There are 4 difficulty levels, which slightly adjust the challenge of the puzzles and the order of events.


The game involves travelling to collect dudes from different time periods. Some of the actions required are different depending on the difficulty level you select at the start of the game. Follow the section of the walkthrough below based on your difficulty. Note that you can only carry 2 dudes with you in the phone booth, so you need to remember to regularly drop them at the mall (1990).

Level 1 and 2

Go straight to the telephone booth and dial your first year.


Go through the door to the Bastille. Navigate the maze (you only need to go a little way up in this difficulty) and go through the exit on the right side. Enter the door on the right to find Marie Antoinette, then escort her to the right, then into the booth.


Head left, jump over the gate and jump over the broken bridge. Pick up the note, then collect Napoleon Bonaparte. Return right and into the booth.


Drop your two dudes inside the mall, then dial another number.


Pick up the flowers. Walk over to Ludwig von Beethoven and give him the note, then escort him to the booth.


Go into the building and use your flowers to collect Sigmund Freud. Go outside and get back into the booth.


Drop your two dudes inside the mall, then dial another number.


Go inside then left and pick up the twinkie. Go right and fight the 3 men successfully so that Billy the Kid joints you. Go back outside and into the booth.


Walk right and use the twinkie on the table near him, then escort Genghis Khan to the left and into the booth.


Drop your two dudes inside the mall, then dial another number.


Go right and pick up the violin, then climb up two levels of ladders, avoiding the paint tins. Collect Michaelangelo, then go left and down in the elevator, returning to the booth.


Pick up the fire extinguisher. Go through the archway and give the violin to Nero, then escort him left and into the booth.


Drop your two dudes inside the mall, then dial another number.


Use your fire extinguisher to put out the fire. Go and untie Joan of Arc, then escort her to the booth.


Pick up the calculator, then get back in the booth.


Enter the university and use your calculator, then escort Albert Einstein outside and into the booth.


Drop your two dudes inside the mall, then dial another number.


Go left to meet Socrates, then go right right twice towards Delphi. Climb the mountain, collecting the copper coin and at least 10 gold coins (there are 10 on the first screen, 10 straight up, and then 10 to the left). Climb up the mountain towards the left of the top left screen and you will trade your question for an answer. Back at the bottom give the answer to Socrates and escort him right to the booth.


Walk left and give the penny to Abraham Lincoln so he joins you. Return right into the booth.


Drop your two dudes inside the mall, then head inside and walk up to the telephone. Answer yes.

Level 3 and 4

Start by entering the shop and taking the ice pick. Now go out to the telephone booth and dial your first year.


Go through the door to the Bastille. Navigate the maze (you need to go all the way around the top in this difficulty) and go through the exit on the right side. Enter the door on the right to find Marie Antoinette, then escort her to the right, then into the booth.


Head left, jump over the gate and jump over the broken bridge. Pick up the shovel, then collect Napoleon Bonaparte. Return right and into the booth.


Drop your two dudes inside the mall, then dial another number.


Use your shovel to dig up a fire extinguisher.


Pick up the butane, then use your fire extinguisher to put out the fire. Go and untie Joan of Arc, then escort her to the booth.


Use your butane near the caveman, then pick up the note.


Walk over to Ludwig von Beethoven and give him the note, then escort him to the booth.


Drop your two dudes inside the mall, then dial another number.


Walk to the ice and use your ice pick on it, then collect the calculator.


Enter the university and use your calculator, then escort Albert Einstein outside and into the booth.


Walk right and get the seeds, then return to your booth.


Go right, then climb up two levels of ladders, avoiding the paint tins. Collect Michaelangelo, then go left and down in the elevator, returning to the booth.


Drop your two dudes inside the mall, then walk left and use your seeds in the plant, then pick up the flowers before returning to your booth.


Go into the building and use your flowers to collect Sigmund Freud. Pick up the bread box, then go outside. Use your bread box while standing near the street, then pick up the twinkie. Get back into the booth.


Walk right and use the twinkie on the table near him, then escort Genghis Khan to the left and into the booth.


Drop your two dudes inside the mall, then dial another number.


Go left to meet Socrates, then go right right twice towards Delphi. Climb the mountain, collecting the $1 bill and 30 gold coins (there are 10 on the first screen, 10 straight up, and then 10 to the left). Climb up the mountain towards the left of the top left screen and you will trade your question for an answer. Back at the bottom give the answer to Socrates and escort him right to the booth.


Go inside then left and give your $1 bill to the barman, then pick up the copper coin. Go right and fight the 3 men successfully so that Billy the Kid joints you. Go back outside and into the booth.


Drop your two dudes inside the mall, then dial another number.


Walk left and give the penny to Abraham Lincoln so he joins you. Pick up the key on the left, then return right into the booth.


Go right and use your key on the violin box, then pick up the violin. Return left and into the booth.


Go through the archway and give the violin to Nero, then escort him left and into the booth.


Drop your two dudes inside the mall, then head inside and walk up to the telephone. Answer yes.