Behind the Frame
The Finest Scenery
Game Details: Fantasy, 2021
Steam Achievements: Completed (19/19)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 6/6/2022
Suggested Listening: Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)
Chapter 1
Open your notebook to see a rough draft of the painting you are planning. Close it again and paint all the yellow segments. Pick up the paintbrush, then look right and examine the cassette player. Press the eject button, then insert the cassette tape, close the compartment and press the play button.
Go to the kitchen to make breakfast. Drag an eye to the frying pan and some bread to the toaster. Wait until the egg is really cooked Over Hard Only. Move the toast and egg to the plate, then keep clicking to eat it all.
Look behind you to find a laptop on a table. Keep pressing the Enter key until your letter is finished Autocomplete.
Look at the coffee machine next. Pour beans into the machine, put your cup on the saucer, then pour coffee into the cup. Click on the calendar on the wall behind your painting 10 times Manet's Birthday.
Go back to your canvas and you will see the old man. Click the painting on the wall, the man and the cat to sketch each of them. Now find the similar painting in your room, just to the right of the window. Paint the sun yellow and a secret compartment will open. Take out the note and puzzle pieces, then solve the jigsaw puzzle. Find the matching box on the floor of your apartment. You need to just press the 5 leaves that are more darkly shaded in the picture. Take the green paint.
Return to the canvas and paint all the green segments according to your draft.
Another Perspective
In the other apartment, look at the cat and the sunflower picture, then click on the canvas to complete the painting. Examine the new painting Inspiration.
Chapter 2
Look at the cassette player, which has fallen over. Stand it up, then collect the piece of paper (1/5). Put the cassette in again and play some music. Now look at the kitchen. Move the toaster back to where it should be, and collect another piece of paper (2/5). Put the frying pan back on the stove. Make and eat breakfast again.
Turn around to your laptop. Put the glass on the coaster and take the next piece of paper (3/5). Type your resume again. Go back to the coffee machine. Move the saucer and take another piece of paper (4/5). Make a cup of coffee. Now click on the cat sitting in your window. Click on the old man with his cat to sketch them. Take the last piece of paper (5/5) from the window ledge. Complete the puzzle in your notebook and click on the completed picture.
Find the matching box on the floor of your apartment. Press all 78 tiles to turn them white You've Pressed 78 Buttons. Now press them again, leaving only certain tiles white as seen in your notebook. Take the note and red paint from the secret compartment.
Return to the canvas and paint all the red segments according to your draft.
Another Perspective
Click on the man, then the cat and the lady. Examine the new painting Turning Point.
Chapter 3
Put the cassette in the player and play the music. Make your breakfast, type your resume and make your coffee. Sketch the man's painting, then the old man himself. Find a similar painting on the wall to the left of your kitchen. Paint a red umbrella over the woman, and a yellow umbrella over the man. Take out the drawing of a shop from the secret compartment. Next find a similar painting to the right of your window. Draw a large green sign over the people, and a closed yellow umbrella in the man's hand. Grab another drawing of a street view from the secret compartment.
Examine the painting to the right of your blue door. Paint a red umbrella over the woman, a yellow umbrella over the man, and a yellow sun between the buildings. Take the note and drawing from this secret compartment. Change the order of the 3 pictures: rainy day, green billboard, sunny day. Notice the drawing of yellow and red cups on the green sign. Look back at the painting to the right of the window, and add the red and yellow cups to the sign. Now you can take the blue paint.
Return to the canvas, but you feel like sketching instead of painting. Sketch two pictures, then paint all the blue segments according to your sketch.
Another Perspective
Click on the man, then the lady, the couple, the sign and the couple again. Examine the new painting Encounter.
Chapter 4
Click on the old man, then examine your lamp. Before turning on the lamp, try to open your blue door 11 times Can't Get It Open. Turn on the lamp, then pick up an old photo piece (1/3). Look around the room to see 4 groups of painted arrows:
- Three yellow arrows near the cassette player (up, up, down-left)
- Four blue arrows near the laptop (down, right, up, left)
- Three red arrows on the toaster (up-right, down, down)
- Four green arrows near the coffee machine (up-left, right, down-left, right)
Now examine the dot painting near the laptop. Draw from the colored dots according to the directions of the arrows. After doing this successfully, enter the code 1618 into the laptop. Select to print the document, then take another old photo piece (2/3) from the printer. Examine the brown door and set the code to AMBER, then go through.
