Ben Jordan Case 6
Scourge of the Sea People
Game Details: Mystery, 2007
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 9/10/2020
Suggested Listening: Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)
Day 1
Athens Airport
Walk left twice and then through the exit doors. Ask the taxi driver about everything, then return right 3 times. Talk to the large woman about everything, then go left and enter the Kalimera Cafe. Talk to the tourist here and offer to take his picture. Get him to move forward twice and right 6 times, then back, and he will be arrested (you will keep his camera). Return right and give the camera to the large woman, then ask her about everything again. Return out to the taxi driver, and ask him to take you to Agia Anna.
Day 2
Agia Anna
Walk left to the beach, then left along the beach to see a small house. Pick up the metal bar from the sand, then return down and right to the village. Enter Tom's Pizza, and ask the woman about everything to receive a lump of dough. Go back outside, then enter the bar next door. Talk to the man at the table, who turns out to be Professor Sanbourne. Go back outside and return to the beach.
Go left and approach the small house. Knock on the door, then ask the fisherman about everything. Go back outside, then return along the beach and go back along the path to your bungalow. Keep going past the bungalow and pick a pink flower from near the large sign. Go back to the bungalow and walk up the stairs to head back inside.
Walk into the bathroom on the left and you will automatically collect a small mirror. Search the dresser to find some suntan lotion. Return outside and head to the beach, then right to the village and into the bar. Look at the bottle of ouzo, then ask the Greek guys about it. Head to the pizzeria next door and ask the woman about ouzo, then go back to the bar and ask Lambros about everything. While you are here, hang your mirror on the nail on the wall here.
Head outside and return into your bungalow. Talk to Simon about everything, and he will accompany you to the bar. Given you have placed the mirror on the wall, just correctly state how many fingers are held up each time until you win the bottle. Go back to the beach, then to the fisherman's house. Head inside and give him the ouzo. Take a cup, then ask him about the boat.
On the boat, pick up the chain and the hook, then use your cup in the sea to get some salt water. Climb down the hatch and use your metal bar on the saw trophy to get it from above the doorway. Use your salt water on the still to get fresh water. Climb back up, then talk to the doorway to call the fisherman outside. Ask him to chart a course to Oracle Island.
Oracle Island
Go right and pick a white flower. In your inventory, use the saw-fish snout on the metal bar. Use the cut bar on the device here, then add the chain to the device, and attach the hook to the chain. Use the chain, and attach it to the boulder, then turn the crank. Enter the cave and walk to the right, then use your notepad on the inscription at the base of the statue. Leave the cave and return to the beach, then use the dinghy to return to the boat.
Talk to the doorway again, then show the note to the fisherman. Now ask him to take you to Oracle Island again. Go right and enter the cave, then continue to the right and pour the cup of fresh water on to the statue. Ask the Oracle about everything, then return to the beach and use the dinghy again.
Talk to the doorway and ask the fisherman about everything, then get him to chart a course to the Island of the Minotaur.
Island of the Minotaur
Go left twice, then pick a yellow flower. Try to fit through the opening, but it is too tight. Use the suntan lotion on the opening, then go through. Watch the fresco on the right and grab the key when you see it shining. Return outside, then go right twice. Use the key on the doors, then go through to find a maze.
Go forward twice and then right. Search the rubble on the ground to find a small cog. Go forward twice more and pick up the horn from the ground. Go back, then left 3 times and forward once more. Use the cog in the mechanism and the horn in the stone plate. Now head back twice and then right, and try to go through the new opening. Use the horn on the opening, then go through. Use your notepad on the mosaic. To leave the maze, go left, right, and back 3 times. Return to the beach by going left and down, then use the dinghy to return to the boat.
Talk to the doorway again, then show the map to the fisherman. Now ask him to chart a course to the Lair of the Sea People.
Lair of the Sea People
Since you don't have any diving equipment you will return to Agia Anna.
Agia Anna
After your talk with Simon, head right to the village and enter the pizzeria. Use the chair next to Professor Sanbourne, then ask him about everything. Return to the beach, then go along the path and up the stairs to the bungalow. Use the bed to go to sleep.
Day 3
Agia Anna
Talk to Alice about everything, and you will end up on the beach. Go right and into the bar. Ask the old woman about everything, then show her your pink, white and yellow flowers. Return to the beach, then go left and towards the fisherman's house. Take the mesh from the box on the side of the house, then knock on the door to head inside. Ask about everything, and you will end up on the boat again. Talk to the doorway, then ask the fisherman to chart a course to Oracle Island.
Oracle Island
Go right and enter the cave, then pour the fresh water on the statue again. Ask the Oracle about everything. Go back out and use the dinghy, then talk to the doorway and ask the fisherman everything, then get him to take you to Siren Island.
Siren Island
Walk along the path and pick up the stick from on the grass. In your inventory, use the piece of dough to break it into 2 pieces, then use these on yourself to block your ears. Now you can safely walk to the left. Look at the siren and at the pond. Combine your stick with your mesh to make a net, then use this on the pond to get a scale. Return to the beach. Talk to the doorway and ask the fisherman to take you back to Agia Anna.
Agia Anna
Walk down along the beach and talk to your friends about everything. Return left and enter the fisherman's house, asking him to take you sailing again. On the boat, talk to the doorway and ask to go to Oracle Island.
Oracle Island
Go right and enter the cave, then pour the fresh water on the statue again. Give the iris and the siren scale to the Oracle, and she will tell you to return tomorrow for the potion. Go back out and use the dinghy, then talk to the doorway and ask the fisherman to take you back to Agia Anna.
Agia Anna
Walk down along the beach, then up and into the bungalow.
Day 4
Agia Anna
You will automatically start the day on the fisherman's boat. Talk to the doorway and ask him to chart a course to Oracle Island.
Oracle Island
Go right and enter the cave, then pour the fresh water on the statue again. You will receive the potion. Go back out and use the dinghy, then talk to the doorway and ask the fisherman to take you to the Lair of the Sea People.
Lair of the Sea People
Talk to Simon and Alice about everything. Use the potion on yourself and you will dive into the water. Grab the bright plant from the right, then swim to the right. Use your net to catch the octopus on the rock to the left, then swim down into a cave. Look at the paintings and the rock here, then use the octopus on the rock and swim through the opening. Pick up a small rock from the pile on the left, then continue left. Swim to the large structure at the top of the city to end up inside. Look at the mural on the wall, then in your inventory combine the glowing weed with the rock. Use your glowing rock on the skeleton, then take the trident. You will automatically return to the boat, then to Agia Anna.
Agia Anna
When Simon gets attacked, save your game. Ask Alice to distract the monster, then quickly use the trident on it.