In the second room, look up at the ceiling and click on it, then keep looking for a few more seconds When You Gaze Into the Abyss.
Now look at the picture of the cat on the wall. Consult your notebook and use the picture here to guide painting 3 parts of the cat yellow. Take the red note from the secret compartment. Next look at the sunflower picture just to the left. Consult your notebook and use the picture here to guide painting the extra yellow petal and 2 green leaves. Take the yellow note from the secret compartment. Look further left to see the painting of the couple. Consult your notebook and use the picture here to guide painting the yellow sun, and the yellow and red umbrellas. Take the blue note from the secret compartment.
Now look at the unfinished box on the floor. There are 3 gaps in the painting, that need coloring based on the 3 notes you just found. Click to set the top area yellow, the middle square red, and the bottom circle blue. Take out a kitchen drawing and the white paint.
Look at the painting of the kitchen on the wall. Based on the sketch you just found, paint the cupboard green, then add white and yellow rectangles within it. Go back out to the main room and enter the kitchen to see the new cupboard on the wall here. Click to set the top image to a sunflower, the middle image to an umbrella, and the bottom image to a cat. Take the final old photo piece (3/3). Put these photo pieces together.
Return to the second room again and examine the fallen painting of the cassette player. Paint a white rectangle on the left. Go out to the cassette player and play the cassette.
Chapter 5
Enter the left painting and click on the easel on the hill. Look right and click on the picnic, then on the other painting. Head through the window that appears. In the cafe, click on the laptop, then on the large green sign on the wall The Kiss. Click on the table with the cassette tape. Head through the doorway that appears. Click on the easels and the picnic basket, then on the painting. Pick up the purple paint.
Look at the canvas and paint all the colors based on the picture in your notebook.
Look at the open blue door, then click on the couple twice more and pick up the paintbrush.
Chapter 6
Look at the yellow area near the floor to the right of the window and complete the name JACK written backwards. Now look through the glowing window. Click on each of the visitors to the gallery, then watch the credits Behind the Frame.
You may also now get an achievement for collecting all other achievements in the main game Seen the Voice in the Painting.
Jack DLC
Click on the cats, then on the can of cat food. Partially open and close it several times Postmodern Can Lid, before opening the can of cat food (1/3) and putting it on the plate. Look at the canvas and paint all the colors based on the sketch in your notebook (you still need yellow). Back out and turn right, using the blue water jug to water your lavender plant. Grab the mail from near your door, then take out the photo and letter. Look at the box on the floor behind you and open it with the combination 1618. Grab the yellow paint. Return to your canvas and finish the painting with the yellow paint. Try writing a letter, but you give up for now. Click on the sleeping cats to sketch them. Now write another letter. Put the letter and sketch in the envelope, then close and seal it.
Open another can of cat food (2/3). Water the lavender plant, then pick up the lavender branch. Look at the canvas and paint all the colors based on the sketch in your notebook (you still need red). Look up at the high shelf near the ladder. Move the jar and books to their places, then open the paint box. Take the note and the red paint. Return to your canvas and finish the painting with the red paint. Grab the mail from near your door, then open all of the letters. Try writing a letter, but you give up for now. Look back at the canvas and paint over the whole scene with yellow. Now write another letter. Put the letter and lavender branch in the envelope, then close and seal it.
Grab the mail from near your door, then open all of the letters. Open another can of cat food (3/3) He and His Cat. Look at the canvas and color it in. Look at the empty plant pot. Open the box on the floor with the combination 1618, then head out through the opened door.
Pet Biscuit the cat, then head down the stairs in the distance. Sketch the sapling (1/3), then return up the stairs. Go down and up the stairs another 4 times Run, Jack! Run!. Now follow Amber once. Turn left into an alleyway and sketch the birds (2/3). Look left and sketch the bakery (3/3) Realist Artist.
Leave the alley and follow Amber to reach a coffee shop. Turn around and click on a series of visions of Amber So Lost. After getting the achievement, let one of the visions disappear without clicking on it, and the umbrella will be left behind. Examine this, then change one of the sketches in your notebook.
After returning home, pick up the mail and read the invitation. At your canvas, work on your artwork 3 times. Now write a letter. Put the letter and lavender branch in the envelope, then close and seal it.
Read the mail again, then look around your apartment and pull open the red curtain Maturity.
You may also now get an achievement for collecting all other achievements in the DLC The Finest Scenery.